blob: 00594d12fb2abc9a878724aa1e372b915421bbf5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Constant definition class.<br>
* <br>
* Most constants have a prefix defining the content.
* <ul>
* <li><code>OS_</code> OS path constant. These paths are different depending on the platform.</li>
* <li><code>FN_</code> File name constant.</li>
* <li><code>FD_</code> Folder name constant.</li>
* </ul>
public final class SdkConstants {
public final static int PLATFORM_UNKNOWN = 0;
public final static int PLATFORM_LINUX = 1;
public final static int PLATFORM_WINDOWS = 2;
public final static int PLATFORM_DARWIN = 3;
* Returns current platform, one of {@link #PLATFORM_WINDOWS}, {@link #PLATFORM_DARWIN},
public final static int CURRENT_PLATFORM = currentPlatform();
/** An SDK Project's AndroidManifest.xml file */
public static final String FN_ANDROID_MANIFEST_XML= "AndroidManifest.xml";
/** An SDK Project's build.xml file */
public final static String FN_BUILD_XML = "build.xml";
/** Name of the framework library, i.e. "android.jar" */
public static final String FN_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY = "android.jar";
/** Name of the layout attributes, i.e. "attrs.xml" */
public static final String FN_ATTRS_XML = "attrs.xml";
/** Name of the layout attributes, i.e. "attrs_manifest.xml" */
public static final String FN_ATTRS_MANIFEST_XML = "attrs_manifest.xml";
/** framework aidl import file */
public static final String FN_FRAMEWORK_AIDL = "framework.aidl";
/** layoutlib.jar file */
public static final String FN_LAYOUTLIB_JAR = "layoutlib.jar";
/** widget list file */
public static final String FN_WIDGETS = "widgets.txt";
/** Intent activity actions list file */
public static final String FN_INTENT_ACTIONS_ACTIVITY = "activity_actions.txt";
/** Intent broadcast actions list file */
public static final String FN_INTENT_ACTIONS_BROADCAST = "broadcast_actions.txt";
/** Intent service actions list file */
public static final String FN_INTENT_ACTIONS_SERVICE = "service_actions.txt";
/** Intent category list file */
public static final String FN_INTENT_CATEGORIES = "categories.txt";
/** platform build property file */
public final static String FN_BUILD_PROP = "build.prop";
/** plugin properties file */
public final static String FN_PLUGIN_PROP = "plugin.prop";
/** add-on manifest file */
public final static String FN_MANIFEST_INI = "manifest.ini";
/** hardware properties definition file */
public final static String FN_HARDWARE_INI = "hardware-properties.ini";
/** Skin layout file */
public final static String FN_SKIN_LAYOUT = "layout";//$NON-NLS-1$
/** dex.jar file */
public static final String FN_DX_JAR = "dx.jar"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** dx executable */
public final static String FN_DX = (CURRENT_PLATFORM == PLATFORM_WINDOWS) ?
"dx.bat" : "dx"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
/** aapt executable */
public final static String FN_AAPT = (CURRENT_PLATFORM == PLATFORM_WINDOWS) ?
"aapt.exe" : "aapt"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
/** aidl executable */
public final static String FN_AIDL = (CURRENT_PLATFORM == PLATFORM_WINDOWS) ?
"aidl.exe" : "aidl"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
/* Folder Names for Android Projects . */
/** Resources folder name, i.e. "res". */
public final static String FD_RESOURCES = "res"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Assets folder name, i.e. "assets" */
public final static String FD_ASSETS = "assets"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Default source folder name, i.e. "src" */
public final static String FD_SOURCES = "src"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Default generated source folder name, i.e. "gen" */
public final static String FD_GEN_SOURCES = "gen"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Default native library folder name inside the project, i.e. "libs"
* While the folder inside the .apk is "lib", we call that one libs because
* that's what we use in ant for both .jar and .so and we need to make the 2 development ways
* compatible. */
public final static String FD_NATIVE_LIBS = "libs"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Native lib folder inside the APK: "lib" */
public final static String FD_APK_NATIVE_LIBS = "lib"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Default output folder name, i.e. "bin" */
public final static String FD_OUTPUT = "bin"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Default anim resource folder name, i.e. "anim" */
public final static String FD_ANIM = "anim"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Default color resource folder name, i.e. "color" */
public final static String FD_COLOR = "color"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Default drawable resource folder name, i.e. "drawable" */
public final static String FD_DRAWABLE = "drawable"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Default layout resource folder name, i.e. "layout" */
public final static String FD_LAYOUT = "layout"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Default menu resource folder name, i.e. "menu" */
public final static String FD_MENU = "menu"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Default values resource folder name, i.e. "values" */
public final static String FD_VALUES = "values"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Default xml resource folder name, i.e. "xml" */
public final static String FD_XML = "xml"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Default raw resource folder name, i.e. "raw" */
public final static String FD_RAW = "raw"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/* Folder Names for the Android SDK */
/** Name of the SDK platforms folder. */
public final static String FD_PLATFORMS = "platforms";
/** Name of the SDK addons folder. */
public final static String FD_ADDONS = "add-ons";
/** Name of the SDK tools folder. */
public final static String FD_TOOLS = "tools";
/** Name of the SDK tools/lib folder. */
public final static String FD_LIB = "lib";
/** Name of the SDK docs folder. */
public final static String FD_DOCS = "docs";
/** Name of the SDK images folder. */
public final static String FD_IMAGES = "images";
/** Name of the SDK skins folder. */
public final static String FD_SKINS = "skins";
/** Name of the SDK samples folder. */
public final static String FD_SAMPLES = "samples";
/** Name of the SDK templates folder, i.e. "templates" */
public final static String FD_TEMPLATES = "templates";
/** Name of the SDK data folder, i.e. "data" */
public final static String FD_DATA = "data";
/** Name of the SDK resources folder, i.e. "res" */
public final static String FD_RES = "res";
/** Name of the SDK font folder, i.e. "fonts" */
public final static String FD_FONTS = "fonts";
/** Name of the android sources directory */
public static final String FD_ANDROID_SOURCES = "sources";
/** Name of the addon libs folder. */
public final static String FD_ADDON_LIBS = "libs";
/** Namespace for the resource XML, i.e. "" */
public final static String NS_RESOURCES = "";
/* Folder path relative to the SDK root */
/** Path of the documentation directory relative to the sdk folder.
* This is an OS path, ending with a separator. */
public final static String OS_SDK_DOCS_FOLDER = FD_DOCS + File.separator;
/** Path of the tools directory relative to the sdk folder, or to a platform folder.
* This is an OS path, ending with a separator. */
public final static String OS_SDK_TOOLS_FOLDER = FD_TOOLS + File.separator;
/** Path of the lib directory relative to the sdk folder, or to a platform folder.
* This is an OS path, ending with a separator. */
public final static String OS_SDK_TOOLS_LIB_FOLDER =
OS_SDK_TOOLS_FOLDER + FD_LIB + File.separator;
/* Folder paths relative to a platform or add-on folder */
/** Path of the images directory relative to a platform or addon folder.
* This is an OS path, ending with a separator. */
public final static String OS_IMAGES_FOLDER = FD_IMAGES + File.separator;
/** Path of the skin directory relative to a platform or addon folder.
* This is an OS path, ending with a separator. */
public final static String OS_SKINS_FOLDER = FD_SKINS + File.separator;
/* Folder paths relative to a Platform folder */
/** Path of the data directory relative to a platform folder.
* This is an OS path, ending with a separator. */
public final static String OS_PLATFORM_DATA_FOLDER = FD_DATA + File.separator;
/** Path of the samples directory relative to a platform folder.
* This is an OS path, ending with a separator. */
public final static String OS_PLATFORM_SAMPLES_FOLDER = FD_SAMPLES + File.separator;
/** Path of the resources directory relative to a platform folder.
* This is an OS path, ending with a separator. */
public final static String OS_PLATFORM_RESOURCES_FOLDER =
/** Path of the fonts directory relative to a platform folder.
* This is an OS path, ending with a separator. */
public final static String OS_PLATFORM_FONTS_FOLDER =
/** Path of the android source directory relative to a platform folder.
* This is an OS path, ending with a separator. */
public final static String OS_PLATFORM_SOURCES_FOLDER = FD_ANDROID_SOURCES + File.separator;
/** Path of the android templates directory relative to a platform folder.
* This is an OS path, ending with a separator. */
public final static String OS_PLATFORM_TEMPLATES_FOLDER = FD_TEMPLATES + File.separator;
/** Path of the attrs.xml file relative to a platform folder. */
public final static String OS_PLATFORM_ATTRS_XML =
/** Path of the attrs_manifest.xml file relative to a platform folder. */
public final static String OS_PLATFORM_ATTRS_MANIFEST_XML =
/** Path of the layoutlib.jar file relative to a platform folder. */
public final static String OS_PLATFORM_LAYOUTLIB_JAR =
/* Folder paths relative to a addon folder */
/** Path of the images directory relative to a folder folder.
* This is an OS path, ending with a separator. */
public final static String OS_ADDON_LIBS_FOLDER = FD_ADDON_LIBS + File.separator;
/** Skin default **/
public final static String SKIN_DEFAULT = "default";
/** Returns the appropriate name for the 'android' command, which is 'android.bat' for
* Windows and 'android' for all other platforms. */
public static String androidCmdName() {
String os = System.getProperty("");
String cmd = "android";
if (os.startsWith("Windows")) {
cmd += ".bat";
return cmd;
/** Returns the appropriate name for the 'mksdcard' command, which is 'mksdcard.exe' for
* Windows and 'mkdsdcard' for all other platforms. */
public static String mkSdCardCmdName() {
String os = System.getProperty("");
String cmd = "mksdcard";
if (os.startsWith("Windows")) {
cmd += ".exe";
return cmd;
* Returns current platform
* @return one of {@link #PLATFORM_WINDOWS}, {@link #PLATFORM_DARWIN},
private static int currentPlatform() {
String os = System.getProperty(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (os.startsWith("Mac OS")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (os.startsWith("Windows")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if (os.startsWith("Linux")) { //$NON-NLS-1$