blob: 65cbbe3562a09655059a2393652b50ec34dcdda3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Android Virtual Device Manager to manage AVDs.
public final class AvdManager {
public static final String AVD_FOLDER_EXTENSION = ".avd";
private final static String AVD_INFO_PATH = "path";
private final static String AVD_INFO_TARGET = "target";
* AVD/config.ini key name representing the SDK-relative path of the skin folder, if any,
* or a 320x480 like constant for a numeric skin size.
public final static String AVD_INI_SKIN_PATH = "skin.path";
* AVD/config.ini key name representing an UI name for the skin.
* This config key is ignored by the emulator. It is only used by the SDK manager or
* tools to give a friendlier name to the skin.
* If missing, use the {@link #AVD_INI_SKIN_PATH} key instead.
public final static String AVD_INI_SKIN_NAME = "";
* AVD/config.ini key name representing the path to the sdcard file.
* If missing, the default name "sdcard.img" will be used for the sdcard, if there's such
* a file.
* @see #SDCARD_IMG
public final static String AVD_INI_SDCARD_PATH = "sdcard.path";
* AVD/config.ini key name representing the size of the SD card.
* This property is for UI purposes only. It is not used by the emulator.
public final static String AVD_INI_SDCARD_SIZE = "sdcard.size";
* AVD/config.ini key name representing the first path where the emulator looks
* for system images. Typically this is the path to the add-on system image or
* the path to the platform system image if there's no add-on.
* <p/>
* The emulator looks at {@link #AVD_INI_IMAGES_1} before {@link #AVD_INI_IMAGES_2}.
public final static String AVD_INI_IMAGES_1 = "image.sysdir.1";
* AVD/config.ini key name representing the second path where the emulator looks
* for system images. Typically this is the path to the platform system image.
* @see #AVD_INI_IMAGES_1
public final static String AVD_INI_IMAGES_2 = "image.sysdir.2";
* Pattern to match pixel-sized skin "names", e.g. "320x480".
public final static Pattern NUMERIC_SKIN_SIZE = Pattern.compile("[0-9]{2,}x[0-9]{2,}");
private final static String USERDATA_IMG = "userdata.img";
private final static String CONFIG_INI = "config.ini";
private final static String SDCARD_IMG = "sdcard.img";
private final static String INI_EXTENSION = ".ini";
private final static Pattern INI_NAME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(.+)\\" + INI_EXTENSION + "$",
* Pattern for matching SD Card sizes, e.g. "4K" or "16M".
private final static Pattern SDCARD_SIZE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\d+[MK]?");
/** An immutable structure describing an Android Virtual Device. */
public static final class AvdInfo {
private final String mName;
private final String mPath;
private final IAndroidTarget mTarget;
private final Map<String, String> mProperties;
/** Creates a new AVD info. Values are immutable.
* @param properties */
public AvdInfo(String name, String path, IAndroidTarget target,
Map<String, String> properties) {
mName = name;
mPath = path;
mTarget = target;
mProperties = properties;
/** Returns the name of the AVD. */
public String getName() {
return mName;
/** Returns the path of the AVD data directory. */
public String getPath() {
return mPath;
/** Returns the target of the AVD. */
public IAndroidTarget getTarget() {
return mTarget;
* Helper method that returns the .ini {@link File} for a given AVD name.
* @throws AndroidLocationException if there's a problem getting android root directory.
public static File getIniFile(String name) throws AndroidLocationException {
String avdRoot;
avdRoot = AndroidLocation.getFolder() + AndroidLocation.FOLDER_AVD;
return new File(avdRoot, name + INI_EXTENSION);
* Returns the .ini {@link File} for this AVD.
* @throws AndroidLocationException if there's a problem getting android root directory.
public File getIniFile() throws AndroidLocationException {
return getIniFile(mName);
* Returns a map of properties for the AVD.
public Map<String, String> getProperties() {
return mProperties;
private final ArrayList<AvdInfo> mAvdList = new ArrayList<AvdInfo>();
private ISdkLog mSdkLog;
private final SdkManager mSdk;
public AvdManager(SdkManager sdk, ISdkLog sdkLog) throws AndroidLocationException {
mSdk = sdk;
mSdkLog = sdkLog;
* Returns the existing AVDs.
* @return a newly allocated array containing all the AVDs.
public AvdInfo[] getAvds() {
return mAvdList.toArray(new AvdInfo[mAvdList.size()]);
* Returns the {@link AvdInfo} matching the given <var>name</var>.
* @return the matching AvdInfo or <code>null</code> if none were found.
public AvdInfo getAvd(String name) {
for (AvdInfo info : mAvdList) {
if (info.getName().equals(name)) {
return info;
return null;
* Creates a new AVD. It is expected that there is no existing AVD with this name already.
* @param avdFolder the data folder for the AVD. It will be created as needed.
* @param name the name of the AVD
* @param target the target of the AVD
* @param skinName the name of the skin. Can be null. Must have been verified by caller.
* @param sdcard the parameter value for the sdCard. Can be null. This is either a path to
* an existing sdcard image or a sdcard size (\d+, \d+K, \dM).
* @param hardwareConfig the hardware setup for the AVD
* @param removePrevious If true remove any previous files.
public AvdInfo createAvd(File avdFolder, String name, IAndroidTarget target,
String skinName, String sdcard, Map<String,String> hardwareConfig,
boolean removePrevious, ISdkLog log) {
File iniFile = null;
boolean needCleanup = false;
try {
if (avdFolder.exists()) {
if (removePrevious) {
// AVD already exists and removePrevious is set, try to remove the
// directory's content first (but not the directory itself).
} else {
// AVD shouldn't already exist if removePrevious is false.
if (log != null) {
"Folder %s is in the way. Use --force if you want to overwrite.",
return null;
} else {
// create the AVD folder.
// actually write the ini file
iniFile = createAvdIniFile(name, avdFolder, target);
// writes the userdata.img in it.
String imagePath = target.getPath(IAndroidTarget.IMAGES);
File userdataSrc = new File(imagePath, USERDATA_IMG);
if (userdataSrc.exists() == false && target.isPlatform() == false) {
imagePath = target.getParent().getPath(IAndroidTarget.IMAGES);
userdataSrc = new File(imagePath, USERDATA_IMG);
if (userdataSrc.exists() == false) {
log.error(null, "Unable to find a '%1$s' file to copy into the AVD folder.",
needCleanup = true;
return null;
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(userdataSrc);
File userdataDest = new File(avdFolder, USERDATA_IMG);
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(userdataDest);
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
int count;
while ((count = != -1) {
fos.write(buffer, 0, count);
// Config file.
HashMap<String, String> values = new HashMap<String, String>();
// First the image folders of the target itself
imagePath = getImageRelativePath(target, log);
if (imagePath == null) {
needCleanup = true;
return null;
values.put(AVD_INI_IMAGES_1, imagePath);
// If the target is an add-on we need to add the Platform image as a backup.
IAndroidTarget parent = target.getParent();
if (parent != null) {
imagePath = getImageRelativePath(parent, log);
if (imagePath == null) {
needCleanup = true;
return null;
values.put(AVD_INI_IMAGES_2, imagePath);
// Now the skin.
if (skinName == null) {
skinName = target.getDefaultSkin();
if (NUMERIC_SKIN_SIZE.matcher(skinName).matches()) {
// Skin name is an actual screen resolution.
// Set for display purposes in the AVD manager and
// set skin.path for use by the emulator.
values.put(AVD_INI_SKIN_NAME, skinName);
values.put(AVD_INI_SKIN_PATH, skinName);
} else {
// get the path of the skin (relative to the SDK)
// assume skin name is valid
String skinPath = getSkinRelativePath(skinName, target, log);
if (skinPath == null) {
needCleanup = true;
return null;
values.put(AVD_INI_SKIN_PATH, skinPath);
values.put(AVD_INI_SKIN_NAME, skinName);
if (sdcard != null) {
File sdcardFile = new File(sdcard);
if (sdcardFile.isFile()) {
// sdcard value is an external sdcard, so we put its path into the config.ini
values.put(AVD_INI_SDCARD_PATH, sdcard);
} else {
// Sdcard is possibly a size. In that case we create a file called 'sdcard.img'
// in the AVD folder, and do not put any value in config.ini.
// First, check that it matches the pattern for sdcard size
Matcher m = SDCARD_SIZE_PATTERN.matcher(sdcard);
if (m.matches()) {
// create the sdcard.
sdcardFile = new File(avdFolder, SDCARD_IMG);
String path = sdcardFile.getAbsolutePath();
// execute mksdcard with the proper parameters.
File toolsFolder = new File(mSdk.getLocation(), SdkConstants.FD_TOOLS);
File mkSdCard = new File(toolsFolder, SdkConstants.mkSdCardCmdName());
if (mkSdCard.isFile() == false) {
log.error(null, "'%1$s' is missing from the SDK tools folder.",
needCleanup = true;
return null;
if (createSdCard(mkSdCard.getAbsolutePath(), sdcard, path, log) == false) {
needCleanup = true;
return null; // mksdcard output has already been displayed, no need to
// output anything else.
// add a property containing the size of the sdcard for display purpose
// only when the dev does 'android list avd'
values.put(AVD_INI_SDCARD_SIZE, sdcard);
} else {
"'%1$s' is not recognized as a valid sdcard value.\n" +
"Value should be:\n" +
"1. path to an sdcard.\n" +
"2. size of the sdcard to create: <size>[K|M]",
needCleanup = true;
return null;
if (hardwareConfig != null) {
File configIniFile = new File(avdFolder, CONFIG_INI);
createConfigIni(configIniFile, values);
if (log != null) {
if (target.isPlatform()) {
log.printf("Created AVD '%s' based on %s\n", name, target.getName());
} else {
log.printf("Created AVD '%s' based on %s (%s)\n", name, target.getName(),
// create the AvdInfo object, and add it to the list
AvdInfo avdInfo = new AvdInfo(name, avdFolder.getAbsolutePath(), target, values);
return avdInfo;
} catch (AndroidLocationException e) {
if (log != null) {
log.error(e, null);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (log != null) {
log.error(e, null);
} finally {
if (needCleanup) {
if (iniFile != null && iniFile.exists()) {
return null;
* Returns the path to the target images folder as a relative path to the SDK.
private String getImageRelativePath(IAndroidTarget target, ISdkLog log) {
String imageFullPath = target.getPath(IAndroidTarget.IMAGES);
// make this path relative to the SDK location
String sdkLocation = mSdk.getLocation();
if (imageFullPath.startsWith(sdkLocation) == false) {
// this really really should not happen.
log.error(null, "Target location is not inside the SDK.");
assert false;
return null;
imageFullPath = imageFullPath.substring(sdkLocation.length());
if (imageFullPath.charAt(0) == File.separatorChar) {
imageFullPath = imageFullPath.substring(1);
return imageFullPath;
* Returns the path to the skin, as a relative path to the SDK.
private String getSkinRelativePath(String skinName, IAndroidTarget target, ISdkLog log) {
// first look to see if the skin is in the target
String path = target.getPath(IAndroidTarget.SKINS);
File skin = new File(path, skinName);
if (skin.exists() == false && target.isPlatform() == false) {
target = target.getParent();
path = target.getPath(IAndroidTarget.SKINS);
skin = new File(path, skinName);
// skin really does not exist!
if (skin.exists() == false) {
log.error(null, "Skin '%1$s' does not exist.", skinName);
return null;
// get the skin path
path = skin.getAbsolutePath();
// make this path relative to the SDK location
String sdkLocation = mSdk.getLocation();
if (path.startsWith(sdkLocation) == false) {
// this really really should not happen.
log.error(null, "Target location is not inside the SDK.");
assert false;
return null;
path = path.substring(sdkLocation.length());
if (path.charAt(0) == File.separatorChar) {
path = path.substring(1);
return path;
* Creates the ini file for an AVD.
* @param name of the AVD.
* @param avdFolder path for the data folder of the AVD.
* @param target of the AVD.
* @throws AndroidLocationException if there's a problem getting android root directory.
* @throws IOException if {@link File#getAbsolutePath()} fails.
private File createAvdIniFile(String name, File avdFolder, IAndroidTarget target)
throws AndroidLocationException, IOException {
HashMap<String, String> values = new HashMap<String, String>();
File iniFile = AvdInfo.getIniFile(name);
values.put(AVD_INFO_PATH, avdFolder.getAbsolutePath());
values.put(AVD_INFO_TARGET, target.hashString());
createConfigIni(iniFile, values);
return iniFile;
* Creates the ini file for an AVD.
* @param info of the AVD.
* @throws AndroidLocationException if there's a problem getting android root directory.
* @throws IOException if {@link File#getAbsolutePath()} fails.
private File createAvdIniFile(AvdInfo info) throws AndroidLocationException, IOException {
return createAvdIniFile(info.getName(), new File(info.getPath()), info.getTarget());
* Actually deletes the files of an existing AVD.
* <p/>
* This also remove it from the manager's list, The caller does not need to
* call {@link #removeAvd(AvdInfo)} afterwards.
* @param avdInfo the information on the AVD to delete
public void deleteAvd(AvdInfo avdInfo, ISdkLog log) {
try {
File f = avdInfo.getIniFile();
if (f.exists()) {
log.warning("Deleting file %s", f.getCanonicalPath());
if (!f.delete()) {
log.error(null, "Failed to delete %s", f.getCanonicalPath());
f = new File(avdInfo.getPath());
if (f.exists()) {
log.warning("Deleting folder %s", f.getCanonicalPath());
if (!f.delete()) {
log.error(null, "Failed to delete %s", f.getCanonicalPath());
} catch (AndroidLocationException e) {
log.error(e, null);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error(e, null);
* Moves and/or rename an existing AVD and its files.
* This also change it in the manager's list.
* <p/>
* The caller should make sure the name or path given are valid, do not exist and are
* actually different than current values.
* @param avdInfo the information on the AVD to move.
* @param newName the new name of the AVD if non null.
* @param paramFolderPath the new data folder if non null.
* @return True if the move succeeded or there was nothing to do.
* If false, this method will have had already output error in the log.
public boolean moveAvd(AvdInfo avdInfo, String newName, String paramFolderPath, ISdkLog log) {
try {
if (paramFolderPath != null) {
File f = new File(avdInfo.getPath());
log.warning("Moving '%s' to '%s'.", avdInfo.getPath(), paramFolderPath);
if (!f.renameTo(new File(paramFolderPath))) {
log.error(null, "Failed to move '%s' to '%s'.",
avdInfo.getPath(), paramFolderPath);
return false;
// update avd info
AvdInfo info = new AvdInfo(avdInfo.getName(), paramFolderPath, avdInfo.getTarget(),
avdInfo = info;
// update the ini file
if (newName != null) {
File oldIniFile = avdInfo.getIniFile();
File newIniFile = AvdInfo.getIniFile(newName);
log.warning("Moving '%s' to '%s'.", oldIniFile.getPath(), newIniFile.getPath());
if (!oldIniFile.renameTo(newIniFile)) {
log.error(null, "Failed to move '%s' to '%s'.",
oldIniFile.getPath(), newIniFile.getPath());
return false;
// update avd info
AvdInfo info = new AvdInfo(newName, avdInfo.getPath(), avdInfo.getTarget(),
} catch (AndroidLocationException e) {
log.error(e, null);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error(e, null);
// nothing to do or succeeded
return true;
* Helper method to recursively delete a folder's content (but not the folder itself).
* @throws SecurityException like {@link File#delete()} does if file/folder is not writable.
public void recursiveDelete(File folder) {
for (File f : folder.listFiles()) {
if (f.isDirectory()) {
private void buildAvdList() throws AndroidLocationException {
// get the Android prefs location.
String avdRoot = AndroidLocation.getFolder() + AndroidLocation.FOLDER_AVD;
final boolean avdListDebug = System.getenv("AVD_LIST_DEBUG") != null;
if (avdListDebug) {
mSdkLog.printf("[AVD LIST DEBUG] AVD root: '%s'\n", avdRoot);
// ensure folder validity.
File folder = new File(avdRoot);
if (folder.isFile()) {
if (avdListDebug) {
mSdkLog.printf("[AVD LIST DEBUG] AVD root is a file.\n");
throw new AndroidLocationException(String.format("%s is not a valid folder.", avdRoot));
} else if (folder.exists() == false) {
if (avdListDebug) {
mSdkLog.printf("[AVD LIST DEBUG] AVD root folder doesn't exist, creating.\n");
// folder is not there, we create it and return
File[] avds = folder.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File parent, String name) {
if (INI_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(name).matches()) {
// check it's a file and not a folder
boolean isFile = new File(parent, name).isFile();
if (avdListDebug) {
mSdkLog.printf("[AVD LIST DEBUG] Item '%s': %s\n",
name, isFile ? "accepted file" : "rejected");
return isFile;
return false;
for (File avd : avds) {
AvdInfo info = parseAvdInfo(avd);
if (info != null) {
if (avdListDebug) {
mSdkLog.printf("[AVD LIST DEBUG] Added AVD '%s'\n", info.getPath());
} else if (avdListDebug) {
mSdkLog.printf("[AVD LIST DEBUG] Failed to parse AVD '%s'\n", avd.getPath());
private AvdInfo parseAvdInfo(File path) {
Map<String, String> map = SdkManager.parsePropertyFile(path, mSdkLog);
String avdPath = map.get(AVD_INFO_PATH);
if (avdPath == null) {
return null;
String targetHash = map.get(AVD_INFO_TARGET);
if (targetHash == null) {
return null;
IAndroidTarget target = mSdk.getTargetFromHashString(targetHash);
if (target == null) {
return null;
// load the avd properties.
File configIniFile = new File(avdPath, CONFIG_INI);
Map<String, String> properties = SdkManager.parsePropertyFile(configIniFile, mSdkLog);
Matcher matcher = INI_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(path.getName());
AvdInfo info = new AvdInfo(
matcher.matches() ? : path.getName(), // should not happen
return info;
private static void createConfigIni(File iniFile, Map<String, String> values)
throws IOException {
FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(iniFile);
for (Entry<String, String> entry : values.entrySet()) {
writer.write(String.format("%s=%s\n", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
private boolean createSdCard(String toolLocation, String size, String location, ISdkLog log) {
try {
String[] command = new String[3];
command[0] = toolLocation;
command[1] = size;
command[2] = location;
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
ArrayList<String> errorOutput = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> stdOutput = new ArrayList<String>();
int status = grabProcessOutput(process, errorOutput, stdOutput,
true /* waitForReaders */);
if (status != 0) {
log.error(null, "Failed to create the SD card.");
for (String error : errorOutput) {
log.error(null, error);
return false;
return true;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.error(null, "Failed to create the SD card.");
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error(null, "Failed to create the SD card.");
return false;
* Gets the stderr/stdout outputs of a process and returns when the process is done.
* Both <b>must</b> be read or the process will block on windows.
* @param process The process to get the ouput from
* @param errorOutput The array to store the stderr output. cannot be null.
* @param stdOutput The array to store the stdout output. cannot be null.
* @param waitforReaders if true, this will wait for the reader threads.
* @return the process return code.
* @throws InterruptedException
private int grabProcessOutput(final Process process, final ArrayList<String> errorOutput,
final ArrayList<String> stdOutput, boolean waitforReaders)
throws InterruptedException {
assert errorOutput != null;
assert stdOutput != null;
// read the lines as they come. if null is returned, it's
// because the process finished
Thread t1 = new Thread("") { //$NON-NLS-1$
public void run() {
// create a buffer to read the stderr output
InputStreamReader is = new InputStreamReader(process.getErrorStream());
BufferedReader errReader = new BufferedReader(is);
try {
while (true) {
String line = errReader.readLine();
if (line != null) {
} else {
} catch (IOException e) {
// do nothing.
Thread t2 = new Thread("") { //$NON-NLS-1$
public void run() {
InputStreamReader is = new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream());
BufferedReader outReader = new BufferedReader(is);
try {
while (true) {
String line = outReader.readLine();
if (line != null) {
} else {
} catch (IOException e) {
// do nothing.
// it looks like on windows process#waitFor() can return
// before the thread have filled the arrays, so we wait for both threads and the
// process itself.
if (waitforReaders) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// get the return code from the process
return process.waitFor();
* Removes an {@link AvdInfo} from the internal list.
* @param avdInfo The {@link AvdInfo} to remove.
* @return true if this {@link AvdInfo} was present and has been removed.
public boolean removeAvd(AvdInfo avdInfo) {
return mAvdList.remove(avdInfo);