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page.title=Camera HAL v3 overview
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<h2>In this document</h2>
<ol id="auto-toc">
Android's camera Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) connects the higher level
camera framework APIs in
to your underlying camera driver and hardware. The latest version of Android
introduces a new, underlying implementation of the camera stack. If you have
previously developed a camera HAL module and driver for other versions of
Android, be aware that there are significant changes in the camera pipeline.</p>
<p>Version 1 of the camera HAL is still supported for future releases of Android
because many devices still rely on it. Implementing both HALs is also supported
by the Android camera service, which is useful when you want to support a less
capable front-facing camera with version 1 of the HAL and a more advanced
back-facing camera with version 3 of the HAL. Version 2 was a stepping stone to
version 3 and is not supported.</p>
There is only one camera HAL module (with its own version number, currently 1, 2,
or 2.1), which lists multiple independent camera devices that each have
their own version. Camera module v2 or newer is required to support devices v2 or newer, and such
camera modules can have a mix of camera device versions. This is what we mean
when we say Android supports implementing both HALs.
<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> The new camera HAL is in active
development and can change at any time. This document describes at a high level
the design of the camera subsystem and omits many details. See <a
href="versioning.html">Camera version support</a> for our plans.</p>
<h2 id="overview">Overview</h2>
Version 1 of the camera subsystem was designed as a black box with high-level
controls. Roughly speaking, the old subsystem has three operating modes:</p>
<li>Video Record</li>
<li>Still Capture</li>
<p>Each mode has slightly different and overlapping capabilities. This made it hard
to implement new types of features, such as burst mode, since it would fall
between two of these modes.</p>
<img src="images/camera_block.png" alt="Camera block diagram" id="figure1" />
<p class="img-caption">
<strong>Figure 1.</strong> Camera components
<h2 id="v3-enhance">Version 3 enhancements</h2>
<p>The aim of the Android Camera API redesign is to substantially increase the
ability of applications to control the camera subsystem on Android devices while
reorganizing the API to make it more efficient and maintainable.</p>
<p>The additional control makes it easier to build high-quality camera applications
on Android devices that can operate reliably across multiple products while
still using device-specific algorithms whenever possible to maximize quality and
<p>Version 3 of the camera subsystem structures the operation modes into a single
unified view, which can be used to implement any of the previous modes and
several others, such as burst mode. This results in better user control for
focus and exposure and more post-processing, such as noise reduction, contrast
and sharpening. Further, this simplified view makes it easier for application
developers to use the camera's various functions.<br/>
The API models the camera subsystem as a pipeline that converts incoming
requests for frame captures into frames, on a 1:1 basis. The requests
encapsulate all configuration information about the capture and processing of a
frame. This includes: resolution and pixel format; manual sensor, lens and flash
control; 3A operating modes; RAW->YUV processing control; statistics generation;
and so on.</p>
<p>In simple terms, the application framework requests a frame from the camera
subsystem, and the camera subsystem returns results to an output stream. In
addition, metadata that contains information such as color spaces and lens
shading is generated for each set of results. The following sections and
diagrams give you more detail about each component.<br/>
You can think of camera version 3 as a pipeline to camera version 1's one-way
stream. It converts each capture request into one image captured by the sensor,
which is processed into: </p>
<li>A Result object with metadata about the capture.</li>
<li>One to N buffers of image data, each into its own destination Surface.</li>
<p>The set of possible output Surfaces is preconfigured:</p>
<li>Each Surface is a destination for a stream of image buffers of a fixed
<li>Only a small number of Surfaces can be configured as outputs at once (~3).</li>
<p>A request contains all desired capture settings and the list of output Surfaces
to push image buffers into for this request (out of the total configured set). A
request can be one-shot ( with capture() ), or it may be repeated indefinitely
(with setRepeatingRequest() ). Captures have priority over repeating
<img src="images/camera_simple_model.png" alt="Camera data model" id="figure2" />
<p class="img-caption">
<strong>Figure 2.</strong> Camera core operation model
<h2 id="supported-version">Supported version</h2>
<p>Camera devices that support this version of the HAL must return
CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_1 in camera_device_t.common.version and in
camera_info_t.device_version (from camera_module_t.get_camera_info).<br/>
Camera modules that may contain version 3.1 devices must implement at least
version 2.0 of the camera module interface (as defined by
See camera_common.h for more versioning details.</p>