blob: 0ba5d5fe5260676297a704519cec9a90dadeaad1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.animation.Animator;
import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter;
import android.animation.AnimatorSet;
import android.animation.ObjectAnimator;
import android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder;
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewTreeObserver;
import android.widget.AbsListView;
import android.widget.AdapterView;
import android.widget.ListView;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
* A custom listview which supports the preview of extra content corresponding to each cell
* by clicking on the cell to hide and show the extra content.
public class ExpandingListView extends ListView {
private boolean mShouldRemoveObserver = false;
private List<View> mViewsToDraw = new ArrayList<View>();
private int[] mTranslate;
public ExpandingListView(Context context) {
public ExpandingListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
public ExpandingListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
super(context, attrs, defStyle);
private void init() {
* Listens for item clicks and expands or collapses the selected view depending on
* its current state.
private AdapterView.OnItemClickListener mItemClickListener = new AdapterView
.OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick (AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
ExpandableListItem viewObject = (ExpandableListItem)getItemAtPosition(getPositionForView
if (!viewObject.isExpanded()) {
} else {
* Calculates the top and bottom bound changes of the selected item. These values are
* also used to move the bounds of the items around the one that is actually being
* expanded or collapsed.
* This method can be modified to achieve different user experiences depending
* on how you want the cells to expand or collapse. In this specific demo, the cells
* always try to expand downwards (leaving top bound untouched), and similarly,
* collapse upwards (leaving top bound untouched). If the change in bounds
* results in the complete disappearance of a cell, its lower bound is moved is
* moved to the top of the screen so as not to hide any additional content that
* the user has not interacted with yet. Furthermore, if the collapsed cell is
* partially off screen when it is first clicked, it is translated such that its
* full contents are visible. Lastly, this behaviour varies slightly near the bottom
* of the listview in order to account for the fact that the bottom bounds of the actual
* listview cannot be modified.
private int[] getTopAndBottomTranslations(int top, int bottom, int yDelta,
boolean isExpanding) {
int yTranslateTop = 0;
int yTranslateBottom = yDelta;
int height = bottom - top;
if (isExpanding) {
boolean isOverTop = top < 0;
boolean isBelowBottom = (top + height + yDelta) > getHeight();
if (isOverTop) {
yTranslateTop = top;
yTranslateBottom = yDelta - yTranslateTop;
} else if (isBelowBottom){
int deltaBelow = top + height + yDelta - getHeight();
yTranslateTop = top - deltaBelow < 0 ? top : deltaBelow;
yTranslateBottom = yDelta - yTranslateTop;
} else {
int offset = computeVerticalScrollOffset();
int range = computeVerticalScrollRange();
int extent = computeVerticalScrollExtent();
int leftoverExtent = range-offset - extent;
boolean isCollapsingBelowBottom = (yTranslateBottom > leftoverExtent);
boolean isCellCompletelyDisappearing = bottom - yTranslateBottom < 0;
if (isCollapsingBelowBottom) {
yTranslateTop = yTranslateBottom - leftoverExtent;
yTranslateBottom = yDelta - yTranslateTop;
} else if (isCellCompletelyDisappearing) {
yTranslateBottom = bottom;
yTranslateTop = yDelta - yTranslateBottom;
return new int[] {yTranslateTop, yTranslateBottom};
* This method expands the view that was clicked and animates all the views
* around it to make room for the expanding view. There are several steps required
* to do this which are outlined below.
* 1. Store the current top and bottom bounds of each visible item in the listview.
* 2. Update the layout parameters of the selected view. In the context of this
* method, the view should be originally collapsed and set to some custom height.
* The layout parameters are updated so as to wrap the content of the additional
* text that is to be displayed.
* After invoking a layout to take place, the listview will order all the items
* such that there is space for each view. This layout will be independent of what
* the bounds of the items were prior to the layout so two pre-draw passes will
* be made. This is necessary because after the layout takes place, some views that
* were visible before the layout may now be off bounds but a reference to these
* views is required so the animation completes as intended.
* 3. The first predraw pass will set the bounds of all the visible items to
* their original location before the layout took place and then force another
* layout. Since the bounds of the cells cannot be set directly, the method
* setSelectionFromTop can be used to achieve a very similar effect.
* 4. The expanding view's bounds are animated to what the final values should be
* from the original bounds.
* 5. The bounds above the expanding view are animated upwards while the bounds
* below the expanding view are animated downwards.
* 6. The extra text is faded in as its contents become visible throughout the
* animation process.
* It is important to note that the listview is disabled during the animation
* because the scrolling behaviour is unpredictable if the bounds of the items
* within the listview are not constant during the scroll.
private void expandView(final View view) {
final ExpandableListItem viewObject = (ExpandableListItem)getItemAtPosition(getPositionForView
/* Store the original top and bottom bounds of all the cells.*/
final int oldTop = view.getTop();
final int oldBottom = view.getBottom();
final HashMap<View, int[]> oldCoordinates = new HashMap<View, int[]>();
int childCount = getChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
View v = getChildAt(i);
oldCoordinates.put(v, new int[] {v.getTop(), v.getBottom()});
/* Update the layout so the extra content becomes visible.*/
final View expandingLayout = view.findViewById(;
/* Add an onPreDraw Listener to the listview. onPreDraw will get invoked after onLayout
* and onMeasure have run but before anything has been drawn. This
* means that the final post layout properties for all the items have already been
* determined, but still have not been rendered onto the screen.*/
final ViewTreeObserver observer = getViewTreeObserver();
observer.addOnPreDrawListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener() {
public boolean onPreDraw() {
/* Determine if this is the first or second pass.*/
if (!mShouldRemoveObserver) {
mShouldRemoveObserver = true;
/* Calculate what the parameters should be for setSelectionFromTop.
* The ListView must be offset in a way, such that after the animation
* takes place, all the cells that remain visible are rendered completely
* by the ListView.*/
int newTop = view.getTop();
int newBottom = view.getBottom();
int newHeight = newBottom - newTop;
int oldHeight = oldBottom - oldTop;
int delta = newHeight - oldHeight;
mTranslate = getTopAndBottomTranslations(oldTop, oldBottom, delta, true);
int currentTop = view.getTop();
int futureTop = oldTop - mTranslate[0];
int firstChildStartTop = getChildAt(0).getTop();
int firstVisiblePosition = getFirstVisiblePosition();
int deltaTop = currentTop - futureTop;
int i;
int childCount = getChildCount();
for (i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
View v = getChildAt(i);
int height = v.getBottom() - Math.max(0, v.getTop());
if (deltaTop - height > 0) {
deltaTop -= height;
} else {
if (i > 0) {
firstChildStartTop = 0;
setSelectionFromTop(firstVisiblePosition, firstChildStartTop - deltaTop);
/* Request another layout to update the layout parameters of the cells.*/
/* Return false such that the ListView does not redraw its contents on
* this layout but only updates all the parameters associated with its
* children.*/
return false;
/* Remove the predraw listener so this method does not keep getting called. */
mShouldRemoveObserver = false;
int yTranslateTop = mTranslate[0];
int yTranslateBottom = mTranslate[1];
ArrayList <Animator> animations = new ArrayList<Animator>();
int index = indexOfChild(view);
/* Loop through all the views that were on the screen before the cell was
* expanded. Some cells will still be children of the ListView while
* others will not. The cells that remain children of the ListView
* simply have their bounds animated appropriately. The cells that are no
* longer children of the ListView also have their bounds animated, but
* must also be added to a list of views which will be drawn in dispatchDraw.*/
for (View v: oldCoordinates.keySet()) {
int[] old = oldCoordinates.get(v);
if (v.getParent() == null) {
int delta = old[0] < oldTop ? -yTranslateTop : yTranslateBottom;
animations.add(getAnimation(v, delta, delta));
} else {
int i = indexOfChild(v);
if (v != view) {
int delta = i > index ? yTranslateBottom : -yTranslateTop;
animations.add(getAnimation(v, delta, delta));
/* Adds animation for expanding the cell that was clicked. */
animations.add(getAnimation(view, -yTranslateTop, yTranslateBottom));
/* Adds an animation for fading in the extra content. */
View.ALPHA, 0, 1));
/* Disabled the ListView for the duration of the animation.*/
/* Play all the animations created above together at the same time. */
AnimatorSet s = new AnimatorSet();
s.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
if (mViewsToDraw.size() > 0) {
for (View v : mViewsToDraw) {
return true;
* By overriding dispatchDraw, we can draw the cells that disappear during the
* expansion process. When the cell expands, some items below or above the expanding
* cell may be moved off screen and are thus no longer children of the ListView's
* layout. By storing a reference to these views prior to the layout, and
* guaranteeing that these cells do not get recycled, the cells can be drawn
* directly onto the canvas during the animation process. After the animation
* completes, the references to the extra views can then be discarded.
protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) {
if (mViewsToDraw.size() == 0) {
for (View v: mViewsToDraw) {
canvas.translate(0, v.getTop());
canvas.translate(0, -v.getTop());
* This method collapses the view that was clicked and animates all the views
* around it to close around the collapsing view. There are several steps required
* to do this which are outlined below.
* 1. Update the layout parameters of the view clicked so as to minimize its height
* to the original collapsed (default) state.
* 2. After invoking a layout, the listview will shift all the cells so as to display
* them most efficiently. Therefore, during the first predraw pass, the listview
* must be offset by some amount such that given the custom bound change upon
* collapse, all the cells that need to be on the screen after the layout
* are rendered by the listview.
* 3. On the second predraw pass, all the items are first returned to their original
* location (before the first layout).
* 4. The collapsing view's bounds are animated to what the final values should be.
* 5. The bounds above the collapsing view are animated downwards while the bounds
* below the collapsing view are animated upwards.
* 6. The extra text is faded out as its contents become visible throughout the
* animation process.
private void collapseView(final View view) {
final ExpandableListItem viewObject = (ExpandableListItem)getItemAtPosition
/* Store the original top and bottom bounds of all the cells.*/
final int oldTop = view.getTop();
final int oldBottom = view.getBottom();
final HashMap<View, int[]> oldCoordinates = new HashMap<View, int[]>();
int childCount = getChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
View v = getChildAt(i);
oldCoordinates.put(v, new int [] {v.getTop(), v.getBottom()});
/* Update the layout so the extra content becomes invisible.*/
view.setLayoutParams(new AbsListView.LayoutParams(AbsListView.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,
/* Add an onPreDraw listener. */
final ViewTreeObserver observer = getViewTreeObserver();
observer.addOnPreDrawListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener() {
public boolean onPreDraw() {
if (!mShouldRemoveObserver) {
/*Same as for expandingView, the parameters for setSelectionFromTop must
* be determined such that the necessary cells of the ListView are rendered
* and added to it.*/
mShouldRemoveObserver = true;
int newTop = view.getTop();
int newBottom = view.getBottom();
int newHeight = newBottom - newTop;
int oldHeight = oldBottom - oldTop;
int deltaHeight = oldHeight - newHeight;
mTranslate = getTopAndBottomTranslations(oldTop, oldBottom, deltaHeight, false);
int currentTop = view.getTop();
int futureTop = oldTop + mTranslate[0];
int firstChildStartTop = getChildAt(0).getTop();
int firstVisiblePosition = getFirstVisiblePosition();
int deltaTop = currentTop - futureTop;
int i;
int childCount = getChildCount();
for (i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
View v = getChildAt(i);
int height = v.getBottom() - Math.max(0, v.getTop());
if (deltaTop - height > 0) {
deltaTop -= height;
} else {
if (i > 0) {
firstChildStartTop = 0;
setSelectionFromTop(firstVisiblePosition, firstChildStartTop - deltaTop);
return false;
mShouldRemoveObserver = false;
int yTranslateTop = mTranslate[0];
int yTranslateBottom = mTranslate[1];
int index = indexOfChild(view);
int childCount = getChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
View v = getChildAt(i);
int [] old = oldCoordinates.get(v);
if (old != null) {
/* If the cell was present in the ListView before the collapse and
* after the collapse then the bounds are reset to their old values.*/
} else {
/* If the cell is present in the ListView after the collapse but
* not before the collapse then the bounds are calculated using
* the bottom and top translation of the collapsing cell.*/
int delta = i > index ? yTranslateBottom : -yTranslateTop;
v.setTop(v.getTop() + delta);
v.setBottom(v.getBottom() + delta);
final View expandingLayout = view.findViewById (;
/* Animates all the cells present on the screen after the collapse. */
ArrayList <Animator> animations = new ArrayList<Animator>();
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
View v = getChildAt(i);
if (v != view) {
float diff = i > index ? -yTranslateBottom : yTranslateTop;
animations.add(getAnimation(v, diff, diff));
/* Adds animation for collapsing the cell that was clicked. */
animations.add(getAnimation(view, yTranslateTop, -yTranslateBottom));
/* Adds an animation for fading out the extra content. */
animations.add(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(expandingLayout, View.ALPHA, 1, 0));
/* Disabled the ListView for the duration of the animation.*/
/* Play all the animations created above together at the same time. */
AnimatorSet s = new AnimatorSet();
s.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
view.setLayoutParams(new AbsListView.LayoutParams(AbsListView
.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, AbsListView.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));
/* Note that alpha must be set back to 1 in case this view is reused
* by a cell that was expanded, but not yet collapsed, so its state
* should persist in an expanded state with the extra content visible.*/
return true;
* This method takes some view and the values by which its top and bottom bounds
* should be changed by. Given these params, an animation which will animate
* these bound changes is created and returned.
private Animator getAnimation(final View view, float translateTop, float translateBottom) {
int top = view.getTop();
int bottom = view.getBottom();
int endTop = (int)(top + translateTop);
int endBottom = (int)(bottom + translateBottom);
PropertyValuesHolder translationTop = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("top", top, endTop);
PropertyValuesHolder translationBottom = PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("bottom", bottom,
return ObjectAnimator.ofPropertyValuesHolder(view, translationTop, translationBottom);