Add the tool etc1tool to the sdk.

etc1tool is a command line tool for compressing and decompressing
ETC1 textures. This texture format is commonly supported by OpenGL
ES 2.0 GPUs.
diff --git a/build/sdk.atree b/build/sdk.atree
index b0cd182..b01a2c0 100644
--- a/build/sdk.atree
+++ b/build/sdk.atree
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 bin/adb tools/adb
 bin/sqlite3 tools/sqlite3
 bin/dmtracedump tools/dmtracedump
+bin/etc1tool tools/etc1tool
 bin/hprof-conv tools/hprof-conv
 bin/mksdcard tools/mksdcard
 bin/zipalign tools/zipalign