Merge "Fix number of * in VNDK ABI output."
diff --git a/python-packages/gdbrunner/ b/python-packages/gdbrunner/
index 9cc6fb7..8dff373 100644
--- a/python-packages/gdbrunner/
+++ b/python-packages/gdbrunner/
@@ -244,6 +244,33 @@
             return (open(path, "r"), found_locally)
     raise RuntimeError('Could not find executable {}'.format(executable_path))
+def find_executable_path(device, executable_name, run_as_cmd=None):
+    """Find a device executable from its name
+    This function calls which on the device to retrieve the absolute path of
+    the executable.
+    Args:
+      device: the AndroidDevice object to use.
+      executable_name: the name of the executable to find.
+      run_as_cmd: if necessary, run-as or su command to prepend
+    Returns:
+      The absolute path of the executable.
+    Raises:
+      RuntimeError: could not find the executable.
+    """
+    cmd = ["which", executable_name]
+    if run_as_cmd:
+        cmd = run_as_cmd + cmd
+    try:
+        output, _ =
+        return output
+    except adb.ShellError:
+        raise  RuntimeError("Could not find executable '{}' on "
+                            "device".format(executable_name))
 def find_binary(device, pid, sysroot, run_as_cmd=None):
     """Finds a device executable file corresponding to |pid|."""
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 2e37e0b..ff593b3 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -144,9 +144,15 @@
     elif args.run_cmd:
         if not args.run_cmd[0]:
             sys.exit("empty command passed to -r")
-        if not args.run_cmd[0].startswith("/"):
-            sys.exit("commands passed to -r must use absolute paths")
         run_cmd = args.run_cmd
+        if not run_cmd[0].startswith("/"):
+            try:
+                run_cmd[0] = gdbrunner.find_executable_path(device, args.run_cmd[0],
+                                                            run_as_cmd=args.su_cmd)
+            except RuntimeError:
+              sys.exit("Could not find executable '{}' passed to -r, "
+                       "please provide an absolute path.".format(args.run_cmd[0]))
         binary_file, local = gdbrunner.find_file(device, run_cmd[0], sysroot,
     if binary_file is None:
diff --git a/tools/logblame/ b/tools/logblame/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6956c6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/logblame/
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
+import argparse
+import datetime
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import logs
+import ps
+DURATION_RE = re.compile("((\\d+)w)?((\\d+)d)?((\\d+)h)?((\\d+)m)?((\\d+)s)?")
+class Bucket(object):
+  """Bucket of stats for a particular key managed by the Stats object."""
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.count = 0
+    self.memory = 0
+    self.lines = []
+  def __str__(self):
+    return "(%s,%s)" % (self.count, self.memory)
+class Stats(object):
+  """A group of stats with a particular key, where both memory and count are tracked."""
+  def __init__(self):
+    self._data = dict()
+  def add(self, key, logLine):
+    bucket = self._data.get(key)
+    if not bucket:
+      bucket = Bucket()
+      self._data[key] = bucket
+    bucket.count += 1
+    bucket.memory += logLine.memory()
+    bucket.lines.append(logLine)
+  def __iter__(self):
+    return self._data.iteritems()
+  def data(self):
+    return [(key, bucket) for key, bucket in self._data.iteritems()]
+  def byCount(self):
+    result =
+    result.sort(lambda a, b: -cmp(a[1].count, b[1].count))
+    return result
+  def byMemory(self):
+    result =
+    result.sort(lambda a, b: -cmp(a[1].memory, b[1].memory))
+    return result
+def ParseDuration(s):
+  """Parse a date of the format .w.d.h.m.s into the number of seconds."""
+  def make_int(index):
+    val =
+    if val:
+      return int(val)
+    else:
+      return 0
+  m = DURATION_RE.match(s)
+  if m:
+    weeks = make_int(2)
+    days = make_int(4)
+    hours = make_int(6)
+    minutes = make_int(8)
+    seconds = make_int(10)
+    return (weeks * 604800) + (days * 86400) + (hours * 3600) + (minutes * 60) + seconds
+  return 0
+def FormatMemory(n):
+  """Prettify the number of bytes into gb, mb, etc."""
+  if n >= 1024 * 1024 * 1024:
+    return "%10d gb" % (n / (1024 * 1024 * 1024))
+  elif n >= 1024 * 1024:
+    return "%10d mb" % (n / (1024 * 1024))
+  elif n >= 1024:
+    return "%10d kb" % (n / 1024)
+  else:
+    return "%10d b " % n
+def FormateTimeDelta(td):
+  """Format a time duration into the same format we accept on the commandline."""
+  seconds = (td.days * 86400) + (td.seconds) + int(td.microseconds / 1000000)
+  if seconds == 0:
+    return "0s"
+  result = ""
+  if seconds >= 604800:
+    weeks = int(seconds / 604800)
+    seconds -= weeks * 604800
+    result += "%dw" % weeks
+  if seconds >= 86400:
+    days = int(seconds / 86400)
+    seconds -= days * 86400
+    result += "%dd" % days
+  if seconds >= 3600:
+    hours = int(seconds / 3600)
+    seconds -= hours * 3600
+    result += "%dh" % hours
+  if seconds >= 60:
+    minutes = int(seconds / 60)
+    seconds -= minutes * 60
+    result += "%dm" % minutes
+  if seconds > 0:
+    result += "%ds" % seconds
+  return result
+def WriteResult(totalCount, totalMemory, bucket, text):
+  """Write a bucket in the normalized format."""
+  print "%7d (%2d%%) %s (%2d%%)  %s" % (bucket.count, (100 * bucket.count / totalCount),
+      FormatMemory(bucket.memory), (100 * bucket.memory / totalMemory), text)
+def ParseArgs(argv):
+  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Process some integers.")
+  parser.add_argument("input", type=str, nargs="?",
+                      help="the logs file to read")
+  parser.add_argument("--clear", action="store_true",
+                      help="clear the log buffer before running logcat")
+  parser.add_argument("--duration", type=str, nargs=1,
+                      help="how long to run for (XdXhXmXs)")
+  parser.add_argument("--rawlogs", type=str, nargs=1,
+                      help="file to put the rawlogs into")
+  args = parser.parse_args()
+  args.durationSec = ParseDuration(args.duration[0]) if args.duration else 0
+  return args
+def main(argv):
+  args = ParseArgs(argv)
+  processes = ps.ProcessSet()
+  if args.rawlogs:
+    rawlogs = file(args.rawlogs[0], "w")
+  else:
+    rawlogs = None
+  # Choose the input
+  if args.input:
+    # From a file of raw logs
+    try:
+      infile = file(args.input, "r")
+    except IOError:
+      sys.stderr.write("Error opening file for read: %s\n" % args.input[0])
+      sys.exit(1)
+  else:
+    # From running adb logcat on an attached device
+    if args.clear:
+      subprocess.check_call(["adb", "logcat", "-c"])
+    cmd = ["adb", "logcat", "-v", "long", "-D", "-v", "uid"]
+    if not args.durationSec:
+      cmd.append("-d")
+    logcat = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+    infile = logcat.stdout
+    # Do one update because we know we'll need it, but then don't do it again
+    # if we're not streaming them.
+    processes.Update(True)
+    if args.durationSec:
+      processes.doUpdates = True
+  totalCount = 0
+  totalMemory = 0
+  byTag = Stats()
+  byPid = Stats()
+  byText = Stats()
+  startTime =
+  # Read the log lines from the parser and build a big mapping of everything
+  for logLine in logs.ParseLogcat(infile, processes, args.durationSec):
+    if rawlogs:
+      rawlogs.write("%-10s %s %-6s %-6s %-6s %s/%s: %s\n" %(logLine.buf, logLine.timestamp,
+          logLine.uid,, logLine.tid, logLine.level, logLine.tag, logLine.text))
+    totalCount += 1
+    totalMemory += logLine.memory()
+    byTag.add(logLine.tag, logLine)
+    byPid.add(, logLine)
+    byText.add(logLine.text, logLine)
+  endTime =
+  # Print the log analysis
+  # At this point, everything is loaded, don't bother looking
+  # for new processes
+  processes.doUpdates = False
+  print "Top tags by count"
+  print "-----------------"
+  i = 0
+  for k,v in byTag.byCount():
+    WriteResult(totalCount, totalMemory, v, k)
+    if i >= 10:
+      break
+    i += 1
+  print
+  print "Top tags by memory"
+  print "------------------"
+  i = 0
+  for k,v in byTag.byMemory():
+    WriteResult(totalCount, totalMemory, v, k)
+    if i >= 10:
+      break
+    i += 1
+  print
+  print "Top Processes by memory"
+  print "-----------------------"
+  i = 0
+  for k,v in byPid.byMemory():
+    WriteResult(totalCount, totalMemory, v,
+        "%-8s %s" % (k, processes.FindPid(k).DisplayName()))
+    if i >= 10:
+      break
+    i += 1
+  print
+  print "Top Duplicates by count"
+  print "-----------------------"
+  i = 0
+  for k,v in byText.byCount():
+    logLine = v.lines[0]
+    WriteResult(totalCount, totalMemory, v,
+        "%s/%s: %s" % (logLine.level, logLine.tag, logLine.text))
+    if i >= 10:
+      break
+    i += 1
+  print
+  print "Top Duplicates by memory"
+  print "-----------------------"
+  i = 0
+  for k,v in byText.byCount():
+    logLine = v.lines[0]
+    WriteResult(totalCount, totalMemory, v,
+        "%s/%s: %s" % (logLine.level, logLine.tag, logLine.text))
+    if i >= 10:
+      break
+    i += 1
+  print
+  print "Totals"
+  print "------"
+  print "%7d  %s" % (totalCount, FormatMemory(totalMemory))
+  print "Actual duration: %s" % FormateTimeDelta(endTime-startTime)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  main(sys.argv)
+# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 tw=100 nocindent autoindent smartindent expandtab:
diff --git a/tools/logblame/app_switch_test b/tools/logblame/app_switch_test
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..14c168a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/logblame/app_switch_test
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# The intents to launch
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+  "
+# \
+# The files to save output to.
+# Turn on the screen and unlock the device
+# TODO: Power on
+adb shell wm dismiss-keyguard
+adb logcat -P ""
+# Turn on airplane mode (to reduce background noise caught by other tests)
+airplane_mode_was_on=$(adb shell settings get global airplane_mode_on)
+if [ $airplane_mode_was_on != 1 ] ; then
+    adb shell settings put global airplane_mode_on 1 > /dev/null
+    adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE > /dev/null
+    sleep 15
+# Start the analysis process
+$TOP/development/tools/logblame/ --duration=10m --clear --rawlogs $RAWLOGS_FILE \
+    | tee $ANALYSIS_FILE &
+# Launch the intents with a 3s gap between them
+for intent in $INTENTS
+    echo Starting: $intent
+    adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN $intent
+    sleep 4
+# Turn the screen off and on
+adb shell input keyevent 26
+adb shell input keyevent 26
+adb shell wm dismiss-keyguard
+# Kill adb to disconnect logcat
+adb kill-server
+# Wait for the pyton process to exit
+wait $analyze_pid
+# Turn airplane mode back off
+if [ $airplane_mode_was_on == 0 ] ; then
+    adb shell settings put global airplane_mode_on 0 > /dev/null
+    adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE > /dev/null
+echo "Wrote raw logs to $RAWLOGS_FILE"
+echo "Wrote analysis to $ANALYSIS_FILE"
diff --git a/tools/logblame/connectivity_log_test b/tools/logblame/connectivity_log_test
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2afab61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/logblame/connectivity_log_test
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# The files to save output to.
+# Turn on the screen and unlock the device
+# TODO: Power on
+adb shell wm dismiss-keyguard
+adb logcat -P ""
+airplane_mode_was_on=$(adb shell settings get global airplane_mode_on)
+if [ $airplane_mode_was_on == 1 ] ; then
+    adb shell settings put global airplane_mode_on 0 > /dev/null
+    adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE > /dev/null
+    sleep 30
+# Start the analysis process
+$TOP/development/tools/logblame/ --duration=10m --clear --rawlogs $RAWLOGS_FILE \
+    | tee $ANALYSIS_FILE &
+# Turn on airplane mode and wait for it to settle
+echo "Turning on airplane mode."
+adb shell settings put global airplane_mode_on 1 > /dev/null
+adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE > /dev/null
+sleep 15
+# Turn off airplane mode and wait for it to settle
+echo "Turning off airplane mode."
+adb shell settings put global airplane_mode_on 0 > /dev/null
+adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE > /dev/null
+sleep 45
+# Turn off wifi and then back on
+echo "Turning wifi off"
+adb shell svc wifi disable
+sleep 15
+echo "Turning wifi on"
+adb shell svc wifi enable
+sleep 15
+# Kill adb to disconnect logcat
+adb kill-server
+# Wait for the pyton process to exit
+wait $analyze_pid
+echo "Wrote raw logs to $RAWLOGS_FILE"
+echo "Wrote analysis to $ANALYSIS_FILE"
diff --git a/tools/logblame/ b/tools/logblame/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6982e06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/logblame/
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+import datetime
+import re
+BUFFER_BEGIN = re.compile("^--------- beginning of (.*)$")
+BUFFER_SWITCH = re.compile("^--------- switch to (.*)$")
+HEADER = re.compile("^\\[ (\\d\\d-\\d\\d \\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d.\\d\\d\\d) +(.+?): *(\\d+): *(\\d+) *([EWIDV])/(.*?) *\\]$")
+HEADER_TYPE2 = re.compile("^(\\d\\d-\\d\\d \\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d.\\d\\d\\d) *(\\d+) *(\\d+) *([EWIDV]) ([^ :]*?): (.*?)$")
+CHATTY_IDENTICAL = re.compile("^.* identical (\\d+) lines$")
+class LogLine(object):
+  """Represents a line of android logs."""
+  def __init__(self, buf=None, timestamp=None, uid=None, pid=None, tid=None, level=None,
+      tag=None, text=""):
+    self.buf = buf
+    self.timestamp = timestamp
+    self.uid = uid
+ = pid
+    self.tid = tid
+    self.level = level
+    self.tag = tag
+    self.text = text
+    self.process = None
+  def __str__(self):
+    return "{%s} {%s} {%s} {%s} {%s} {%s}/{%s}: {%s}" % (self.buf, self.timestamp, self.uid,
+, self.tid, self.level, self.tag, self.text)
+  def __eq__(self, other):
+      return (
+            self.buf == other.buf
+            and self.timestamp == other.timestamp 
+            and self.uid == other.uid 
+            and == 
+            and self.tid == other.tid 
+            and self.level == other.level 
+            and self.tag == other.tag 
+            and self.text == other.text 
+          )
+  def clone(self):
+    logLine = LogLine(self.buf, self.timestamp, self.uid,, self.tid, self.level,
+        self.tag, self.text)
+    logLine.process = self.process
+    return logLine
+  def memory(self):
+    """Return an estimate of how much memory is used for the log.
+      32 bytes of header + 8 bytes for the pointer + the length of the tag and the text.
+      This ignores the overhead of the list of log lines itself."""
+    return 32 + 8 + len(self.tag) + 1 + len(self.text) + 1
+def ParseLogcat(f, processes, duration=None):
+  previous = None
+  for logLine in ParseLogcatInner(f, processes, duration):
+    if logLine.tag == "chatty" and logLine.level == "I":
+      m = CHATTY_IDENTICAL.match(logLine.text)
+      if m:
+        for i in range(int(
+          clone = previous.clone()
+          clone.timestamp = logLine.timestamp
+          yield clone
+        continue
+    previous = logLine
+    yield logLine
+def ParseLogcatInner(f, processes, duration=None):
+  """Parses a file object containing log text and returns a list of LogLine objects."""
+  result = []
+  buf = None
+  timestamp = None
+  uid = None
+  pid = None
+  tid = None
+  level = None
+  tag = None
+  state = STATE_BEGIN
+  logLine = None
+  previous = None
+  if duration:
+    endTime = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=duration)
+  # TODO: use a nonblocking / timeout read so we stop if there are
+  # no logs coming out (haha joke, right!)
+  for line in f:
+    if duration and endTime <=
+      break
+    if len(line) > 0 and line[-1] == '\n':
+      line = line[0:-1]
+    m = BUFFER_BEGIN.match(line)
+    if m:
+      if logLine:
+        yield logLine
+        logLine = None
+      buf =
+      state = STATE_BUFFER
+      continue
+    m = BUFFER_SWITCH.match(line)
+    if m:
+      if logLine:
+        yield logLine
+        logLine = None
+      buf =
+      state = STATE_BUFFER
+      continue
+    m = HEADER.match(line)
+    if m:
+      if logLine:
+        yield logLine
+      logLine = LogLine(
+            buf=buf,
+  ,
+  ,
+  ,
+  ,
+  ,
+          )
+      previous = logLine
+      logLine.process = processes.FindPid(, logLine.uid)
+      state = STATE_HEADER
+      continue
+    m = HEADER_TYPE2.match(line)
+    if m:
+      if logLine:
+        yield logLine
+      logLine = LogLine(
+            buf=buf,
+  ,
+            uid="0",
+  ,
+  ,
+  ,
+  ,
+          )
+      previous = logLine
+      logLine.process = processes.FindPid(, logLine.uid)
+      state = STATE_BEGIN
+      continue
+    if not len(line):
+      if state == STATE_BLANK:
+        if logLine:
+          logLine.text += "\n"
+      state = STATE_BLANK
+      continue
+    if logLine:
+      if state == STATE_HEADER:
+        logLine.text += line
+      elif state == STATE_TEXT:
+        logLine.text += "\n"
+        logLine.text += line
+      elif state == STATE_BLANK:
+        if len(logLine.text):
+          logLine.text += "\n"
+        logLine.text += "\n"
+        logLine.text += line
+    state = STATE_TEXT
+  if logLine:
+    yield logLine
+# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 tw=100 nocindent autoindent smartindent expandtab:
diff --git a/tools/logblame/medium_idle_test b/tools/logblame/medium_idle_test
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c4813b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/logblame/medium_idle_test
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# The files to save output to.
+# Turn on the screen and unlock the device
+# TODO: Power on
+adb shell wm dismiss-keyguard
+# Start the analysis process
+$TOP/development/tools/logblame/ --duration=4h --clear --rawlogs $RAWLOGS_FILE \
+    | tee $ANALYSIS_FILE &
+# Wait for the pyton process to exit
+echo "waiting... analyze_pid" $analyze_pid
+wait $analyze_pid
+echo "Wrote raw logs to $RAWLOGS_FILE"
+echo "Wrote analysis to $ANALYSIS_FILE"
diff --git a/tools/logblame/power_toggle_test b/tools/logblame/power_toggle_test
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..508c49f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/logblame/power_toggle_test
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# The files to save output to.
+# Turn on the screen and unlock the device
+# TODO: Power on
+adb shell wm dismiss-keyguard
+adb logcat -P ""
+# Start the analysis process
+$TOP/development/tools/logblame/ --duration=10m --clear --rawlogs $RAWLOGS_FILE \
+    | tee $ANALYSIS_FILE &
+sleep 5
+for i in {0..5..1}; do
+    adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_POWER
+    sleep 5
+    adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_POWER
+    sleep 5
+    adb shell wm dismiss-keyguard
+    sleep 5
+# Kill adb to disconnect logcat
+adb kill-server
+# Wait for the pyton process to exit
+wait $analyze_pid
+echo "Wrote raw logs to $RAWLOGS_FILE"
+echo "Wrote analysis to $ANALYSIS_FILE"
diff --git a/tools/logblame/ b/tools/logblame/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2016016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/logblame/
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+import csv
+import re
+import subprocess
+HEADER_RE = re.compile("USER\\s*PID\\s*PPID\\s*VSIZE\\s*RSS\\s*WCHAN\\s*PC\\s*NAME")
+PROCESS_RE = re.compile("(\\S+)\\s+(\\d+)\\s+(\\d+)\\s+\\d+\\s+\\d+\\s+\\S+\\s+.\\S+\\s+\\S+\\s+(.*)")
+ANDROID_UID_RE = re.compile("u(\\d)+_([0-9a-fA-F]+)")
+UID_RE = re.compile("(\\d)+")
+class Process(object):
+  def __init__(self, uid, pid, ppid, name):
+    self.uid = uid
+ = pid
+    self.ppid = ppid
+ = name
+  def DisplayName(self):
+    if
+      return
+    if self.uid:
+      return
+    return
+  def __str__(self):
+    return "Process(uid=%s, pid=%s, name=%s)" % (self.uid,,
+class Uid(object):
+  def __init__(self, uid, name):
+    self.uid = uid
+ = name
+  def __str__(self):
+    return "Uid(id=%s, name=%s)" % (self.uid,
+class ProcessSet(object):
+  def __init__(self):
+    self._processes = dict()
+    self._uids = dict()
+    self._pidUpdateCount = 0
+    self._uidUpdateCount = 0
+    self.doUpdates = False
+  def Update(self, force=False):
+    self.UpdateUids(force)
+    self.UpdateProcesses(force)
+  def UpdateProcesses(self, force=False):
+    if not (self.doUpdates or force):
+      return
+    self._pidUpdateCount += 1
+    try:
+      text = subprocess.check_output(["adb", "shell", "ps"])
+    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+      return # oh well. we won't get the pid
+    lines = ParsePs(text)
+    for line in lines:
+      if not self._processes.has_key(line[1]):
+        uid = self.FindUid(ParseUid(line[0]))
+        self._processes[line[1]] = Process(uid, line[1], line[2], line[3])
+  def UpdateUids(self, force=False):
+    if not (self.doUpdates or force):
+      return
+    self._uidUpdateCount += 1
+    try:
+      text = subprocess.check_output(["adb", "shell", "dumpsys", "package", "--checkin"])
+    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+      return # oh well. we won't get the pid
+    lines = ParseUids(text)
+    for line in lines:
+      if not self._uids.has_key(line[0]):
+        self._uids[line[1]] = Uid(*line)
+  def FindPid(self, pid, uid=None):
+    """Try to find the Process object for the given pid.
+    If it can't be found, do an update. If it still can't be found after that,
+    create a syntheitc Process object, add that to the list, and return that.
+    That can only happen after the process has died, and we just missed our
+    chance to find it.  The pid won't come back.
+    """
+    result = self._processes.get(pid)
+    if not result:
+      self.UpdateProcesses()
+      result = self._processes.get(pid)
+      if not result:
+        if uid:
+          uid = self._uids.get(uid)
+        result = Process(uid, pid, None, None)
+        self._processes[pid] = result
+    return result
+  def FindUid(self, uid):
+    result = self._uids.get(uid)
+    if not result:
+      self.UpdateUids()
+      result = self._uids.get(uid)
+      if not result:
+        result = Uid(uid, uid)
+        self._uids[uid] = result
+    return result
+  def UpdateCount(self):
+    return (self._pidUpdateCount, self._uidUpdateCount)
+  def Print(self):
+    for process in self._processes:
+      print process
+    for uid in self._uids:
+      print uid
+def ParsePs(text):
+  """Parses the output of ps, and returns it as a list of tuples of (user, pid, ppid, name)"""
+  result = []
+  for line in text.splitlines():
+    m = HEADER_RE.match(line)
+    if m:
+      continue
+    m = PROCESS_RE.match(line)
+    if m:
+      result.append((,,,
+      continue
+  return result
+def ParseUids(text):
+  """Parses the output of dumpsys package --checkin and returns the uids as a list of
+  tuples of (uid, name)"""
+  return [(x[2], x[1]) for x in csv.reader(text.split("\n")) if len(x) and x[0] == "pkg"]
+def ParseUid(text):
+  m = ANDROID_UID_RE.match(text)
+  if m:
+    result = int("0x" +, 16)
+    return "(%s/%s/%s)" % (,, result)
+  m = UID_RE.match(text)
+  if m:
+    return "[%s]" %
+  return text
+# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 tw=100 nocindent autoindent smartindent expandtab:
diff --git a/tools/logblame/sample.txt b/tools/logblame/sample.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..725adb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/logblame/sample.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2947 @@
+--------- beginning of main
+[ 01-01 15:12:06.640  root:  600:  600 I/chatty   ]
+uid=0(root) /system/bin/thermal-engine expire 3 lines
+[ 01-01 15:12:16.640  root:  600:  600 W/thermal-engine ]
+type=1400 audit(0.0:1021): avc: denied { search } for name="leds" dev="sysfs" ino=7453 scontext=u:r:thermal-engine:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_leds:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
+[ 01-01 15:12:24.572 10081:20049:20054 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+--------- beginning of system
+[ 01-01 15:12:24.863  1000: 2272: 3628 I/PowerManagerService ]
+Going to sleep due to power button (uid 1000)...
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:12:24.572 10081:20049:20054 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.055 10081:20049:20054 I/zygote64 ]
+Compiler allocated 6MB to compile void android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals()
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.343  1000: 2272: 3592 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+begin noteScreenState
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.344  1000: 2272: 3592 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+end noteScreenState
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.347  1000: 2272: 3582 I/VrManagerService ]
+VR mode is disallowed
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.431  1000: 2272: 3592 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.436  1000: 2272: 3592 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=28, handle=30, enable=0
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.437  1000: 2272: 3592 V/KeyguardServiceDelegate ]
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.440  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [BMI160] accPower: on=0, state=3
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.441  1000: 2272: 3592 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.443  1000: 2272: 3592 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=12, handle=7, enable=0
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.448  1000: 2272: 3590 I/DisplayManagerService ]
+Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.453  1000:  398:  398 D/SurfaceFlinger ]
+Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0x7542c6c000
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.464  1000: 2272: 3614 W/LocalDisplayAdapter ]
+Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request.
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.466  1000:  398:  398 D/qdhwcomposer ]
+hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 0 on display: 0
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.595  1000:  398:  462 I/qdhwcomposer ]
+handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 0
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.599  1000:  398:  398 D/qdhwcomposer ]
+hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 0 on display 0
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.599  1000: 2272: 3787 D/SurfaceControl ]
+Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 146ms
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.604  1000: 2272: 3592 I/DreamManagerService ]
+Entering dreamland.
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.605  1000: 2272: 3592 I/PowerManagerService ]
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.607  1000: 2272: 3588 I/DreamController ]
+Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.643  1000: 2272: 8012 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.646  1000: 2272: 8012 I/nanohub  ]
+queueBatch: sensor=24, handle=20, period=1000000, latency=0
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.646  1000: 2272: 8012 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.648  1000: 2272: 8012 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=24, handle=20, enable=1
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.652  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [PickupGesture] power: 1
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.654  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [BMI160] accPower: on=1, state=4
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.656  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [BMI160] accPower: on=1, state=3
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.658  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [Activity]  activity activity powered on, new state 2
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.684  1000: 2272: 4217 I/ActivityManager ]
+Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=3812
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.694  1041:  541:  678 I/ServiceManager ]
+Waiting for service media.log...
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.723 10036: 3812: 3819 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.730   nfc: 4175: 4351 E/NxpTml   ]
+_i2c_write() errno : 5
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.731   nfc: 4175: 4351 E/NxpTml   ]
+PN54X - Error in I2C Write.....
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.731   nfc: 4175: 4353 E/NxpHal   ]
+write error status = 0x1ff
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.731   nfc: 4175: 4346 E/NxpHal   ]
+write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - Retry
+[ 01-01 15:12:25.898 10036: 3812: 3812 D/StatusBar ]
+disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back HOME* RECENT* clock search quick_settings >
+[ 01-01 15:12:26.644  root:  600:  600 W/thermal-engine ]
+type=1400 audit(0.0:1022): avc: denied { search } for name="leds" dev="sysfs" ino=7453 scontext=u:r:thermal-engine:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_leds:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
+[ 01-01 15:12:26.694  1041:  541:  678 I/ServiceManager ]
+Waiting for service media.log...
+[ 01-01 15:12:27.695  1041:  541:  678 I/chatty   ]
+uid=1041(audioserver) MediaLogNotifie identical 1 line
+[ 01-01 15:12:28.696  1041:  541:  678 I/ServiceManager ]
+Waiting for service media.log...
+[ 01-01 15:12:36.647  root:  600:  600 W/thermal-engine ]
+type=1400 audit(0.0:1023): avc: denied { search } for name="leds" dev="sysfs" ino=7453 scontext=u:r:thermal-engine:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_leds:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
+[ 01-01 15:12:36.858  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [Activity]  detected still, confidence: 92, votes: 3, motionConfidence: 2
+[ 01-01 15:12:46.650  root:  600:  600 W/thermal-engine ]
+type=1400 audit(0.0:1024): avc: denied { search } for name="leds" dev="sysfs" ino=7453 scontext=u:r:thermal-engine:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_leds:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
+[ 01-01 15:12:56.654  root:  600:  600 W/thermal-engine ]
+type=1400 audit(0.0:1025): avc: denied { search } for name="leds" dev="sysfs" ino=7453 scontext=u:r:thermal-engine:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_leds:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
+[ 01-01 15:12:56.898  1000: 2272: 5402 D/WificondControl ]
+Scan result ready event
+[ 01-01 15:12:56.951  1000: 2272: 3755 W/WifiConfigManager ]
+Looking up network with invalid networkId -1
+[ 01-01 15:13:06.657  root:  600:  600 W/thermal-engine ]
+type=1400 audit(0.0:1026): avc: denied { search } for name="leds" dev="sysfs" ino=7453 scontext=u:r:thermal-engine:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_leds:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
+[ 01-01 15:13:26.664  root:  600:  600 I/chatty   ]
+uid=0(root) /system/bin/thermal-engine identical 2 lines
+[ 01-01 15:13:36.667  root:  600:  600 W/thermal-engine ]
+type=1400 audit(0.0:1029): avc: denied { search } for name="leds" dev="sysfs" ino=7453 scontext=u:r:thermal-engine:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_leds:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
+[ 01-01 15:13:40.125  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [Activity]  detected still, confidence: 92, votes: 3, motionConfidence: 7
+[ 01-01 15:13:46.670  root:  600:  600 W/thermal-engine ]
+type=1400 audit(0.0:1030): avc: denied { search } for name="leds" dev="sysfs" ino=7453 scontext=u:r:thermal-engine:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_leds:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
+[ 01-01 15:13:56.674  root:  600:  600 W/thermal-engine ]
+type=1400 audit(0.0:1031): avc: denied { search } for name="leds" dev="sysfs" ino=7453 scontext=u:r:thermal-engine:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_leds:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
+[ 01-01 15:13:56.996  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [PickupGesture] sending event 0x00000001
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.005  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [Activity]  activity activity powered off, new state 0
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.007  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [PickupGesture] power: 0
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.011  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [BMI160] accPower: on=0, state=5
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.014  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [BMI160] accPower: on=0, state=3
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.029  1000: 2272: 5447 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.032  1000: 2272: 5447 I/nanohub  ]
+queueBatch: sensor=24, handle=20, period=1000000, latency=0
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.032  1000: 2272: 5447 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.035  1000: 2272: 5447 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=24, handle=20, enable=1
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.037  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [PickupGesture] power: 1
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.038  1000: 2272: 3592 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+begin noteScreenState
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.038  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [BMI160] accPower: on=1, state=4
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.039  1000: 2272: 3592 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+end noteScreenState
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.039  1000: 2272: 3592 I/DisplayPowerController ]
+Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn.
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.040  1000: 2272: 3592 V/KeyguardServiceDelegate ]
+onScreenTurnedOn(showListener =$2@cb6ff88)
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.043  1000:  398:  398 D/SurfaceFlinger ]
+Set power mode=1, type=0 flinger=0x7542c6c000
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.043  1000: 2272: 3590 I/DisplayManagerService ]
+Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", DOZE
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.043  1000:  398:  398 D/qdhwcomposer ]
+hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 1 on display: 0
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.047  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [BMI160] accPower: on=1, state=3
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.050  1000: 2272: 4464 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.050  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [Activity]  activity activity powered on, new state 2
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.058  1000: 2272: 3614 W/LocalDisplayAdapter ]
+Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request.
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.059  1000: 2272: 4464 I/nanohub  ]
+queueBatch: sensor=13, handle=6, period=200000000, latency=0
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.059  1000: 2272: 4464 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.074  1000: 2272: 4464 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=13, handle=6, enable=1
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.084  1000: 2272: 4088 V/KeyguardServiceDelegate ]
+**** SHOWN CALLED ****
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.095 10036: 3812: 3819 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.166  1000: 2272: 3592 I/DisplayPowerController ]
+Unblocked screen on after 127 ms
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.167  1000: 2272: 3592 V/KeyguardServiceDelegate ]
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.298  1000:  398:  398 D/qdhwcomposer ]
+hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 1 on display 0
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.298  1000:  398:  462 I/qdhwcomposer ]
+handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 2
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.305  1000: 2272: 3787 D/SurfaceControl ]
+Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 262ms
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.395  1000: 2272: 3628 I/PowerManagerService ]
+Waking up from dozing (uid 1000)...
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.400  1000: 2272: 2272 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.403  1000: 2272: 2272 I/nanohub  ]
+queueBatch: sensor=28, handle=30, period=66667000, latency=0
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.403  1000: 2272: 2272 I/sensors  ]
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.404  1000: 2272: 3592 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+begin noteScreenState
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.405  1000: 2272: 3592 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+end noteScreenState
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.406  1000: 2272: 2272 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=28, handle=30, enable=1
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.406  1000: 2272: 2272 V/KeyguardServiceDelegate ]
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.409  1000: 2272: 3592 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.412  1000: 2272: 3592 I/nanohub  ]
+queueBatch: sensor=12, handle=7, period=250000000, latency=0
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.412  1000: 2272: 3592 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.414  1000: 2272: 3592 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=12, handle=7, enable=1
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.418  1000:  398:  398 D/SurfaceFlinger ]
+Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0x7542c6c000
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.418  1000:  398:  398 D/qdhwcomposer ]
+hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 2 on display: 0
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.418  1000: 2272: 3590 I/DisplayManagerService ]
+Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.419  1000: 2272: 3582 I/ActivityManager ]
+Killing (adj 902): empty for 1839s
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.420  1000: 2272: 3582 I/ActivityManager ]
+Killing (adj 904): empty for 1839s
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.421  1000: 2272: 3582 I/ActivityManager ]
+Killing 14601:org.codeaurora.ims/1001 (adj 904): empty for 1839s
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.422  1000: 2272: 3582 I/ActivityManager ]
+Killing 14575:com.verizon.omadm/u0a9 (adj 904): empty for 1839s
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.423  1000: 2272: 3582 I/ActivityManager ]
+Killing (adj 904): empty for 1839s
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.423  1000:  398:  462 I/qdhwcomposer ]
+handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 1
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.423  1000: 2272: 3582 I/ActivityManager ]
+Killing (adj 904): empty for 1839s
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.424  1000: 2272: 3582 I/ActivityManager ]
+Killing 14711:com.lge.HiddenMenu/1000 (adj 906): empty for 1841s
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.431  1000: 2272: 3592 I/DreamManagerService ]
+Gently waking up from dream.
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.433  1000: 2272: 3614 W/LocalDisplayAdapter ]
+Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request.
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.450  1041:  541:  678 I/ServiceManager ]
+Waiting for service media.log...
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.454  1000: 2272: 8012 I/DreamManagerService ]
+Leaving dreamland.
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.455  1000: 2272: 3588 I/DreamController ]
+Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.495  1000:  398:  398 D/qdhwcomposer ]
+hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 2 on display 0
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.502  1000: 2272: 3578 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.504  1000: 2272: 3578 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=24, handle=20, enable=0
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.506   nfc: 4175: 4346 D/BrcmNfcJni ]
+RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_TECH_CFG_EVT; status=0x0
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.509   nfc: 4175: 4346 D/BrcmNfcJni ]
+RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_PROTO_CFG_EVT; status=0x0
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.511   nfc: 4175:20146 D/BrcmNfcJni ]
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.511  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [PickupGesture] power: 0
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.512   nfc: 4175: 4346 D/BrcmNfcJni ]
+RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_UPDATED_EVT
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.514   nfc: 4175: 4351 E/NxpTml   ]
+_i2c_write() errno : 5
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.514   nfc: 4175: 4351 E/NxpTml   ]
+PN54X - Error in I2C Write.....
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.514   nfc: 4175: 4353 E/NxpHal   ]
+write error status = 0x1ff
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.515  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [Activity]  activity activity powered off, new state 0
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.516   nfc: 4175: 4346 E/NxpHal   ]
+write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - Retry
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.552 10036: 3812: 3819 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.561 10036: 3812: 3819 I/chatty   ]
+uid=10036(u0_a36) Jit thread pool identical 4 lines
+[ 01-01 15:13:57.568 10036: 3812: 3819 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:13:58.164  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [WO] rotation changed to: ******* 0 *******
+[ 01-01 15:13:58.194 10036: 3812: 3819 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:13:58.450  1041:  541:  678 I/ServiceManager ]
+Waiting for service media.log...
+[ 01-01 15:13:58.730 10036: 3812: 3812 D/StatusBar ]
+disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back HOME RECENT clock search quick_settings >
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:13:58.812  1000: 2272: 3582 I/VrManagerService ]
+VR mode is allowed
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:13:58.813 10036: 3812: 3812 D/StatusBar ]
+disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back HOME RECENT clock search quick_settings >
+[ 01-01 15:13:58.997  1000: 2272: 8012 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:13:58.999  1000: 2272: 8012 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=13, handle=6, enable=0
+[ 01-01 15:13:59.042   nfc: 4175: 4351 E/NxpTml   ]
+_i2c_write() errno : 5
+[ 01-01 15:13:59.043   nfc: 4175: 4351 E/NxpTml   ]
+PN54X - Error in I2C Write.....
+[ 01-01 15:13:59.043   nfc: 4175: 4353 E/NxpHal   ]
+write error status = 0x1ff
+[ 01-01 15:13:59.043   nfc: 4175: 4346 E/NxpHal   ]
+write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - Retry
+[ 01-01 15:13:59.054   nfc: 4175: 4346 E/BrcmNfcJni ]
+nfaConnectionCallback: unknown event ????
+[ 01-01 15:13:59.054   nfc: 4175: 4346 D/BrcmNfcJni ]
+RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_TECH_CFG_EVT; status=0x0
+[ 01-01 15:13:59.057   nfc: 4175: 4346 D/BrcmNfcJni ]
+RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_PROTO_CFG_EVT; status=0x0
+[ 01-01 15:13:59.057   nfc: 4175:20160 D/BrcmNfcJni ]
+[ 01-01 15:13:59.057   nfc: 4175: 4346 D/BrcmNfcJni ]
+RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_UPDATED_EVT
+[ 01-01 15:13:59.109 10036: 3812: 3812 D/StatusBar ]
+disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back home* recent* clock search quick_settings >
+[ 01-01 15:13:59.156 10018: 4514: 4514 I/DeviceCache ]
+Unable to convert the the network interface's MAC Address to string. MAC address cannot be null.
+[ 01-01 15:13:59.308 10018: 4514: 4514 I/chatty   ]
+uid=10018(u0_a18) identical 18 lines
+[ 01-01 15:13:59.319 10018: 4514: 4514 I/DeviceCache ]
+Unable to convert the the network interface's MAC Address to string. MAC address cannot be null.
+[ 01-01 15:13:59.450  1041:  541:  678 I/ServiceManager ]
+Waiting for service media.log...
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:13:59.462  1000: 2272: 5450 I/ActivityManager ]
+Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=3812
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.090  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: speaker-protected
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.097  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback)
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.098  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: vi-feedback
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.098  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(23) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.098  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.123  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.123  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: low-latency-playback
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.192  1000: 2272: 3627 I/ActivityManager ]
+START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 (has extras)} from uid 1000
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.451  1041:  541:  678 I/ServiceManager ]
+Waiting for service media.log...
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.458  1000: 2272: 3783 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Warning: attempt to read pixels from hardware bitmap, which is very slow operation
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.458  1000: 2272: 3635 I/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Initialized EGL, version 1.4
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.458  1000: 2272: 3635 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Swap behavior 2
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.564 10038:18491:18672 I/AttachedClient ]
+Adding client event 2 to pending list.
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.565  1000: 2272: 2282 I/zygote64 ]
+Background concurrent copying GC freed 16057(13MB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 42% free, 15MB/27MB, paused 530us total 107.155ms
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.642 10038:18491:18491 I/OptInState ]
+There is a new client and it does not support opt-in. Dropping request.
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.648  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.655 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+#updateMicroDetector [currentDetectionMode: [mDetectionMode: [1]]]
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.655 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+#startMicroDetector [speakerMode: 0]
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.657 10038:18491:18496 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.664  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback)
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.664  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(23) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.666 10038:18491:19016 I/MicroRecognitionRunner ]
+Starting detection.
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.680 10038:18491:19008 I/MicrophoneInputStream ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.683  1041:  541: 5248 W/DeviceHAL ]
+Device 0xf4fad000 open_input_stream: Invalid argument
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.685  1041:  541:20182 I/AudioFlinger ]
+AudioFlinger's thread 0xf1220600 tid=20182 ready to run
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.699 10038:18491:19008 I/MicrophoneInputStream ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.699  1041:  541:  741 I/SoundTriggerHwService::Module ]
+onCallbackEvent no clients
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.702  1041:  541:20183 D/sound_trigger_platform ]
+platform_stdev_check_and_update_concurrency: concurrency active 0, tx 1, rx 0, concurrency session_allowed 0
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.702  1041:  541:20183 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_snd_device: snd_device(72: voice-rec-mic)
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.702  1041:  541:20183 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: voice-rec-mic
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.704 10038:18491:19015 W/LocationOracle ]
+No location history returned by ContextManager
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.711 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.712 10038:18491:18496 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.720  1041:  541:20183 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(9) apply and update mixer path: audio-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.720  1041:  541:20183 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: audio-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.733  1000: 2272: 3783 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Warning: attempt to read pixels from hardware bitmap, which is very slow operation
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.737 10038:18491:18502 I/zygote64 ]
+Background concurrent copying GC freed 3431(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 1(68KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 8MB/17MB, paused 6.968ms total 70.367ms
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.796 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.814 10018: 5497: 5537 W/GCoreFlp ]
+No location to return for getLastLocation()
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.870  1000: 2272: 3783 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Warning: attempt to read pixels from hardware bitmap, which is very slow operation
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.876 10038: 4245: 4483 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
+[ 01-01 15:14:00.979  1000: 2272: 5401 D/WificondControl ]
+Scan result ready event
+[ 01-01 15:14:01.029  1000: 2272: 3755 W/WifiConfigManager ]
+Looking up network with invalid networkId -1
+[ 01-01 15:14:01.119 10018: 5497:19840 I/Places   ]
+?: Couldn't find platform key file.
+[ 01-01 15:14:01.341 10018: 5497:19650 I/Places   ]
+?: Couldn't find platform key file.
+[ 01-01 15:14:01.347 10018: 5497:20187 I/PlaceInferenceEngine ]
+[anon] Changed inference mode: 105
+[ 01-01 15:14:01.348 10018: 5497:20188 I/Places   ]
+?: Couldn't find platform key file.
+[ 01-01 15:14:01.352 10018: 5497: 5537 W/GCoreFlp ]
+No location to return for getLastLocation()
+[ 01-01 15:14:01.378 10018: 5497:20032 W/ctxmgr   ]
+[AclManager]No 3 for (accnt=account#-517948760#,, vrsn=10298000, 1, 3pPkg = null ,  3pMdlId = null). Was: 3 for 18, account#-517948760#
+[ 01-01 15:14:01.383  1000: 2272: 4464 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:01.387 10038:18491:19015 W/zygote64 ]
+Long monitor contention with owner NonUserFacing9 (19135) at boolean android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(int, android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel, int)( waiters=0 in boolean for 606ms
+[ 01-01 15:14:01.395 10018: 5497:19840 I/Places   ]
+?: Couldn't find platform key file.
+[ 01-01 15:14:01.395  1000: 2272: 4464 I/nanohub  ]
+queueBatch: sensor=1, handle=1, period=20000000, latency=0
+[ 01-01 15:14:01.395  1000: 2272: 4464 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:01.401  1000: 2272: 4464 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=1, handle=1, enable=1
+[ 01-01 15:14:01.454 10018: 5497:20032 E/ctxmgr   ]
+[ProducerStatusImpl]updateStateForNewContextData: inactive, contextName=7
+[ 01-01 15:14:01.505 10018: 5497:19161 I/Places   ]
+?: Couldn't find platform key file.
+[ 01-01 15:14:01.513 10018: 5497:19161 I/Places   ]
+?: Couldn't find platform key file.
+[ 01-01 15:14:01.547 10018: 5497:20187 I/Places   ]
+?: PlacesBleScanner start() with priority 2
+[ 01-01 15:14:01.548 10018: 5497:20187 I/PlaceInferenceEngine ]
+[anon] Changed inference mode: 102
+[ 01-01 15:14:01.570 10018: 5497: 5537 W/GCoreFlp ]
+No location to return for getLastLocation()
+[ 01-01 15:14:01.631 10018: 5497:20187 W/Places   ]
+?: Failed to download inference model weights
+[ 01-01 15:14:01.631 10018: 5497:20187 W/PlaceInferenceEngine ]
+Failed to download model weights. Status code: 7
+[ 01-01 15:14:01.639 10018: 5497:19161 I/Places   ]
+?: Couldn't find platform key file.
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.091  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: speaker-protected
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.094  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback)
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.094  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: vi-feedback
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.094  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(23) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.094  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: spkr-vi-record
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.097  1000: 2272: 5450 I/ActivityManager ]
+START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 bnds=[435,1254][646,1507] (has extras)} from uid 10038
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.134  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.134  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.214  1000:14206:14206 I/zygote64 ]
+Starting a blocking GC Explicit
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.265  1000:14206:14206 I/zygote64 ]
+Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 2205(1093KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 3MB/7MB, paused 357us total 50.228ms
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.270  1000:14206:14206 I/zygote64 ]
+Starting a blocking GC Explicit
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.300  1000:14206:14206 I/zygote64 ]
+Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 217(778KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 3MB/7MB, paused 163us total 29.425ms
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.306  1000:14206:14206 E/StrictMode ]
+class; instances=2; limit=1
+android.os.StrictMode$InstanceCountViolation: class; instances=2; limit=1
+	at android.os.StrictMode.setClassInstanceLimit(
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.364  1000:14206:14206 E/ActivityThread ]
+Activity has leaked ServiceConnection android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dp$2@97ec6ff that was originally bound here Activity has leaked ServiceConnection android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dp$2@97ec6ff that was originally bound here
+	at$ServiceDispatcher.<init>(
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at android.content.ContextWrapper.bindServiceAsUser(
+	at android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dp.doBind(
+	at android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dp.<init>(
+	at android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy(
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at Source:0)
+	at$H.handleMessage(
+	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
+	at android.os.Looper.loop(
+	at
+	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
+	at$
+	at
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.366  1000:14206:14206 E/StrictMode ]
+null Activity has leaked ServiceConnection android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dp$2@97ec6ff that was originally bound here
+	at$ServiceDispatcher.<init>(
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at android.content.ContextWrapper.bindServiceAsUser(
+	at android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dp.doBind(
+	at android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dp.<init>(
+	at android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy(
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at Source:0)
+	at$H.handleMessage(
+	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
+	at android.os.Looper.loop(
+	at
+	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
+	at$
+	at
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.367  1000: 2272: 5402 W/ActivityManager ]
+Unbind failed: could not find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@d2a6c1d
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.397  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardSummary ]
+Listening for condition changes
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.397  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardSummary ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.398  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardAdapter ]
+adapter setConditions called
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.398  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardSummary ]
+conditions refreshed
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.398  1000:14206:14206 D/APM_Condition ]
+APM condition refreshed
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.399  1000:14206:14206 D/APM_Condition ]
+setActive was called with false
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.456  1041:  541:  678 I/ServiceManager ]
+Waiting for service media.log...
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.507  1000:14206:20201 D/DatabaseIndexingManager ]
+Indexing locale 'en_US' took 17 millis
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.537  1000:14206:20202 D/DatabaseIndexingManager ]
+Indexing locale 'en_US' took 10 millis
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.644  1000:14206:20203 I/SuggestionParser ]
+Use your voice requires unavailable account type
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.660  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.672  1000:14206:20203 W/Bundle   ]
+Key expected String but value was a java.lang.Integer.  The default value <null> was returned.
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.673  1000:14206:20203 W/Bundle   ]
+Attempt to cast generated internal exception:
+java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
+	at android.os.BaseBundle.getString(
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at$SuggestionLoader.doInBackground(
+	at$SuggestionLoader.doInBackground(
+	at android.os.AsyncTask$
+	at
+	at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
+	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
+	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
+	at
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.677  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback)
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.677  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(23) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.699  1000: 2272: 4464 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+begin updateExternalStatsSync reason=get-stats
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.801  1000: 2272: 4464 E/BatteryStatsService ]
+no controller energy info supplied
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.854  1000: 2272: 4464 D/BatteryStatsImpl ]
+Reading cpu stats took 34 ms
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.881  1000: 2272: 4464 E/KernelMemoryBandwidthStats ]
+Failed to read memory bandwidth: /sys/kernel/memory_state_time/show_stat (No such file or directory)
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.881  1000: 2272: 4464 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+end updateExternalStatsSync
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.891 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetector ]
+Keeping mic open: false
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.892 10038:18491:18549 I/MicroRecognitionRunner ]
+Stopping hotword detection.
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.896 10038:18491:19006 I/DeviceStateChecker ]
+DeviceStateChecker cancelled
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.897 10038:18491:19016 I/MicroRecognitionRunner ]
+Detection finished
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.899 10038:18491:19007 I/AudioController ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.900 10038:18491:19007 I/MicrophoneInputStream ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.997  1000: 2272: 3590 W/zygote64 ]
+Long monitor contention with owner ActivityManager (3582) at void$ActivityStackSupervisorHandler.activityIdleInternal(, boolean)( waiters=0 in void for 178ms
+[ 01-01 15:14:02.997  1000: 2272: 3579 W/zygote64 ]
+Long monitor contention with owner ActivityManager (3582) at void$ActivityStackSupervisorHandler.activityIdleInternal(, boolean)( waiters=1 in boolean for 122ms
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.041  1041:  541:20182 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(9) reset and update mixer path: audio-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.042  1041:  541:20182 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_snd_device: snd_device(72: voice-rec-mic)
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.049  1041:  541:20182 D/sound_trigger_platform ]
+platform_stdev_check_and_update_concurrency: concurrency active 0, tx 0, rx 0, concurrency session_allowed 1
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.054  1041:  541:  741 I/SoundTriggerHwService::Module ]
+onCallbackEvent no clients
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.240  1000:14206:20198 I/SuggestionParser ]
+Use your voice requires unavailable account type
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.267  1000:14206:20198 W/Bundle   ]
+Key expected String but value was a java.lang.Integer.  The default value <null> was returned.
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.269  1000:14206:20198 W/Bundle   ]
+Attempt to cast generated internal exception:
+java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
+	at android.os.BaseBundle.getString(
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at$SuggestionLoader.doInBackground(
+	at$SuggestionLoader.doInBackground(
+	at android.os.AsyncTask$
+	at
+	at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
+	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
+	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
+	at
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.456  1041:  541:  678 I/ServiceManager ]
+Waiting for service media.log...
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.495  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: speaker-protected
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.497  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback)
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.497  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: vi-feedback
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.497  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(23) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.497  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.522  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.522  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: low-latency-playback
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.529  1000: 2272: 3627 I/ActivityManager ]
+START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 (has extras)} from uid 1000
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.581 10038: 4245: 4251 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.581 10038: 4245: 4251 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.585  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardSummary ]
+Stopped listening for condition changes
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.669 10038:18491:18672 I/AttachedClient ]
+Adding client event 2 to pending list.
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.715  1000: 2272: 3783 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Warning: attempt to read pixels from hardware bitmap, which is very slow operation
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.785 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+#updateMicroDetector [currentDetectionMode: [mDetectionMode: [1]]]
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.785 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+#startMicroDetector [speakerMode: 0]
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.805 10038:18491:19006 I/MicroRecognitionRunner ]
+Starting detection.
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.806 10038:18491:18496 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.806 10038:18491:19008 I/MicrophoneInputStream ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.813  1041:  541: 5248 W/DeviceHAL ]
+Device 0xf4fad000 open_input_stream: Invalid argument
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.819  1041:  541:20213 I/AudioFlinger ]
+AudioFlinger's thread 0xf1220e40 tid=20213 ready to run
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.836 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.837  1041:  541:  741 I/SoundTriggerHwService::Module ]
+onCallbackEvent no clients
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.837 10038:18491:19008 I/MicrophoneInputStream ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.841  1041:  541:20214 D/sound_trigger_platform ]
+platform_stdev_check_and_update_concurrency: concurrency active 0, tx 1, rx 0, concurrency session_allowed 0
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.841  1041:  541:20214 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_snd_device: snd_device(72: voice-rec-mic)
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.841  1041:  541:20214 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: voice-rec-mic
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.849  1041:  541:20214 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(9) apply and update mixer path: audio-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.850  1041:  541:20214 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: audio-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.901 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:03.922  1000: 2272: 3783 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Warning: attempt to read pixels from hardware bitmap, which is very slow operation
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.032  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.044  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback)
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.044  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(23) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.045  1000: 2272: 3783 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Warning: attempt to read pixels from hardware bitmap, which is very slow operation
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.159 10038: 4245: 4483 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.446  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: speaker-protected
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.448  1000: 2272: 5447 I/ActivityManager ]
+START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 bnds=[435,1254][646,1507] (has extras)} from uid 10038
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.448  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback)
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.449  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: vi-feedback
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.449  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(23) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.449  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.457  1041:  541:  678 I/ServiceManager ]
+Waiting for service media.log...
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.480  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.480  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.623  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardSummary ]
+Listening for condition changes
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.623  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardSummary ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.623  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardAdapter ]
+adapter setConditions called
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.624  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardSummary ]
+conditions refreshed
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.624  1000:14206:14206 D/APM_Condition ]
+APM condition refreshed
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.624  1000:14206:14206 D/APM_Condition ]
+setActive was called with false
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.712  1000:14206:20202 D/DatabaseIndexingManager ]
+Indexing locale 'en_US' took 35 millis
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.738  1000:14206:20202 D/DatabaseIndexingManager ]
+Indexing locale 'en_US' took 10 millis
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.837  1000:14206:20202 I/SuggestionParser ]
+Use your voice requires unavailable account type
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.869  1000:14206:20202 W/Bundle   ]
+Key expected String but value was a java.lang.Integer.  The default value <null> was returned.
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.870  1000:14206:20202 W/Bundle   ]
+Attempt to cast generated internal exception:
+java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
+	at android.os.BaseBundle.getString(
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at$SuggestionLoader.doInBackground(
+	at$SuggestionLoader.doInBackground(
+	at android.os.AsyncTask$
+	at
+	at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
+	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
+	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
+	at
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.898  1000: 2272: 3579 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+begin updateExternalStatsSync reason=get-stats
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.908  1000: 2272: 5444 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.916  1000: 2272: 5444 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=1, handle=1, enable=0
+[ 01-01 15:14:04.998  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.010  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback)
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.010  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(23) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.022  1000: 2272: 3579 E/BatteryStatsService ]
+no controller energy info supplied
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.040  1000: 2272: 3626 E/hw-IPCThreadState ]
+binder thread pool (1 threads) starved for 116 ms
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.072  1000: 2272: 3579 D/BatteryStatsImpl ]
+Reading cpu stats took 34 ms
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.098  1000: 2272: 3579 E/KernelMemoryBandwidthStats ]
+Failed to read memory bandwidth: /sys/kernel/memory_state_time/show_stat (No such file or directory)
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.098  1000: 2272: 3579 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+end updateExternalStatsSync
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.112 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetector ]
+Keeping mic open: false
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.113 10038:18491:19016 I/DeviceStateChecker ]
+DeviceStateChecker cancelled
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.119 10038:18491:19007 I/AudioController ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.120 10038:18491:19007 I/MicrophoneInputStream ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.124 10038:18491:18549 I/MicroRecognitionRunner ]
+Stopping hotword detection.
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.252  1041:  541:20213 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(9) reset and update mixer path: audio-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.253  1041:  541:20213 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_snd_device: snd_device(72: voice-rec-mic)
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.258  1041:  541:20213 D/sound_trigger_platform ]
+platform_stdev_check_and_update_concurrency: concurrency active 0, tx 0, rx 0, concurrency session_allowed 1
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.263  1041:  541:  741 I/SoundTriggerHwService::Module ]
+onCallbackEvent no clients
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.267 10038:18491:19006 W/zygote64 ]
+Long monitor contention with owner UserFacing4 (19007) at void waiters=1 in void for 141ms
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.267 10038:18491:19006 I/MicroRecognitionRunner ]
+Detection finished
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.457  1041:  541:  678 I/ServiceManager ]
+Waiting for service media.log...
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.465  1000:14206:20201 I/SuggestionParser ]
+Use your voice requires unavailable account type
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.499  1000:14206:20201 W/Bundle   ]
+Key expected String but value was a java.lang.Integer.  The default value <null> was returned.
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.500  1000:14206:20201 W/Bundle   ]
+Attempt to cast generated internal exception:
+java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
+	at android.os.BaseBundle.getString(
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at$SuggestionLoader.doInBackground(
+	at$SuggestionLoader.doInBackground(
+	at android.os.AsyncTask$
+	at
+	at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
+	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
+	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
+	at
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.564  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: speaker-protected
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.568  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback)
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.568  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: vi-feedback
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.568  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(23) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.568  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.589 10036: 3812: 3819 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.593  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.593  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.598  1000:14206:14212 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.603  1000: 2272: 3627 I/ActivityManager ]
+START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 (has extras)} from uid 1000
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.658  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardSummary ]
+Stopped listening for condition changes
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.750 10038:18491:18504 I/AttachedClient ]
+Adding client event 2 to pending list.
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.796  1000: 2272: 3783 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Warning: attempt to read pixels from hardware bitmap, which is very slow operation
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.854 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+#updateMicroDetector [currentDetectionMode: [mDetectionMode: [1]]]
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.855 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+#startMicroDetector [speakerMode: 0]
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.883 10038:18491:19006 I/MicroRecognitionRunner ]
+Starting detection.
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.884 10038:18491:19007 I/MicrophoneInputStream ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.896  1041:  541: 5248 W/DeviceHAL ]
+Device 0xf4fad000 open_input_stream: Invalid argument
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.906  1041:  541:20227 I/AudioFlinger ]
+AudioFlinger's thread 0xf1220e80 tid=20227 ready to run
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.916  1041:  541:  741 I/SoundTriggerHwService::Module ]
+onCallbackEvent no clients
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.917 10038:18491:19007 I/MicrophoneInputStream ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.919  1041:  541:20228 D/sound_trigger_platform ]
+platform_stdev_check_and_update_concurrency: concurrency active 0, tx 1, rx 0, concurrency session_allowed 0
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.919  1041:  541:20228 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_snd_device: snd_device(72: voice-rec-mic)
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.919  1041:  541:20228 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: voice-rec-mic
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.927  1041:  541:20228 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(9) apply and update mixer path: audio-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.927  1041:  541:20228 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: audio-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.936 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:05.981 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:06.029  1000: 2272: 3783 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Warning: attempt to read pixels from hardware bitmap, which is very slow operation
+[ 01-01 15:14:06.112  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:06.123  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback)
+[ 01-01 15:14:06.123  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(23) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:06.157  1000: 2272: 3783 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Warning: attempt to read pixels from hardware bitmap, which is very slow operation
+[ 01-01 15:14:06.239 10038: 4245: 4483 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
+[ 01-01 15:14:06.674  root:  600:  600 W/thermal-engine ]
+type=1400 audit(0.0:1032): avc: denied { search } for name="leds" dev="sysfs" ino=7453 scontext=u:r:thermal-engine:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_leds:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:06.931  1000: 2272: 3628 I/PowerManagerService ]
+Going to sleep due to power button (uid 1000)...
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.432  1000: 2272: 3592 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+begin noteScreenState
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.433  1000: 2272: 3592 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+end noteScreenState
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.444  1000: 2272: 3582 I/VrManagerService ]
+VR mode is disallowed
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.535  1000: 2272: 3592 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.544  1000: 2272: 3592 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=28, handle=30, enable=0
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.545  1000: 2272: 3592 V/KeyguardServiceDelegate ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.547  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [BMI160] accPower: on=0, state=3
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.548  1000: 2272: 3592 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.550  1000: 2272: 3592 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=12, handle=7, enable=0
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.551  1000: 2272: 3590 I/DisplayManagerService ]
+Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.552  1000:  398:  398 D/SurfaceFlinger ]
+Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0x7542c6c000
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.555  1000:  398:  398 D/qdhwcomposer ]
+hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 0 on display: 0
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.565  1000: 2272: 3614 W/LocalDisplayAdapter ]
+Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request.
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.664 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetector ]
+Keeping mic open: false
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.665  1000:  398:  462 I/qdhwcomposer ]
+handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 0
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.665 10038:18491:19012 I/AudioController ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.666 10038:18491:19012 I/MicrophoneInputStream ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.666  1000:  398:  398 D/qdhwcomposer ]
+hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 0 on display 0
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.666 10038:18491:19016 I/DeviceStateChecker ]
+DeviceStateChecker cancelled
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.666  1000: 2272: 3787 D/SurfaceControl ]
+Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 115ms
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.670  1000: 2272: 3592 I/DreamManagerService ]
+Entering dreamland.
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.671 10038:18491:18549 I/MicroRecognitionRunner ]
+Stopping hotword detection.
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.671  1000: 2272: 3592 I/PowerManagerService ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.673  1000: 2272: 3588 I/DreamController ]
+Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.710  1000: 2272: 5447 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.711  1000: 2272: 5447 I/nanohub  ]
+queueBatch: sensor=24, handle=20, period=1000000, latency=0
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.712  1000: 2272: 5447 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.713  1000: 2272: 5447 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=24, handle=20, enable=1
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.717  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [PickupGesture] power: 1
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.719  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [BMI160] accPower: on=1, state=4
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.721  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [BMI160] accPower: on=1, state=3
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.722  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [Activity]  activity activity powered on, new state 2
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.730  1041:  541:20227 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(9) reset and update mixer path: audio-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.731  1041:  541:20227 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_snd_device: snd_device(72: voice-rec-mic)
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.735  1041:  541:20227 D/sound_trigger_platform ]
+platform_stdev_check_and_update_concurrency: concurrency active 0, tx 0, rx 0, concurrency session_allowed 1
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.738  1041:  541:  741 I/SoundTriggerHwService::Module ]
+onCallbackEvent no clients
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.742 10038:18491:19006 I/MicroRecognitionRunner ]
+Detection finished
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.769  1000: 2272: 4084 I/ActivityManager ]
+Setting hasTopUi=true for pid=3812
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.776  1041:  541:  678 I/ServiceManager ]
+Waiting for service media.log...
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.827   nfc: 4175: 4192 I/zygote64 ]
+Background concurrent copying GC freed 96(1791KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 53% free, 1330KB/2MB, paused 6.135ms total 19.615ms
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.829   nfc: 4175: 4351 E/NxpTml   ]
+_i2c_write() errno : 5
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.829   nfc: 4175: 4351 E/NxpTml   ]
+PN54X - Error in I2C Write.....
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.829   nfc: 4175: 4353 E/NxpHal   ]
+write error status = 0x1ff
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.830   nfc: 4175: 4346 E/NxpHal   ]
+write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - Retry
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.831   nfc: 4175: 4351 E/NxpTml   ]
+_i2c_write() errno : 5
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.831   nfc: 4175: 4351 E/NxpTml   ]
+PN54X - Error in I2C Write.....
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.831   nfc: 4175: 4353 E/NxpHal   ]
+write error status = 0x1ff
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.831   nfc: 4175: 4346 E/NxpHal   ]
+write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - Retry
+[ 01-01 15:14:07.886 10036: 3812: 3819 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:08.003 10036: 3812: 3812 D/StatusBar ]
+disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back HOME* RECENT* clock search quick_settings >
+[ 01-01 15:14:08.108 10018: 5497:20188 E/ctxmgr   ]
+[WorkManager]Ongoing task not found: PlacesProducer_receive
+[ 01-01 15:14:08.776  1041:  541:  678 I/ServiceManager ]
+Waiting for service media.log...
+[ 01-01 15:14:09.777  1041:  541:  678 I/ServiceManager ]
+Waiting for service media.log...
+[ 01-01 15:14:10.001  1000: 2272: 4088 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:10.007  1000: 2272: 4088 I/nanohub  ]
+queueBatch: sensor=1, handle=1, period=20000000, latency=0
+[ 01-01 15:14:10.007  1000: 2272: 4088 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:10.010  1000: 2272: 4088 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=1, handle=1, enable=1
+[ 01-01 15:14:10.778  1041:  541:  678 I/ServiceManager ]
+Waiting for service media.log...
+[ 01-01 15:14:12.776 10018: 5497:20188 I/Places   ]
+?: Couldn't find platform key file.
+[ 01-01 15:14:12.842  1000: 2272: 5430 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:12.845 10018: 5497:20187 I/PlaceInferenceEngine ]
+[anon] Changed inference mode: 105
+[ 01-01 15:14:12.851 10018: 5497: 5537 W/GCoreFlp ]
+No location to return for getLastLocation()
+[ 01-01 15:14:12.857  1000: 2272: 5430 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=1, handle=1, enable=0
+[ 01-01 15:14:12.889 10018: 5497:20188 I/Places   ]
+?: Couldn't find platform key file.
+[ 01-01 15:14:12.890 10018: 5497:19161 I/Places   ]
+?: Couldn't find platform key file.
+[ 01-01 15:14:13.008 10018: 5497: 5502 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.351  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [PickupGesture] sending event 0x00000001
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.358  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [Activity]  activity activity powered off, new state 0
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.361  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [PickupGesture] power: 0
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.362  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [BMI160] accPower: on=0, state=5
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.366  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [BMI160] accPower: on=0, state=3
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.380  1000: 2272: 4219 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.382  1000: 2272: 4219 I/nanohub  ]
+queueBatch: sensor=24, handle=20, period=1000000, latency=0
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.383  1000: 2272: 4219 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.385  1000: 2272: 4219 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=24, handle=20, enable=1
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.388  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [PickupGesture] power: 1
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.389  1000: 2272: 3592 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+begin noteScreenState
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.389  1000: 2272: 3592 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+end noteScreenState
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.390  1000: 2272: 3592 I/DisplayPowerController ]
+Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn.
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.391  1000: 2272: 3592 V/KeyguardServiceDelegate ]
+onScreenTurnedOn(showListener =$2@cb6ff88)
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.393  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [BMI160] accPower: on=1, state=4
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.394  1000: 2272: 3590 I/DisplayManagerService ]
+Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", DOZE
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.394  1000:  398:  398 D/SurfaceFlinger ]
+Set power mode=1, type=0 flinger=0x7542c6c000
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.395  1000:  398:  398 D/qdhwcomposer ]
+hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 1 on display: 0
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.396  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [BMI160] accPower: on=1, state=3
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.398  1000: 2272: 4217 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.400  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [Activity]  activity activity powered on, new state 2
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.403  1000: 2272: 4217 I/nanohub  ]
+queueBatch: sensor=13, handle=6, period=200000000, latency=0
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.404  1000: 2272: 4217 I/sensors  ]
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.405  1000: 2272: 3614 W/LocalDisplayAdapter ]
+Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request.
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.408  1000: 2272: 4217 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=13, handle=6, enable=1
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.421  1000: 2272: 5450 V/KeyguardServiceDelegate ]
+**** SHOWN CALLED ****
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.514  1000: 2272: 3592 I/DisplayPowerController ]
+Unblocked screen on after 124 ms
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.517  1000: 2272: 3592 V/KeyguardServiceDelegate ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.629  1000:  398:  462 I/qdhwcomposer ]
+handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 2
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.629  1000:  398:  398 D/qdhwcomposer ]
+hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 1 on display 0
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.650  1000: 2272: 3787 D/SurfaceControl ]
+Excessive delay in setPowerMode(): 255ms
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.943  1000: 2272: 3628 I/PowerManagerService ]
+Waking up from dozing (uid 1000)...
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.949  1000: 2272: 2272 I/sensors  ]
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.952  1000: 2272: 3592 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+begin noteScreenState
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.953  1000: 2272: 2272 I/nanohub  ]
+queueBatch: sensor=28, handle=30, period=66667000, latency=0
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.953  1000: 2272: 2272 I/sensors  ]
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.954  1000: 2272: 3592 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+end noteScreenState
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.955  1000: 2272: 2272 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=28, handle=30, enable=1
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.955  1000: 2272: 2272 V/KeyguardServiceDelegate ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.959  1000: 2272: 3592 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.961  1000: 2272: 3592 I/nanohub  ]
+queueBatch: sensor=12, handle=7, period=250000000, latency=0
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.961  1000: 2272: 3592 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.962  1000: 2272: 3592 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=12, handle=7, enable=1
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.965  1000: 2272: 3590 I/DisplayManagerService ]
+Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", ON
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.966  1000:  398:  398 D/SurfaceFlinger ]
+Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0x7542c6c000
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.966  1000:  398:  398 D/qdhwcomposer ]
+hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 2 on display: 0
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.966  1000:  398:  462 I/qdhwcomposer ]
+handle_blank_event: dpy:0 panel power state: 1
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.966  1000:  398:  398 D/qdhwcomposer ]
+hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 2 on display 0
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.970  1000: 2272: 3592 I/DreamManagerService ]
+Gently waking up from dream.
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.975  1000: 2272: 3614 W/LocalDisplayAdapter ]
+Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request.
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.978  1041:  541:  678 I/ServiceManager ]
+Waiting for service media.log...
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:14.998  1000: 2272: 5401 I/DreamManagerService ]
+Leaving dreamland.
+[ 01-01 15:14:15.000  1000: 2272: 3588 I/DreamController ]
+Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:15.007  1000: 2272: 5430 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:15.008   nfc: 4175: 4346 D/BrcmNfcJni ]
+RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_TECH_CFG_EVT; status=0x0
+[ 01-01 15:14:15.008   nfc: 4175: 4346 D/BrcmNfcJni ]
+RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_PROTO_CFG_EVT; status=0x0
+[ 01-01 15:14:15.008   nfc: 4175:20249 D/BrcmNfcJni ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:15.009   nfc: 4175: 4346 D/BrcmNfcJni ]
+RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_UPDATED_EVT
+[ 01-01 15:14:15.010  1000: 2272: 5430 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=24, handle=20, enable=0
+[ 01-01 15:14:15.011   nfc: 4175: 4351 E/NxpTml   ]
+_i2c_write() errno : 5
+[ 01-01 15:14:15.011   nfc: 4175: 4351 E/NxpTml   ]
+PN54X - Error in I2C Write.....
+[ 01-01 15:14:15.011   nfc: 4175: 4353 E/NxpHal   ]
+write error status = 0x1ff
+[ 01-01 15:14:15.011   nfc: 4175: 4346 E/NxpHal   ]
+write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - Retry
+[ 01-01 15:14:15.014  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [PickupGesture] power: 0
+[ 01-01 15:14:15.019  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [Activity]  activity activity powered off, new state 0
+[ 01-01 15:14:15.045 10036: 3812: 3819 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:15.069 10036: 3812: 3819 I/chatty   ]
+uid=10036(u0_a36) Jit thread pool identical 2 lines
+[ 01-01 15:14:15.070 10036: 3812: 3819 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:15.098 10018: 5497: 5502 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:15.098 10018: 5497: 5502 I/chatty   ]
+uid=10018(u0_a18) Jit thread pool identical 1 line
+[ 01-01 15:14:15.098 10018: 5497: 5502 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:15.306 10036: 3812: 3819 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:15.324 10036: 3812: 3819 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:15.393  1000: 2272: 3617 I/nanohub  ]
+osLog: [WO] rotation changed to: ******* 0 *******
+[ 01-01 15:14:15.978  1041:  541:  678 I/ServiceManager ]
+Waiting for service media.log...
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.106 10036: 3812: 3812 D/StatusBar ]
+disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back HOME RECENT clock search quick_settings >
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.196  1000: 2272: 3582 I/VrManagerService ]
+VR mode is allowed
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.197 10036: 3812: 3812 D/StatusBar ]
+disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back HOME RECENT clock search quick_settings >
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.382  1000: 2272: 4465 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.384  1000: 2272: 4465 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=13, handle=6, enable=0
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.423   nfc: 4175: 4351 E/NxpTml   ]
+_i2c_write() errno : 5
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.423   nfc: 4175: 4351 E/NxpTml   ]
+PN54X - Error in I2C Write.....
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.423   nfc: 4175: 4353 E/NxpHal   ]
+write error status = 0x1ff
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.423   nfc: 4175: 4346 E/NxpHal   ]
+write_unlocked failed - PN54X Maybe in Standby Mode - Retry
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.428   nfc: 4175: 4346 E/BrcmNfcJni ]
+nfaConnectionCallback: unknown event ????
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.428   nfc: 4175: 4346 D/BrcmNfcJni ]
+RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_TECH_CFG_EVT; status=0x0
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.430   nfc: 4175: 4346 D/BrcmNfcJni ]
+RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_SET_PROTO_CFG_EVT; status=0x0
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.430   nfc: 4175:20146 D/BrcmNfcJni ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.430   nfc: 4175: 4346 D/BrcmNfcJni ]
+RoutingManager::nfaEeCallback: NFA_EE_UPDATED_EVT
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.484 10038:18491:18504 I/AttachedClient ]
+Adding client event 2 to pending list.
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.486 10038:18491:18504 I/AttachedClient ]
+Adding client event 2 to pending list.
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.520 10038:18491:19642 W/LocationOracle ]
+No location history returned by ContextManager
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.525 10036: 3812: 3812 D/StatusBar ]
+disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back home* recent* clock search quick_settings >
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.537 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+#updateMicroDetector [currentDetectionMode: [mDetectionMode: [1]]]
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.538 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+#startMicroDetector [speakerMode: 0]
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.563 10038:18491:20275 I/MicroRecognitionRunner ]
+Starting detection.
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.564 10038:18491:19007 I/MicrophoneInputStream ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.565 10038:18491:18496 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.565 10038:18491:18496 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.567  1041:  541: 5248 W/DeviceHAL ]
+Device 0xf4fad000 open_input_stream: Invalid argument
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.578  1041:  541:20278 I/AudioFlinger ]
+AudioFlinger's thread 0xf12208c0 tid=20278 ready to run
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.584  1041:  541:  741 I/SoundTriggerHwService::Module ]
+onCallbackEvent no clients
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.585 10018: 4514: 4514 I/DeviceCache ]
+Unable to convert the the network interface's MAC Address to string. MAC address cannot be null.
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.590 10038:18491:19007 I/MicrophoneInputStream ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.591  1041:  541:20279 D/sound_trigger_platform ]
+platform_stdev_check_and_update_concurrency: concurrency active 0, tx 1, rx 0, concurrency session_allowed 0
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.591  1041:  541:20279 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_snd_device: snd_device(72: voice-rec-mic)
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.591  1041:  541:20279 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: voice-rec-mic
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.591 10018: 5497: 5537 W/GCoreFlp ]
+No location to return for getLastLocation()
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.604 10038: 4245: 4251 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.610  1041:  541:20279 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(9) apply and update mixer path: audio-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.611  1041:  541:20279 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: audio-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.613 10018: 4514: 4514 I/DeviceCache ]
+Unable to convert the the network interface's MAC Address to string. MAC address cannot be null.
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.616 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.617 10018: 4514: 4514 I/DeviceCache ]
+Unable to convert the the network interface's MAC Address to string. MAC address cannot be null.
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.636 10018: 4514: 4514 I/DeviceCache ]
+Unable to convert the the network interface's MAC Address to string. MAC address cannot be null.
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.638 10038:18491:18502 I/zygote64 ]
+Background concurrent copying GC freed 1017(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 1(68KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 8MB/16MB, paused 2.320ms total 118.207ms
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.648 10018: 4514: 4514 I/DeviceCache ]
+Unable to convert the the network interface's MAC Address to string. MAC address cannot be null.
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.665 10018: 4514: 4514 I/chatty   ]
+uid=10018(u0_a18) identical 2 lines
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.670 10018: 4514: 4514 I/DeviceCache ]
+Unable to convert the the network interface's MAC Address to string. MAC address cannot be null.
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.677  root:  600:  600 W/thermal-engine ]
+type=1400 audit(0.0:1033): avc: denied { search } for name="leds" dev="sysfs" ino=7453 scontext=u:r:thermal-engine:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_leds:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.681 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.709 10018: 4514: 4514 I/DeviceCache ]
+Unable to convert the the network interface's MAC Address to string. MAC address cannot be null.
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.728 10018: 4514: 4514 I/chatty   ]
+uid=10018(u0_a18) identical 2 lines
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.735 10018: 4514: 4514 I/DeviceCache ]
+Unable to convert the the network interface's MAC Address to string. MAC address cannot be null.
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.743 10018: 5497:19161 I/Places   ]
+?: Couldn't find platform key file.
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.747 10018: 4514: 4514 I/DeviceCache ]
+Unable to convert the the network interface's MAC Address to string. MAC address cannot be null.
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.796 10018: 4514: 4514 I/chatty   ]
+uid=10018(u0_a18) identical 6 lines
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.801 10018: 4514: 4514 I/DeviceCache ]
+Unable to convert the the network interface's MAC Address to string. MAC address cannot be null.
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.803 10038: 4245: 4483 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.937  1000: 2272: 3579 I/ActivityManager ]
+Setting hasTopUi=false for pid=3812
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.980  1041:  541:  678 I/ServiceManager ]
+Waiting for service media.log...
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.988 10018: 5497:19840 I/Places   ]
+?: Couldn't find platform key file.
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.990 10018: 5497:20283 I/PlaceInferenceEngine ]
+[anon] Changed inference mode: 105
+[ 01-01 15:14:16.993 10018: 5497:19161 I/Places   ]
+?: Couldn't find platform key file.
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.009 10018: 5497: 5537 W/GCoreFlp ]
+No location to return for getLastLocation()
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.041 10018: 5497:19161 I/Places   ]
+?: Couldn't find platform key file.
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.107 10018: 5497:20188 W/ctxmgr   ]
+[AclManager]No 3 for (accnt=account#-517948760#,, vrsn=10298000, 1, 3pPkg = null ,  3pMdlId = null). Was: 3 for 18, account#-517948760#
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.108  1000: 2272: 3832 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.110  1000: 2272: 3832 I/nanohub  ]
+queueBatch: sensor=1, handle=1, period=20000000, latency=0
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.110  1000: 2272: 3832 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.111  1000: 2272: 3832 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=1, handle=1, enable=1
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.139 10018: 5497:20188 E/ctxmgr   ]
+[ProducerStatusImpl]updateStateForNewContextData: inactive, contextName=7
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.165 10018: 5497:20284 I/Places   ]
+?: Couldn't find platform key file.
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.187 10018: 5497:19161 I/Places   ]
+?: Couldn't find platform key file.
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.224  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: speaker-protected
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.227  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback)
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.227  1000: 2272: 5431 I/ActivityManager ]
+START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 bnds=[435,1254][646,1507] (has extras)} from uid 10038
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.227  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: vi-feedback
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.227  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(23) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.227  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.250  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.250  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.251 10018: 5497: 5506 E/StrictMode ]
+A resource was acquired at attached stack trace but never released. See for information on avoiding resource leaks.
+java.lang.Throwable: Explicit termination method 'close' not called
+	at
+	at<init>(
+	at
+	at android.content.ContextWrapper.openFileOutput(
+	at android.content.ContextWrapper.openFileOutput(
+	at android.content.ContextWrapper.openFileOutput(
+	at android.content.ContextWrapper.openFileOutput(
+	at lts.c(
+	at lts.a(
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
+	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
+	at
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.252 10018: 5497:20283 I/Places   ]
+?: PlacesBleScanner start() with priority 2
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.252 10018: 5497:20283 I/PlaceInferenceEngine ]
+[anon] Changed inference mode: 102
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.253 10018: 5497:20283 W/Places   ]
+?: Failed to download inference model weights
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.253 10018: 5497:20283 W/PlaceInferenceEngine ]
+Failed to download model weights. Status code: 7
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.264 10018: 5497:20188 I/Places   ]
+?: Couldn't find platform key file.
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.352 10018: 5497: 5537 W/GCoreFlp ]
+No location to return for getLastLocation()
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.458  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardSummary ]
+Listening for condition changes
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.458  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardSummary ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.458  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardAdapter ]
+adapter setConditions called
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.459  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardSummary ]
+conditions refreshed
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.459  1000:14206:14206 D/APM_Condition ]
+APM condition refreshed
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.459  1000:14206:14206 D/APM_Condition ]
+setActive was called with false
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.559  1000:14206:20203 D/DatabaseIndexingManager ]
+Indexing locale 'en_US' took 60 millis
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.596  1000:14206:20203 D/DatabaseIndexingManager ]
+Indexing locale 'en_US' took 22 millis
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.699  1000:14206:20203 I/SuggestionParser ]
+Use your voice requires unavailable account type
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.727  1000:14206:20203 W/Bundle   ]
+Key expected String but value was a java.lang.Integer.  The default value <null> was returned.
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.728  1000:14206:20203 W/Bundle   ]
+Attempt to cast generated internal exception:
+java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
+	at android.os.BaseBundle.getString(
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at$SuggestionLoader.doInBackground(
+	at$SuggestionLoader.doInBackground(
+	at android.os.AsyncTask$
+	at
+	at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
+	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
+	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
+	at
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.745  1000: 2272: 5448 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+begin updateExternalStatsSync reason=get-stats
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.748  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.760  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback)
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.760  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(23) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.764  1000: 2272: 5448 E/BatteryStatsService ]
+no controller energy info supplied
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.817  1000: 2272: 5448 D/BatteryStatsImpl ]
+Reading cpu stats took 34 ms
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.843  1000: 2272: 5448 E/KernelMemoryBandwidthStats ]
+Failed to read memory bandwidth: /sys/kernel/memory_state_time/show_stat (No such file or directory)
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.843  1000: 2272: 5448 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+end updateExternalStatsSync
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.894 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetector ]
+Keeping mic open: false
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.895 10038:18491:19006 I/DeviceStateChecker ]
+DeviceStateChecker cancelled
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.896 10038:18491:19012 I/AudioController ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.896 10038:18491:19012 I/MicrophoneInputStream ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.899 10038:18491:18549 I/MicroRecognitionRunner ]
+Stopping hotword detection.
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.964  1000:14206:14212 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:17.982  1041:  541:  678 I/ServiceManager ]
+Waiting for service media.log...
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.003  1041:  541:20278 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(9) reset and update mixer path: audio-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.004  1041:  541:20278 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_snd_device: snd_device(72: voice-rec-mic)
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.008  1041:  541:20278 D/sound_trigger_platform ]
+platform_stdev_check_and_update_concurrency: concurrency active 0, tx 0, rx 0, concurrency session_allowed 1
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.010  1041:  541:  741 I/SoundTriggerHwService::Module ]
+onCallbackEvent no clients
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.013 10038:18491:20275 I/MicroRecognitionRunner ]
+Detection finished
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.203  1000:14206:20198 I/SuggestionParser ]
+Use your voice requires unavailable account type
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.230  1000:14206:20198 W/Bundle   ]
+Key expected String but value was a java.lang.Integer.  The default value <null> was returned.
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.231  1000:14206:20198 W/Bundle   ]
+Attempt to cast generated internal exception:
+java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
+	at android.os.BaseBundle.getString(
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at$SuggestionLoader.doInBackground(
+	at$SuggestionLoader.doInBackground(
+	at android.os.AsyncTask$
+	at
+	at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
+	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
+	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
+	at
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.311  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: speaker-protected
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.313  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback)
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.313  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: vi-feedback
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.313  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(23) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.313  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.339  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.339  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: low-latency-playback
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.417  1000: 2272: 3627 I/ActivityManager ]
+START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 (has extras)} from uid 1000
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.467  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardSummary ]
+Stopped listening for condition changes
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.539 10038:18491:18504 I/AttachedClient ]
+Adding client event 2 to pending list.
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.582  1000: 2272: 3783 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Warning: attempt to read pixels from hardware bitmap, which is very slow operation
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.630 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+#updateMicroDetector [currentDetectionMode: [mDetectionMode: [1]]]
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.630 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+#startMicroDetector [speakerMode: 0]
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.647 10038:18491:20275 I/MicroRecognitionRunner ]
+Starting detection.
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.650 10038:18491:19012 I/MicrophoneInputStream ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.652  1041:  541:18637 W/DeviceHAL ]
+Device 0xf4fad000 open_input_stream: Invalid argument
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.654  1041:  541:20301 I/AudioFlinger ]
+AudioFlinger's thread 0xf19aa340 tid=20301 ready to run
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.661 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.662 10038:18491:18496 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.675  1041:  541:  741 I/SoundTriggerHwService::Module ]
+onCallbackEvent no clients
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.676 10038:18491:19012 I/MicrophoneInputStream ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.681  1041:  541:20302 D/sound_trigger_platform ]
+platform_stdev_check_and_update_concurrency: concurrency active 0, tx 1, rx 0, concurrency session_allowed 0
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.681  1041:  541:20302 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_snd_device: snd_device(72: voice-rec-mic)
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.681  1041:  541:20302 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: voice-rec-mic
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.687  1041:  541:20302 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(9) apply and update mixer path: audio-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.687  1041:  541:20302 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: audio-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.689  1000: 2272: 2282 I/zygote64 ]
+Background concurrent copying GC freed 31100(11MB) AllocSpace objects, 6(240KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 16MB/28MB, paused 299us total 106.777ms
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.745 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.780  1000: 2272: 3783 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Warning: attempt to read pixels from hardware bitmap, which is very slow operation
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.859  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.874  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback)
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.874  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(23) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:18.911  1000: 2272: 3783 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Warning: attempt to read pixels from hardware bitmap, which is very slow operation
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.034 10038: 4245: 4483 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.215  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: speaker-protected
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.216  1000: 2272: 3832 I/ActivityManager ]
+START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 bnds=[435,1254][646,1507] (has extras)} from uid 10038
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.219  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback)
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.220  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: vi-feedback
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.220  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(23) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.220  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.245  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.245  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.384  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardSummary ]
+Listening for condition changes
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.384  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardSummary ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.385  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardAdapter ]
+adapter setConditions called
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.385  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardSummary ]
+conditions refreshed
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.385  1000:14206:14206 D/APM_Condition ]
+APM condition refreshed
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.385  1000:14206:14206 D/APM_Condition ]
+setActive was called with false
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.455  1000:14206:20201 D/DatabaseIndexingManager ]
+Indexing locale 'en_US' took 22 millis
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.497  1000:14206:20201 D/DatabaseIndexingManager ]
+Indexing locale 'en_US' took 23 millis
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.600  1000:14206:20201 I/SuggestionParser ]
+Use your voice requires unavailable account type
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.636  1000:14206:20201 W/Bundle   ]
+Key expected String but value was a java.lang.Integer.  The default value <null> was returned.
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.638  1000:14206:20201 W/Bundle   ]
+Attempt to cast generated internal exception:
+java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
+	at android.os.BaseBundle.getString(
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at$SuggestionLoader.doInBackground(
+	at$SuggestionLoader.doInBackground(
+	at android.os.AsyncTask$
+	at
+	at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
+	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
+	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
+	at
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.660  1000: 2272: 5448 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+begin updateExternalStatsSync reason=get-stats
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.681  1000: 2272: 5448 E/BatteryStatsService ]
+no controller energy info supplied
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.737  1000: 2272: 5448 D/BatteryStatsImpl ]
+Reading cpu stats took 34 ms
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.759  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.764  1000: 2272: 5448 E/KernelMemoryBandwidthStats ]
+Failed to read memory bandwidth: /sys/kernel/memory_state_time/show_stat (No such file or directory)
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.764  1000: 2272: 5448 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+end updateExternalStatsSync
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.772  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback)
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.772  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(23) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.981 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetector ]
+Keeping mic open: false
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.982 10038:18491:19007 I/AudioController ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.983 10038:18491:18549 I/MicroRecognitionRunner ]
+Stopping hotword detection.
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.987 10038:18491:20275 I/MicroRecognitionRunner ]
+Detection finished
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.989 10038:18491:19006 I/DeviceStateChecker ]
+DeviceStateChecker cancelled
+[ 01-01 15:14:19.990 10038:18491:19007 I/MicrophoneInputStream ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.045  1041:  541:20301 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(9) reset and update mixer path: audio-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.046  1041:  541:20301 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_snd_device: snd_device(72: voice-rec-mic)
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.051  1041:  541:20301 D/sound_trigger_platform ]
+platform_stdev_check_and_update_concurrency: concurrency active 0, tx 0, rx 0, concurrency session_allowed 1
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.053  1041:  541:  741 I/SoundTriggerHwService::Module ]
+onCallbackEvent no clients
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.153  1041:  541:  678 I/ServiceManager ]
+Waiting for service media.log...
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.153  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: speaker-protected
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.156  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback)
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.156  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: vi-feedback
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.156  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(23) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.157  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.165  1000:14206:20202 I/SuggestionParser ]
+Use your voice requires unavailable account type
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.180 10036: 3812: 3819 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.181 10036: 3812: 3819 I/chatty   ]
+uid=10036(u0_a36) Jit thread pool identical 3 lines
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.181 10036: 3812: 3819 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.185  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.185  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.199  1000:14206:20202 W/Bundle   ]
+Key expected String but value was a java.lang.Integer.  The default value <null> was returned.
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.200  1000:14206:20202 W/Bundle   ]
+Attempt to cast generated internal exception:
+java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
+	at android.os.BaseBundle.getString(
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at$SuggestionLoader.doInBackground(
+	at$SuggestionLoader.doInBackground(
+	at android.os.AsyncTask$
+	at
+	at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
+	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
+	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
+	at
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.204  1000: 2272: 3627 I/ActivityManager ]
+START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 (has extras)} from uid 1000
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.346  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardSummary ]
+Stopped listening for condition changes
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.352 10038:18491:18672 I/AttachedClient ]
+Adding client event 2 to pending list.
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.392  1000: 2272: 3783 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Warning: attempt to read pixels from hardware bitmap, which is very slow operation
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.466  1000: 2272: 4217 W/zygote64 ]
+Long monitor contention with owner Binder:2272_4 (3832) at void, android.content.res.Configuration, boolean)( waiters=2 in int for 103ms
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.492 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+#updateMicroDetector [currentDetectionMode: [mDetectionMode: [1]]]
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.492 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+#startMicroDetector [speakerMode: 0]
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.511 10038:18491:19006 I/MicroRecognitionRunner ]
+Starting detection.
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.512 10038:18491:19007 I/MicrophoneInputStream ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.513  1041:  541:18637 W/DeviceHAL ]
+Device 0xf4fad000 open_input_stream: Invalid argument
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.515  1041:  541:20313 I/AudioFlinger ]
+AudioFlinger's thread 0xf19a7500 tid=20313 ready to run
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.542  1041:  541:  741 I/SoundTriggerHwService::Module ]
+onCallbackEvent no clients
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.543 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.544 10038:18491:19007 I/MicrophoneInputStream ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.545  1041:  541:20314 D/sound_trigger_platform ]
+platform_stdev_check_and_update_concurrency: concurrency active 0, tx 1, rx 0, concurrency session_allowed 0
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.545  1041:  541:20314 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_snd_device: snd_device(72: voice-rec-mic)
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.545  1041:  541:20314 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: voice-rec-mic
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.552  1041:  541:20314 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(9) apply and update mixer path: audio-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.552  1041:  541:20314 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: audio-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.613 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.618  1000: 2272: 4088 I/sensors  ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.621  1000: 2272: 4088 I/nanohub  ]
+queueActivate: sensor=1, handle=1, enable=0
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.638  1000: 2272: 3783 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Warning: attempt to read pixels from hardware bitmap, which is very slow operation
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.705  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.716  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback)
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.716  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(23) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.755  1000: 2272: 3783 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Warning: attempt to read pixels from hardware bitmap, which is very slow operation
+[ 01-01 15:14:20.843 10038: 4245: 4483 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
+[ 01-01 15:14:21.055  1000: 2272: 4464 D/WificondControl ]
+Scan result ready event
+[ 01-01 15:14:21.096  1000: 2272: 3755 W/WifiConfigManager ]
+Looking up network with invalid networkId -1
+[ 01-01 15:14:21.153  1041:  541:  678 I/ServiceManager ]
+Waiting for service media.log...
+[ 01-01 15:14:21.980  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: speaker-protected
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:21.982  1000: 2272: 5450 I/ActivityManager ]
+START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 bnds=[435,1254][646,1507] (has extras)} from uid 10038
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:21.983  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback)
+[ 01-01 15:14:21.983  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: vi-feedback
+[ 01-01 15:14:21.983  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(23) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:21.983  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.016  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.016  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.154  1041:  541:  678 I/ServiceManager ]
+Waiting for service media.log...
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.182  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardSummary ]
+Listening for condition changes
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.183  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardSummary ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.183  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardAdapter ]
+adapter setConditions called
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.183  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardSummary ]
+conditions refreshed
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.183  1000:14206:14206 D/APM_Condition ]
+APM condition refreshed
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.183  1000:14206:14206 D/APM_Condition ]
+setActive was called with false
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.258  1000:14206:20201 D/DatabaseIndexingManager ]
+Indexing locale 'en_US' took 42 millis
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.292  1000:14206:20201 D/DatabaseIndexingManager ]
+Indexing locale 'en_US' took 19 millis
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.397  1000:14206:20201 I/SuggestionParser ]
+Use your voice requires unavailable account type
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.429  1000:14206:20201 W/Bundle   ]
+Key expected String but value was a java.lang.Integer.  The default value <null> was returned.
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.430  1000:14206:20201 W/Bundle   ]
+Attempt to cast generated internal exception:
+java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
+	at android.os.BaseBundle.getString(
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at$SuggestionLoader.doInBackground(
+	at$SuggestionLoader.doInBackground(
+	at android.os.AsyncTask$
+	at
+	at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
+	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
+	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
+	at
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.448  1000: 2272: 4217 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+begin updateExternalStatsSync reason=get-stats
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.525  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.541  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback)
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.541  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(23) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.551  1000: 2272: 4217 E/BatteryStatsService ]
+no controller energy info supplied
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.601  1000: 2272: 4217 D/BatteryStatsImpl ]
+Reading cpu stats took 35 ms
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.627  1000: 2272: 4217 E/KernelMemoryBandwidthStats ]
+Failed to read memory bandwidth: /sys/kernel/memory_state_time/show_stat (No such file or directory)
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.628  1000: 2272: 4217 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+end updateExternalStatsSync
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.642 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetector ]
+Keeping mic open: false
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.642 10038:18491:19012 I/AudioController ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.643 10038:18491:19012 I/MicrophoneInputStream ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.644 10038:18491:18549 I/MicroRecognitionRunner ]
+Stopping hotword detection.
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.649 10038:18491:20275 I/DeviceStateChecker ]
+DeviceStateChecker cancelled
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.736  1000: 2272: 3582 W/zygote64 ]
+Long monitor contention with owner Binder:2272_7 (4217) at android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor waiters=0 in boolean, boolean, long, long) for 108ms
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.790  1041:  541:20313 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(9) reset and update mixer path: audio-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.791  1041:  541:20313 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_snd_device: snd_device(72: voice-rec-mic)
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.798  1041:  541:20313 D/sound_trigger_platform ]
+platform_stdev_check_and_update_concurrency: concurrency active 0, tx 0, rx 0, concurrency session_allowed 1
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.799  1041:  541:  741 I/SoundTriggerHwService::Module ]
+onCallbackEvent no clients
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.804 10038:18491:18549 W/zygote64 ]
+Long monitor contention with owner UserFacing6 (19012) at void waiters=0 in void for 154ms
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.805 10038:18491:19006 I/MicroRecognitionRunner ]
+Detection finished
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.936  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: speaker-protected
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.938  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback)
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.938  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: vi-feedback
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.938  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(23) apply and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.938  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.969  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:22.969  1041:  541: 5252 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.024  1000:14206:20198 I/SuggestionParser ]
+Use your voice requires unavailable account type
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.062  1000:14206:20198 W/Bundle   ]
+Key expected String but value was a java.lang.Integer.  The default value <null> was returned.
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.063  1000:14206:20198 W/Bundle   ]
+Attempt to cast generated internal exception:
+java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
+	at android.os.BaseBundle.getString(
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at
+	at$SuggestionLoader.doInBackground(
+	at$SuggestionLoader.doInBackground(
+	at android.os.AsyncTask$
+	at
+	at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
+	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
+	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
+	at
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.066  1000: 2272: 3627 I/ActivityManager ]
+START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 (has extras)} from uid 1000
+--------- switch to main
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.120  1000:14206:14206 D/DashboardSummary ]
+Stopped listening for condition changes
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.156  1041:  541:  678 I/ServiceManager ]
+Waiting for service media.log...
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.242  1000: 2272: 3783 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Warning: attempt to read pixels from hardware bitmap, which is very slow operation
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.249 10038:18491:18504 I/AttachedClient ]
+Adding client event 2 to pending list.
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.317 10036: 3812: 3819 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.320 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+#updateMicroDetector [currentDetectionMode: [mDetectionMode: [1]]]
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.321 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+#startMicroDetector [speakerMode: 0]
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.331 10038:18491:18496 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.337 10038:18491:20275 I/MicroRecognitionRunner ]
+Starting detection.
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.339 10038:18491:19012 I/MicrophoneInputStream ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.341  1041:  541:  742 W/DeviceHAL ]
+Device 0xf4fad000 open_input_stream: Invalid argument
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.352  1041:  541:20329 I/AudioFlinger ]
+AudioFlinger's thread 0xf19a7f40 tid=20329 ready to run
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.361 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.364  1041:  541:  741 I/SoundTriggerHwService::Module ]
+onCallbackEvent no clients
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.364 10038:18491:19012 I/MicrophoneInputStream ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.374  1041:  541:20330 D/sound_trigger_platform ]
+platform_stdev_check_and_update_concurrency: concurrency active 0, tx 1, rx 0, concurrency session_allowed 0
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.375  1041:  541:20330 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_snd_device: snd_device(72: voice-rec-mic)
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.375  1041:  541:20330 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: voice-rec-mic
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.377 10038:18491:18496 I/zygote64 ]
+Integer.valueOf will not be optimized
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.378  1041:  541:20330 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+enable_audio_route: usecase(9) apply and update mixer path: audio-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.378  1041:  541:20330 D/audio_route ]
+Apply path: audio-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.431 10038:18491:18491 I/MicroDetectionWorker ]
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.473  1000: 2272: 3783 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Warning: attempt to read pixels from hardware bitmap, which is very slow operation
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.491  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(1) reset and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.503  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_snd_device: snd_device(88: vi-feedback)
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.503  1041:  541:  717 D/audio_hw_primary ]
+disable_audio_route: usecase(23) reset and update mixer path: spkr-vi-record
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.593  1000: 2272: 3783 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Warning: attempt to read pixels from hardware bitmap, which is very slow operation
+[ 01-01 15:14:23.698 10038: 4245: 4483 W/OpenGLRenderer ]
+Incorrectly called buildLayer on View: ShortcutAndWidgetContainer, destroying layer...
+--------- switch to system
+[ 01-01 15:14:24.210  1000: 2272: 3628 I/PowerManagerService ]
+Going to sleep due to power button (uid 1000)...
+[ 01-01 15:14:24.708  1000: 2272: 3592 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+begin noteScreenState
+[ 01-01 15:14:24.710  1000: 2272: 3592 D/BatteryStatsService ]
+end noteScreenState
+[ 01-01 15:14:24.719  1000: 2272: 3582 I/VrManagerService ]
+VR mode is disallowed
diff --git a/tools/logblame/short_idle_test b/tools/logblame/short_idle_test
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c4ff436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/logblame/short_idle_test
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# The files to save output to.
+# Turn on the screen and unlock the device
+# TODO: Power on
+adb shell wm dismiss-keyguard
+# Start the analysis process
+$TOP/development/tools/logblame/ --duration=5m --clear --rawlogs $RAWLOGS_FILE \
+    | tee $ANALYSIS_FILE &
+# Wait for the pyton process to exit
+echo "waiting... analyze_pid" $analyze_pid
+wait $analyze_pid
+echo "Wrote raw logs to $RAWLOGS_FILE"
+echo "Wrote analysis to $ANALYSIS_FILE"
diff --git a/tools/logblame/ b/tools/logblame/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4bd752f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/logblame/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 -B
+import analyze_logs
+def test_ParseDuration(s, expected):
+  actual = analyze_logs.ParseDuration(s)
+  if actual != expected:
+    raise Exception("expected %s, actual %s" % (expected, actual))
+def main():
+  test_ParseDuration("1w", 604800)
+  test_ParseDuration("1d", 86400)
+  test_ParseDuration("1h", 3600)
+  test_ParseDuration("1m", 60)
+  test_ParseDuration("1s", 1)
+  test_ParseDuration("1w1d1h1m1s", 694861)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  main()
+# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 tw=100 nocindent autoindent smartindent expandtab :
diff --git a/tools/logblame/ b/tools/logblame/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..122ecf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/logblame/
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 -B
+import logs
+import ps
+import datetime
+import StringIO
+def test_empty():
+  """Test parsing no tag and no text, not well formed."""
+  expected = [ logs.LogLine(None, "03-29 00:46:58.872", "1000", "1815", "1816", "I", "",
+      "") ]
+  text = """[ 03-29 00:46:58.872  1000: 1815: 1816 I/ ]
+  check_parsing(expected, text)
+def test_none():
+  """Test parsing no tag and no text."""
+  expected = [ logs.LogLine(None, "03-29 00:46:58.872", "1000", "1815", "1816", "I", "",
+      "") ]
+  text = """[ 03-29 00:46:58.872  1000: 1815: 1816 I/ ]
+  check_parsing(expected, text)
+def test_trailing_blank():
+  """Test parsing text containing an extra intended newline at the end."""
+  expected = [ logs.LogLine(None, "03-29 00:46:58.872", "1000", "1815", "1816", "I", "abcd",
+      "Newline after\n") ]
+  text = """[ 03-29 00:46:58.872  1000: 1815: 1816 I/abcd ]
+Newline after
+  check_parsing(expected, text)
+def test_blank_between():
+  """Test parsing text containing a newline in the middle."""
+  expected = [ logs.LogLine(None, "03-29 00:46:58.872", "1000", "1815", "1816", "I", "abcd",
+      "Message\n\nNewline between") ]
+  text = """[ 03-29 00:46:58.872  1000: 1815: 1816 I/abcd ]
+Newline between
+  check_parsing(expected, text)
+def test_preceeding_blank():
+  """Test parsing text containing a newline then text."""
+  expected = [ logs.LogLine(None, "03-29 00:46:58.872", "1000", "1815", "1816", "I", "abcd",
+      "\nNewline before") ]
+  text = """[ 03-29 00:46:58.872  1000: 1815: 1816 I/abcd ]
+Newline before
+  check_parsing(expected, text)
+def test_one_blank():
+  """Test parsing text one blank line."""
+  expected = [ logs.LogLine(None, "03-29 00:46:58.872", "1000", "1815", "1816", "I", "abcd",
+      "\n") ]
+  text = """[ 03-29 00:46:58.872  1000: 1815: 1816 I/abcd ]
+  check_parsing(expected, text)
+def test_two_blanks():
+  """Test parsing text two blank lines."""
+  expected = [ logs.LogLine(None, "03-29 00:46:58.872", "1000", "1815", "1816", "I", "abcd",
+      "\n\n") ]
+  text = """[ 03-29 00:46:58.872  1000: 1815: 1816 I/abcd ]
+  check_parsing(expected, text)
+def test_two_lines_noblanks():
+  """Test parsing two lines of text with no blank lines."""
+  expected = [ logs.LogLine(None, "03-29 00:46:58.872", "1000", "1815", "1816", "I", "abcd",
+      "One\nTwo") ]
+  text = """[ 03-29 00:46:58.872  1000: 1815: 1816 I/abcd ]
+  check_parsing(expected, text)
+def test_chatty():
+  """Test a log with chatty identical messages."""
+  expected = [
+      logs.LogLine("system", "03-29 00:46:58.857", "1000", "1815", "1816", "I", "Noisy", "Message"),
+      logs.LogLine("system", "03-29 00:46:58.858", "1000", "1815", "1816", "I", "Noisy", "Message"),
+      logs.LogLine("system", "03-29 00:46:58.858", "1000", "1815", "1816", "I", "Noisy", "Message"),
+      logs.LogLine("system", "03-29 00:46:58.858", "1000", "1815", "1816", "I", "Noisy", "Message"),
+      logs.LogLine("system", "03-29 00:46:58.859", "1000", "1815", "1816", "I", "Noisy", "Message"),
+      ]
+  text = """--------- beginning of system
+[ 03-29 00:46:58.857  1000: 1815: 1816 I/Noisy ]
+[ 03-29 00:46:58.858  1000: 1815: 1816 I/chatty ]
+uid=1000(system) Thread-6 identical 3 lines
+[ 03-29 00:46:58.859  1000: 1815: 1816 I/Noisy ]
+  check_parsing(expected, text)
+def test_normal():
+  """Test a realistic (albeit short) log."""
+  expected = [
+      logs.LogLine("system", "03-29 00:46:58.857", "1000", "1815", "1816", "I", "Package: ]Manager",
+        "/system/app/KeyChain changed; collecting certs"),
+      logs.LogLine("system", "03-29 00:46:58.872", "1000", "1815", "1816", "I", "PackageManager",
+        "/system/app/HiddenMenu changed; collecting certs"),
+      logs.LogLine("main", "03-29 00:46:58.872", "1000", "1815", "1816", "I", "PackageManager",
+        "/system/app/HiddenMenu changed; collecting certs"),
+  ]
+  text = """--------- beginning of system
+[ 03-29 00:46:58.857  1000: 1815: 1816 I/Package: ]Manager ]
+/system/app/KeyChain changed; collecting certs
+[ 03-29 00:46:58.872  1000: 1815: 1816 I/PackageManager ]
+/system/app/HiddenMenu changed; collecting certs
+--------- switch to main
+[ 03-29 00:46:58.872  1000: 1815: 1816 I/PackageManager ]
+/system/app/HiddenMenu changed; collecting certs
+  check_parsing(expected, text)
+def check_parsing(expected, text):
+  """Parse the text and see if it parsed as expected."""
+  processes = ps.ProcessSet()
+  result = [x for x in logs.ParseLogcat(StringIO.StringIO(text), processes)]
+  if result != expected:
+    raise Exception("test failed.\nexpected:\n[%s]\nactual\n[%s]" % (
+        ", ".join([str(r) for r in expected]),
+        ", ".join([str(r) for r in result])))
+def main():
+  test_empty()
+  test_none()
+  test_trailing_blank()
+  test_blank_between()
+  test_preceeding_blank()
+  test_one_blank()
+  test_two_blanks()
+  test_chatty()
+  test_normal()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
+# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 tw=100 nocindent autoindent smartindent expandtab:
diff --git a/tools/logblame/ b/tools/logblame/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a0d73cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/logblame/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 -B
+import ps
+def test_pids():
+  text = """USER      PID   PPID  VSIZE  RSS   WCHAN              PC  NAME
+root      1     0     10632  776   SyS_epoll_ 0000000000 S /init
+root      2     0     0      0       kthreadd 0000000000 S kthreadd
+u0_a22    7308  633   1808572 79760 SyS_epoll_ 0000000000 S
+u0_a19    7370  633   1841228 37828 SyS_epoll_ 0000000000 S
+u0_a136   7846  634   1320656 119964 SyS_epoll_ 0000000000 S com.sonos.acr
+  actual = ps.ParsePs(text)
+  expected = [
+      ('root', '1', '0', '/init'),
+      ('root', '2', '0', 'kthreadd'),
+      ('u0_a22', '7308', '633', ''),
+      ('u0_a19', '7370', '633', ''),
+      ('u0_a136', '7846', '634', 'com.sonos.acr')
+    ]
+  if actual != expected:
+    print "Expected:"
+    print expected
+    print
+    print "Actual:"
+    print actual
+    raise Exception("test failed")
+def test_uids():
+  text = """vers,1
+  actual = ps.ParseUids(text)
+  expected = [
+    ('10118', ''),
+    ('10129', 'com.getgoodcode.bart'),
+    ('10115', ''),
+    ('10010', '')
+  ]
+  if actual != expected:
+    print "Expected:"
+    print expected
+    print
+    print "Actual:"
+    print actual
+    raise Exception("test failed")
+def test_update():
+  """Requires an attached device."""
+  processes = ps.ProcessSet()
+  processes.Update()
+  processes.Update()
+  processes.Print()
+  process = processes.FindPid("0", "0")
+  print "process:", process
+  print "uid:", process.uid.uid
+  print "username:",
+  print "pid:",
+  print "ppid:", process.ppid
+  print "name:",
+  print "displayName:", process.DisplayName()
+def main():
+  #test_uids()
+  #test_pids()
+  test_update()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
+# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 tw=100 nocindent autoindent smartindent expandtab:
diff --git a/vndk/tools/definition-tool/tests/ b/vndk/tools/definition-tool/tests/
deleted file mode 100755
index 6c7dd53..0000000
--- a/vndk/tools/definition-tool/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-from __future__ import print_function
-import os
-import sys
-import unittest
-from vndk_definition_tool import BA_WARN, BannedLibDict
-class BannedLibDictTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_add(self):
-        d = BannedLibDict()
-        d.add('', 'test', BA_WARN)
-        x = d.get('')
-        self.assertIsNotNone(x)
-        self.assertEqual('',
-        self.assertEqual('test', x.reason)
-        self.assertEqual(BA_WARN, x.action)
-    def test_get(self):
-        d = BannedLibDict.create_default()
-        self.assertIsNotNone(d.get(''))
-        self.assertIsNotNone(d.get(''))
-        self.assertIsNone(d.get(''))
-    def test_is_banned(self):
-        d = BannedLibDict.create_default()
-        self.assertTrue(d.is_banned('/system/lib/'))
-        self.assertTrue(d.is_banned('/system/lib/'))
-        self.assertTrue(d.is_banned('/system/lib64/'))
-        self.assertTrue(d.is_banned('/system/lib64/'))
-        self.assertFalse(d.is_banned('/system/lib64/'))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/vndk/tools/definition-tool/tests/ b/vndk/tools/definition-tool/tests/
index d3eecdd..6faa9d2 100755
--- a/vndk/tools/definition-tool/tests/
+++ b/vndk/tools/definition-tool/tests/
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 import unittest
 from compat import StringIO
-from vndk_definition_tool import (BannedLibDict, ELF, ELFLinker, GenericRefs,
-                                  PT_SYSTEM, PT_VENDOR)
+from vndk_definition_tool import (ELF, ELFLinker, GenericRefs, PT_SYSTEM,
+                                  PT_VENDOR)
 class GraphBuilder(object):
@@ -520,89 +520,5 @@
             self.assertNotIn(libc_path, sp_ndk_indirect)
-    def test_compute_vndk_cap(self):
-        gb = GraphBuilder()
-        # Add LL-NDK libraries.
-        gb.add_multilib(PT_SYSTEM, 'libc')
-        gb.add_multilib(PT_SYSTEM, 'libdl')
-        gb.add_multilib(PT_SYSTEM, 'liblog')
-        gb.add_multilib(PT_SYSTEM, 'libm')
-        gb.add_multilib(PT_SYSTEM, 'libstdc++')
-        # Add SP-NDK libraries.
-        gb.add_multilib(PT_SYSTEM, 'libEGL')
-        gb.add_multilib(PT_SYSTEM, 'libGLES_v2')
-        # Add banned libraries.
-        gb.add_multilib(PT_SYSTEM, 'libbinder')
-        gb.add_multilib(PT_SYSTEM, 'libselinux')
-        # Add good examples.
-        gb.add_multilib(PT_SYSTEM, 'libgood_a', dt_needed=[''])
-        gb.add_multilib(PT_SYSTEM, 'libgood_b', dt_needed=[''])
-        gb.add_multilib(PT_SYSTEM, 'libgood_c', dt_needed=[''])
-        # Add bad examples.
-        gb.add_multilib(PT_SYSTEM, 'libbad_a', dt_needed=[''])
-        gb.add_multilib(PT_SYSTEM, 'libbad_b', dt_needed=[''])
-        gb.add_multilib(PT_SYSTEM, 'libbad_c', dt_needed=[''])
-        gb.add_multilib(PT_SYSTEM, 'libbad_d', dt_needed=[''])
-        gb.add_multilib(PT_VENDOR, 'libbad_e', dt_needed=[''])
-        gb.resolve()
-        # Compute VNDK cap.
-        banned_libs = BannedLibDict.create_default()
-        vndk_cap = gb.graph.compute_vndk_cap(banned_libs)
-        vndk_cap = set(lib.path for lib in vndk_cap)
-        # Check the existence of good examples.
-        self.assertIn('/system/lib/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertIn('/system/lib/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertIn('/system/lib/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertIn('/system/lib64/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertIn('/system/lib64/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertIn('/system/lib64/', vndk_cap)
-        # Check the absence of bad examples.
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/vendor/lib/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib64/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib64/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib64/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib64/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/vendor/lib64/', vndk_cap)
-        # Check the absence of banned libraries.
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib64/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib64/', vndk_cap)
-        # Check the absence of NDK libraries.  Although LL-NDK and SP-NDK
-        # libraries are not banned, they are not VNDK libraries either.
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib64/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib64/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib64/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib64/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib64/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib64/', vndk_cap)
-        self.assertNotIn('/system/lib64/', vndk_cap)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/vndk/tools/definition-tool/tests/ b/vndk/tools/definition-tool/tests/
index 00a4c18..eca9180 100755
--- a/vndk/tools/definition-tool/tests/
+++ b/vndk/tools/definition-tool/tests/
@@ -67,36 +67,6 @@
         # LL-NDK is not SP-NDK.
-    def test_is_hlndk(self):
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib64/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib64/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib64/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib64/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib64/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib64/'))
-        # LL-NDK and SP-NDK are not HL-NDK.
-        self.assertFalse(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib/'))
-        self.assertFalse(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib/'))
-        self.assertFalse(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib/'))
-        self.assertFalse(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib/'))
-        self.assertFalse(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib/'))
-        self.assertFalse(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib/'))
-        self.assertFalse(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib64/'))
-        self.assertFalse(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib64/'))
-        self.assertFalse(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib64/'))
-        self.assertFalse(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib64/'))
-        self.assertFalse(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib64/'))
-        self.assertFalse(NDK_LIBS.is_hl_ndk('/system/lib64/'))
     def test_is_ndk(self):
         # LL-NDK
@@ -128,23 +98,6 @@
-        # HL-NDK
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_ndk('/system/lib/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_ndk('/system/lib/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_ndk('/system/lib/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_ndk('/system/lib/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_ndk('/system/lib/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_ndk('/system/lib/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_ndk('/system/lib/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_ndk('/system/lib64/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_ndk('/system/lib64/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_ndk('/system/lib64/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_ndk('/system/lib64/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_ndk('/system/lib64/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_ndk('/system/lib64/'))
-        self.assertTrue(NDK_LIBS.is_ndk('/system/lib64/'))
     def test_classify(self):
@@ -152,8 +105,6 @@
-        self.assertEqual(NDK_LIBS.HL_NDK,
-                         NDK_LIBS.classify('/system/lib/'))
@@ -161,8 +112,6 @@
-        self.assertEqual(NDK_LIBS.HL_NDK,
-                         NDK_LIBS.classify('/system/lib64/'))
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/vndk/tools/definition-tool/ b/vndk/tools/definition-tool/
index b2ea0af..83319ee 100755
--- a/vndk/tools/definition-tool/
+++ b/vndk/tools/definition-tool/
@@ -526,14 +526,13 @@
-# NDK and Banned Libraries
+# NDK
 class NDKLibDict(object):
     NOT_NDK = 0
     LL_NDK = 1
     SP_NDK = 2
-    HL_NDK = 3
@@ -556,15 +555,6 @@
-        '',
-        '',
-        '',
-        '',
-        '',
-        '',
-    )
     def _create_pattern(names):
         return '|'.join('(?:^\\/system\\/lib(?:64)?\\/' + re.escape(i) + '$)'
@@ -583,10 +573,8 @@
     def __init__(self):
         self.ll_ndk_patterns = self._compile_path_matcher(self.LL_NDK_LIB_NAMES)
         self.sp_ndk_patterns = self._compile_path_matcher(self.SP_NDK_LIB_NAMES)
-        self.hl_ndk_patterns = self._compile_path_matcher(self.HL_NDK_LIB_NAMES)
         self.ndk_patterns = self._compile_multi_path_matcher(
-                (self.LL_NDK_LIB_NAMES, self.SP_NDK_LIB_NAMES,
-                 self.HL_NDK_LIB_NAMES))
+                (self.LL_NDK_LIB_NAMES, self.SP_NDK_LIB_NAMES))
     def is_ll_ndk(self, path):
         return self.ll_ndk_patterns.match(path)
@@ -594,9 +582,6 @@
     def is_sp_ndk(self, path):
         return self.sp_ndk_patterns.match(path)
-    def is_hl_ndk(self, path):
-        return self.hl_ndk_patterns.match(path)
     def is_ndk(self, path):
         return self.ndk_patterns.match(path)
@@ -609,33 +594,6 @@
 NDK_LIBS = NDKLibDict()
-BannedLib = collections.namedtuple(
-        'BannedLib', ('name', 'reason', 'action',))
-BA_WARN = 0
-class BannedLibDict(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.banned_libs = dict()
-    def add(self, name, reason, action):
-        self.banned_libs[name] = BannedLib(name, reason, action)
-    def get(self, name):
-        return self.banned_libs.get(name)
-    def is_banned(self, path):
-        return self.get(os.path.basename(path))
-    @staticmethod
-    def create_default():
-        d = BannedLibDict()
-        d.add('', 'un-versioned IPC', BA_WARN)
-        d.add('', 'policydb might be incompatible', BA_WARN)
-        return d
 # ELF Linker
@@ -733,10 +691,6 @@
     def is_sp_ndk(self):
         return self._ndk_classification == NDKLibDict.SP_NDK
-    @property
-    def is_hl_ndk(self):
-        return self._ndk_classification == NDKLibDict.HL_NDK
     def add_dep(self, dst, ty):
@@ -1534,43 +1488,6 @@
-    def compute_vndk_cap(self, banned_libs):
-        # ELF files on vendor partitions are banned unconditionally.  ELF files
-        # on the system partition are banned if their file extensions are not
-        # '.so' or their file names are listed in banned_libs.  LL-NDK and
-        # SP-NDK libraries are treated as a special case which will not be
-        # considered as banned libraries at the moment.
-        def is_banned(lib):
-            if lib.is_ndk:
-                return lib.is_hl_ndk
-            return (banned_libs.is_banned(lib.path) or
-                    not lib.is_system_lib() or
-                    not lib.path.endswith('.so'))
-        # Find all libraries that are banned.
-        banned_set = set()
-        for lib_set in self.lib_pt:
-            for lib in lib_set.values():
-                if is_banned(lib):
-                    banned_set.add(lib)
-        # Find the transitive closure of the banned libraries.
-        stack = list(banned_set)
-        while stack:
-            lib = stack.pop()
-            for user in lib.users:
-                if not user.is_ndk and user not in banned_set:
-                    banned_set.add(user)
-                    stack.append(user)
-        # Find the non-NDK non-banned libraries.
-        vndk_cap = set()
-        for lib in self.lib_pt[PT_SYSTEM].values():
-            if not lib.is_ndk and lib not in banned_set:
-                vndk_cap.add(lib)
-        return vndk_cap
     def _compute_closure(root_set, is_excluded, get_successors):
         closure = set(root_set)