blob: f6ead9ec0634e5195fdea0b2d9594a728df3860f [file] [log] [blame]
american fuzzy lop++ - LLVM-mode instrumentation pass
Written by Laszlo Szekeres <>,
Adrian Herrera <>,
Michal Zalewski
LLVM integration design comes from Laszlo Szekeres. C bits copied-and-pasted
from afl-as.c are Michal's fault.
NGRAM previous location coverage comes from Adrian Herrera.
Copyright 2015, 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright 2019-2020 AFLplusplus Project. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at:
This library is plugged into LLVM when invoking clang through afl-clang-fast.
It tells the compiler to add code roughly equivalent to the bits discussed
in ../afl-as.h.
#include "config.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "llvm/Config/llvm-config.h"
typedef long double max_align_t;
#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/IR/LegacyPassManager.h"
#include "llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Transforms/IPO/PassManagerBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DebugInfo.h"
#include "llvm/IR/CFG.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CFG.h"
#include "llvm-ngram-coverage.h"
using namespace llvm;
namespace {
class AFLCoverage : public ModulePass {
static char ID;
AFLCoverage() : ModulePass(ID) {
char *instWhiteListFilename = getenv("AFL_LLVM_WHITELIST");
if (instWhiteListFilename) {
std::string line;
std::ifstream fileStream;;
if (!fileStream) report_fatal_error("Unable to open AFL_LLVM_WHITELIST");
getline(fileStream, line);
while (fileStream) {
getline(fileStream, line);
// ripped from aflgo
static bool isBlacklisted(const Function *F) {
static const char *Blacklist[] = {
for (auto const &BlacklistFunc : Blacklist) {
if (F->getName().startswith(BlacklistFunc)) { return true; }
return false;
bool runOnModule(Module &M) override;
// StringRef getPassName() const override {
// return "American Fuzzy Lop Instrumentation";
// }
std::list<std::string> myWhitelist;
uint32_t ngram_size = 0;
} // namespace
char AFLCoverage::ID = 0;
/* needed up to 3.9.0 */
#if LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR == 3 && \
uint64_t PowerOf2Ceil(unsigned in) {
uint64_t in64 = in - 1;
in64 |= (in64 >> 1);
in64 |= (in64 >> 2);
in64 |= (in64 >> 4);
in64 |= (in64 >> 8);
in64 |= (in64 >> 16);
in64 |= (in64 >> 32);
return in64 + 1;
bool AFLCoverage::runOnModule(Module &M) {
LLVMContext &C = M.getContext();
IntegerType *Int8Ty = IntegerType::getInt8Ty(C);
IntegerType *Int32Ty = IntegerType::getInt32Ty(C);
IntegerType *IntLocTy =
IntegerType::getIntNTy(C, sizeof(PREV_LOC_T) * CHAR_BIT);
struct timeval tv;
struct timezone tz;
u32 rand_seed;
unsigned int cur_loc = 0;
/* Setup random() so we get Actually Random(TM) outputs from AFL_R() */
gettimeofday(&tv, &tz);
rand_seed = tv.tv_sec ^ tv.tv_usec ^ getpid();
/* Show a banner */
char be_quiet = 0;
if ((isatty(2) && !getenv("AFL_QUIET")) || getenv("AFL_DEBUG") != NULL) {
SAYF(cCYA "afl-llvm-pass" VERSION cRST
" by <> and <>\n");
} else
be_quiet = 1;
/* Decide instrumentation ratio */
char * inst_ratio_str = getenv("AFL_INST_RATIO");
unsigned int inst_ratio = 100;
if (inst_ratio_str) {
if (sscanf(inst_ratio_str, "%u", &inst_ratio) != 1 || !inst_ratio ||
inst_ratio > 100)
FATAL("Bad value of AFL_INST_RATIO (must be between 1 and 100)");
char *neverZero_counters_str = getenv("AFL_LLVM_NOT_ZERO");
/* Decide previous location vector size (must be a power of two) */
char *ngram_size_str = getenv("AFL_LLVM_NGRAM_SIZE");
if (!ngram_size_str) ngram_size_str = getenv("AFL_NGRAM_SIZE");
if (ngram_size_str)
if (sscanf(ngram_size_str, "%u", &ngram_size) != 1 || ngram_size < 2 ||
ngram_size > MAX_NGRAM_SIZE)
"Bad value of AFL_NGRAM_SIZE (must be between 2 and MAX_NGRAM_SIZE)");
unsigned PrevLocSize;
if (ngram_size == 1) ngram_size = 0;
if (ngram_size)
PrevLocSize = ngram_size - 1;
PrevLocSize = 1;
uint64_t PrevLocVecSize = PowerOf2Ceil(PrevLocSize);
VectorType *PrevLocTy;
if (ngram_size) PrevLocTy = VectorType::get(IntLocTy, PrevLocVecSize);
/* Get globals for the SHM region and the previous location. Note that
__afl_prev_loc is thread-local. */
GlobalVariable *AFLMapPtr =
new GlobalVariable(M, PointerType::get(Int8Ty, 0), false,
GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, 0, "__afl_area_ptr");
GlobalVariable *AFLPrevLoc;
if (ngram_size)
#ifdef __ANDROID__
AFLPrevLoc = new GlobalVariable(
M, PrevLocTy, /* isConstant */ false, GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage,
/* Initializer */ nullptr, "__afl_prev_loc");
AFLPrevLoc = new GlobalVariable(
M, PrevLocTy, /* isConstant */ false, GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage,
/* Initializer */ nullptr, "__afl_prev_loc",
/* InsertBefore */ nullptr, GlobalVariable::GeneralDynamicTLSModel,
/* AddressSpace */ 0, /* IsExternallyInitialized */ false);
#ifdef __ANDROID__
AFLPrevLoc = new GlobalVariable(
M, Int32Ty, false, GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, 0, "__afl_prev_loc");
AFLPrevLoc = new GlobalVariable(
M, Int32Ty, false, GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, 0, "__afl_prev_loc", 0,
GlobalVariable::GeneralDynamicTLSModel, 0, false);
/* Create the vector shuffle mask for updating the previous block history.
Note that the first element of the vector will store cur_loc, so just set
it to undef to allow the optimizer to do its thing. */
SmallVector<Constant *, 32> PrevLocShuffle = {UndefValue::get(Int32Ty)};
for (unsigned I = 0; I < PrevLocSize - 1; ++I)
PrevLocShuffle.push_back(ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, I));
for (unsigned I = PrevLocSize; I < PrevLocVecSize; ++I)
PrevLocShuffle.push_back(ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, PrevLocSize));
Constant *PrevLocShuffleMask = ConstantVector::get(PrevLocShuffle);
// other constants we need
ConstantInt *Zero = ConstantInt::get(Int8Ty, 0);
ConstantInt *One = ConstantInt::get(Int8Ty, 1);
/* Instrument all the things! */
int inst_blocks = 0;
for (auto &F : M) {
if (isBlacklisted(&F)) continue;
for (auto &BB : F) {
BasicBlock::iterator IP = BB.getFirstInsertionPt();
IRBuilder<> IRB(&(*IP));
if (!myWhitelist.empty()) {
bool instrumentBlock = false;
/* Get the current location using debug information.
* For now, just instrument the block if we are not able
* to determine our location. */
DebugLoc Loc = IP->getDebugLoc();
#if LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 || \
if (Loc) {
DILocation *cDILoc = dyn_cast<DILocation>(Loc.getAsMDNode());
unsigned int instLine = cDILoc->getLine();
StringRef instFilename = cDILoc->getFilename();
if (instFilename.str().empty()) {
/* If the original location is empty, try using the inlined location
DILocation *oDILoc = cDILoc->getInlinedAt();
if (oDILoc) {
instFilename = oDILoc->getFilename();
instLine = oDILoc->getLine();
/* Continue only if we know where we actually are */
if (!instFilename.str().empty()) {
for (std::list<std::string>::iterator it = myWhitelist.begin();
it != myWhitelist.end(); ++it) {
/* We don't check for filename equality here because
* filenames might actually be full paths. Instead we
* check that the actual filename ends in the filename
* specified in the list. */
if (instFilename.str().length() >= it->length()) {
if (instFilename.str().compare(
instFilename.str().length() - it->length(),
it->length(), *it) == 0) {
instrumentBlock = true;
if (!Loc.isUnknown()) {
DILocation cDILoc(Loc.getAsMDNode(C));
unsigned int instLine = cDILoc.getLineNumber();
StringRef instFilename = cDILoc.getFilename();
/* Continue only if we know where we actually are */
if (!instFilename.str().empty()) {
for (std::list<std::string>::iterator it = myWhitelist.begin();
it != myWhitelist.end(); ++it) {
/* We don't check for filename equality here because
* filenames might actually be full paths. Instead we
* check that the actual filename ends in the filename
* specified in the list. */
if (instFilename.str().length() >= it->length()) {
if (instFilename.str().compare(
instFilename.str().length() - it->length(),
it->length(), *it) == 0) {
instrumentBlock = true;
/* Either we couldn't figure out our location or the location is
* not whitelisted, so we skip instrumentation. */
if (!instrumentBlock) continue;
if (AFL_R(100) >= inst_ratio) continue;
/* Make up cur_loc */
// cur_loc++;
cur_loc = AFL_R(MAP_SIZE);
/* There is a problem with Ubuntu 18.04 and llvm 6.0 (see issue #63).
The inline function successors() is not inlined and also not found at runtime
:-( As I am unable to detect Ubuntu18.04 heree, the next best thing is to
disable this optional optimization for LLVM 6.0.0 and Linux */
#if !(LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR == 6 && LLVM_VERSION_MINOR == 0) || !defined __linux__
// only instrument if this basic block is the destination of a previous
// basic block that has multiple successors
// this gets rid of ~5-10% of instrumentations that are unnecessary
// result: a little more speed and less map pollution
int more_than_one = -1;
// fprintf(stderr, "BB %u: ", cur_loc);
for (pred_iterator PI = pred_begin(&BB), E = pred_end(&BB); PI != E;
++PI) {
BasicBlock *Pred = *PI;
int count = 0;
if (more_than_one == -1) more_than_one = 0;
// fprintf(stderr, " %p=>", Pred);
for (succ_iterator SI = succ_begin(Pred), E = succ_end(Pred); SI != E;
++SI) {
BasicBlock *Succ = *SI;
// if (count > 0)
// fprintf(stderr, "|");
if (Succ != NULL) count++;
// fprintf(stderr, "%p", Succ);
if (count > 1) more_than_one = 1;
// fprintf(stderr, " == %d\n", more_than_one);
if (more_than_one != 1) continue;
ConstantInt *CurLoc;
if (ngram_size)
CurLoc = ConstantInt::get(IntLocTy, cur_loc);
CurLoc = ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, cur_loc);
/* Load prev_loc */
LoadInst *PrevLoc = IRB.CreateLoad(AFLPrevLoc);
PrevLoc->setMetadata(M.getMDKindID("nosanitize"), MDNode::get(C, None));
Value *PrevLocTrans;
/* "For efficiency, we propose to hash the tuple as a key into the
hit_count map as (prev_block_trans << 1) ^ curr_block_trans, where
prev_block_trans = (block_trans_1 ^ ... ^ block_trans_(n-1)" */
if (ngram_size)
PrevLocTrans = IRB.CreateXorReduce(PrevLoc);
PrevLocTrans = IRB.CreateZExt(PrevLoc, IRB.getInt32Ty());
/* Load SHM pointer */
LoadInst *MapPtr = IRB.CreateLoad(AFLMapPtr);
MapPtr->setMetadata(M.getMDKindID("nosanitize"), MDNode::get(C, None));
Value *MapPtrIdx;
if (ngram_size)
MapPtrIdx = IRB.CreateGEP(
IRB.CreateZExt(IRB.CreateXor(PrevLocTrans, CurLoc), Int32Ty));
MapPtrIdx = IRB.CreateGEP(MapPtr, IRB.CreateXor(PrevLocTrans, CurLoc));
/* Update bitmap */
LoadInst *Counter = IRB.CreateLoad(MapPtrIdx);
Counter->setMetadata(M.getMDKindID("nosanitize"), MDNode::get(C, None));
Value *Incr = IRB.CreateAdd(Counter, One);
if (neverZero_counters_str !=
NULL) { // with llvm 9 we make this the default as the bug in llvm is
// then fixed
/* hexcoder: Realize a counter that skips zero during overflow.
* Once this counter reaches its maximum value, it next increments to 1
* Instead of
* Counter + 1 -> Counter
* we inject now this
* Counter + 1 -> {Counter, OverflowFlag}
* Counter + OverflowFlag -> Counter
/* // we keep the old solutions just in case
// Solution #1
if (neverZero_counters_str[0] == '1') {
CallInst *AddOv =
IRB.CreateBinaryIntrinsic(Intrinsic::uadd_with_overflow, Counter,
ConstantInt::get(Int8Ty, 1));
MDNode::get(C, None)); Value *SumWithOverflowBit = AddOv; Incr =
IRB.CreateAdd(IRB.CreateExtractValue(SumWithOverflowBit, 0), // sum
IRB.CreateZExt( // convert from one bit
type to 8 bits type IRB.CreateExtractValue(SumWithOverflowBit, 1), //
overflow Int8Ty));
// Solution #2
} else if (neverZero_counters_str[0] == '2') {
auto cf = IRB.CreateICmpEQ(Counter,
ConstantInt::get(Int8Ty, 255)); Value *HowMuch =
IRB.CreateAdd(ConstantInt::get(Int8Ty, 1), cf); Incr =
IRB.CreateAdd(Counter, HowMuch);
// Solution #3
} else if (neverZero_counters_str[0] == '3') {
// this is the solution we choose because llvm9 should do the right
// thing here
auto cf = IRB.CreateICmpEQ(Incr, Zero);
auto carry = IRB.CreateZExt(cf, Int8Ty);
Incr = IRB.CreateAdd(Incr, carry);
// Solution #4
} else if (neverZero_counters_str[0] == '4') {
auto cf = IRB.CreateICmpULT(Incr, ConstantInt::get(Int8Ty, 1));
auto carry = IRB.CreateZExt(cf, Int8Ty);
Incr = IRB.CreateAdd(Incr, carry);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: unknown value for AFL_NZERO_COUNTS: %s
(valid is 1-4)\n", neverZero_counters_str); exit(-1);
IRB.CreateStore(Incr, MapPtrIdx)
->setMetadata(M.getMDKindID("nosanitize"), MDNode::get(C, None));
/* Update prev_loc history vector (by placing cur_loc at the head of the
vector and shuffle the other elements back by one) */
StoreInst *Store;
if (ngram_size) {
Value *ShuffledPrevLoc = IRB.CreateShuffleVector(
PrevLoc, UndefValue::get(PrevLocTy), PrevLocShuffleMask);
Value *UpdatedPrevLoc = IRB.CreateInsertElement(
ShuffledPrevLoc, IRB.CreateLShr(CurLoc, (uint64_t)1), (uint64_t)0);
Store = IRB.CreateStore(UpdatedPrevLoc, AFLPrevLoc);
Store->setMetadata(M.getMDKindID("nosanitize"), MDNode::get(C, None));
} else {
Store = IRB.CreateStore(ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, cur_loc >> 1),
/* Say something nice. */
if (!be_quiet) {
if (!inst_blocks)
WARNF("No instrumentation targets found.");
else {
char modeline[100];
snprintf(modeline, sizeof(modeline), "%s%s%s%s",
getenv("AFL_HARDEN") ? "hardened" : "non-hardened",
getenv("AFL_USE_ASAN") ? ", ASAN" : "",
getenv("AFL_USE_MSAN") ? ", MSAN" : "",
getenv("AFL_USE_CFISAN") ? ", CFISAN" : "",
getenv("AFL_USE_UBSAN") ? ", UBSAN" : "");
OKF("Instrumented %u locations (%s mode, ratio %u%%).", inst_blocks,
modeline, inst_ratio);
return true;
static void registerAFLPass(const PassManagerBuilder &,
legacy::PassManagerBase &PM) {
PM.add(new AFLCoverage());
static RegisterStandardPasses RegisterAFLPass(
PassManagerBuilder::EP_OptimizerLast, registerAFLPass);
static RegisterStandardPasses RegisterAFLPass0(
PassManagerBuilder::EP_EnabledOnOptLevel0, registerAFLPass);