diff --git a/custom_mutators/gramatron/automaton-parser.c b/custom_mutators/gramatron/automaton-parser.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 266f5a0..0000000
--- a/custom_mutators/gramatron/automaton-parser.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
-#include "afl-fuzz.h"
-#include "automaton-parser.h"
-int free_terminal_arr(any_t placeholder, any_t item) {
-  struct terminal_arr *tmp = item;
-  free(tmp->start);
-  free(tmp);
-  return MAP_OK;
-int compare_two_symbols(const void *a, const void *b) {
-  char * a_char = *(char **)a;
-  char * b_char = *(char **)b;
-  size_t fa = strlen(a_char);
-  size_t fb = strlen(b_char);
-  if (fa > fb)
-    return -1;
-  else if (fa == fb)
-    return 0;
-  else
-    return 1;
-// TODO: create a map
-// key: first character of a symbol, value: a list of symbols that starts with
-// key, the list is sorted in descending order of the symbol lengths
-map_t create_first_char_to_symbols_hashmap(struct symbols_arr *symbols,
-                                           struct symbols_arr *first_chars) {
-  map_t char_to_symbols = hashmap_new();
-  // TODO: free the allocated map
-  // sort the symbol_dict in descending order of the symbol lengths
-  qsort(symbols->symbols_arr, symbols->len, sizeof(char *),
-        compare_two_symbols);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-  printf("------ print after sort ------\n");
-  print_symbols_arr(symbols);
-  size_t i;
-  int    r;  // response from hashmap get and put
-  for (i = 0; i < symbols->len; i++) {
-    char *symbol_curr = symbols->symbols_arr[i];
-    // get first character from symbol_curr
-    char first_character[2];
-    first_character[0] = symbol_curr[0];
-    first_character[1] = '\0';
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    printf("****** Current symbol is %s, its first character is %s ******\n",
-           symbol_curr, first_character);
-    // key would be the first character of symbol_curr
-    // the value would be an array of chars
-    struct symbols_arr *associated_symbols;
-    r = hashmap_get(char_to_symbols, first_character,
-                    (any_t *)&associated_symbols);
-    if (!r) {
-// append current symbol to existing array
-#ifdef DEBUG
-      printf("****** First character %s is already in hashmap ******\n",
-             first_character);
-      if (!add_element_to_symbols_arr(associated_symbols, symbol_curr,
-                                      strlen(symbol_curr) + 1)) {
-        free_hashmap(char_to_symbols, &free_array_of_chars);
-        return NULL;
-      }
-    } else {
-// start a new symbols_arr
-#ifdef DEBUG
-      printf("****** First character %s is not in hashmap ******\n",
-             first_character);
-      struct symbols_arr *new_associated_symbols = create_array_of_chars();
-      strncpy(first_chars->symbols_arr[first_chars->len], first_character,
-              2);  // 2 because one character plus the NULL byte
-      add_element_to_symbols_arr(new_associated_symbols, symbol_curr,
-                                 strlen(symbol_curr) + 1);
-      r = hashmap_put(char_to_symbols,
-                      first_chars->symbols_arr[first_chars->len],
-                      new_associated_symbols);
-      first_chars->len++;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-      if (r) {
-        printf("hashmap put failed\n");
-      } else {
-        printf("hashmap put succeeded\n");
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  printf("****** Testing ******\n");
-  struct symbols_arr *tmp_arr;
-  char                str[] = "i";
-  int                 t = hashmap_get(char_to_symbols, str, (any_t *)&tmp_arr);
-  if (!t) print_symbols_arr(tmp_arr);
-  return char_to_symbols;
-struct symbols_arr *create_array_of_chars() {
-  struct symbols_arr *ret =
-      (struct symbols_arr *)malloc(sizeof(struct symbols_arr));
-  ret->len = 0;
-  ret->symbols_arr = (char **)malloc(MAX_TERMINAL_NUMS * sizeof(char *));
-  size_t i;
-  for (i = 0; i < MAX_TERMINAL_NUMS; i++) {
-    ret->symbols_arr[i] = (char *)calloc(MAX_TERMINAL_LENGTH, sizeof(char));
-  }
-  return ret;
-// map a symbol to a list of (state, trigger_idx)
-map_t create_pda_hashmap(state *pda, struct symbols_arr *symbols_arr) {
-  int state_idx, trigger_idx,
-      r;  // r is the return result for hashmap operation
-  map_t m = hashmap_new();
-  // iterate over pda
-  for (state_idx = 0; state_idx < numstates; state_idx++) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    printf("------ The state idx is %d ------\n", state_idx);
-    if (state_idx == final_state) continue;
-    state *state_curr = pda + state_idx;
-    for (trigger_idx = 0; trigger_idx < state_curr->trigger_len;
-         trigger_idx++) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-      printf("------ The trigger idx is %d ------\n", trigger_idx);
-      trigger *            trigger_curr = state_curr->ptr + trigger_idx;
-      char *               symbol_curr = trigger_curr->term;
-      size_t               symbol_len = trigger_curr->term_len;
-      struct terminal_arr *terminal_arr_curr;
-      r = hashmap_get(m, symbol_curr, (any_t *)&terminal_arr_curr);
-      if (r) {
-        // the symbol is not in the map
-        if (!add_element_to_symbols_arr(symbols_arr, symbol_curr,
-                                        symbol_len + 1)) {
-          // the number of symbols exceed maximual number
-          free_hashmap(m, &free_terminal_arr);
-          return NULL;
-        }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        printf("Symbol %s is not in map\n", symbol_curr);
-        struct terminal_arr *new_terminal_arr =
-            (struct terminal_arr *)malloc(sizeof(struct terminal_arr));
-        new_terminal_arr->start = (struct terminal_meta *)calloc(
-            numstates, sizeof(struct terminal_meta));
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        printf("allocate new memory address %p\n", new_terminal_arr->start);
-        new_terminal_arr->start->state_name = state_idx;
-        new_terminal_arr->start->dest = trigger_curr->dest;
-        new_terminal_arr->start->trigger_idx = trigger_idx;
-        new_terminal_arr->len = 1;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        printf("Symbol %s is included in %zu edges\n", symbol_curr,
-               new_terminal_arr->len);
-        r = hashmap_put(m, symbol_curr, new_terminal_arr);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        if (r) {
-          printf("hashmap put failed\n");
-        } else {
-          printf("hashmap put succeeded\n");
-        }
-        // if symbol not already in map, it's not in symbol_dict, simply add the
-        // symbol to the array
-        // TODO: need to initialize symbol dict (calloc)
-      } else {
-// the symbol is already in map
-// append to terminal array
-// no need to touch start
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        printf("Symbol %s is in map\n", symbol_curr);
-        struct terminal_meta *modify =
-            terminal_arr_curr->start + terminal_arr_curr->len;
-        modify->state_name = state_idx;
-        modify->trigger_idx = trigger_idx;
-        modify->dest = trigger_curr->dest;
-        terminal_arr_curr->len++;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-        printf("Symbol %s is included in %zu edges\n", symbol_curr,
-               terminal_arr_curr->len);
-        // if symbol already in map, it's already in symbol_dict as well, no
-        // work needs to be done
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return m;
-void print_symbols_arr(struct symbols_arr *arr) {
-  size_t i;
-  printf("(");
-  for (i = 0; i < arr->len; i++) {
-    printf("%s", arr->symbols_arr[i]);
-    if (i != arr->len - 1) printf(",");
-  }
-  printf(")\n");
-void free_hashmap(map_t m, int (*f)(any_t, any_t)) {
-  if (!m) {
-    printf("m map is empty\n");
-    return;
-  }
-  int r = hashmap_iterate(m, f, NULL);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-  if (!r)
-    printf("free hashmap items successfully!\n");
-  else
-    printf("free hashmap items failed");
-  hashmap_free(m);
-int free_array_of_chars(any_t placeholder, any_t item) {
-  if (!item) {
-    printf("item is empty\n");
-    return MAP_MISSING;
-  }
-  struct symbols_arr *arr = item;
-  size_t              i;
-  for (i = 0; i < MAX_TERMINAL_NUMS; i++) {
-    free(arr->symbols_arr[i]);
-  }
-  free(arr->symbols_arr);
-  free(arr);
-  return MAP_OK;
-void free_pda(state *pda) {
-  if (!pda) {
-    printf("pda is null\n");
-    return;
-  }
-  size_t i, j;
-  for (i = 0; i < numstates; i++) {
-    state *state_curr = pda + i;
-    for (j = 0; j < state_curr->trigger_len; j++) {
-      trigger *trigger_curr = state_curr->ptr + j;
-      free(trigger_curr->id);
-      free(trigger_curr->term);
-    }
-    free(state_curr->ptr);
-  }
-  free(pda);
-int dfs(struct terminal_arr **tmp, const char *program,
-        const size_t program_length, struct terminal_arr **res, size_t idx,
-        int curr_state) {
-  if (*res) return 1;  // 1 means successfully found a path
-  if (idx == program_length) {
-    // test if the last terminal points to the final state
-    if (curr_state != final_state) return 0;
-    *res = *tmp;
-    return 1;
-  }
-  if ((*tmp)->len == MAX_PROGRAM_WALK_LENGTH) {
-    printf("Reached maximum program walk length\n");
-    return 0;
-  }
-  char first_char[2];
-  first_char[0] = program[idx];  // first character of program
-  first_char[1] = '\0';
-  int                 r;
-  struct symbols_arr *matching_symbols;
-  r = hashmap_get(first_char_to_symbols_map, first_char,
-                  (any_t *)&matching_symbols);
-  if (r) {
-    printf(
-        "No symbols match the current character, abort!");  // hopefully won't
-                                                            // reach this state
-    return 0;
-  }
-  size_t i;
-  bool   matched = false;
-  for (i = 0; i < matching_symbols->len; i++) {
-    if (matched) break;
-    char *matching_symbol = matching_symbols->symbols_arr[i];
-    if (!strncmp(matching_symbol, program + idx, strlen(matching_symbol))) {
-      // there is a match
-      matched = true;
-      // find the possible paths of that symbol
-      struct terminal_arr *ta;
-      int r2 = hashmap_get(pda_map, matching_symbol, (any_t *)&ta);
-      if (!r2) {
-        // the terminal is found in the dictionary
-        size_t j;
-        for (j = 0; j < ta->len; j++) {
-          int state_name = (ta->start + j)->state_name;
-          if (state_name != curr_state) continue;
-          size_t trigger_idx = (ta->start + j)->trigger_idx;
-          int    dest = (ta->start + j)->dest;
-          (*tmp)->start[(*tmp)->len].state_name = state_name;
-          (*tmp)->start[(*tmp)->len].trigger_idx = trigger_idx;
-          (*tmp)->start[(*tmp)->len].dest = dest;
-          (*tmp)->len++;
-          if (dfs(tmp, program, program_length, res,
-                  idx + strlen(matching_symbol), dest))
-            return 1;
-          (*tmp)->len--;
-        }
-      } else {
-        printf("No path goes out of this symbol, abort!");  // hopefully won't
-                                                            // reach this state
-        return 0;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-  /*
-  1. First extract the first character of the current program
-  2. Match the possible symbols of that program
-  3. Find the possible paths of that symbol
-  4. Add to temporary terminal array
-  5. Recursion
-  6. Pop the path from the terminal array
-  7. - If idx reaches end of program, set tmp to res
-     - If idx is not at the end and nothing matches, the current path is not
-  working, simply return 0
-  */
-Array *constructArray(struct terminal_arr *terminal_arr, state *pda) {
-  Array *res = (Array *)calloc(1, sizeof(Array));
-  initArray(res, INIT_SIZE);
-  size_t i;
-  for (i = 0; i < terminal_arr->len; i++) {
-    struct terminal_meta *curr = terminal_arr->start + i;
-    int                   state_name = curr->state_name;
-    int                   trigger_idx = curr->trigger_idx;
-    // get the symbol from pda
-    state *  state_curr = pda + state_name;
-    trigger *trigger_curr = state_curr->ptr + trigger_idx;
-    char *   symbol_curr = trigger_curr->term;
-    size_t   symbol_curr_len = trigger_curr->term_len;
-    insertArray(res, state_name, symbol_curr, symbol_curr_len, trigger_idx);
-  }
-  return res;
-Array *automaton_parser(const uint8_t *seed_fn) {
-  Array *parsed_res = NULL;
-  FILE * ptr;
-  ptr = fopen(seed_fn, "r");
-  if (ptr == NULL) {
-    printf("file can't be opened \n");
-    fclose(ptr);
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  char ch;
-  char program[MAX_PROGRAM_LENGTH];
-  int  i = 0;
-  bool program_too_long = false;
-  do {
-    if (i == MAX_PROGRAM_LENGTH) {
-      // the maximum program length is reached
-      printf("maximum program length is reached, give up the current seed\n");
-      program_too_long = true;
-      break;
-    }
-    ch = fgetc(ptr);
-    program[i] = ch;
-    i++;
-  } while (ch != EOF);
-  program[i - 1] = '\0';
-  fclose(ptr);
-  if ((i == 1 && program[0] == '\0') || program_too_long) return NULL;
-  struct terminal_arr *arr_holder;
-  struct terminal_arr *dfs_res = NULL;
-  arr_holder = (struct terminal_arr *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct terminal_arr));
-  arr_holder->start = (struct terminal_meta *)calloc(
-      MAX_PROGRAM_WALK_LENGTH, sizeof(struct terminal_meta));
-  int dfs_success =
-      dfs(&arr_holder, program, strlen(program), &dfs_res, 0, init_state);
-  // printf("*** return value %d *** \n", dfs_success);
-  if (dfs_success) { parsed_res = constructArray(dfs_res, pda); }
-  free(arr_holder->start);
-  free(arr_holder);
-  return parsed_res;
-// return 0 if fails
-// return 1 if succeeds
-int add_element_to_symbols_arr(struct symbols_arr *symbols_arr, char *symbol,
-                               size_t symbol_len) {
-  if (symbols_arr->len >= MAX_TERMINAL_NUMS ||
-      symbol_len >= MAX_TERMINAL_LENGTH) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  strncpy(symbols_arr->symbols_arr[symbols_arr->len], symbol, symbol_len);
-  symbols_arr->len++;
-  return 1;
diff --git a/custom_mutators/gramatron/automaton-parser.h b/custom_mutators/gramatron/automaton-parser.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 762415a..0000000
--- a/custom_mutators/gramatron/automaton-parser.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-#define NUMINPUTS 500
-#define MAX_PROGRAM_LENGTH 20000
-#define MAX_TERMINAL_NUMS 5000
-#include "gramfuzz.h"
-// represents an edge in the FSA
-struct terminal_meta {
-  int state_name;
-  int trigger_idx;
-  int dest;
-// represents a set of edges
-struct terminal_arr {
-  struct terminal_meta *start;
-  size_t                len;
-// essentially a string array
-struct symbols_arr {
-  char **symbols_arr;
-  size_t len;
-struct symbols_arr *symbols;  // symbols contain all the symbols in the language
-map_t pda_map;  // a map that maps each symbol in the language to a set of edges
-struct symbols_arr
-    * first_chars;  // an array of first characters, only temperary array
-map_t first_char_to_symbols_map;  // a map that maps each first character to a
-                                  // set of symbols (the symbols are sorted in
-                                  // descending order)
-// freeing terminal arrays
-int free_terminal_arr(any_t placeholder, any_t item);
-// return a map that maps each symbol in the language to a set of edges
-// populate symbols_arr with all the symbols in the language
-map_t create_pda_hashmap(state *pda, struct symbols_arr *symbols_arr);
-// print the string array
-void print_symbols_arr(struct symbols_arr *arr);
-// free hashmap
-// the function pointer contains function to free the values in the hashmap
-void free_hashmap(map_t m, int (*f)(any_t, any_t));
-// free string array
-int free_array_of_chars(any_t placeholder, any_t item);
-// free the pda
-void free_pda(state *pda);
-// create a string array
-struct symbols_arr *create_array_of_chars();
-map_t create_first_char_to_symbols_hashmap(struct symbols_arr *symbols,
-                                           struct symbols_arr *first_chars);
-// return the automaton represented by the seed
-Array *automaton_parser(const uint8_t *seed_fn);
-int add_element_to_symbols_arr(struct symbols_arr *symbols_arr, char *symbol,
-                               size_t symbol_len);