blob: 6d9935d2a17017aa8fc686233c210bf02ddd50dc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
class UpdaterLogic {
private RepoSources mSources;
public ArrayList<ArchiveInfo> computeUpdates(
Collection<Archive> selectedArchives,
RepoSources sources,
Package[] localPkgs) {
mSources = sources;
ArrayList<ArchiveInfo> archives = new ArrayList<ArchiveInfo>();
ArrayList<Package> remotePkgs = new ArrayList<Package>();
if (selectedArchives == null) {
selectedArchives = findUpdates(localPkgs, remotePkgs);
for (Archive a : selectedArchives) {
insertArchive(a, archives, selectedArchives, remotePkgs, localPkgs, false);
return archives;
* Find suitable updates to all current local packages.
private Collection<Archive> findUpdates(Package[] localPkgs, ArrayList<Package> remotePkgs) {
ArrayList<Archive> updates = new ArrayList<Archive>();
for (Package localPkg : localPkgs) {
for (Package remotePkg : remotePkgs) {
if (localPkg.canBeUpdatedBy(remotePkg) == UpdateInfo.UPDATE) {
// Found a suitable update. Only accept the remote package
// if it provides at least one compatible archive.
for (Archive a : remotePkg.getArchives()) {
if (a.isCompatible()) {
return updates;
private ArchiveInfo insertArchive(Archive archive,
ArrayList<ArchiveInfo> outArchives,
Collection<Archive> selectedArchives,
ArrayList<Package> remotePkgs,
Package[] localPkgs,
boolean automated) {
Package p = archive.getParentPackage();
// Is this an update?
Archive updatedArchive = null;
for (Package lp : localPkgs) {
assert lp.getArchives().length == 1;
if (lp.getArchives().length > 0 && lp.canBeUpdatedBy(p) == UpdateInfo.UPDATE) {
updatedArchive = lp.getArchives()[0];
// find dependencies
ArchiveInfo dep = findDependency(p, outArchives, selectedArchives, remotePkgs, localPkgs);
ArchiveInfo ai = new ArchiveInfo(
archive, //newArchive
updatedArchive, //replaced
dep //dependsOn
if (dep != null) {
return ai;
private ArchiveInfo findDependency(Package pkg,
ArrayList<ArchiveInfo> outArchives,
Collection<Archive> selectedArchives,
ArrayList<Package> remotePkgs,
Package[] localPkgs) {
// Current dependencies can be:
// - addon: *always* depends on platform of same API level
// - platform: *might* depends on tools of rev >= min-tools-rev
if (pkg instanceof AddonPackage) {
AddonPackage addon = (AddonPackage) pkg;
return findAddonDependency(
addon, outArchives, selectedArchives, remotePkgs, localPkgs);
} else if (pkg instanceof PlatformPackage) {
PlatformPackage platform = (PlatformPackage) pkg;
return findPlatformDependency(
platform, outArchives, selectedArchives, remotePkgs, localPkgs);
return null;
* A platform can have a min-tools-rev, in which case it depends on having a tools package
* of the requested revision.
* Finds the tools dependency. If found, add it to the list of things to install.
* Returns the archive info dependency, if any.
protected ArchiveInfo findPlatformDependency(PlatformPackage platform,
ArrayList<ArchiveInfo> outArchives,
Collection<Archive> selectedArchives,
ArrayList<Package> remotePkgs,
Package[] localPkgs) {
// This is the requirement to match.
int rev = platform.getMinToolsRevision();
if (rev == PlatformPackage.MIN_TOOLS_REV_NOT_SPECIFIED) {
// Well actually there's no requirement.
return null;
// First look in local packages.
for (Package p : localPkgs) {
if (p instanceof ToolPackage) {
if (((ToolPackage) p).getRevision() >= rev) {
// We found one already installed. We don't report this dependency
// as the UI only cares about resolving "newly added dependencies".
return null;
// Look in archives already scheduled for install
for (ArchiveInfo ai : outArchives) {
Package p = ai.getNewArchive().getParentPackage();
if (p instanceof PlatformPackage) {
if (((ToolPackage) p).getRevision() >= rev) {
// The dependency is already scheduled for install, nothing else to do.
return ai;
// Otherwise look in the selected archives.
for (Archive a : selectedArchives) {
Package p = a.getParentPackage();
if (p instanceof ToolPackage) {
if (((ToolPackage) p).getRevision() >= rev) {
// It's not already in the list of things to install, so add it now
return insertArchive(a, outArchives,
selectedArchives, remotePkgs, localPkgs,
// Finally nothing matched, so let's look at all available remote packages
for (Package p : remotePkgs) {
if (p instanceof ToolPackage) {
if (((ToolPackage) p).getRevision() >= rev) {
// It's not already in the list of things to install, so add the
// first compatible archive we can find.
for (Archive a : p.getArchives()) {
if (a.isCompatible()) {
return insertArchive(a, outArchives,
selectedArchives, remotePkgs, localPkgs,
// We end up here if nothing matches. We don't have a good tools to match.
// Seriously, that can't happens unless we totally screwed our repo manifest.
// We'll let this one go through anyway.
return null;
* An addon depends on having a platform with the same API version.
* Finds the platform dependency. If found, add it to the list of things to install.
* Returns the archive info dependency, if any.
protected ArchiveInfo findAddonDependency(AddonPackage addon,
ArrayList<ArchiveInfo> outArchives,
Collection<Archive> selectedArchives,
ArrayList<Package> remotePkgs,
Package[] localPkgs) {
// This is the requirement to match.
AndroidVersion v = addon.getVersion();
// Find a platform that would satisfy the requirement.
// First look in local packages.
for (Package p : localPkgs) {
if (p instanceof PlatformPackage) {
if (v.equals(((PlatformPackage) p).getVersion())) {
// We found one already installed. We don't report this dependency
// as the UI only cares about resolving "newly added dependencies".
return null;
// Look in archives already scheduled for install
for (ArchiveInfo ai : outArchives) {
Package p = ai.getNewArchive().getParentPackage();
if (p instanceof PlatformPackage) {
if (v.equals(((PlatformPackage) p).getVersion())) {
// The dependency is already scheduled for install, nothing else to do.
return ai;
// Otherwise look in the selected archives.
for (Archive a : selectedArchives) {
Package p = a.getParentPackage();
if (p instanceof PlatformPackage) {
if (v.equals(((PlatformPackage) p).getVersion())) {
// It's not already in the list of things to install, so add it now
return insertArchive(a, outArchives,
selectedArchives, remotePkgs, localPkgs,
// Finally nothing matched, so let's look at all available remote packages
for (Package p : remotePkgs) {
if (p instanceof PlatformPackage) {
if (v.equals(((PlatformPackage) p).getVersion())) {
// It's not already in the list of things to install, so add the
// first compatible archive we can find.
for (Archive a : p.getArchives()) {
if (a.isCompatible()) {
return insertArchive(a, outArchives,
selectedArchives, remotePkgs, localPkgs,
// We end up here if nothing matches. We don't have a good platform to match.
// Seriously, that can't happens unless the repository contains a bogus addon
// entry that does not match any existing platform API level.
// It's conceivable that a 3rd part addon repo might have error, in which case
// we'll let this one go through anyway.
return null;
/** Fetch all remote packages only if really needed. */
protected void fetchRemotePackages(ArrayList<Package> remotePkgs) {
if (remotePkgs.size() > 0) {
// Get all the available packages from all loaded sources
RepoSource[] remoteSources = mSources.getSources();
for (RepoSource remoteSrc : remoteSources) {
Package[] pkgs = remoteSrc.getPackages();
if (pkgs != null) {
nextPackage: for (Package pkg : pkgs) {
for (Archive a : pkg.getArchives()) {
// Only add a package if it contains at least one compatible archive
if (a.isCompatible()) {
continue nextPackage;