blob: 7fde2fdcecb171fc3173767666a8e7a852cf0c43 [file] [log] [blame]
american fuzzy lop++ - stats related routines
Originally written by Michal Zalewski
Now maintained by Marc Heuse <>,
Heiko Eißfeldt <> and
Andrea Fioraldi <>
Copyright 2016, 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright 2019-2020 AFLplusplus Project. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at:
This is the real deal: the program takes an instrumented binary and
attempts a variety of basic fuzzing tricks, paying close attention to
how they affect the execution path.
#include "afl-fuzz.h"
/* Update stats file for unattended monitoring. */
void write_stats_file(afl_state_t *afl, double bitmap_cvg, double stability,
double eps) {
struct rusage rus;
unsigned long long int cur_time = get_cur_time();
u8 fn[PATH_MAX];
s32 fd;
FILE * f;
snprintf(fn, PATH_MAX, "%s/fuzzer_stats", afl->out_dir);
fd = open(fn, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0600);
if (fd < 0) PFATAL("Unable to create '%s'", fn);
f = fdopen(fd, "w");
if (!f) PFATAL("fdopen() failed");
/* Keep last values in case we're called from another context
where exec/sec stats and such are not readily available. */
if (!bitmap_cvg && !stability && !eps) {
bitmap_cvg = afl->last_bitmap_cvg;
stability = afl->last_stability;
eps = afl->last_eps;
} else {
afl->last_bitmap_cvg = bitmap_cvg;
afl->last_stability = stability;
afl->last_eps = eps;
if (getrusage(RUSAGE_CHILDREN, &rus)) rus.ru_maxrss = 0;
"start_time : %llu\n"
"last_update : %llu\n"
"run_time : %llu\n"
"fuzzer_pid : %d\n"
"cycles_done : %llu\n"
"cycles_wo_finds : %llu\n"
"execs_done : %llu\n"
"execs_per_sec : %0.02f\n"
// "real_execs_per_sec: %0.02f\n" // damn the name is too long
"paths_total : %u\n"
"paths_favored : %u\n"
"paths_found : %u\n"
"paths_imported : %u\n"
"max_depth : %u\n"
"cur_path : %u\n" /* Must match find_start_position() */
"pending_favs : %u\n"
"pending_total : %u\n"
"variable_paths : %u\n"
"stability : %0.02f%%\n"
"bitmap_cvg : %0.02f%%\n"
"unique_crashes : %llu\n"
"unique_hangs : %llu\n"
"last_path : %llu\n"
"last_crash : %llu\n"
"last_hang : %llu\n"
"execs_since_crash : %llu\n"
"exec_timeout : %u\n"
"slowest_exec_ms : %llu\n"
"peak_rss_mb : %lu\n"
"afl_banner : %s\n"
"afl_version : " VERSION
"target_mode : %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n"
"command_line : %s\n",
afl->start_time / 1000, cur_time / 1000,
(cur_time - afl->start_time) / 1000, getpid(),
afl->queue_cycle ? (afl->queue_cycle - 1) : 0, afl->cycles_wo_finds,
afl->total_execs / ((double)(get_cur_time() - afl->start_time) / 1000),
afl->queued_paths, afl->queued_favored, afl->queued_discovered,
afl->queued_imported, afl->max_depth, afl->current_entry,
afl->pending_favored, afl->pending_not_fuzzed, afl->queued_variable,
stability, bitmap_cvg, afl->unique_crashes, afl->unique_hangs,
afl->last_path_time / 1000, afl->last_crash_time / 1000,
afl->last_hang_time / 1000, afl->total_execs - afl->last_crash_execs,
afl->fsrv.exec_tmout, afl->slowest_exec_ms,
#ifdef __APPLE__
(unsigned long int)(rus.ru_maxrss >> 20),
(unsigned long int)(rus.ru_maxrss >> 10),
afl->use_banner, afl->unicorn_mode ? "unicorn" : "",
afl->qemu_mode ? "qemu " : "", afl->dumb_mode ? " dumb " : "",
afl->no_forkserver ? "no_fsrv " : "", afl->crash_mode ? "crash " : "",
afl->persistent_mode ? "persistent " : "",
afl->deferred_mode ? "deferred " : "",
(afl->unicorn_mode || afl->qemu_mode || afl->dumb_mode ||
afl->no_forkserver || afl->crash_mode || afl->persistent_mode ||
? ""
: "default",
/* ignore errors */
/* Update the plot file if there is a reason to. */
void maybe_update_plot_file(afl_state_t *afl, double bitmap_cvg, double eps) {
if (afl->plot_prev_qp == afl->queued_paths &&
afl->plot_prev_pf == afl->pending_favored &&
afl->plot_prev_pnf == afl->pending_not_fuzzed &&
afl->plot_prev_ce == afl->current_entry &&
afl->plot_prev_qc == afl->queue_cycle &&
afl->plot_prev_uc == afl->unique_crashes &&
afl->plot_prev_uh == afl->unique_hangs &&
afl->plot_prev_md == afl->max_depth)
afl->plot_prev_qp = afl->queued_paths;
afl->plot_prev_pf = afl->pending_favored;
afl->plot_prev_pnf = afl->pending_not_fuzzed;
afl->plot_prev_ce = afl->current_entry;
afl->plot_prev_qc = afl->queue_cycle;
afl->plot_prev_uc = afl->unique_crashes;
afl->plot_prev_uh = afl->unique_hangs;
afl->plot_prev_md = afl->max_depth;
/* Fields in the file:
unix_time, afl->cycles_done, cur_path, paths_total, paths_not_fuzzed,
favored_not_fuzzed, afl->unique_crashes, afl->unique_hangs, afl->max_depth,
execs_per_sec */
"%llu, %llu, %u, %u, %u, %u, %0.02f%%, %llu, %llu, %u, %0.02f\n",
get_cur_time() / 1000, afl->queue_cycle - 1, afl->current_entry,
afl->queued_paths, afl->pending_not_fuzzed, afl->pending_favored,
bitmap_cvg, afl->unique_crashes, afl->unique_hangs, afl->max_depth,
eps); /* ignore errors */
/* Check terminal dimensions after resize. */
static void check_term_size(afl_state_t *afl) {
struct winsize ws;
afl->term_too_small = 0;
if (ioctl(1, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws)) return;
if (ws.ws_row == 0 || ws.ws_col == 0) return;
if (ws.ws_row < 24 || ws.ws_col < 79) afl->term_too_small = 1;
/* A spiffy retro stats screen! This is called every afl->stats_update_freq
execve() calls, plus in several other circumstances. */
void show_stats(afl_state_t *afl) {
double t_byte_ratio, stab_ratio;
u64 cur_ms;
u32 t_bytes, t_bits;
u32 banner_len, banner_pad;
u8 tmp[256];
u8 time_tmp[64];
u8 val_buf[8][STRINGIFY_VAL_SIZE_MAX];
#define IB(i) (val_buf[(i)])
cur_ms = get_cur_time();
/* If not enough time has passed since last UI update, bail out. */
if (cur_ms - afl->stats_last_ms < 1000 / UI_TARGET_HZ &&
/* Check if we're past the 10 minute mark. */
if (cur_ms - afl->start_time > 10 * 60 * 1000) afl->run_over10m = 1;
/* Calculate smoothed exec speed stats. */
if (!afl->stats_last_execs) {
afl->stats_avg_exec =
((double)afl->total_execs) * 1000 / (cur_ms - afl->start_time);
} else {
double cur_avg = ((double)(afl->total_execs - afl->stats_last_execs)) *
1000 / (cur_ms - afl->stats_last_ms);
/* If there is a dramatic (5x+) jump in speed, reset the indicator
more quickly. */
if (cur_avg * 5 < afl->stats_avg_exec || cur_avg / 5 > afl->stats_avg_exec)
afl->stats_avg_exec = cur_avg;
afl->stats_avg_exec = afl->stats_avg_exec * (1.0 - 1.0 / AVG_SMOOTHING) +
cur_avg * (1.0 / AVG_SMOOTHING);
afl->stats_last_ms = cur_ms;
afl->stats_last_execs = afl->total_execs;
/* Tell the callers when to contact us (as measured in execs). */
afl->stats_update_freq = afl->stats_avg_exec / (UI_TARGET_HZ * 10);
if (!afl->stats_update_freq) afl->stats_update_freq = 1;
/* Do some bitmap stats. */
t_bytes = count_non_255_bytes(afl->virgin_bits);
t_byte_ratio = ((double)t_bytes * 100) / MAP_SIZE;
if (t_bytes)
stab_ratio = 100 - ((double)afl->var_byte_count) * 100 / t_bytes;
stab_ratio = 100;
/* Roughly every minute, update fuzzer stats and save auto tokens. */
if (cur_ms - afl->stats_last_stats_ms > STATS_UPDATE_SEC * 1000) {
afl->stats_last_stats_ms = cur_ms;
write_stats_file(afl, t_byte_ratio, stab_ratio, afl->stats_avg_exec);
/* Every now and then, write plot data. */
if (cur_ms - afl->stats_last_plot_ms > PLOT_UPDATE_SEC * 1000) {
afl->stats_last_plot_ms = cur_ms;
maybe_update_plot_file(afl, t_byte_ratio, afl->stats_avg_exec);
if (!afl->dumb_mode && afl->cycles_wo_finds > 100 &&
!afl->pending_not_fuzzed && afl->afl_env.afl_exit_when_done)
afl->stop_soon = 2;
if (afl->total_crashes && afl->afl_env.afl_bench_until_crash)
afl->stop_soon = 2;
/* If we're not on TTY, bail out. */
if (afl->not_on_tty) return;
/* If we haven't started doing things, bail out. */
if (!afl->queue_cur) return;
/* Compute some mildly useful bitmap stats. */
t_bits = (MAP_SIZE << 3) - count_bits(afl->virgin_bits);
/* Now, for the visuals... */
if (afl->clear_screen) {
afl->clear_screen = 0;
if (afl->term_too_small) {
"Your terminal is too small to display the UI.\n"
"Please resize terminal window to at least 79x24.\n" cRST);
/* Let's start by drawing a centered banner. */
banner_len = (afl->crash_mode ? 24 : 22) + strlen(VERSION) +
strlen(afl->use_banner) + strlen(afl->power_name) + 3 + 5;
banner_pad = (79 - banner_len) / 2;
memset(tmp, ' ', banner_pad);
tmp + banner_pad,
"%s " cLCY VERSION cLGN " (%s) " cPIN "[%s]" cBLU " {%d}",
afl->crash_mode ? cPIN "peruvian were-rabbit" : cYEL "american fuzzy lop",
afl->use_banner, afl->power_name, afl->cpu_aff);
tmp + banner_pad, "%s " cLCY VERSION cLGN " (%s) " cPIN "[%s]",
afl->crash_mode ? cPIN "peruvian were-rabbit" : cYEL "american fuzzy lop",
afl->use_banner, afl->power_name);
#endif /* HAVE_AFFINITY */
SAYF("\n%s\n", tmp);
/* "Handy" shortcuts for drawing boxes... */
#define bSTG bSTART cGRA
#define bH2 bH bH
#define bH5 bH2 bH2 bH
#define bH10 bH5 bH5
#define bH20 bH10 bH10
#define bH30 bH20 bH10
#define SP5 " "
#define SP10 SP5 SP5
#define SP20 SP10 SP10
/* Lord, forgive me this. */
" process timing " bSTG bH30 bH5 bH bHB bH bSTOP cCYA
" overall results " bSTG bH2 bH2 bRT "\n");
if (afl->dumb_mode) {
strcpy(tmp, cRST);
} else {
u64 min_wo_finds = (cur_ms - afl->last_path_time) / 1000 / 60;
/* First queue cycle: don't stop now! */
if (afl->queue_cycle == 1 || min_wo_finds < 15)
strcpy(tmp, cMGN);
/* Subsequent cycles, but we're still making finds. */
if (afl->cycles_wo_finds < 25 || min_wo_finds < 30)
strcpy(tmp, cYEL);
/* No finds for a long time and no test cases to try. */
if (afl->cycles_wo_finds > 100 && !afl->pending_not_fuzzed &&
min_wo_finds > 120)
strcpy(tmp, cLGN);
/* Default: cautiously OK to stop? */
strcpy(tmp, cLBL);
u_stringify_time_diff(time_tmp, cur_ms, afl->start_time);
SAYF(bV bSTOP " run time : " cRST "%-33s " bSTG bV bSTOP
" cycles done : %s%-5s " bSTG bV "\n",
time_tmp, tmp, u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->queue_cycle - 1));
/* We want to warn people about not seeing new paths after a full cycle,
except when resuming fuzzing or running in non-instrumented mode. */
if (!afl->dumb_mode &&
(afl->last_path_time || afl->resuming_fuzz || afl->queue_cycle == 1 ||
afl->in_bitmap || afl->crash_mode)) {
u_stringify_time_diff(time_tmp, cur_ms, afl->last_path_time);
SAYF(bV bSTOP " last new path : " cRST "%-33s ", time_tmp);
} else {
if (afl->dumb_mode)
SAYF(bV bSTOP " last new path : " cPIN "n/a" cRST
" (non-instrumented mode) ");
SAYF(bV bSTOP " last new path : " cRST "none yet " cLRD
"(odd, check syntax!) ");
SAYF(bSTG bV bSTOP " total paths : " cRST "%-5s " bSTG bV "\n",
u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->queued_paths));
/* Highlight crashes in red if found, denote going over the KEEP_UNIQUE_CRASH
limit with a '+' appended to the count. */
sprintf(tmp, "%s%s", u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->unique_crashes),
(afl->unique_crashes >= KEEP_UNIQUE_CRASH) ? "+" : "");
u_stringify_time_diff(time_tmp, cur_ms, afl->last_crash_time);
SAYF(bV bSTOP " last uniq crash : " cRST "%-33s " bSTG bV bSTOP
" uniq crashes : %s%-6s" bSTG bV "\n",
time_tmp, afl->unique_crashes ? cLRD : cRST, tmp);
sprintf(tmp, "%s%s", u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->unique_hangs),
(afl->unique_hangs >= KEEP_UNIQUE_HANG) ? "+" : "");
u_stringify_time_diff(time_tmp, cur_ms, afl->last_hang_time);
SAYF(bV bSTOP " last uniq hang : " cRST "%-33s " bSTG bV bSTOP
" uniq hangs : " cRST "%-6s" bSTG bV "\n",
time_tmp, tmp);
" cycle progress " bSTG bH10 bH5 bH2 bH2 bHB bH bSTOP cCYA
" map coverage " bSTG bH bHT bH20 bH2 bVL "\n");
/* This gets funny because we want to print several variable-length variables
together, but then cram them into a fixed-width field - so we need to
put them in a temporary buffer first. */
sprintf(tmp, "%s%s%u (%0.01f%%)", u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->current_entry),
afl->queue_cur->favored ? "." : "*", afl->queue_cur->fuzz_level,
((double)afl->current_entry * 100) / afl->queued_paths);
SAYF(bV bSTOP " now processing : " cRST "%-16s " bSTG bV bSTOP, tmp);
sprintf(tmp, "%0.02f%% / %0.02f%%",
((double)afl->queue_cur->bitmap_size) * 100 / MAP_SIZE, t_byte_ratio);
SAYF(" map density : %s%-21s" bSTG bV "\n",
t_byte_ratio > 70 ? cLRD
: ((t_bytes < 200 && !afl->dumb_mode) ? cPIN : cRST),
sprintf(tmp, "%s (%0.02f%%)", u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->cur_skipped_paths),
((double)afl->cur_skipped_paths * 100) / afl->queued_paths);
SAYF(bV bSTOP " paths timed out : " cRST "%-16s " bSTG bV, tmp);
sprintf(tmp, "%0.02f bits/tuple", t_bytes ? (((double)t_bits) / t_bytes) : 0);
SAYF(bSTOP " count coverage : " cRST "%-21s" bSTG bV "\n", tmp);
" stage progress " bSTG bH10 bH5 bH2 bH2 bX bH bSTOP cCYA
" findings in depth " bSTG bH10 bH5 bH2 bH2 bVL "\n");
sprintf(tmp, "%s (%0.02f%%)", u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->queued_favored),
((double)afl->queued_favored) * 100 / afl->queued_paths);
/* Yeah... it's still going on... halp? */
SAYF(bV bSTOP " now trying : " cRST "%-20s " bSTG bV bSTOP
" favored paths : " cRST "%-22s" bSTG bV "\n",
afl->stage_name, tmp);
if (!afl->stage_max) {
sprintf(tmp, "%s/-", u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->stage_cur));
} else {
sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s (%0.02f%%)", u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->stage_cur),
u_stringify_int(IB(1), afl->stage_max),
((double)afl->stage_cur) * 100 / afl->stage_max);
SAYF(bV bSTOP " stage execs : " cRST "%-21s" bSTG bV bSTOP, tmp);
sprintf(tmp, "%s (%0.02f%%)", u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->queued_with_cov),
((double)afl->queued_with_cov) * 100 / afl->queued_paths);
SAYF(" new edges on : " cRST "%-22s" bSTG bV "\n", tmp);
sprintf(tmp, "%s (%s%s unique)", u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->total_crashes),
u_stringify_int(IB(1), afl->unique_crashes),
(afl->unique_crashes >= KEEP_UNIQUE_CRASH) ? "+" : "");
if (afl->crash_mode) {
SAYF(bV bSTOP " total execs : " cRST "%-20s " bSTG bV bSTOP
" new crashes : %s%-22s" bSTG bV "\n",
u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->total_execs),
afl->unique_crashes ? cLRD : cRST, tmp);
} else {
SAYF(bV bSTOP " total execs : " cRST "%-20s " bSTG bV bSTOP
" total crashes : %s%-22s" bSTG bV "\n",
u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->total_execs),
afl->unique_crashes ? cLRD : cRST, tmp);
/* Show a warning about slow execution. */
if (afl->stats_avg_exec < 100) {
sprintf(tmp, "%s/sec (%s)", u_stringify_float(IB(0), afl->stats_avg_exec),
afl->stats_avg_exec < 20 ? "zzzz..." : "slow!");
SAYF(bV bSTOP " exec speed : " cLRD "%-20s ", tmp);
} else {
sprintf(tmp, "%s/sec", u_stringify_float(IB(0), afl->stats_avg_exec));
SAYF(bV bSTOP " exec speed : " cRST "%-20s ", tmp);
sprintf(tmp, "%s (%s%s unique)", u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->total_tmouts),
u_stringify_int(IB(1), afl->unique_tmouts),
(afl->unique_hangs >= KEEP_UNIQUE_HANG) ? "+" : "");
SAYF(bSTG bV bSTOP " total tmouts : " cRST "%-22s" bSTG bV "\n", tmp);
/* Aaaalmost there... hold on! */
" fuzzing strategy yields " bSTG bH10 bHT bH10 bH5 bHB bH bSTOP cCYA
" path geometry " bSTG bH5 bH2 bVL "\n");
if (afl->skip_deterministic) {
strcpy(tmp, "n/a, n/a, n/a");
} else {
sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s, %s/%s, %s/%s",
u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_FLIP1]),
u_stringify_int(IB(1), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_FLIP1]),
u_stringify_int(IB(2), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_FLIP2]),
u_stringify_int(IB(3), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_FLIP2]),
u_stringify_int(IB(3), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_FLIP4]),
u_stringify_int(IB(5), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_FLIP4]));
SAYF(bV bSTOP " bit flips : " cRST "%-36s " bSTG bV bSTOP
" levels : " cRST "%-10s" bSTG bV "\n",
tmp, u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->max_depth));
if (!afl->skip_deterministic)
sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s, %s/%s, %s/%s",
u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_FLIP8]),
u_stringify_int(IB(1), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_FLIP8]),
u_stringify_int(IB(2), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_FLIP16]),
u_stringify_int(IB(3), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_FLIP16]),
u_stringify_int(IB(4), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_FLIP32]),
u_stringify_int(IB(5), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_FLIP32]));
SAYF(bV bSTOP " byte flips : " cRST "%-36s " bSTG bV bSTOP
" pending : " cRST "%-10s" bSTG bV "\n",
tmp, u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->pending_not_fuzzed));
if (!afl->skip_deterministic)
sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s, %s/%s, %s/%s",
u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_ARITH8]),
u_stringify_int(IB(1), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_ARITH8]),
u_stringify_int(IB(2), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_ARITH16]),
u_stringify_int(IB(3), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_ARITH16]),
u_stringify_int(IB(4), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_ARITH32]),
u_stringify_int(IB(5), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_ARITH32]));
SAYF(bV bSTOP " arithmetics : " cRST "%-36s " bSTG bV bSTOP
" pend fav : " cRST "%-10s" bSTG bV "\n",
tmp, u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->pending_favored));
if (!afl->skip_deterministic)
sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s, %s/%s, %s/%s",
u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_INTEREST8]),
u_stringify_int(IB(1), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_INTEREST8]),
u_stringify_int(IB(2), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_INTEREST16]),
u_stringify_int(IB(3), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_INTEREST16]),
u_stringify_int(IB(4), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_INTEREST32]),
u_stringify_int(IB(5), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_INTEREST32]));
SAYF(bV bSTOP " known ints : " cRST "%-36s " bSTG bV bSTOP
" own finds : " cRST "%-10s" bSTG bV "\n",
tmp, u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->queued_discovered));
if (!afl->skip_deterministic)
sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s, %s/%s, %s/%s",
u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_EXTRAS_UO]),
u_stringify_int(IB(1), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_EXTRAS_UO]),
u_stringify_int(IB(2), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_EXTRAS_UI]),
u_stringify_int(IB(3), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_EXTRAS_UI]),
u_stringify_int(IB(4), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_EXTRAS_AO]),
u_stringify_int(IB(5), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_EXTRAS_AO]));
SAYF(bV bSTOP " dictionary : " cRST "%-36s " bSTG bV bSTOP
" imported : " cRST "%-10s" bSTG bV "\n",
afl->sync_id ? u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->queued_imported)
: (u8 *)"n/a");
sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s, %s/%s, %s/%s",
u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_HAVOC]),
u_stringify_int(IB(2), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_HAVOC]),
u_stringify_int(IB(3), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_SPLICE]),
u_stringify_int(IB(4), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_SPLICE]),
u_stringify_int(IB(5), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_RADAMSA]),
u_stringify_int(IB(6), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_RADAMSA]));
SAYF(bV bSTOP " havoc/rad : " cRST "%-36s " bSTG bV bSTOP, tmp);
if (t_bytes)
sprintf(tmp, "%0.02f%%", stab_ratio);
strcpy(tmp, "n/a");
SAYF(" stability : %s%-10s" bSTG bV "\n",
(stab_ratio < 85 && afl->var_byte_count > 40)
? cLRD
: ((afl->queued_variable &&
(!afl->persistent_mode || afl->var_byte_count > 20))
? cMGN
: cRST),
if (afl->shm.cmplog_mode) {
sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s, %s/%s, %s/%s, %s/%s",
u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_PYTHON]),
u_stringify_int(IB(1), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_PYTHON]),
u_stringify_int(IB(2), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_CUSTOM_MUTATOR]),
u_stringify_int(IB(3), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_CUSTOM_MUTATOR]),
u_stringify_int(IB(4), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_COLORIZATION]),
u_stringify_int(IB(5), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_COLORIZATION]),
u_stringify_int(IB(6), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_ITS]),
u_stringify_int(IB(7), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_ITS]));
SAYF(bV bSTOP " custom/rq : " cRST "%-36s " bSTG bVR bH20 bH2 bH bRB "\n",
} else {
sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s, %s/%s",
u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_PYTHON]),
u_stringify_int(IB(1), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_PYTHON]),
u_stringify_int(IB(2), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_CUSTOM_MUTATOR]),
u_stringify_int(IB(3), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_CUSTOM_MUTATOR]));
SAYF(bV bSTOP " py/custom : " cRST "%-36s " bSTG bVR bH20 bH2 bH bRB "\n",
if (!afl->bytes_trim_out) {
sprintf(tmp, "n/a, ");
} else {
sprintf(tmp, "%0.02f%%/%s, ",
((double)(afl->bytes_trim_in - afl->bytes_trim_out)) * 100 /
u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->trim_execs));
if (!afl->blocks_eff_total) {
u8 tmp2[128];
sprintf(tmp2, "n/a");
strcat(tmp, tmp2);
} else {
u8 tmp2[128];
sprintf(tmp2, "%0.02f%%",
((double)(afl->blocks_eff_total - afl->blocks_eff_select)) * 100 /
strcat(tmp, tmp2);
if (afl->mutator) {
sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s",
u_stringify_int(IB(0), afl->stage_finds[STAGE_CUSTOM_MUTATOR]),
u_stringify_int(IB(1), afl->stage_cycles[STAGE_CUSTOM_MUTATOR]));
SAYF(bV bSTOP " custom mut. : " cRST "%-36s " bSTG bV RESET_G1, tmp);
} else {
SAYF(bV bSTOP " trim : " cRST "%-36s " bSTG bV RESET_G1, tmp);
/* Provide some CPU utilization stats. */
if (afl->cpu_core_count) {
double cur_runnable = get_runnable_processes();
u32 cur_utilization = cur_runnable * 100 / afl->cpu_core_count;
u8 *cpu_color = cCYA;
/* If we could still run one or more processes, use green. */
if (afl->cpu_core_count > 1 && cur_runnable + 1 <= afl->cpu_core_count)
cpu_color = cLGN;
/* If we're clearly oversubscribed, use red. */
if (!afl->no_cpu_meter_red && cur_utilization >= 150) cpu_color = cLRD;
if (afl->cpu_aff >= 0) {
SAYF(SP10 cGRA "[cpu%03u:%s%3u%%" cGRA "]\r" cRST, MIN(afl->cpu_aff, 999),
cpu_color, MIN(cur_utilization, 999));
} else {
SAYF(SP10 cGRA " [cpu:%s%3u%%" cGRA "]\r" cRST, cpu_color,
MIN(cur_utilization, 999));
SAYF(SP10 cGRA " [cpu:%s%3u%%" cGRA "]\r" cRST, cpu_color,
MIN(cur_utilization, 999));
#endif /* ^HAVE_AFFINITY */
} else
/* Last line */
SAYF(SET_G1 "\n" bSTG bLB bH30 bH20 bH2 bRB bSTOP cRST RESET_G1);
#undef IB
/* Hallelujah! */
/* Display quick statistics at the end of processing the input directory,
plus a bunch of warnings. Some calibration stuff also ended up here,
along with several hardcoded constants. Maybe clean up eventually. */
void show_init_stats(afl_state_t *afl) {
struct queue_entry *q = afl->queue;
u32 min_bits = 0, max_bits = 0;
u64 min_us = 0, max_us = 0;
u64 avg_us = 0;
u32 max_len = 0;
u8 val_bufs[4][STRINGIFY_VAL_SIZE_MAX];
#define IB(i) val_bufs[(i)], sizeof(val_bufs[(i)])
if (afl->total_cal_cycles) avg_us = afl->total_cal_us / afl->total_cal_cycles;
while (q) {
if (!min_us || q->exec_us < min_us) min_us = q->exec_us;
if (q->exec_us > max_us) max_us = q->exec_us;
if (!min_bits || q->bitmap_size < min_bits) min_bits = q->bitmap_size;
if (q->bitmap_size > max_bits) max_bits = q->bitmap_size;
if (q->len > max_len) max_len = q->len;
q = q->next;
if (avg_us > ((afl->qemu_mode || afl->unicorn_mode) ? 50000 : 10000))
WARNF(cLRD "The target binary is pretty slow! See %s/",
/* Let's keep things moving with slow binaries. */
if (avg_us > 50000)
afl->havoc_div = 10; /* 0-19 execs/sec */
else if (avg_us > 20000)
afl->havoc_div = 5; /* 20-49 execs/sec */
else if (avg_us > 10000)
afl->havoc_div = 2; /* 50-100 execs/sec */
if (!afl->resuming_fuzz) {
if (max_len > 50 * 1024)
WARNF(cLRD "Some test cases are huge (%s) - see %s/!",
stringify_mem_size(IB(0), max_len), doc_path);
else if (max_len > 10 * 1024)
WARNF("Some test cases are big (%s) - see %s/",
stringify_mem_size(IB(0), max_len), doc_path);
if (afl->useless_at_start && !afl->in_bitmap)
WARNF(cLRD "Some test cases look useless. Consider using a smaller set.");
if (afl->queued_paths > 100)
"You probably have far too many input files! Consider trimming "
else if (afl->queued_paths > 20)
WARNF("You have lots of input files; try starting small.");
OKF("Here are some useful stats:\n\n"
cGRA " Test case count : " cRST
"%u favored, %u variable, %u total\n" cGRA " Bitmap range : " cRST
"%u to %u bits (average: %0.02f bits)\n" cGRA
" Exec timing : " cRST "%s to %s us (average: %s us)\n",
afl->queued_favored, afl->queued_variable, afl->queued_paths, min_bits,
((double)afl->total_bitmap_size) /
(afl->total_bitmap_entries ? afl->total_bitmap_entries : 1),
stringify_int(IB(0), min_us), stringify_int(IB(1), max_us),
stringify_int(IB(2), avg_us));
if (!afl->timeout_given) {
/* Figure out the appropriate timeout. The basic idea is: 5x average or
1x max, rounded up to EXEC_TM_ROUND ms and capped at 1 second.
If the program is slow, the multiplier is lowered to 2x or 3x, because
random scheduler jitter is less likely to have any impact, and because
our patience is wearing thin =) */
if (avg_us > 50000)
afl->fsrv.exec_tmout = avg_us * 2 / 1000;
else if (avg_us > 10000)
afl->fsrv.exec_tmout = avg_us * 3 / 1000;
afl->fsrv.exec_tmout = avg_us * 5 / 1000;
afl->fsrv.exec_tmout = MAX(afl->fsrv.exec_tmout, max_us / 1000);
afl->fsrv.exec_tmout =
(afl->fsrv.exec_tmout + EXEC_TM_ROUND) / EXEC_TM_ROUND * EXEC_TM_ROUND;
if (afl->fsrv.exec_tmout > EXEC_TIMEOUT)
afl->fsrv.exec_tmout = EXEC_TIMEOUT;
ACTF("No -t option specified, so I'll use exec timeout of %u ms.",
afl->timeout_given = 1;
} else if (afl->timeout_given == 3) {
ACTF("Applying timeout settings from resumed session (%u ms).",
/* In dumb mode, re-running every timing out test case with a generous time
limit is very expensive, so let's select a more conservative default. */
if (afl->dumb_mode && !(afl->afl_env.afl_hang_tmout))
afl->hang_tmout = MIN(EXEC_TIMEOUT, afl->fsrv.exec_tmout * 2 + 100);
OKF("All set and ready to roll!");
#undef IB