blob: d08ea7daaf7d0b8ad325886b5b6db7e29e79772a [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This tool updates extracts the information from Android.bp and updates the
# datasets for eligible VNDK libraries.
import argparse
import collections
import csv
import json
import os.path
import posixpath
import re
import sys
def load_make_vars(path):
result = collections.OrderedDict([
assign_len = len(' := ')
with open(path, 'r') as fp:
for line in fp:
for key, value in result.items():
if line.startswith(key):
mod_names = line[len(key) + assign_len:].strip().split(' ')
return result.values()
def load_install_paths(module_info_path):
with open(module_info_path, 'r') as fp:
data = json.load(fp)
result = set()
name_path_dict = {}
patt = re.compile(
for name, module in data.items():
for path in module['installed']:
match = patt.match(path)
if not match:
path =
path = path.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
path = path.replace('/lib/', '/${LIB}/')
path = path.replace('/lib64/', '/${LIB}/')
path = re.sub('/vndk-sp(?:-[^/$]*)/', '/vndk-sp${VNDK_VER}/', path)
path = re.sub('/vndk(?:-[^/$]*)/', '/vndk${VNDK_VER}/', path)
if name.endswith('_32'):
name = name[0:-3]
name_path_dict[name] = path
return (result, name_path_dict)
def _is_stale_module(path, installed_paths):
if path in installed_paths:
return False
# libclang_rt.asan-${arch}-android and
# libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone-${arch}-android may vary between different
# architectures.
if posixpath.basename(path).startswith('libclang_rt'):
return False
return True
def remove_stale_modules(data, installed_paths):
result = {}
for path, row in data.items():
if not _is_stale_module(path, installed_paths):
result[path] = row
return result
def _parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--make-vars', required=True,
parser.add_argument('--module-info', required=True,
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
args = _parse_args()
# Load libraries from `out/soong/make_vars-$(TARGET).mk`.
llndk, vndk_sp, vndk, vndk_private = load_make_vars(args.make_vars)
# Load eligible list csv file.
with open(args.tag_file, 'r') as fp:
reader = csv.reader(fp)
header = next(reader)
data = dict()
regex_patterns = []
for path, tag, comments in reader:
if path.startswith('[regex]'):
regex_patterns.append([path, tag, comments])
data[path] = [path, tag, comments]
# Delete non-existing libraries.
installed_paths, name_path_dict = load_install_paths(args.module_info)
data = remove_stale_modules(data, installed_paths)
# Reset all /system/${LIB} libraries to FWK-ONLY.
for path, row in data.items():
if posixpath.dirname(path) == '/system/${LIB}':
row[1] = 'FWK-ONLY'
# Helper function to update the tag and the comments of an entry
def update_tag(path, tag, comments=None):
data[path][1] = tag
if comments is not None:
data[path][2] = comments
except KeyError:
data[path] = [path, tag, comments if comments is not None else '']
# Helper function to find the subdir and the module name
def get_subdir_and_name(name, name_path_dict, prefix_core, prefix_vendor):
path = name_path_dict[name + '.vendor']
assert path.startswith(prefix_vendor)
name_vendor = path[len(prefix_vendor):]
except KeyError:
name_vendor = name + '.so'
path = name_path_dict[name]
assert path.startswith(prefix_core)
name_core = path[len(prefix_core):]
except KeyError:
name_core = name + '.so'
assert name_core == name_vendor
return name_core
# Update LL-NDK tags
prefix_core = '/system/${LIB}/'
for name in llndk:
path = name_path_dict[name]
assert path.startswith(prefix_core)
name = path[len(prefix_core):]
except KeyError:
name = name + '.so'
update_tag('/system/${LIB}/' + name, 'LL-NDK')
# Update VNDK-SP and VNDK-SP-Private tags
prefix_core = '/system/${LIB}/'
prefix_vendor = '/system/${LIB}/vndk-sp${VNDK_VER}/'
for name in (vndk_sp - vndk_private):
name = get_subdir_and_name(name, name_path_dict, prefix_core,
update_tag(prefix_core + name, 'VNDK-SP')
update_tag(prefix_vendor + name, 'VNDK-SP')
for name in (vndk_sp & vndk_private):
name = get_subdir_and_name(name, name_path_dict, prefix_core,
update_tag(prefix_core + name, 'VNDK-SP-Private')
update_tag(prefix_vendor + name, 'VNDK-SP-Private')
# Update VNDK and VNDK-Private tags
prefix_core = '/system/${LIB}/'
prefix_vendor = '/system/${LIB}/vndk${VNDK_VER}/'
for name in (vndk - vndk_private):
name = get_subdir_and_name(name, name_path_dict, prefix_core,
update_tag(prefix_core + name, 'VNDK')
update_tag(prefix_vendor + name, 'VNDK')
for name in (vndk & vndk_private):
name = get_subdir_and_name(name, name_path_dict, prefix_core,
update_tag(prefix_core + name, 'VNDK-Private')
update_tag(prefix_vendor + name, 'VNDK-Private')
# Workaround for FWK-ONLY-RS
libs = [
for name in libs:
update_tag('/system/${LIB}/' + name + '.so', 'FWK-ONLY-RS')
# Workaround for LL-NDK-Private
libs = [
for name in libs:
update_tag('/system/${LIB}/' + name + '.so', 'LL-NDK-Private')
# Workaround for extra VNDK-SP-Private. The extra VNDK-SP-Private shared
# libraries are VNDK-SP-Private when BOARD_VNDK_VERSION is set but are not
# VNDK-SP-Private when BOARD_VNDK_VERSION is set.
libs = [
prefix_core = '/system/${LIB}/'
prefix_vendor = '/system/${LIB}/vndk-sp${VNDK_VER}/'
for name in libs:
assert name not in vndk_sp
assert name not in vndk_private
name = get_subdir_and_name(name, name_path_dict, prefix_core,
update_tag(prefix_core + name, 'VNDK-SP-Private',
'Workaround for degenerated VDNK')
update_tag(prefix_vendor + name, 'VNDK-SP-Private',
'Workaround for degenerated VDNK')
# Workaround for libclang_rt.asan
prefix = 'libclang_rt.asan'
if any(name.startswith(prefix) for name in llndk):
for path in list(data.keys()):
if os.path.basename(path).startswith(prefix):
update_tag(path, 'LL-NDK')
# Workaround for libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone
prefix = 'libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone'
if any(name.startswith(prefix) for name in vndk):
for path in list(data.keys()):
if os.path.basename(path).startswith(prefix):
update_tag(path, 'VNDK')
# Merge regular expression patterns into final dataset
for regex in regex_patterns:
data[regex[0]] = regex
# Write updated eligible list file
with open(args.output, 'w') as fp:
writer = csv.writer(fp, lineterminator='\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':