blob: f48780a9de20e35c9b1ff1fa18709632fea5bee1 [file] [log] [blame]
* ALOG Levels: F - Fatal, E - Error, W - Warning, I - Info, D - Debug, V - Verbose
* Using them to work within the Android logcat logging mechanism:
* % logcat '*:v' [To display Verbose Logging]
* % logcat 'fcntl_portable:v' [To display just this fcntl logging]
* NOTE: This assumes you only use the 'PORTABLE_TAG'; which is the default.
* For debugging LTP it's been helpful to include the LTP program being tested;
* which is enabled below with #define EXTENDED_LOGGING.
* Logging routines also support ALOG*_IF() and ASSERT(); For details See:
* ${ANDROID_TOP}/system/core/include/cutils/log.h
* and
* ALOGV is turned off by release builds: Use the #define below with LOG_NDEBUG=0 to enable.
* Strace works fine with ALOG out if a large max string size is used via the -s option;
* Example:
* strace -s 132 ./sigaction01
* writev(3, [{"\2", 1},
* {"./sigaction01`signal_portable\0", 30},
* {"sigaction_portable(portable_signum:10:'SIGUSR1_PORTABLE:10', ...
* {"map_portable_sigset_to_mips(portable_sigset:0x7fe47a0c, ...
* ...
* Enable LOG_NDEBUG to have debug code visible in logcat output by default.
* Also possible via the Lib-Portable file. Example:
* # Have logging permanently enable during development.
// # define LOG_NDEBUG 0
// #define EXTENDED_LOGGING /* Include the current program name in the LOG_TAG */
* Inline function to put the current program name
* and this library into the logcat prefix. Example:
* V/./sigaction01`signal_portable(605): sigaction_portable(... ) {
* -----------------------------
* Disabled by default in AOSP, enable by removing the // above.
* Useful when debugging more than one program; For example LTP has thousands.
#define MAX_TAG_LEN 128
static char my_portable_tag[MAX_TAG_LEN + 1];
static inline char *portable_tag() {
extern char *__progname;
if (my_portable_tag[0] == '\000') {
strncat(&my_portable_tag[0], __progname, MAX_TAG_LEN);
strncat(&my_portable_tag[0], ".", MAX_TAG_LEN - strlen(my_portable_tag));
strncat(&my_portable_tag[0], PORTABLE_TAG, MAX_TAG_LEN - strlen(my_portable_tag));
return my_portable_tag;
#define LOG_TAG portable_tag()
* Override LOG_PRI() defined in ${AOSP}/system/core/include/cutils/log.h
* to preserve the value of errno while logging.
#define LOG_PRI(priority, tag, ...) ({ \
int _errno = errno; \
int _rv = android_printLog(priority, tag, __VA_ARGS__); \
errno = _errno; \
_rv; /* Returned to caller */ \
# include <cutils/log.h>
# define PERROR(str) { \
ALOGE("%s: PERROR('%s'): errno:%d:'%s'", __func__, str, errno, strerror(errno)); \
# define ASSERT(cond) ALOG_ASSERT(cond, "assertion failed:(%s), file: %s, line: %d:%s", \
#cond, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__);