Camera: update NDK camera API headers

Add documentation. No function/symbol change.

Bug: 27102995
Change-Id: I86bde8bcbb7d2ba2dc7c8c43439e905dcc8893ea
diff --git a/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/camera/NdkCameraCaptureSession.h b/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/camera/NdkCameraCaptureSession.h
index 68eff7a..7b314e9 100644
--- a/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/camera/NdkCameraCaptureSession.h
+++ b/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/camera/NdkCameraCaptureSession.h
@@ -177,7 +177,8 @@
  *                capture request sent by application, so the address is different to what
  *                application sent but the content will match. This request will be freed by
  *                framework immediately after this callback returns.
- * @param result The capture result metadata reported by camera device
+ * @param result The capture result metadata reported by camera device. The memory is managed by
+ *                camera framework. Do not access this pointer after this callback returns.
 typedef void (*ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_result)(
         void* context, ACameraCaptureSession* session,
@@ -193,7 +194,9 @@
  *                capture request sent by application, so the address is different to what
  *                application sent but the content will match. This request will be freed by
  *                framework immediately after this callback returns.
- * @param failure The {@link ACameraCaptureFailure} desribes the capture failure.
+ * @param failure The {@link ACameraCaptureFailure} desribes the capture failure. The memory is
+ *                managed by camera framework. Do not access this pointer after this callback
+ *                returns.
 typedef void (*ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_failed)(
         void* context, ACameraCaptureSession* session,
diff --git a/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/camera/NdkCameraMetadata.h b/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/camera/NdkCameraMetadata.h
index 8a8865d..d929854 100644
--- a/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/camera/NdkCameraMetadata.h
+++ b/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/camera/NdkCameraMetadata.h
@@ -43,35 +43,78 @@
 extern "C" {
+ * ACameraMetadata is opaque type that provides access to read-only camera metadata like camera
+ * characteristics (via {@link ACameraManager_getCameraCharacteristics}) or capture results (via
+ * {@link ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_result}).
+ */
 typedef struct ACameraMetadata ACameraMetadata;
-// Keep in sync with system/media/include/system/camera_metadata.h
+ * Possible data types of a metadata entry.
+ *
+ * Keep in sync with system/media/include/system/camera_metadata.h
+ */
 enum {
-    // Unsigned 8-bit integer (uint8_t)
+    /// Unsigned 8-bit integer (uint8_t)
-    // Signed 32-bit integer (int32_t)
+    /// Signed 32-bit integer (int32_t)
     ACAMERA_TYPE_INT32 = 1,
-    // 32-bit float (float)
+    /// 32-bit float (float)
-    // Signed 64-bit integer (int64_t)
+    /// Signed 64-bit integer (int64_t)
     ACAMERA_TYPE_INT64 = 3,
-    // 64-bit float (double)
+    /// 64-bit float (double)
-    // A 64-bit fraction (ACameraMetadata_rational)
+    /// A 64-bit fraction (ACameraMetadata_rational)
-    // Number of type fields
+    /// Number of type fields
+ * Definition of rational data type in {@link ACameraMetadata}.
+ */
 typedef struct ACameraMetadata_rational {
     int32_t numerator;
     int32_t denominator;
 } ACameraMetadata_rational;
+ * A single camera metadata entry.
+ *
+ * <p>Each entry is an array of values, though many metadata fields may only have 1 entry in the
+ * array.</p>
+ */
 typedef struct ACameraMetadata_entry {
+    /**
+     * The tag identifying the entry.
+     *
+     * <p> It is one of the values defined in {@link NdkCameraMetadataTags.h}, and defines how the
+     * entry should be interpreted and which parts of the API provide it.
+     * See {@link NdkCameraMetadataTags.h} for more details. </p>
+     */
     uint32_t tag;
+    /**
+     * The data type of this metadata entry.
+     *
+     * <p>Must be one of ACAMERA_TYPE_* enum values defined above. A particular tag always has the
+     * same type.</p>
+     */
     uint8_t  type;
+    /**
+     * Count of elements (NOT count of bytes) in this metadata entry.
+     */
     uint32_t count;
+    /**
+     * Pointer to the data held in this metadata entry.
+     *
+     * <p>The type field above defines which union member pointer is valid. The count field above
+     * defines the length of the data in number of elements.</p>
+     */
     union {
         uint8_t *u8;
         int32_t *i32;
@@ -82,10 +125,41 @@
     } data;
 } ACameraMetadata_entry;
+ * A single read-only camera metadata entry.
+ *
+ * <p>Each entry is an array of values, though many metadata fields may only have 1 entry in the
+ * array.</p>
+ */
 typedef struct ACameraMetadata_const_entry {
+    /**
+     * The tag identifying the entry.
+     *
+     * <p> It is one of the values defined in {@link NdkCameraMetadataTags.h}, and defines how the
+     * entry should be interpreted and which parts of the API provide it.
+     * See {@link NdkCameraMetadataTags.h} for more details. </p>
+     */
     uint32_t tag;
+    /**
+     * The data type of this metadata entry.
+     *
+     * <p>Must be one of ACAMERA_TYPE_* enum values defined above. A particular tag always has the
+     * same type.</p>
+     */
     uint8_t  type;
+    /**
+     * Count of elements (NOT count of bytes) in this metadata entry.
+     */
     uint32_t count;
+    /**
+     * Pointer to the data held in this metadata entry.
+     *
+     * <p>The type field above defines which union member pointer is valid. The count field above
+     * defines the length of the data in number of elements.</p>
+     */
     union {
         const uint8_t *u8;
         const int32_t *i32;
@@ -96,32 +170,61 @@
     } data;
 } ACameraMetadata_const_entry;
- * Get a metadata entry
+ * Get a metadata entry from an input {@link ACameraMetadata}.
+ *
+ * <p>The memory of the data field in the returned entry is managed by camera framework. Do not
+ * attempt to free it.</p>
+ *
+ * @param metadata the {@link ACameraMetadata} of interest.
+ * @param tag the tag value of the camera metadata entry to be get.
+ * @param entry the output {@link ACameraMetadata_const_entry} will be filled here if the method
+ *        call succeeeds.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if metadata or entry is NULL.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_METADATA_NOT_FOUND} if input metadata does not contain an entry
+ *             of input tag value.</li></ul>
 camera_status_t ACameraMetadata_getConstEntry(
-        const ACameraMetadata*, uint32_t tag, ACameraMetadata_const_entry* entry);
- * List all the entry tags in this metadata.
- * The memory of tags is managed by ACameraMetadata itself and must NOT be free/delete
- * by application. Do NOT access tags after calling ACameraMetadata_free
- */
-camera_status_t ACameraMetadata_getAllTags(
-        const ACameraMetadata*, /*out*/int32_t* numTags, /*out*/const uint32_t** tags);
+        const ACameraMetadata* metadata, uint32_t tag, /*out*/ACameraMetadata_const_entry* entry);
- * Copy a metadata. Duplicates a metadata structure.
- * The destination ACameraMetadata must be freed by the application with ACameraMetadata_free
- * after application is done using it.
- * Returns NULL when src cannot be copied
+ * List all the entry tags in input {@link ACameraMetadata}.
+ *
+ * @param metadata the {@link ACameraMetadata} of interest.
+ * @param numEntries number of metadata entries in input {@link ACameraMetadata}
+ * @param tags the tag values of the metadata entries. Length of tags is returned in numEntries
+ *             argument. The memory is managed by ACameraMetadata itself and must NOT be free/delete
+ *             by application. Do NOT access tags after calling ACameraMetadata_free.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if metadata, numEntries or tags is NULL.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_UNKNOWN} if the method fails for some other reasons.</li></ul>
+ */
+camera_status_t ACameraMetadata_getAllTags(
+        const ACameraMetadata* metadata, /*out*/int32_t* numEntries, /*out*/const uint32_t** tags);
+ * Create a copy of input {@link ACameraMetadata}.
+ *
+ * <p>The returned ACameraMetadata must be freed by the application by {@link ACameraMetadata_free}
+ * after application is done using it.</p>
+ *
+ * @param src the input {@link ACameraMetadata} to be copied.
+ *
+ * @return a valid ACameraMetadata pointer or NULL if the input metadata cannot be copied.
 ACameraMetadata* ACameraMetadata_copy(const ACameraMetadata* src);
- * Frees a metadata structure.
+ * Free a {@link ACameraMetadata} structure.
+ *
+ * @param metadata the {@link ACameraMetadata} to be freed.
-void ACameraMetadata_free(ACameraMetadata*);
+void ACameraMetadata_free(ACameraMetadata* metadata);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 } // extern "C"
diff --git a/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/camera/NdkCameraMetadataTags.h b/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/camera/NdkCameraMetadataTags.h
index ec2e159..7c0ff5d 100644
--- a/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/camera/NdkCameraMetadataTags.h
+++ b/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/camera/NdkCameraMetadataTags.h
@@ -14,6 +14,15 @@
  * limitations under the License.
+ * @addtogroup Camera
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @file NdkCameraMetadataTags.h
+ */
  * This file defines an NDK API.
  * Do not remove methods.
@@ -119,7 +128,7 @@
      * FAST or HIGH_QUALITY will yield a picture with the same white point
      * as what was produced by the camera device in the earlier frame.</p>
      * <p>The expected processing pipeline is as follows:</p>
-     * <p><img alt="White balance processing pipeline" src="../../../../images/camera2/metadata/android.colorCorrection.mode/processing_pipeline.png" /></p>
+     * <p><img alt="White balance processing pipeline" src="../images/camera2/metadata/android.colorCorrection.mode/processing_pipeline.png" /></p>
      * <p>The white balance is encoded by two values, a 4-channel white-balance
      * gain vector (applied in the Bayer domain), and a 3x3 color transform
      * matrix (applied after demosaic).</p>
@@ -436,6 +445,10 @@
      * Otherwise will always be present.</p>
      * <p>The maximum number of regions supported by the device is determined by the value
      * of android.control.maxRegionsAe.</p>
+     * <p>The data representation is int[5 * area_count].
+     * Every five elements represent a metering region of (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, weight).
+     * The rectangle is defined to be inclusive on xmin and ymin, but exclusive on xmax and
+     * ymax.</p>
      * <p>The coordinate system is based on the active pixel array,
      * with (0,0) being the top-left pixel in the active pixel array, and
@@ -586,6 +599,10 @@
      * Otherwise will always be present.</p>
      * <p>The maximum number of focus areas supported by the device is determined by the value
      * of android.control.maxRegionsAf.</p>
+     * <p>The data representation is int[5 * area_count].
+     * Every five elements represent a metering region of (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, weight).
+     * The rectangle is defined to be inclusive on xmin and ymin, but exclusive on xmax and
+     * ymax.</p>
      * <p>The coordinate system is based on the active pixel array,
      * with (0,0) being the top-left pixel in the active pixel array, and
@@ -732,6 +749,10 @@
      * Otherwise will always be present.</p>
      * <p>The maximum number of regions supported by the device is determined by the value
      * of android.control.maxRegionsAwb.</p>
+     * <p>The data representation is int[5 * area_count].
+     * Every five elements represent a metering region of (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, weight).
+     * The rectangle is defined to be inclusive on xmin and ymin, but exclusive on xmax and
+     * ymax.</p>
      * <p>The coordinate system is based on the active pixel array,
      * with (0,0) being the top-left pixel in the active pixel array, and
@@ -819,7 +840,8 @@
      * ACAMERA_CONTROL_* are mostly disabled, and the camera device implements
      * one of the scene mode settings (such as ACTION, SUNSET, or PARTY)
      * as it wishes. The camera device scene mode 3A settings are provided by
-     * {@link android.hardware.camera2.CaptureResult capture results}.</p>
+     * capture results {@link ACameraMetadata} from
+     * {@link ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_result}.</p>
      * <p>When set to OFF_KEEP_STATE, it is similar to OFF mode, the only difference
      * is that this frame will not be used by camera device background 3A statistics
      * update, as if this frame is never captured. This mode can be used in the scenario
@@ -961,21 +983,23 @@
      * <ul>
      * <li>
      * <p>For constant-framerate recording, for each normal
-     * {@link CamcorderProfile}, that is, a
-     * {@link CamcorderProfile} that has
-     * {@link quality} in
-     * the range [{@link QUALITY_LOW},
-     * {@link QUALITY_2160P}], if the profile is
-     * supported by the device and has
-     * {@link videoFrameRate} <code>x</code>, this list will
-     * always include (<code>x</code>,<code>x</code>).</p>
+     * <a href="">CamcorderProfile</a>, that is, a
+     * <a href="">CamcorderProfile</a> that has
+     * <a href="">quality</a>
+     * in the range [
+     * <a href="">QUALITY_LOW</a>,
+     * <a href="">QUALITY_2160P</a>],
+     * if the profile is supported by the device and has
+     * <a href="">videoFrameRate</a>
+     * <code>x</code>, this list will always include (<code>x</code>,<code>x</code>).</p>
      * </li>
      * <li>
      * <p>Also, a camera device must either not support any
-     * {@link CamcorderProfile},
+     * <a href="">CamcorderProfile</a>,
      * or support at least one
-     * normal {@link CamcorderProfile} that has
-     * {@link videoFrameRate} <code>x</code> &gt;= 24.</p>
+     * normal <a href="">CamcorderProfile</a>
+     * that has
+     * <a href="">videoFrameRate</a> <code>x</code> &gt;= 24.</p>
      * </li>
      * </ul>
      * <p>For devices at the LIMITED level or above:</p>
@@ -1181,205 +1205,45 @@
      * AE state becomes CONVERGED, then the image data associated with this result should
      * be good to use.</p>
      * <p>Below are state transition tables for different AE modes.</p>
-     * <table>
-     * <thead>
-     * <tr>
-     * <th align="center">State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Transition Cause</th>
-     * <th align="center">New State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Notes</th>
-     * </tr>
-     * </thead>
-     * <tbody>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center"></td>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device auto exposure algorithm is disabled</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * </tbody>
-     * </table>
+     * <p>State       | Transition Cause | New State | Notes
+     * :------------:|:----------------:|:---------:|:-----------------------:
+     * INACTIVE      |                  | INACTIVE  | Camera device auto exposure algorithm is disabled</p>
      * <p>When ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_MODE is AE_MODE_ON_*:</p>
-     * <table>
-     * <thead>
-     * <tr>
-     * <th align="center">State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Transition Cause</th>
-     * <th align="center">New State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Notes</th>
-     * </tr>
-     * </thead>
-     * <tbody>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device initiates AE scan</td>
-     * <td align="center">SEARCHING</td>
-     * <td align="center">Values changing</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_LOCK is ON</td>
-     * <td align="center">LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Values locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">SEARCHING</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device finishes AE scan</td>
-     * <td align="center">CONVERGED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Good values, not changing</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">SEARCHING</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device finishes AE scan</td>
-     * <td align="center">FLASH_REQUIRED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Converged but too dark w/o flash</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">SEARCHING</td>
-     * <td align="center">ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_LOCK is ON</td>
-     * <td align="center">LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Values locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">CONVERGED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device initiates AE scan</td>
-     * <td align="center">SEARCHING</td>
-     * <td align="center">Values changing</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">CONVERGED</td>
-     * <td align="center">ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_LOCK is ON</td>
-     * <td align="center">LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Values locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">FLASH_REQUIRED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device initiates AE scan</td>
-     * <td align="center">SEARCHING</td>
-     * <td align="center">Values changing</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">FLASH_REQUIRED</td>
-     * <td align="center">ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_LOCK is ON</td>
-     * <td align="center">LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Values locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_LOCK is OFF</td>
-     * <td align="center">SEARCHING</td>
-     * <td align="center">Values not good after unlock</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_LOCK is OFF</td>
-     * <td align="center">CONVERGED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Values good after unlock</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_LOCK is OFF</td>
-     * <td align="center">FLASH_REQUIRED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Exposure good, but too dark</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">PRECAPTURE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Sequence done. ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_LOCK is OFF</td>
-     * <td align="center">CONVERGED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Ready for high-quality capture</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">PRECAPTURE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Sequence done. ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_LOCK is ON</td>
-     * <td align="center">LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Ready for high-quality capture</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">aeLock is ON and aePrecaptureTrigger is START</td>
-     * <td align="center">LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Precapture trigger is ignored when AE is already locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">aeLock is ON and aePrecaptureTrigger is CANCEL</td>
-     * <td align="center">LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Precapture trigger is ignored when AE is already locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">Any state (excluding LOCKED)</td>
-     * <td align="center">ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER is START</td>
-     * <td align="center">PRECAPTURE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Start AE precapture metering sequence</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">Any state (excluding LOCKED)</td>
-     * <td align="center">ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER is CANCEL</td>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Currently active precapture metering sequence is canceled</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * </tbody>
-     * </table>
+     * <p>State        | Transition Cause                             | New State      | Notes
+     * :-------------:|:--------------------------------------------:|:--------------:|:-----------------:
+     * INACTIVE       | Camera device initiates AE scan              | SEARCHING      | Values changing
+     * INACTIVE       | ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_LOCK is ON                 | LOCKED         | Values locked
+     * SEARCHING      | Camera device finishes AE scan               | CONVERGED      | Good values, not changing
+     * SEARCHING      | Camera device finishes AE scan               | FLASH_REQUIRED | Converged but too dark w/o flash
+     * SEARCHING      | ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_LOCK is ON                 | LOCKED         | Values locked
+     * CONVERGED      | Camera device initiates AE scan              | SEARCHING      | Values changing
+     * CONVERGED      | ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_LOCK is ON                 | LOCKED         | Values locked
+     * FLASH_REQUIRED | Camera device initiates AE scan              | SEARCHING      | Values changing
+     * FLASH_REQUIRED | ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_LOCK is ON                 | LOCKED         | Values locked
+     * LOCKED         | ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_LOCK is OFF                | SEARCHING      | Values not good after unlock
+     * LOCKED         | ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_LOCK is OFF                | CONVERGED      | Values good after unlock
+     * LOCKED         | ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_LOCK is OFF                | FLASH_REQUIRED | Exposure good, but too dark
+     * PRECAPTURE     | Sequence done. ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_LOCK is OFF | CONVERGED      | Ready for high-quality capture
+     * PRECAPTURE     | Sequence done. ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_LOCK is ON  | LOCKED         | Ready for high-quality capture
+     * LOCKED         | aeLock is ON and aePrecaptureTrigger is START | LOCKED        | Precapture trigger is ignored when AE is already locked
+     * LOCKED         | aeLock is ON and aePrecaptureTrigger is CANCEL| LOCKED        | Precapture trigger is ignored when AE is already locked
+     * Any state (excluding LOCKED) | ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER is START | PRECAPTURE     | Start AE precapture metering sequence
+     * Any state (excluding LOCKED) | ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER is CANCEL| INACTIVE       | Currently active precapture metering sequence is canceled</p>
      * <p>For the above table, the camera device may skip reporting any state changes that happen
      * without application intervention (i.e. mode switch, trigger, locking). Any state that
      * can be skipped in that manner is called a transient state.</p>
      * <p>For example, for above AE modes (AE_MODE_ON_*), in addition to the state transitions
      * listed in above table, it is also legal for the camera device to skip one or more
      * transient states between two results. See below table for examples:</p>
-     * <table>
-     * <thead>
-     * <tr>
-     * <th align="center">State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Transition Cause</th>
-     * <th align="center">New State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Notes</th>
-     * </tr>
-     * </thead>
-     * <tbody>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device finished AE scan</td>
-     * <td align="center">CONVERGED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Values are already good, transient states are skipped by camera device.</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">Any state (excluding LOCKED)</td>
-     * <td align="center">ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER is START, sequence done</td>
-     * <td align="center">FLASH_REQUIRED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Converged but too dark w/o flash after a precapture sequence, transient states are skipped by camera device.</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">Any state (excluding LOCKED)</td>
-     * <td align="center">ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER is START, sequence done</td>
-     * <td align="center">CONVERGED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Converged after a precapture sequence, transient states are skipped by camera device.</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">Any state (excluding LOCKED)</td>
-     * <td align="center">ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER is CANCEL, converged</td>
-     * <td align="center">FLASH_REQUIRED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Converged but too dark w/o flash after a precapture sequence is canceled, transient states are skipped by camera device.</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">Any state (excluding LOCKED)</td>
-     * <td align="center">ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER is CANCEL, converged</td>
-     * <td align="center">CONVERGED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Converged after a precapture sequenceis canceled, transient states are skipped by camera device.</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">CONVERGED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device finished AE scan</td>
-     * <td align="center">FLASH_REQUIRED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Converged but too dark w/o flash after a new scan, transient states are skipped by camera device.</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">FLASH_REQUIRED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device finished AE scan</td>
-     * <td align="center">CONVERGED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Converged after a new scan, transient states are skipped by camera device.</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * </tbody>
-     * </table>
+     * <p>State        | Transition Cause                                            | New State      | Notes
+     * :-------------:|:-----------------------------------------------------------:|:--------------:|:-----------------:
+     * INACTIVE       | Camera device finished AE scan                              | CONVERGED      | Values are already good, transient states are skipped by camera device.
+     * Any state (excluding LOCKED) | ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER is START, sequence done | FLASH_REQUIRED | Converged but too dark w/o flash after a precapture sequence, transient states are skipped by camera device.
+     * Any state (excluding LOCKED) | ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER is START, sequence done | CONVERGED      | Converged after a precapture sequence, transient states are skipped by camera device.
+     * Any state (excluding LOCKED) | ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER is CANCEL, converged    | FLASH_REQUIRED | Converged but too dark w/o flash after a precapture sequence is canceled, transient states are skipped by camera device.
+     * Any state (excluding LOCKED) | ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER is CANCEL, converged    | CONVERGED      | Converged after a precapture sequenceis canceled, transient states are skipped by camera device.
+     * CONVERGED      | Camera device finished AE scan                              | FLASH_REQUIRED | Converged but too dark w/o flash after a new scan, transient states are skipped by camera device.
+     * FLASH_REQUIRED | Camera device finished AE scan                              | CONVERGED      | Converged after a new scan, transient states are skipped by camera device.</p>
@@ -1409,374 +1273,79 @@
      * be sharp.</p>
      * <p>Below are state transition tables for different AF modes.</p>
-     * <table>
-     * <thead>
-     * <tr>
-     * <th align="center">State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Transition Cause</th>
-     * <th align="center">New State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Notes</th>
-     * </tr>
-     * </thead>
-     * <tbody>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center"></td>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Never changes</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * </tbody>
-     * </table>
+     * <p>State       | Transition Cause | New State | Notes
+     * :------------:|:----------------:|:---------:|:-----------:
+     * INACTIVE      |                  | INACTIVE  | Never changes</p>
-     * <table>
-     * <thead>
-     * <tr>
-     * <th align="center">State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Transition Cause</th>
-     * <th align="center">New State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Notes</th>
-     * </tr>
-     * </thead>
-     * <tbody>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_TRIGGER</td>
-     * <td align="center">ACTIVE_SCAN</td>
-     * <td align="center">Start AF sweep, Lens now moving</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">ACTIVE_SCAN</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF sweep done</td>
-     * <td align="center">FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Focused, Lens now locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">ACTIVE_SCAN</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF sweep done</td>
-     * <td align="center">NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Not focused, Lens now locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">ACTIVE_SCAN</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_CANCEL</td>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Cancel/reset AF, Lens now locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_CANCEL</td>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Cancel/reset AF</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_TRIGGER</td>
-     * <td align="center">ACTIVE_SCAN</td>
-     * <td align="center">Start new sweep, Lens now moving</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_CANCEL</td>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Cancel/reset AF</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_TRIGGER</td>
-     * <td align="center">ACTIVE_SCAN</td>
-     * <td align="center">Start new sweep, Lens now moving</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">Any state</td>
-     * <td align="center">Mode change</td>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center"></td>
-     * </tr>
-     * </tbody>
-     * </table>
+     * <p>State            | Transition Cause | New State          | Notes
+     * :-----------------:|:----------------:|:------------------:|:--------------:
+     * INACTIVE           | AF_TRIGGER       | ACTIVE_SCAN        | Start AF sweep, Lens now moving
+     * ACTIVE_SCAN        | AF sweep done    | FOCUSED_LOCKED     | Focused, Lens now locked
+     * ACTIVE_SCAN        | AF sweep done    | NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED | Not focused, Lens now locked
+     * ACTIVE_SCAN        | AF_CANCEL        | INACTIVE           | Cancel/reset AF, Lens now locked
+     * FOCUSED_LOCKED     | AF_CANCEL        | INACTIVE           | Cancel/reset AF
+     * FOCUSED_LOCKED     | AF_TRIGGER       | ACTIVE_SCAN        | Start new sweep, Lens now moving
+     * NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED | AF_CANCEL        | INACTIVE           | Cancel/reset AF
+     * NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED | AF_TRIGGER       | ACTIVE_SCAN        | Start new sweep, Lens now moving
+     * Any state          | Mode change      | INACTIVE           |</p>
      * <p>For the above table, the camera device may skip reporting any state changes that happen
      * without application intervention (i.e. mode switch, trigger, locking). Any state that
      * can be skipped in that manner is called a transient state.</p>
      * <p>For example, for these AF modes (AF_MODE_AUTO and AF_MODE_MACRO), in addition to the
      * state transitions listed in above table, it is also legal for the camera device to skip
      * one or more transient states between two results. See below table for examples:</p>
-     * <table>
-     * <thead>
-     * <tr>
-     * <th align="center">State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Transition Cause</th>
-     * <th align="center">New State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Notes</th>
-     * </tr>
-     * </thead>
-     * <tbody>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_TRIGGER</td>
-     * <td align="center">FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Focus is already good or good after a scan, lens is now locked.</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_TRIGGER</td>
-     * <td align="center">NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Focus failed after a scan, lens is now locked.</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_TRIGGER</td>
-     * <td align="center">FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Focus is already good or good after a scan, lens is now locked.</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_TRIGGER</td>
-     * <td align="center">FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Focus is good after a scan, lens is not locked.</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * </tbody>
-     * </table>
+     * <p>State            | Transition Cause | New State          | Notes
+     * :-----------------:|:----------------:|:------------------:|:--------------:
+     * INACTIVE           | AF_TRIGGER       | FOCUSED_LOCKED     | Focus is already good or good after a scan, lens is now locked.
+     * INACTIVE           | AF_TRIGGER       | NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED | Focus failed after a scan, lens is now locked.
+     * FOCUSED_LOCKED     | AF_TRIGGER       | FOCUSED_LOCKED     | Focus is already good or good after a scan, lens is now locked.
+     * NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED | AF_TRIGGER       | FOCUSED_LOCKED     | Focus is good after a scan, lens is not locked.</p>
-     * <table>
-     * <thead>
-     * <tr>
-     * <th align="center">State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Transition Cause</th>
-     * <th align="center">New State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Notes</th>
-     * </tr>
-     * </thead>
-     * <tbody>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device initiates new scan</td>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_SCAN</td>
-     * <td align="center">Start AF scan, Lens now moving</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_TRIGGER</td>
-     * <td align="center">NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF state query, Lens now locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_SCAN</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device completes current scan</td>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_FOCUSED</td>
-     * <td align="center">End AF scan, Lens now locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_SCAN</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device fails current scan</td>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_UNFOCUSED</td>
-     * <td align="center">End AF scan, Lens now locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_SCAN</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_TRIGGER</td>
-     * <td align="center">FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Immediate transition, if focus is good. Lens now locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_SCAN</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_TRIGGER</td>
-     * <td align="center">NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Immediate transition, if focus is bad. Lens now locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_SCAN</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_CANCEL</td>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Reset lens position, Lens now locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_FOCUSED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device initiates new scan</td>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_SCAN</td>
-     * <td align="center">Start AF scan, Lens now moving</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_UNFOCUSED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device initiates new scan</td>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_SCAN</td>
-     * <td align="center">Start AF scan, Lens now moving</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_FOCUSED</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_TRIGGER</td>
-     * <td align="center">FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Immediate transition, lens now locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_UNFOCUSED</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_TRIGGER</td>
-     * <td align="center">NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Immediate transition, lens now locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_TRIGGER</td>
-     * <td align="center">FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">No effect</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_CANCEL</td>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Restart AF scan</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_TRIGGER</td>
-     * <td align="center">NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">No effect</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_CANCEL</td>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Restart AF scan</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * </tbody>
-     * </table>
+     * <p>State            | Transition Cause                    | New State          | Notes
+     * :-----------------:|:-----------------------------------:|:------------------:|:--------------:
+     * INACTIVE           | Camera device initiates new scan    | PASSIVE_SCAN       | Start AF scan, Lens now moving
+     * INACTIVE           | AF_TRIGGER                          | NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED | AF state query, Lens now locked
+     * PASSIVE_SCAN       | Camera device completes current scan| PASSIVE_FOCUSED    | End AF scan, Lens now locked
+     * PASSIVE_SCAN       | Camera device fails current scan    | PASSIVE_UNFOCUSED  | End AF scan, Lens now locked
+     * PASSIVE_SCAN       | AF_TRIGGER                          | FOCUSED_LOCKED     | Immediate transition, if focus is good. Lens now locked
+     * PASSIVE_SCAN       | AF_TRIGGER                          | NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED | Immediate transition, if focus is bad. Lens now locked
+     * PASSIVE_SCAN       | AF_CANCEL                           | INACTIVE           | Reset lens position, Lens now locked
+     * PASSIVE_FOCUSED    | Camera device initiates new scan    | PASSIVE_SCAN       | Start AF scan, Lens now moving
+     * PASSIVE_UNFOCUSED  | Camera device initiates new scan    | PASSIVE_SCAN       | Start AF scan, Lens now moving
+     * PASSIVE_FOCUSED    | AF_TRIGGER                          | FOCUSED_LOCKED     | Immediate transition, lens now locked
+     * PASSIVE_UNFOCUSED  | AF_TRIGGER                          | NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED | Immediate transition, lens now locked
+     * FOCUSED_LOCKED     | AF_TRIGGER                          | FOCUSED_LOCKED     | No effect
+     * FOCUSED_LOCKED     | AF_CANCEL                           | INACTIVE           | Restart AF scan
+     * NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED | AF_TRIGGER                          | NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED | No effect
+     * NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED | AF_CANCEL                           | INACTIVE           | Restart AF scan</p>
-     * <table>
-     * <thead>
-     * <tr>
-     * <th align="center">State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Transition Cause</th>
-     * <th align="center">New State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Notes</th>
-     * </tr>
-     * </thead>
-     * <tbody>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device initiates new scan</td>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_SCAN</td>
-     * <td align="center">Start AF scan, Lens now moving</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_TRIGGER</td>
-     * <td align="center">NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF state query, Lens now locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_SCAN</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device completes current scan</td>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_FOCUSED</td>
-     * <td align="center">End AF scan, Lens now locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_SCAN</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device fails current scan</td>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_UNFOCUSED</td>
-     * <td align="center">End AF scan, Lens now locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_SCAN</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_TRIGGER</td>
-     * <td align="center">FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Eventual transition once the focus is good. Lens now locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_SCAN</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_TRIGGER</td>
-     * <td align="center">NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Eventual transition if cannot find focus. Lens now locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_SCAN</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_CANCEL</td>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Reset lens position, Lens now locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_FOCUSED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device initiates new scan</td>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_SCAN</td>
-     * <td align="center">Start AF scan, Lens now moving</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_UNFOCUSED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device initiates new scan</td>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_SCAN</td>
-     * <td align="center">Start AF scan, Lens now moving</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_FOCUSED</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_TRIGGER</td>
-     * <td align="center">FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Immediate trans. Lens now locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">PASSIVE_UNFOCUSED</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_TRIGGER</td>
-     * <td align="center">NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Immediate trans. Lens now locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_TRIGGER</td>
-     * <td align="center">FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">No effect</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_CANCEL</td>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Restart AF scan</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_TRIGGER</td>
-     * <td align="center">NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">No effect</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">AF_CANCEL</td>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Restart AF scan</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * </tbody>
-     * </table>
+     * <p>State            | Transition Cause                     | New State          | Notes
+     * :-----------------:|:------------------------------------:|:------------------:|:--------------:
+     * INACTIVE           | Camera device initiates new scan     | PASSIVE_SCAN       | Start AF scan, Lens now moving
+     * INACTIVE           | AF_TRIGGER                           | NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED | AF state query, Lens now locked
+     * PASSIVE_SCAN       | Camera device completes current scan | PASSIVE_FOCUSED    | End AF scan, Lens now locked
+     * PASSIVE_SCAN       | Camera device fails current scan     | PASSIVE_UNFOCUSED  | End AF scan, Lens now locked
+     * PASSIVE_SCAN       | AF_TRIGGER                           | FOCUSED_LOCKED     | Eventual transition once the focus is good. Lens now locked
+     * PASSIVE_SCAN       | AF_TRIGGER                           | NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED | Eventual transition if cannot find focus. Lens now locked
+     * PASSIVE_SCAN       | AF_CANCEL                            | INACTIVE           | Reset lens position, Lens now locked
+     * PASSIVE_FOCUSED    | Camera device initiates new scan     | PASSIVE_SCAN       | Start AF scan, Lens now moving
+     * PASSIVE_UNFOCUSED  | Camera device initiates new scan     | PASSIVE_SCAN       | Start AF scan, Lens now moving
+     * PASSIVE_FOCUSED    | AF_TRIGGER                           | FOCUSED_LOCKED     | Immediate trans. Lens now locked
+     * PASSIVE_UNFOCUSED  | AF_TRIGGER                           | NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED | Immediate trans. Lens now locked
+     * FOCUSED_LOCKED     | AF_TRIGGER                           | FOCUSED_LOCKED     | No effect
+     * FOCUSED_LOCKED     | AF_CANCEL                            | INACTIVE           | Restart AF scan
+     * NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED | AF_TRIGGER                           | NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED | No effect
+     * NOT_FOCUSED_LOCKED | AF_CANCEL                            | INACTIVE           | Restart AF scan</p>
      * <p>When switch between AF_MODE_CONTINUOUS_* (CAF modes) and AF_MODE_AUTO/AF_MODE_MACRO
      * (AUTO modes), the initial INACTIVE or PASSIVE_SCAN states may be skipped by the
      * camera device. When a trigger is included in a mode switch request, the trigger
      * will be evaluated in the context of the new mode in the request.
      * See below table for examples:</p>
-     * <table>
-     * <thead>
-     * <tr>
-     * <th align="center">State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Transition Cause</th>
-     * <th align="center">New State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Notes</th>
-     * </tr>
-     * </thead>
-     * <tbody>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">any state</td>
-     * <td align="center">CAF--&gt;AUTO mode switch</td>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Mode switch without trigger, initial state must be INACTIVE</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">any state</td>
-     * <td align="center">CAF--&gt;AUTO mode switch with AF_TRIGGER</td>
-     * <td align="center">trigger-reachable states from INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Mode switch with trigger, INACTIVE is skipped</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">any state</td>
-     * <td align="center">AUTO--&gt;CAF mode switch</td>
-     * <td align="center">passively reachable states from INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Mode switch without trigger, passive transient state is skipped</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * </tbody>
-     * </table>
+     * <p>State      | Transition Cause                       | New State                                | Notes
+     * :-----------:|:--------------------------------------:|:----------------------------------------:|:--------------:
+     * any state    | CAF--&gt;AUTO mode switch                 | INACTIVE                                 | Mode switch without trigger, initial state must be INACTIVE
+     * any state    | CAF--&gt;AUTO mode switch with AF_TRIGGER | trigger-reachable states from INACTIVE   | Mode switch with trigger, INACTIVE is skipped
+     * any state    | AUTO--&gt;CAF mode switch                 | passively reachable states from INACTIVE | Mode switch without trigger, passive transient state is skipped</p>
@@ -1804,109 +1373,29 @@
      * be good to use.</p>
      * <p>Below are state transition tables for different AWB modes.</p>
      * <p>When <code>ACAMERA_CONTROL_AWB_MODE != AWB_MODE_AUTO</code>:</p>
-     * <table>
-     * <thead>
-     * <tr>
-     * <th align="center">State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Transition Cause</th>
-     * <th align="center">New State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Notes</th>
-     * </tr>
-     * </thead>
-     * <tbody>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center"></td>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device auto white balance algorithm is disabled</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * </tbody>
-     * </table>
+     * <p>State       | Transition Cause | New State | Notes
+     * :------------:|:----------------:|:---------:|:-----------------------:
+     * INACTIVE      |                  |INACTIVE   |Camera device auto white balance algorithm is disabled</p>
-     * <table>
-     * <thead>
-     * <tr>
-     * <th align="center">State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Transition Cause</th>
-     * <th align="center">New State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Notes</th>
-     * </tr>
-     * </thead>
-     * <tbody>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device initiates AWB scan</td>
-     * <td align="center">SEARCHING</td>
-     * <td align="center">Values changing</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">ACAMERA_CONTROL_AWB_LOCK is ON</td>
-     * <td align="center">LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Values locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">SEARCHING</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device finishes AWB scan</td>
-     * <td align="center">CONVERGED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Good values, not changing</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">SEARCHING</td>
-     * <td align="center">ACAMERA_CONTROL_AWB_LOCK is ON</td>
-     * <td align="center">LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Values locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">CONVERGED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device initiates AWB scan</td>
-     * <td align="center">SEARCHING</td>
-     * <td align="center">Values changing</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">CONVERGED</td>
-     * <td align="center">ACAMERA_CONTROL_AWB_LOCK is ON</td>
-     * <td align="center">LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Values locked</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">ACAMERA_CONTROL_AWB_LOCK is OFF</td>
-     * <td align="center">SEARCHING</td>
-     * <td align="center">Values not good after unlock</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * </tbody>
-     * </table>
+     * <p>State        | Transition Cause                 | New State     | Notes
+     * :-------------:|:--------------------------------:|:-------------:|:-----------------:
+     * INACTIVE       | Camera device initiates AWB scan | SEARCHING     | Values changing
+     * INACTIVE       | ACAMERA_CONTROL_AWB_LOCK is ON    | LOCKED        | Values locked
+     * SEARCHING      | Camera device finishes AWB scan  | CONVERGED     | Good values, not changing
+     * SEARCHING      | ACAMERA_CONTROL_AWB_LOCK is ON    | LOCKED        | Values locked
+     * CONVERGED      | Camera device initiates AWB scan | SEARCHING     | Values changing
+     * CONVERGED      | ACAMERA_CONTROL_AWB_LOCK is ON    | LOCKED        | Values locked
+     * LOCKED         | ACAMERA_CONTROL_AWB_LOCK is OFF   | SEARCHING     | Values not good after unlock</p>
      * <p>For the above table, the camera device may skip reporting any state changes that happen
      * without application intervention (i.e. mode switch, trigger, locking). Any state that
      * can be skipped in that manner is called a transient state.</p>
      * <p>For example, for this AWB mode (AWB_MODE_AUTO), in addition to the state transitions
      * listed in above table, it is also legal for the camera device to skip one or more
      * transient states between two results. See below table for examples:</p>
-     * <table>
-     * <thead>
-     * <tr>
-     * <th align="center">State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Transition Cause</th>
-     * <th align="center">New State</th>
-     * <th align="center">Notes</th>
-     * </tr>
-     * </thead>
-     * <tbody>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">INACTIVE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Camera device finished AWB scan</td>
-     * <td align="center">CONVERGED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Values are already good, transient states are skipped by camera device.</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">LOCKED</td>
-     * <td align="center">ACAMERA_CONTROL_AWB_LOCK is OFF</td>
-     * <td align="center">CONVERGED</td>
-     * <td align="center">Values good after unlock, transient states are skipped by camera device.</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * </tbody>
-     * </table>
+     * <p>State        | Transition Cause                 | New State     | Notes
+     * :-------------:|:--------------------------------:|:-------------:|:-----------------:
+     * INACTIVE       | Camera device finished AWB scan  | CONVERGED     | Values are already good, transient states are skipped by camera device.
+     * LOCKED         | ACAMERA_CONTROL_AWB_LOCK is OFF   | CONVERGED     | Values good after unlock, transient states are skipped by camera device.</p>
@@ -2317,14 +1806,14 @@
      * <p>When an ACAMERA_JPEG_ORIENTATION of non-zero degree is requested,
      * the camera device will handle thumbnail rotation in one of the following ways:</p>
      * <ul>
-     * <li>Set the {@link EXIF orientation flag}
+     * <li>Set the
+     *   <a href="">EXIF orientation flag</a>
      *   and keep jpeg and thumbnail image data unrotated.</li>
      * <li>Rotate the jpeg and thumbnail image data and not set
-     *   {@link EXIF orientation flag}. In this
-     *   case, LIMITED or FULL hardware level devices will report rotated thumnail size in
-     *   capture result, so the width and height will be interchanged if 90 or 270 degree
-     *   orientation is requested. LEGACY device will always report unrotated thumbnail
-     *   size.</li>
+     *   <a href="">EXIF orientation flag</a>.
+     *   In this case, LIMITED or FULL hardware level devices will report rotated thumnail size
+     *   in capture result, so the width and height will be interchanged if 90 or 270 degree
+     *   orientation is requested. LEGACY device will always report unrotated thumbnail size.</li>
      * </ul>
@@ -2559,9 +2048,9 @@
      * <p>The position of the camera device's lens optical center,
      * as a three-dimensional vector <code>(x,y,z)</code>, relative to the
      * optical center of the largest camera device facing in the
-     * same direction as this camera, in the {@link
-     * android.hardware.SensorEvent Android sensor coordinate
-     * axes}. Note that only the axis definitions are shared with
+     * same direction as this camera, in the
+     * <a href="">Android sensor coordinate axes</a>.
+     * Note that only the axis definitions are shared with
      * the sensor coordinate system, but not the origin.</p>
      * <p>If this device is the largest or only camera device with a
      * given facing, then this position will be <code>(0, 0, 0)</code>; a
@@ -2973,14 +2462,11 @@
      * into the 3 stream types as below:</p>
      * <ul>
      * <li>Processed (but stalling): any non-RAW format with a stallDurations &gt; 0.
-     *   Typically {@link JPEG format}.</li>
-     * <li>Raw formats: {@link RAW_SENSOR}, {@link
-     * RAW10}, or {@link
-     *   RAW12}.</li>
+     *   Typically {@link AIMAGE_FORMAT_JPEG} format.</li>
+     * <li>Raw formats: {@link AIMAGE_FORMAT_RAW16}, {@link AIMAGE_FORMAT_RAW10}, or
+     *   {@link AIMAGE_FORMAT_RAW12}.</li>
      * <li>Processed (but not-stalling): any non-RAW format without a stall duration.
-     *   Typically {@link YUV_420_888},
-     *   {@link NV21}, or
-     *   {@link YV12}.</li>
+     *   Typically {@link AIMAGE_FORMAT_YUV_420_888}.</li>
      * </ul>
@@ -2988,29 +2474,6 @@
     ACAMERA_REQUEST_MAX_NUM_OUTPUT_STREAMS =                    // int32[3]
             ACAMERA_REQUEST_START + 6,
-     * <p>The maximum numbers of any type of input streams
-     * that can be configured and used simultaneously by a camera device.</p>
-     *
-     * <p>This tag may appear in:</p>
-     * <ul>
-     *   <li>ACameraMetadata from ACameraManager_getCameraCharacteristics</li>
-     * </ul>
-     *
-     * <p>When set to 0, it means no input stream is supported.</p>
-     * <p>The image format for a input stream can be any supported format returned by {@link
-     * android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap#getInputFormats}. When using an
-     * input stream, there must be at least one output stream configured to to receive the
-     * reprocessed images.</p>
-     * <p>When an input stream and some output streams are used in a reprocessing request,
-     * only the input buffer will be used to produce these output stream buffers, and a
-     * new sensor image will not be captured.</p>
-     * <p>For example, for Zero Shutter Lag (ZSL) still capture use case, the input
-     * stream image format will be PRIVATE, the associated output stream image format
-     * should be JPEG.</p>
-     */
-    ACAMERA_REQUEST_MAX_NUM_INPUT_STREAMS =                     // int32
-            ACAMERA_REQUEST_START + 8,
-    /**
      * <p>Specifies the number of pipeline stages the frame went
      * through from when it was exposed to when the final completed result
      * was available to the framework.</p>
@@ -3116,7 +2579,7 @@
             ACAMERA_REQUEST_START + 12,
      * <p>A list of all keys that the camera device has available
-     * to use with {@link android.hardware.camera2.CaptureRequest}.</p>
+     * to use with {@link ACaptureRequest}.</p>
      * <p>This tag may appear in:</p>
      * <ul>
@@ -3137,7 +2600,8 @@
             ACAMERA_REQUEST_START + 13,
      * <p>A list of all keys that the camera device has available
-     * to use with {@link android.hardware.camera2.CaptureResult}.</p>
+     * to query with {@link ACameraMetadata} from
+     * {@link ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_result}.</p>
      * <p>This tag may appear in:</p>
      * <ul>
@@ -3167,7 +2631,8 @@
             ACAMERA_REQUEST_START + 14,
      * <p>A list of all keys that the camera device has available
-     * to use with {@link android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics}.</p>
+     * to query with {@link ACameraMetadata} from
+     * {@link ACameraManager_getCameraCharacteristics}.</p>
      * <p>This tag may appear in:</p>
      * <ul>
@@ -3195,6 +2660,7 @@
      * </ul>
      * <p>This control can be used to implement digital zoom.</p>
+     * <p>The data representation is int[4], which maps to (left, top, width, height).</p>
      * <p>The crop region coordinate system is based off
      * ACAMERA_SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE, with <code>(0, 0)</code> being the
      * top-left corner of the sensor active array.</p>
@@ -3277,66 +2743,16 @@
      * <p>The following table describes the minimum required output stream
      * configurations based on the hardware level
-     * <table>
-     * <thead>
-     * <tr>
-     * <th align="center">Format</th>
-     * <th align="center">Size</th>
-     * <th align="center">Hardware Level</th>
-     * <th align="center">Notes</th>
-     * </tr>
-     * </thead>
-     * <tbody>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">JPEG</td>
-     * <td align="center">ACAMERA_SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE</td>
-     * <td align="center">Any</td>
-     * <td align="center"></td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">JPEG</td>
-     * <td align="center">1920x1080 (1080p)</td>
-     * <td align="center">Any</td>
-     * <td align="center">if 1080p &lt;= activeArraySize</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">JPEG</td>
-     * <td align="center">1280x720 (720)</td>
-     * <td align="center">Any</td>
-     * <td align="center">if 720p &lt;= activeArraySize</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">JPEG</td>
-     * <td align="center">640x480 (480p)</td>
-     * <td align="center">Any</td>
-     * <td align="center">if 480p &lt;= activeArraySize</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">JPEG</td>
-     * <td align="center">320x240 (240p)</td>
-     * <td align="center">Any</td>
-     * <td align="center">if 240p &lt;= activeArraySize</td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">YUV_420_888</td>
-     * <td align="center">all output sizes available for JPEG</td>
-     * <td align="center">FULL</td>
-     * <td align="center"></td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">YUV_420_888</td>
-     * <td align="center">all output sizes available for JPEG, up to the maximum video size</td>
-     * <td align="center">LIMITED</td>
-     * <td align="center"></td>
-     * </tr>
-     * <tr>
-     * <td align="center">IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED</td>
-     * <td align="center">same as YUV_420_888</td>
-     * <td align="center">Any</td>
-     * <td align="center"></td>
-     * </tr>
-     * </tbody>
-     * </table>
+     * <p>Format         | Size                                         | Hardware Level | Notes
+     * :-------------:|:--------------------------------------------:|:--------------:|:--------------:
+     * JPEG           | ACAMERA_SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE          | Any            |
+     * JPEG           | 1920x1080 (1080p)                            | Any            | if 1080p &lt;= activeArraySize
+     * JPEG           | 1280x720 (720)                               | Any            | if 720p &lt;= activeArraySize
+     * JPEG           | 640x480 (480p)                               | Any            | if 480p &lt;= activeArraySize
+     * JPEG           | 320x240 (240p)                               | Any            | if 240p &lt;= activeArraySize
+     * YUV_420_888    | all output sizes available for JPEG          | FULL           |
+     * YUV_420_888    | all output sizes available for JPEG, up to the maximum video size | LIMITED        |
+     * IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED | same as YUV_420_888                  | Any            |</p>
      * <p>Refer to ACAMERA_REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES for additional
      * mandatory stream configurations on a per-capability basis.</p>
@@ -3365,8 +2781,6 @@
      * calculating the max frame rate.</p>
-     * <p>(Keep in sync with
-     * {@link android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputMinFrameDuration})</p>
@@ -3423,21 +2837,19 @@
      * ignored).</p>
      * <p>The following formats may always have a stall duration:</p>
      * <ul>
-     * <li>{@link}</li>
-     * <li>{@link}</li>
+     * <li>{@link AIMAGE_FORMAT_JPEG}</li>
+     * <li>{@link AIMAGE_FORMAT_RAW16}</li>
      * </ul>
      * <p>The following formats will never have a stall duration:</p>
      * <ul>
-     * <li>{@link}</li>
-     * <li>{@link}</li>
+     * <li>{@link AIMAGE_FORMAT_YUV_420_888}</li>
+     * <li>{@link AIMAGE_FORMAT_RAW10}</li>
      * </ul>
      * <p>All other formats may or may not have an allowed stall duration on
      * a per-capability basis; refer to ACAMERA_REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES
      * for more details.</p>
      * <p>See ACAMERA_SENSOR_FRAME_DURATION for more information about
      * calculating the max frame rate (absent stalls).</p>
-     * <p>(Keep up to date with
-     * {@link android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputStallDuration} )</p>
@@ -3536,8 +2948,8 @@
      * cannot process more than 1 capture at a time.</li>
      * </ul>
      * <p>The necessary information for the application, given the model above,
-     * is provided via the android.scaler.streamConfigurationMap field using
-     * {@link android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputMinFrameDuration}.
+     * is provided via
      * These are used to determine the maximum frame rate / minimum frame
      * duration that is possible for a given stream configuration.</p>
      * <p>Specifically, the application can use the following rules to
@@ -3547,8 +2959,7 @@
      * <li>Let the set of currently configured input/output streams
      * be called <code>S</code>.</li>
      * <li>Find the minimum frame durations for each stream in <code>S</code>, by looking
-     * it up in android.scaler.streamConfigurationMap using {@link
-     * android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputMinFrameDuration}
      * (with its respective size/format). Let this set of frame durations be
      * called <code>F</code>.</li>
      * <li>For any given request <code>R</code>, the minimum frame duration allowed
@@ -3556,7 +2967,7 @@
      * used in <code>R</code> be called <code>S_r</code>.</li>
      * </ol>
      * <p>If none of the streams in <code>S_r</code> have a stall time (listed in {@link
-     * android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputStallDuration}
      * using its respective size/format), then the frame duration in <code>F</code>
      * determines the steady state frame rate that the application will get
      * if it uses <code>R</code> as a repeating request. Let this special kind of
@@ -3568,7 +2979,7 @@
      * if all buffers from the previous <code>Rstall</code> have already been
      * delivered.</p>
      * <p>For more details about stalling, see
-     * {@link android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputStallDuration}.</p>
      * <p>This control is only effective if ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_MODE or ACAMERA_CONTROL_MODE is set to
      * OFF; otherwise the auto-exposure algorithm will override this value.</p>
@@ -3900,8 +3311,9 @@
      * timestamps for other captures from the same camera device, but are
      * not guaranteed to be comparable to any other time source.</p>
      * <p>When ACAMERA_SENSOR_INFO_TIMESTAMP_SOURCE <code>==</code> REALTIME, the
-     * timestamps measure time in the same timebase as {@link
-     * android.os.SystemClock#elapsedRealtimeNanos}, and they can
+     * timestamps measure time in the same timebase as
+     * <a href="">elapsedRealtimeNanos</a>
+     * (or CLOCK_BOOTTIME), and they can
      * be compared to other timestamps from other subsystems that
      * are using that base.</p>
      * <p>For reprocessing, the timestamp will match the start of exposure of
@@ -4091,6 +3503,7 @@
      * optically shielded pixel areas. By blocking light, these pixels
      * provides a reliable black reference for black level compensation
      * in active array region.</p>
+     * <p>The data representation is int[4], which maps to (left, top, width, height).</p>
      * <p>This key provides a list of disjoint rectangles specifying the
      * regions of optically shielded (with metal shield) black pixel
      * regions if the camera device is capable of reading out these black
@@ -4140,7 +3553,7 @@
      * color channel listed in the CFA.</p>
      * <p>This key will be available if ACAMERA_SENSOR_OPTICAL_BLACK_REGIONS is
      * available or the camera device advertises this key via
-     * {@link android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics#getAvailableCaptureResultKeys}.</p>
@@ -4164,7 +3577,7 @@
      * estimated white level for each frame.</p>
      * <p>This key will be available if ACAMERA_SENSOR_OPTICAL_BLACK_REGIONS is
      * available or the camera device advertises this key via
-     * {@link android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics#getAvailableCaptureRequestKeys}.</p>
@@ -4191,6 +3604,7 @@
      * <p>This rectangle is defined relative to the full pixel array; (0,0) is the top-left of
      * the full pixel array, and the size of the full pixel array is given by
+     * <p>The data representation is int[4], which maps to (left, top, width, height).</p>
      * <p>The coordinate system for most other keys that list pixel coordinates, including
      * ACAMERA_SCALER_CROP_REGION, is defined relative to the active array rectangle given in
      * this field, with <code>(0, 0)</code> being the top-left of this rectangle.</p>
@@ -4263,7 +3677,7 @@
      * duration being clipped to the maximum. See that control for a full definition of frame
      * durations.</p>
      * <p>Refer to {@link
-     * android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputMinFrameDuration}
      * for the minimum frame duration values.</p>
     ACAMERA_SENSOR_INFO_MAX_FRAME_DURATION =                    // int64
@@ -4298,7 +3712,7 @@
      * the raw buffers produced by this sensor.</p>
      * <p>If a camera device supports raw sensor formats, either this or
      * ACAMERA_SENSOR_INFO_PRE_CORRECTION_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE is the maximum dimensions for the raw
-     * output formats listed in android.scaler.streamConfigurationMap (this depends on
+     * output formats listed in ACAMERA_SCALER_AVAILABLE_STREAM_CONFIGURATIONS (this depends on
      * whether or not the image sensor returns buffers containing pixels that are not
      * part of the active array region for blacklevel calibration or other purposes).</p>
      * <p>Some parts of the full pixel array may not receive light from the scene,
@@ -4382,6 +3796,7 @@
      *   <li>ACameraMetadata from ACameraManager_getCameraCharacteristics</li>
      * </ul>
+     * <p>The data representation is int[4], which maps to (left, top, width, height).</p>
      * <p>This is the rectangle representing the size of the active region of the sensor (i.e.
      * the region that actually receives light from the scene) before any geometric correction
      * has been applied, and should be treated as the active region rectangle for any of the
@@ -4578,6 +3993,7 @@
      *   <li>ACameraMetadata from ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_result callbacks</li>
      * </ul>
+     * <p>The data representation is int[4], which maps to (left, top, width, height).</p>
      * <p>The coordinate system is that of ACAMERA_SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE, with
      * <code>(0, 0)</code> being the top-left pixel of the active array.</p>
      * <p>Only available if ACAMERA_STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE != OFF</p>
@@ -4641,13 +4057,13 @@
      * </code></pre>
      * <p>The low-resolution scaling map images for each channel are
      * (displayed using nearest-neighbor interpolation):</p>
-     * <p><img alt="Red lens shading map" src="../../../../images/camera2/metadata/android.statistics.lensShadingMap/red_shading.png" />
-     * <img alt="Green (even rows) lens shading map" src="../../../../images/camera2/metadata/android.statistics.lensShadingMap/green_e_shading.png" />
-     * <img alt="Green (odd rows) lens shading map" src="../../../../images/camera2/metadata/android.statistics.lensShadingMap/green_o_shading.png" />
-     * <img alt="Blue lens shading map" src="../../../../images/camera2/metadata/android.statistics.lensShadingMap/blue_shading.png" /></p>
+     * <p><img alt="Red lens shading map" src="../images/camera2/metadata/android.statistics.lensShadingMap/red_shading.png" />
+     * <img alt="Green (even rows) lens shading map" src="../images/camera2/metadata/android.statistics.lensShadingMap/green_e_shading.png" />
+     * <img alt="Green (odd rows) lens shading map" src="../images/camera2/metadata/android.statistics.lensShadingMap/green_o_shading.png" />
+     * <img alt="Blue lens shading map" src="../images/camera2/metadata/android.statistics.lensShadingMap/blue_shading.png" /></p>
      * <p>As a visualization only, inverting the full-color map to recover an
      * image of a gray wall (using bicubic interpolation for visual quality) as captured by the sensor gives:</p>
-     * <p><img alt="Image of a uniform white wall (inverse shading map)" src="../../../../images/camera2/metadata/android.statistics.lensShadingMap/inv_shading.png" /></p>
+     * <p><img alt="Image of a uniform white wall (inverse shading map)" src="../images/camera2/metadata/android.statistics.lensShadingMap/inv_shading.png" /></p>
@@ -4703,14 +4119,14 @@
      * </code></pre>
      * <p>The low-resolution scaling map images for each channel are
      * (displayed using nearest-neighbor interpolation):</p>
-     * <p><img alt="Red lens shading map" src="../../../../images/camera2/metadata/android.statistics.lensShadingMap/red_shading.png" />
-     * <img alt="Green (even rows) lens shading map" src="../../../../images/camera2/metadata/android.statistics.lensShadingMap/green_e_shading.png" />
-     * <img alt="Green (odd rows) lens shading map" src="../../../../images/camera2/metadata/android.statistics.lensShadingMap/green_o_shading.png" />
-     * <img alt="Blue lens shading map" src="../../../../images/camera2/metadata/android.statistics.lensShadingMap/blue_shading.png" /></p>
+     * <p><img alt="Red lens shading map" src="../images/camera2/metadata/android.statistics.lensShadingMap/red_shading.png" />
+     * <img alt="Green (even rows) lens shading map" src="../images/camera2/metadata/android.statistics.lensShadingMap/green_e_shading.png" />
+     * <img alt="Green (odd rows) lens shading map" src="../images/camera2/metadata/android.statistics.lensShadingMap/green_o_shading.png" />
+     * <img alt="Blue lens shading map" src="../images/camera2/metadata/android.statistics.lensShadingMap/blue_shading.png" /></p>
      * <p>As a visualization only, inverting the full-color map to recover an
      * image of a gray wall (using bicubic interpolation for visual quality)
      * as captured by the sensor gives:</p>
-     * <p><img alt="Image of a uniform white wall (inverse shading map)" src="../../../../images/camera2/metadata/android.statistics.lensShadingMap/inv_shading.png" /></p>
+     * <p><img alt="Image of a uniform white wall (inverse shading map)" src="../images/camera2/metadata/android.statistics.lensShadingMap/inv_shading.png" /></p>
      * <p>Note that the RAW image data might be subject to lens shading
      * correction not reported on this map. Query
      * ACAMERA_SENSOR_INFO_LENS_SHADING_APPLIED to see if RAW image data has subject
@@ -4935,11 +4351,11 @@
      * <p>Linear mapping:</p>
      * <pre><code>ACAMERA_TONEMAP_CURVE_RED = [ 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
      * </code></pre>
-     * <p><img alt="Linear mapping curve" src="../../../../images/camera2/metadata/android.tonemap.curveRed/linear_tonemap.png" /></p>
+     * <p><img alt="Linear mapping curve" src="../images/camera2/metadata/android.tonemap.curveRed/linear_tonemap.png" /></p>
      * <p>Invert mapping:</p>
      * <pre><code>ACAMERA_TONEMAP_CURVE_RED = [ 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0 ]
      * </code></pre>
-     * <p><img alt="Inverting mapping curve" src="../../../../images/camera2/metadata/android.tonemap.curveRed/inverse_tonemap.png" /></p>
+     * <p><img alt="Inverting mapping curve" src="../images/camera2/metadata/android.tonemap.curveRed/inverse_tonemap.png" /></p>
      * <p>Gamma 1/2.2 mapping, with 16 control points:</p>
      * <pre><code>ACAMERA_TONEMAP_CURVE_RED = [
      *   0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0667, 0.2920, 0.1333, 0.4002, 0.2000, 0.4812,
@@ -4947,7 +4363,7 @@
      *   0.5333, 0.7515, 0.6000, 0.7928, 0.6667, 0.8317, 0.7333, 0.8685,
      *   0.8000, 0.9035, 0.8667, 0.9370, 0.9333, 0.9691, 1.0000, 1.0000 ]
      * </code></pre>
-     * <p><img alt="Gamma = 1/2.2 tonemapping curve" src="../../../../images/camera2/metadata/android.tonemap.curveRed/gamma_tonemap.png" /></p>
+     * <p><img alt="Gamma = 1/2.2 tonemapping curve" src="../images/camera2/metadata/android.tonemap.curveRed/gamma_tonemap.png" /></p>
      * <p>Standard sRGB gamma mapping, per IEC 61966-2-1:1999, with 16 control points:</p>
      * <pre><code>ACAMERA_TONEMAP_CURVE_RED = [
      *   0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0667, 0.2864, 0.1333, 0.4007, 0.2000, 0.4845,
@@ -4955,7 +4371,7 @@
      *   0.5333, 0.7569, 0.6000, 0.7977, 0.6667, 0.8360, 0.7333, 0.8721,
      *   0.8000, 0.9063, 0.8667, 0.9389, 0.9333, 0.9701, 1.0000, 1.0000 ]
      * </code></pre>
-     * <p><img alt="sRGB tonemapping curve" src="../../../../images/camera2/metadata/android.tonemap.curveRed/srgb_tonemap.png" /></p>
+     * <p><img alt="sRGB tonemapping curve" src="../images/camera2/metadata/android.tonemap.curveRed/srgb_tonemap.png" /></p>
@@ -5072,9 +4488,9 @@
      * <p>The tonemap curve will be defined by specified standard.</p>
      * <p>sRGB (approximated by 16 control points):</p>
-     * <p><img alt="sRGB tonemapping curve" src="../../../../images/camera2/metadata/android.tonemap.curveRed/srgb_tonemap.png" /></p>
+     * <p><img alt="sRGB tonemapping curve" src="../images/camera2/metadata/android.tonemap.curveRed/srgb_tonemap.png" /></p>
      * <p>Rec. 709 (approximated by 16 control points):</p>
-     * <p><img alt="Rec. 709 tonemapping curve" src="../../../../images/camera2/metadata/android.tonemap.curveRed/rec709_tonemap.png" /></p>
+     * <p><img alt="Rec. 709 tonemapping curve" src="../images/camera2/metadata/android.tonemap.curveRed/rec709_tonemap.png" /></p>
      * <p>Note that above figures show a 16 control points approximation of preset
      * curves. Camera devices may apply a different approximation to the curve.</p>
@@ -5122,7 +4538,7 @@
      * <p>See the individual level enums for full descriptions of the supported capabilities.  The
      * ACAMERA_REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES entry describes the device's capabilities at a
      * finer-grain level, if needed. In addition, many controls have their available settings or
-     * ranges defined in individual {@link android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics} entries.</p>
+     * ranges defined in individual metadata tag entries in this document.</p>
      * <p>Some features are not part of any particular hardware level or capability and must be
      * queried separately. These include:</p>
      * <ul>
@@ -5294,8 +4710,6 @@
      * calculating the max frame rate.</p>
-     * <p>(Keep in sync with {@link
-     * android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputMinFrameDuration})</p>
@@ -6151,91 +5565,6 @@
     ACAMERA_CONTROL_SCENE_MODE_BARCODE                               = 16,
-     * <p>This is deprecated, please use {@link
-     * android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice#createConstrainedHighSpeedCaptureSession}
-     * and {@link
-     * android.hardware.camera2.CameraConstrainedHighSpeedCaptureSession#createHighSpeedRequestList}
-     * for high speed video recording.</p>
-     * <p>Optimized for high speed video recording (frame rate &gt;=60fps) use case.</p>
-     * <p>The supported high speed video sizes and fps ranges are specified in
-     * android.control.availableHighSpeedVideoConfigurations. To get desired
-     * output frame rates, the application is only allowed to select video size
-     * and fps range combinations listed in this static metadata. The fps range
-     * can be control via ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_TARGET_FPS_RANGE.</p>
-     * <p>In this mode, the camera device will override aeMode, awbMode, and afMode to
-     * ON, ON, and CONTINUOUS_VIDEO, respectively. All post-processing block mode
-     * controls will be overridden to be FAST. Therefore, no manual control of capture
-     * and post-processing parameters is possible. All other controls operate the
-     * same as when ACAMERA_CONTROL_MODE == AUTO. This means that all other
-     * ACAMERA_CONTROL_* fields continue to work, such as</p>
-     * <ul>
-     * <li>ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_LOCK</li>
-     * </ul>
-     * <p>Outside of ACAMERA_CONTROL_*, the following controls will work:</p>
-     * <ul>
-     * <li>ACAMERA_FLASH_MODE (automatic flash for still capture will not work since aeMode is ON)</li>
-     * <li>ACAMERA_LENS_OPTICAL_STABILIZATION_MODE (if it is supported)</li>
-     * </ul>
-     * <p>For high speed recording use case, the actual maximum supported frame rate may
-     * be lower than what camera can output, depending on the destination Surfaces for
-     * the image data. For example, if the destination surface is from video encoder,
-     * the application need check if the video encoder is capable of supporting the
-     * high frame rate for a given video size, or it will end up with lower recording
-     * frame rate. If the destination surface is from preview window, the preview frame
-     * rate will be bounded by the screen refresh rate.</p>
-     * <p>The camera device will only support up to 2 output high speed streams
-     * (processed non-stalling format defined in ACAMERA_REQUEST_MAX_NUM_OUTPUT_STREAMS)
-     * in this mode. This control will be effective only if all of below conditions are true:</p>
-     * <ul>
-     * <li>The application created no more than maxNumHighSpeedStreams processed non-stalling
-     * format output streams, where maxNumHighSpeedStreams is calculated as
-     * min(2, ACAMERA_REQUEST_MAX_NUM_OUTPUT_STREAMS[Processed (but not-stalling)]).</li>
-     * <li>The stream sizes are selected from the sizes reported by
-     * android.control.availableHighSpeedVideoConfigurations.</li>
-     * <li>No processed non-stalling or raw streams are configured.</li>
-     * </ul>
-     * <p>When above conditions are NOT satistied, the controls of this mode and
-     * ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_TARGET_FPS_RANGE will be ignored by the camera device,
-     * the camera device will fall back to ACAMERA_CONTROL_MODE <code>==</code> AUTO,
-     * and the returned capture result metadata will give the fps range choosen
-     * by the camera device.</p>
-     * <p>Switching into or out of this mode may trigger some camera ISP/sensor
-     * reconfigurations, which may introduce extra latency. It is recommended that
-     * the application avoids unnecessary scene mode switch as much as possible.</p>
-     *
-     *
-     * <b>Deprecated</b>: please refer to this API documentation to find the alternatives
-     */
-    ACAMERA_CONTROL_SCENE_MODE_HIGH_SPEED_VIDEO                      = 17,
-    /**
      * <p>Turn on a device-specific high dynamic range (HDR) mode.</p>
      * <p>In this scene mode, the camera device captures images
      * that keep a larger range of scene illumination levels
@@ -6502,7 +5831,7 @@
      * <p>Edge enhancement is applied at different levels for different output streams,
      * based on resolution. Streams at maximum recording resolution (see {@link
-     * android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice#createCaptureSession}) or below have
+     * ACameraDevice_createCaptureSession}) or below have
      * edge enhancement applied, while higher-resolution streams have no edge enhancement
      * applied. The level of edge enhancement for low-resolution streams is tuned so that
      * frame rate is not impacted, and the quality is equal to or better than FAST (since it
@@ -6756,7 +6085,7 @@
      * <p>Noise reduction is applied at different levels for different output streams,
      * based on resolution. Streams at maximum recording resolution (see {@link
-     * android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice#createCaptureSession}) or below have noise
+     * ACameraDevice_createCaptureSession}) or below have noise
      * reduction applied, while higher-resolution streams have MINIMAL (if supported) or no
      * noise reduction applied (if MINIMAL is not supported.) The degree of noise reduction
      * for low-resolution streams is tuned so that frame rate is not impacted, and the quality
@@ -6978,26 +6307,18 @@
      * to FAST. Additionally, maximum-resolution images can be captured at &gt;= 10 frames
      * per second.  Here, 'high resolution' means at least 8 megapixels, or the maximum
      * resolution of the device, whichever is smaller.</p>
-     * <p>More specifically, this means that a size matching the camera device's active array
-     * size is listed as a supported size for the {@link
-     *} format in either {@link
-     * android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputSizes} or {@link
-     * android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap#getHighResolutionOutputSizes},
-     * with a minimum frame duration for that format and size of either &lt;= 1/20 s, or
-     * &lt;= 1/10 s, respectively; and the ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_AVAILABLE_TARGET_FPS_RANGES entry
-     * lists at least one FPS range where the minimum FPS is &gt;= 1 / minimumFrameDuration
-     * for the maximum-size YUV_420_888 format.  If that maximum size is listed in {@link
-     * android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap#getHighResolutionOutputSizes},
-     * then the list of resolutions for YUV_420_888 from {@link
-     * android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputSizes} contains at
-     * least one resolution &gt;= 8 megapixels, with a minimum frame duration of &lt;= 1/20
-     * s.</p>
-     * <p>If the device supports the {@link}, {@link
-     *}, then those can also be captured at the same rate
+     * <p>More specifically, this means that at least one output {@link
+     * AIMAGE_FORMAT_YUV_420_888} size listed in
+     * {@link ACAMERA_SCALER_AVAILABLE_STREAM_CONFIGURATIONS} is larger or equal to the
+     * 'high resolution' defined above, and can be captured at at least 20 fps.
+     * For the largest {@link AIMAGE_FORMAT_YUV_420_888} size listed in
+     * {@link ACAMERA_SCALER_AVAILABLE_STREAM_CONFIGURATIONS}, camera device can capture this
+     * size for at least 10 frames per second.
+     * Also the ACAMERA_CONTROL_AE_AVAILABLE_TARGET_FPS_RANGES entry lists at least one FPS range
+     * where the minimum FPS is &gt;= 1 / minimumFrameDuration for the largest YUV_420_888 size.</p>
+     * <p>If the device supports the {@link AIMAGE_FORMAT_RAW10}, {@link
+     * AIMAGE_FORMAT_RAW12}, then those can also be captured at the same rate
      * as the maximum-size YUV_420_888 resolution is.</p>
-     * <p>If the device supports the PRIVATE_REPROCESSING capability, then the same guarantees
-     * as for the YUV_420_888 format also apply to the {@link
-     *} format.</p>
      * <p>In addition, the ACAMERA_SYNC_MAX_LATENCY field is guaranted to have a value between 0
      * are also guaranteed to be <code>true</code> so burst capture with these two locks ON yields
@@ -7014,13 +6335,13 @@
      * <p>The camera device can produce depth measurements from its field of view.</p>
      * <p>This capability requires the camera device to support the following:</p>
      * <ul>
-     * <li>{@link} is supported as an output format.</li>
-     * <li>{@link} is optionally supported as an
+     * <li>{@link AIMAGE_FORMAT_DEPTH16} is supported as an output format.</li>
+     * <li>{@link AIMAGE_FORMAT_DEPTH_POINT_CLOUD} is optionally supported as an
      *   output format.</li>
      * <li>This camera device, and all camera devices with the same ACAMERA_LENS_FACING,
-     *   will list the following calibration entries in both
-     *   {@link android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics} and
-     *   {@link android.hardware.camera2.CaptureResult}:<ul>
+     *   will list the following calibration entries in {@link ACameraMetadata} from both
+     *   {@link ACameraManager_getCameraCharacteristics} and
+     *   {@link ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallback_result}:<ul>
@@ -7035,7 +6356,7 @@
      * <p>Generally, depth output operates at a slower frame rate than standard color capture,
      * so the DEPTH16 and DEPTH_POINT_CLOUD formats will commonly have a stall duration that
      * should be accounted for (see
-     * {@link android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap#getOutputStallDuration}).
      * On a device that supports both depth and color-based output, to enable smooth preview,
      * using a repeating burst is recommended, where a depth-output target is only included
      * once every N frames, where N is the ratio between preview output rate and depth output
@@ -7269,8 +6590,8 @@
      * <p>Timestamps from ACAMERA_SENSOR_TIMESTAMP are in the same timebase as
-     * {@link android.os.SystemClock#elapsedRealtimeNanos},
-     * and they can be compared to other timestamps using that base.</p>
+     * <a href="">elapsedRealtimeNanos</a>
+     * (or CLOCK_BOOTTIME), and they can be compared to other timestamps using that base.</p>
@@ -7455,8 +6776,7 @@
      * <p>This camera device does not have enough capabilities to qualify as a <code>FULL</code> device or
      * better.</p>
      * <p>Only the stream configurations listed in the <code>LEGACY</code> and <code>LIMITED</code> tables in the
-     * {@link android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice#createCaptureSession
-     * createCaptureSession} documentation are guaranteed to be supported.</p>
+     * {@link ACameraDevice_createCaptureSession} documentation are guaranteed to be supported.</p>
      * <p>All <code>LIMITED</code> devices support the <code>BACKWARDS_COMPATIBLE</code> capability, indicating basic
      * support for color image capture. The only exception is that the device may
      * alternatively support only the <code>DEPTH_OUTPUT</code> capability, if it can only output depth
@@ -7482,8 +6802,7 @@
      * <p>This camera device is capable of supporting advanced imaging applications.</p>
      * <p>The stream configurations listed in the <code>FULL</code>, <code>LEGACY</code> and <code>LIMITED</code> tables in the
-     * {@link android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice#createCaptureSession
-     * createCaptureSession} documentation are guaranteed to be supported.</p>
+     * {@link ACameraDevice_createCaptureSession} documentation are guaranteed to be supported.</p>
      * <p>A <code>FULL</code> device will support below capabilities:</p>
      * <ul>
      * <li><code>BURST_CAPTURE</code> capability (ACAMERA_REQUEST_AVAILABLE_CAPABILITIES contains
@@ -7511,8 +6830,7 @@
      * <p>This camera device is running in backward compatibility mode.</p>
      * <p>Only the stream configurations listed in the <code>LEGACY</code> table in the {@link
-     * android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice#createCaptureSession createCaptureSession}
-     * documentation are supported.</p>
+     * ACameraDevice_createCaptureSession} documentation are supported.</p>
      * <p>A <code>LEGACY</code> device does not support per-frame control, manual sensor control, manual
      * post-processing, arbitrary cropping regions, and has relaxed performance constraints.
      * No additional capabilities beyond <code>BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE</code> will ever be listed by a
@@ -7534,7 +6852,7 @@
      * FULL-level capabilities.</p>
      * <p>The stream configurations listed in the <code>LEVEL_3</code>, <code>RAW</code>, <code>FULL</code>, <code>LEGACY</code> and
      * <code>LIMITED</code> tables in the {@link
-     * android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice#createCaptureSession createCaptureSession}
+     * ACameraDevice_createCaptureSession}
      * documentation are guaranteed to be supported.</p>
      * <p>The following additional capabilities are guaranteed to be supported:</p>
      * <ul>
@@ -7637,3 +6955,5 @@
+/** @} */
diff --git a/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/camera/NdkCaptureRequest.h b/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/camera/NdkCaptureRequest.h
index e278196..cd97f4d 100644
--- a/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/camera/NdkCaptureRequest.h
+++ b/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/camera/NdkCaptureRequest.h
@@ -49,54 +49,255 @@
 // Container for a single output target
 typedef struct ACameraOutputTarget ACameraOutputTarget;
+ * ACaptureRequest is an opaque type that contains settings and output targets needed to capture
+ * a single image from camera device.
+ *
+ * <p>ACaptureRequest contains the configuration for the capture hardware (sensor, lens, flash),
+ * the processing pipeline, the control algorithms, and the output buffers. Also
+ * contains the list of target {@link ANativeWindow}s to send image data to for this
+ * capture.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>ACaptureRequest is created by {@link ACameraDevice_createCaptureRequest}.
+ *
+ * <p>ACaptureRequest is given to {@link ACameraCaptureSession_capture} or
+ * {@link ACameraCaptureSession_setRepeatingRequest} to capture images from a camera.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Each request can specify a different subset of target {@link ANativeWindow}s for the
+ * camera to send the captured data to. All the {@link ANativeWindow}s used in a request must
+ * be part of the {@link ANativeWindow} list given to the last call to
+ * {@link ACameraDevice_createCaptureSession}, when the request is submitted to the
+ * session.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>For example, a request meant for repeating preview might only include the
+ * {@link ANativeWindow} for the preview SurfaceView or SurfaceTexture, while a
+ * high-resolution still capture would also include a {@link ANativeWindow} from a
+ * {@link AImageReader} configured for high-resolution JPEG images.</p>
+ *
+ * @see ACameraDevice_createCaptureRequest
+ * @see ACameraCaptureSession_capture
+ * @see ACameraCaptureSession_setRepeatingRequest
+ */
 typedef struct ACaptureRequest ACaptureRequest;
-camera_status_t ACameraOutputTarget_create(ANativeWindow* window, ACameraOutputTarget** out);
-void ACameraOutputTarget_free(ACameraOutputTarget*);
+ * Create a ACameraOutputTarget object.
+ *
+ * <p>The ACameraOutputTarget is used in {@link ACaptureRequest_addTarget} method to add an output
+ * {@link ANativeWindow} to ACaptureRequest. Use {@link ACameraOutputTarget_free} to free the object
+ * and its memory after application no longer needs the {@link ACameraOutputTarget}.</p>
+ *
+ * @param window the {@link ANativeWindow} to be associated with the {@link ACameraOutputTarget}
+ * @param output the output {@link ACameraOutputTarget} will be stored here if the
+ *                  method call succeeds.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_OK} if the method call succeeds. The created ACameraOutputTarget will
+ *                                be filled in the output argument.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if window or output is NULL.</li></ul>
+ *
+ * @see ACaptureRequest_addTarget
+ */
+camera_status_t ACameraOutputTarget_create(ANativeWindow* window, ACameraOutputTarget** output);
-camera_status_t ACaptureRequest_addTarget(ACaptureRequest*, const ACameraOutputTarget*);
-camera_status_t ACaptureRequest_removeTarget(ACaptureRequest*, const ACameraOutputTarget*);
-//TODO: do we need API to query added targets?
+ * Free a ACameraOutputTarget object.
+ *
+ * @param output the {@link ACameraOutputTarget} to be freed.
+ *
+ * @see ACameraOutputTarget_create
+ */
+void ACameraOutputTarget_free(ACameraOutputTarget* output);
- * Get a metadata entry
+ * Add an {@link ACameraOutputTarget} object to {@link ACaptureRequest}.
+ *
+ * @param request the {@link ACaptureRequest} of interest.
+ * @param output the output {@link ACameraOutputTarget} to be added to capture request.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if request or output is NULL.</li></ul>
+ */
+camera_status_t ACaptureRequest_addTarget(ACaptureRequest* request,
+        const ACameraOutputTarget* output);
+ * Remove an {@link ACameraOutputTarget} object from {@link ACaptureRequest}.
+ *
+ * <p>This method has no effect if the ACameraOutputTarget does not exist in ACaptureRequest.</p>
+ *
+ * @param request the {@link ACaptureRequest} of interest.
+ * @param output the output {@link ACameraOutputTarget} to be removed from capture request.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if request or output is NULL.</li></ul>
+ */
+camera_status_t ACaptureRequest_removeTarget(ACaptureRequest* request,
+        const ACameraOutputTarget* output);
+ * Get a metadata entry from input {@link ACaptureRequest}.
+ *
+ * <p>The memory of the data field in returned entry is managed by camera framework. Do not
+ * attempt to free it.</p>
+ *
+ * @param request the {@link ACaptureRequest} of interest.
+ * @param tag the tag value of the camera metadata entry to be get.
+ * @param entry the output {@link ACameraMetadata_const_entry} will be filled here if the method
+ *        call succeeeds.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if metadata or entry is NULL.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_METADATA_NOT_FOUND} if the capture request does not contain an
+ *             entry of input tag value.</li></ul>
 camera_status_t ACaptureRequest_getConstEntry(
-        const ACaptureRequest*, uint32_t tag, ACameraMetadata_const_entry* entry);
+        const ACaptureRequest* request, uint32_t tag, ACameraMetadata_const_entry* entry);
- * List all the entry tags in this capture request.
- * The memory of tags is managed by ACaptureRequest itself and must NOT be free/delete
- * by application. Calling ACaptureRequest_setEntry_* API will invalidate previous
- * output of ACaptureRequest_getAllTags. Do not access tags after calling
- * ACaptureRequest_setEntry_*. To get new list of tags after updating capture request,
- * application must call ACaptureRequest_getAllTags again.
- * Do NOT access tags after calling ACaptureRequest_free.
+ * List all the entry tags in input {@link ACaptureRequest}.
+ *
+ * @param request the {@link ACaptureRequest} of interest.
+ * @param numEntries number of metadata entries in input {@link ACaptureRequest}
+ * @param tags the tag values of the metadata entries. Length of tags is returned in numEntries
+ *             argument. The memory is managed by ACaptureRequest itself and must NOT be free/delete
+ *             by application. Calling ACaptureRequest_setEntry_* methods will invalidate previous
+ *             output of ACaptureRequest_getAllTags. Do not access tags after calling
+ *             ACaptureRequest_setEntry_*. To get new list of tags after updating capture request,
+ *             application must call ACaptureRequest_getAllTags again. Do NOT access tags after
+ *             calling ACaptureRequest_free.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if request, numEntries or tags is NULL.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_UNKNOWN} if the method fails for some other reasons.</li></ul>
 camera_status_t ACaptureRequest_getAllTags(
-        const ACaptureRequest*, /*out*/int32_t* numTags, /*out*/const uint32_t** tags);
+        const ACaptureRequest* request, /*out*/int32_t* numTags, /*out*/const uint32_t** tags);
- * Set an entry of corresponding type.
- * The entry tag's type must match corresponding set API or an
- * Also, the input ACameraMetadata* must belong to a capture request or an
+ * Set/change a camera capture control entry with unsigned 8 bits data type.
+ *
+ * <p>Set count to 0 and data to NULL to remove a tag from the capture request.</p>
+ *
+ * @param request the {@link ACaptureRequest} of interest.
+ * @param tag the tag value of the camera metadata entry to be set.
+ * @param count number of elements to be set in data argument
+ * @param data the entries to be set/change in the capture request.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if request is NULL, count is larger than
+ *             zero while data is NULL, the data type of the tag is not unsigned 8 bits, or
+ *             the tag is not controllable by application.</li></ul>
 camera_status_t ACaptureRequest_setEntry_u8(
-        ACaptureRequest*, uint32_t tag, uint32_t count, const uint8_t* data);
-camera_status_t ACaptureRequest_setEntry_i32(
-        ACaptureRequest*, uint32_t tag, uint32_t count, const int32_t* data);
-camera_status_t ACaptureRequest_setEntry_float(
-        ACaptureRequest*, uint32_t tag, uint32_t count, const float* data);
-camera_status_t ACaptureRequest_setEntry_i64(
-        ACaptureRequest*, uint32_t tag, uint32_t count, const int64_t* data);
-camera_status_t ACaptureRequest_setEntry_double(
-        ACaptureRequest*, uint32_t tag, uint32_t count, const double* data);
-camera_status_t ACaptureRequest_setEntry_rational(
-        ACaptureRequest*, uint32_t tag, uint32_t count, const ACameraMetadata_rational* data);
+        ACaptureRequest* request, uint32_t tag, uint32_t count, const uint8_t* data);
-// free the capture request created by ACameraDevice_createCaptureRequest
+ * Set/change a camera capture control entry with signed 32 bits data type.
+ *
+ * <p>Set count to 0 and data to NULL to remove a tag from the capture request.</p>
+ *
+ * @param request the {@link ACaptureRequest} of interest.
+ * @param tag the tag value of the camera metadata entry to be set.
+ * @param count number of elements to be set in data argument
+ * @param data the entries to be set/change in the capture request.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if request is NULL, count is larger than
+ *             zero while data is NULL, the data type of the tag is not signed 32 bits, or
+ *             the tag is not controllable by application.</li></ul>
+ */
+camera_status_t ACaptureRequest_setEntry_i32(
+        ACaptureRequest* request, uint32_t tag, uint32_t count, const int32_t* data);
+ * Set/change a camera capture control entry with float data type.
+ *
+ * <p>Set count to 0 and data to NULL to remove a tag from the capture request.</p>
+ *
+ * @param request the {@link ACaptureRequest} of interest.
+ * @param tag the tag value of the camera metadata entry to be set.
+ * @param count number of elements to be set in data argument
+ * @param data the entries to be set/change in the capture request.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if request is NULL, count is larger than
+ *             zero while data is NULL, the data type of the tag is not float, or
+ *             the tag is not controllable by application.</li></ul>
+ */
+camera_status_t ACaptureRequest_setEntry_float(
+        ACaptureRequest* request, uint32_t tag, uint32_t count, const float* data);
+ * Set/change a camera capture control entry with signed 64 bits data type.
+ *
+ * <p>Set count to 0 and data to NULL to remove a tag from the capture request.</p>
+ *
+ * @param request the {@link ACaptureRequest} of interest.
+ * @param tag the tag value of the camera metadata entry to be set.
+ * @param count number of elements to be set in data argument
+ * @param data the entries to be set/change in the capture request.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if request is NULL, count is larger than
+ *             zero while data is NULL, the data type of the tag is not signed 64 bits, or
+ *             the tag is not controllable by application.</li></ul>
+ */
+camera_status_t ACaptureRequest_setEntry_i64(
+        ACaptureRequest* request, uint32_t tag, uint32_t count, const int64_t* data);
+ * Set/change a camera capture control entry with double data type.
+ *
+ * <p>Set count to 0 and data to NULL to remove a tag from the capture request.</p>
+ *
+ * @param request the {@link ACaptureRequest} of interest.
+ * @param tag the tag value of the camera metadata entry to be set.
+ * @param count number of elements to be set in data argument
+ * @param data the entries to be set/change in the capture request.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if request is NULL, count is larger than
+ *             zero while data is NULL, the data type of the tag is not double, or
+ *             the tag is not controllable by application.</li></ul>
+ */
+camera_status_t ACaptureRequest_setEntry_double(
+        ACaptureRequest* request, uint32_t tag, uint32_t count, const double* data);
+ * Set/change a camera capture control entry with rational data type.
+ *
+ * <p>Set count to 0 and data to NULL to remove a tag from the capture request.</p>
+ *
+ * @param request the {@link ACaptureRequest} of interest.
+ * @param tag the tag value of the camera metadata entry to be set.
+ * @param count number of elements to be set in data argument
+ * @param data the entries to be set/change in the capture request.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link ACAMERA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if request is NULL, count is larger than
+ *             zero while data is NULL, the data type of the tag is not rational, or
+ *             the tag is not controllable by application.</li></ul>
+ */
+camera_status_t ACaptureRequest_setEntry_rational(
+        ACaptureRequest* request, uint32_t tag, uint32_t count,
+        const ACameraMetadata_rational* data);
+ * Free a {@link ACaptureRequest} structure.
+ *
+ * @param request the {@link ACaptureRequest} to be freed.
+ */
 void ACaptureRequest_free(ACaptureRequest* request);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/media/NdkImage.h b/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/media/NdkImage.h
index eab7ead..cd0b11e 100644
--- a/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/media/NdkImage.h
+++ b/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/media/NdkImage.h
@@ -42,21 +42,371 @@
 extern "C" {
+ * AImage is an opaque type that provides access to image generated by {@link AImageReader}.
+ */
 typedef struct AImage AImage;
 // Formats not listed here will not be supported by AImageReader
-enum {
+    /**
+     * Multi-plane Android YUV 420 format.
+     *
+     * <p>This format is a generic YCbCr format, capable of describing any 4:2:0
+     * chroma-subsampled planar or semiplanar buffer (but not fully interleaved),
+     * with 8 bits per color sample.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>Images in this format are always represented by three separate buffers
+     * of data, one for each color plane. Additional information always
+     * accompanies the buffers, describing the row stride and the pixel stride
+     * for each plane.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>The order of planes is guaranteed such that plane #0 is always Y, plane #1 is always
+     * U (Cb), and plane #2 is always V (Cr).</p>
+     *
+     * <p>The Y-plane is guaranteed not to be interleaved with the U/V planes
+     * (in particular, pixel stride is always 1 in {@link AImage_getPlanePixelStride}).</p>
+     *
+     * <p>The U/V planes are guaranteed to have the same row stride and pixel stride, that is, the
+     * return value of {@link AImage_getPlaneRowStride} for the U/V plane are guaranteed to be the
+     * same, and the return value of {@link AImage_getPlanePixelStride} for the U/V plane are also
+     * guaranteed to be the same.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>For example, the {@link AImage} object can provide data
+     * in this format from a {@link ACameraDevice} through an {@link AImageReader} object.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>This format is always supported as an output format for the android Camera2 NDK API.</p>
+     *
+     * @see AImage
+     * @see AImageReader
+     * @see ACameraDevice
+     */
     AIMAGE_FORMAT_YUV_420_888       = 0x23,
+    /**
+     * Compressed JPEG format.
+     *
+     * <p>This format is always supported as an output format for the android Camera2 NDK API.</p>
+     */
     AIMAGE_FORMAT_JPEG              = 0x100,
+    /**
+     * 16 bits per pixel raw camera sensor image format, usually representing a single-channel
+     * Bayer-mosaic image.
+     *
+     * <p>The layout of the color mosaic, the maximum and minimum encoding
+     * values of the raw pixel data, the color space of the image, and all other
+     * needed information to interpret a raw sensor image must be queried from
+     * the {@link ACameraDevice} which produced the image.</p>
+     */
     AIMAGE_FORMAT_RAW16             = 0x20,
+    /**
+     * Private raw camera sensor image format, a single channel image with implementation depedent
+     * pixel layout.
+     *
+     * <p>AIMAGE_FORMAT_RAW_PRIVATE is a format for unprocessed raw image buffers coming from an
+     * image sensor. The actual structure of buffers of this format is implementation-dependent.</p>
+     *
+     */
     AIMAGE_FORMAT_RAW_PRIVATE       = 0x24,
+    /**
+     * Android 10-bit raw format.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * This is a single-plane, 10-bit per pixel, densely packed (in each row),
+     * unprocessed format, usually representing raw Bayer-pattern images coming
+     * from an image sensor.
+     * </p>
+     * <p>
+     * In an image buffer with this format, starting from the first pixel of
+     * each row, each 4 consecutive pixels are packed into 5 bytes (40 bits).
+     * Each one of the first 4 bytes contains the top 8 bits of each pixel, The
+     * fifth byte contains the 2 least significant bits of the 4 pixels, the
+     * exact layout data for each 4 consecutive pixels is illustrated below
+     * (Pi[j] stands for the jth bit of the ith pixel):
+     * </p>
+     * <table>
+     * <tr>
+     * <th align="center"></th>
+     * <th align="center">bit 7</th>
+     * <th align="center">bit 6</th>
+     * <th align="center">bit 5</th>
+     * <th align="center">bit 4</th>
+     * <th align="center">bit 3</th>
+     * <th align="center">bit 2</th>
+     * <th align="center">bit 1</th>
+     * <th align="center">bit 0</th>
+     * </tr>
+     * <tr>
+     * <td align="center">Byte 0:</td>
+     * <td align="center">P0[9]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P0[8]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P0[7]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P0[6]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P0[5]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P0[4]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P0[3]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P0[2]</td>
+     * </tr>
+     * <tr>
+     * <td align="center">Byte 1:</td>
+     * <td align="center">P1[9]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P1[8]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P1[7]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P1[6]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P1[5]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P1[4]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P1[3]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P1[2]</td>
+     * </tr>
+     * <tr>
+     * <td align="center">Byte 2:</td>
+     * <td align="center">P2[9]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P2[8]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P2[7]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P2[6]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P2[5]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P2[4]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P2[3]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P2[2]</td>
+     * </tr>
+     * <tr>
+     * <td align="center">Byte 3:</td>
+     * <td align="center">P3[9]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P3[8]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P3[7]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P3[6]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P3[5]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P3[4]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P3[3]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P3[2]</td>
+     * </tr>
+     * <tr>
+     * <td align="center">Byte 4:</td>
+     * <td align="center">P3[1]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P3[0]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P2[1]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P2[0]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P1[1]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P1[0]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P0[1]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P0[0]</td>
+     * </tr>
+     * </table>
+     * <p>
+     * This format assumes
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>a width multiple of 4 pixels</li>
+     * <li>an even height</li>
+     * </ul>
+     * </p>
+     *
+     * <pre>size = row stride * height</pre> where the row stride is in <em>bytes</em>,
+     * not pixels.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Since this is a densely packed format, the pixel stride is always 0. The
+     * application must use the pixel data layout defined in above table to
+     * access each row data. When row stride is equal to (width * (10 / 8)), there
+     * will be no padding bytes at the end of each row, the entire image data is
+     * densely packed. When stride is larger than (width * (10 / 8)), padding
+     * bytes will be present at the end of each row.
+     * </p>
+     * <p>
+     * For example, the {@link AImage} object can provide data in this format from a
+     * {@link ACameraDevice} (if supported) through a {@link AImageReader} object.
+     * The number of planes returned by {@link AImage_getNumberOfPlanes} will always be 1.
+     * The pixel stride is undefined ({@link AImage_getPlanePixelStride} will return
+     * {@link AMEDIA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED}), and the {@link AImage_getPlaneRowStride} described the
+     * vertical neighboring pixel distance (in bytes) between adjacent rows.
+     * </p>
+     *
+     * @see AImage
+     * @see AImageReader
+     * @see ACameraDevice
+     */
     AIMAGE_FORMAT_RAW10             = 0x25,
+    /**
+     * Android 12-bit raw format.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * This is a single-plane, 12-bit per pixel, densely packed (in each row),
+     * unprocessed format, usually representing raw Bayer-pattern images coming
+     * from an image sensor.
+     * </p>
+     * <p>
+     * In an image buffer with this format, starting from the first pixel of each
+     * row, each two consecutive pixels are packed into 3 bytes (24 bits). The first
+     * and second byte contains the top 8 bits of first and second pixel. The third
+     * byte contains the 4 least significant bits of the two pixels, the exact layout
+     * data for each two consecutive pixels is illustrated below (Pi[j] stands for
+     * the jth bit of the ith pixel):
+     * </p>
+     * <table>
+     * <tr>
+     * <th align="center"></th>
+     * <th align="center">bit 7</th>
+     * <th align="center">bit 6</th>
+     * <th align="center">bit 5</th>
+     * <th align="center">bit 4</th>
+     * <th align="center">bit 3</th>
+     * <th align="center">bit 2</th>
+     * <th align="center">bit 1</th>
+     * <th align="center">bit 0</th>
+     * </tr>
+     * <tr>
+     * <td align="center">Byte 0:</td>
+     * <td align="center">P0[11]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P0[10]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P0[ 9]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P0[ 8]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P0[ 7]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P0[ 6]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P0[ 5]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P0[ 4]</td>
+     * </tr>
+     * <tr>
+     * <td align="center">Byte 1:</td>
+     * <td align="center">P1[11]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P1[10]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P1[ 9]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P1[ 8]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P1[ 7]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P1[ 6]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P1[ 5]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P1[ 4]</td>
+     * </tr>
+     * <tr>
+     * <td align="center">Byte 2:</td>
+     * <td align="center">P1[ 3]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P1[ 2]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P1[ 1]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P1[ 0]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P0[ 3]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P0[ 2]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P0[ 1]</td>
+     * <td align="center">P0[ 0]</td>
+     * </tr>
+     * </table>
+     * <p>
+     * This format assumes
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>a width multiple of 4 pixels</li>
+     * <li>an even height</li>
+     * </ul>
+     * </p>
+     *
+     * <pre>size = row stride * height</pre> where the row stride is in <em>bytes</em>,
+     * not pixels.
+     *
+     * <p>
+     * Since this is a densely packed format, the pixel stride is always 0. The
+     * application must use the pixel data layout defined in above table to
+     * access each row data. When row stride is equal to (width * (12 / 8)), there
+     * will be no padding bytes at the end of each row, the entire image data is
+     * densely packed. When stride is larger than (width * (12 / 8)), padding
+     * bytes will be present at the end of each row.
+     * </p>
+     * <p>
+     * For example, the {@link AImage} object can provide data in this format from a
+     * {@link ACameraDevice} (if supported) through a {@link AImageReader} object.
+     * The number of planes returned by {@link AImage_getNumberOfPlanes} will always be 1.
+     * The pixel stride is undefined ({@link AImage_getPlanePixelStride} will return
+     * {@link AMEDIA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED}), and the {@link AImage_getPlaneRowStride} described the
+     * vertical neighboring pixel distance (in bytes) between adjacent rows.
+     * </p>
+     *
+     * @see AImage
+     * @see AImageReader
+     * @see ACameraDevice
+     */
     AIMAGE_FORMAT_RAW12             = 0x26,
+    /**
+     * Android dense depth image format.
+     *
+     * <p>Each pixel is 16 bits, representing a depth ranging measurement from a depth camera or
+     * similar sensor. The 16-bit sample consists of a confidence value and the actual ranging
+     * measurement.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>The confidence value is an estimate of correctness for this sample.  It is encoded in the
+     * 3 most significant bits of the sample, with a value of 0 representing 100% confidence, a
+     * value of 1 representing 0% confidence, a value of 2 representing 1/7, a value of 3
+     * representing 2/7, and so on.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>As an example, the following sample extracts the range and confidence from the first pixel
+     * of a DEPTH16-format {@link AImage}, and converts the confidence to a floating-point value
+     * between 0 and 1.f inclusive, with 1.f representing maximum confidence:
+     *
+     * <pre>
+     *    uint16_t* data;
+     *    int dataLength;
+     *    AImage_getPlaneData(image, 0, (uint8_t**)&data, &dataLength);
+     *    uint16_t depthSample = data[0];
+     *    uint16_t depthRange = (depthSample & 0x1FFF);
+     *    uint16_t depthConfidence = ((depthSample >> 13) & 0x7);
+     *    float depthPercentage = depthConfidence == 0 ? 1.f : (depthConfidence - 1) / 7.f;
+     * </pre>
+     * </p>
+     *
+     * <p>This format assumes
+     * <ul>
+     * <li>an even width</li>
+     * <li>an even height</li>
+     * <li>a horizontal stride multiple of 16 pixels</li>
+     * </ul>
+     * </p>
+     *
+     * <pre> y_size = stride * height </pre>
+     *
+     * When produced by a camera, the units for the range are millimeters.
+     */
     AIMAGE_FORMAT_DEPTH16           = 0x44363159,
+    /**
+     * Android sparse depth point cloud format.
+     *
+     * <p>A variable-length list of 3D points plus a confidence value, with each point represented
+     * by four floats; first the X, Y, Z position coordinates, and then the confidence value.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>The number of points is ((size of the buffer in bytes) / 16).
+     *
+     * <p>The coordinate system and units of the position values depend on the source of the point
+     * cloud data. The confidence value is between 0.f and 1.f, inclusive, with 0 representing 0%
+     * confidence and 1.f representing 100% confidence in the measured position values.</p>
+     *
+     * <p>As an example, the following code extracts the first depth point in a DEPTH_POINT_CLOUD
+     * format {@link AImage}:
+     * <pre>
+     *    float* data;
+     *    int dataLength;
+     *    AImage_getPlaneData(image, 0, (uint8_t**)&data, &dataLength);
+     *    float x = data[0];
+     *    float y = data[1];
+     *    float z = data[2];
+     *    float confidence = data[3];
+     * </pre>
+     *
+     */
-    AIMAGE_FORMAT_PRIVATE           = 0x22 ///> Not supported by AImageReader yet
+    /**
+     * Android private opaque image format.
+     *
+     * <p>This format is not currently supported by {@link AImageReader}.</p>
+     */
+    AIMAGE_FORMAT_PRIVATE           = 0x22
+ * Data type describing an cropped rectangle returned by {@link AImage_getCropRect}.
+ *
+ * <p>Note that the right and bottom coordinates are exclusive, so the width of the rectangle is
+ * (right - left) and the height of the rectangle is (bottom - top).</p>
+ */
 typedef struct AImageCropRect {
     int32_t left;
     int32_t top;
@@ -64,40 +414,192 @@
     int32_t bottom;
 } AImageCropRect;
-// Return the image back to system and delete the AImage from memory
-// Do NOT use `image` after this call
+ * Return the image back the the system and delete the AImage object from memory.
+ *
+ * <p>Do NOT use the image pointer after this method returns.
+ * Note that if the parent {@link AImageReader} is closed, all the {@link AImage} objects acquired
+ * from the parent reader will be returned to system. All AImage_* methods except this method will
+ * return {@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT}. Application still needs to call this method on those
+ * {@link AImage} objects to fully delete the {@link AImage} object from memory.</p>
+ *
+ * @param image The {@link AImage} to be deleted.
+ */
 void AImage_delete(AImage* image);
-// AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT will be returned if the parent AImageReader is deleted
+ * Query the width of the input {@link AImage}.
+ *
+ * @param image the {@link AImage} of interest.
+ * @param width the width of the image will be filled here if the method call succeeeds.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if image or width is NULL.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT} if the {@link AImageReader} generated this
+ *                 image has been deleted.</li></ul>
+ */
 media_status_t AImage_getWidth(const AImage* image, /*out*/int32_t* width);
-// AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT will be returned if the parent AImageReader is deleted
+ * Query the height of the input {@link AImage}.
+ *
+ * @param image the {@link AImage} of interest.
+ * @param height the height of the image will be filled here if the method call succeeeds.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if image or height is NULL.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT} if the {@link AImageReader} generated this
+ *                 image has been deleted.</li></ul>
+ */
 media_status_t AImage_getHeight(const AImage* image, /*out*/int32_t* height);
-// AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT will be returned if the parent AImageReader is deleted
+ * Query the format of the input {@link AImage}.
+ *
+ * <p>The format value will be one of AIMAGE_FORMAT_* enum value.</p>
+ *
+ * @param image the {@link AImage} of interest.
+ * @param format the format of the image will be filled here if the method call succeeeds.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if image or format is NULL.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT} if the {@link AImageReader} generated this
+ *                 image has been deleted.</li></ul>
+ */
 media_status_t AImage_getFormat(const AImage* image, /*out*/int32_t* format);
-// AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT will be returned if the parent AImageReader is deleted
+ * Query the cropped rectangle of the input {@link AImage}.
+ *
+ * <p>The crop rectangle specifies the region of valid pixels in the image, using coordinates in the
+ * largest-resolution plane.</p>
+ *
+ * @param image the {@link AImage} of interest.
+ * @param rect the cropped rectangle of the image will be filled here if the method call succeeeds.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if image or rect is NULL.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT} if the {@link AImageReader} generated this
+ *                 image has been deleted.</li></ul>
+ */
 media_status_t AImage_getCropRect(const AImage* image, /*out*/AImageCropRect* rect);
-// AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT will be returned if the parent AImageReader is deleted
+ * Query the timestamp of the input {@link AImage}.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * The timestamp is measured in nanoseconds, and is normally monotonically increasing. The
+ * timestamps for the images from different sources may have different timebases therefore may not
+ * be comparable. The specific meaning and timebase of the timestamp depend on the source providing
+ * images. For images generated by camera, the timestamp value will match
+ * {@link ACAMERA_SENSOR_TIMESTAMP} of the {@link ACameraMetadata} in
+ * {@link ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks#onCaptureStarted} and
+ * {@link ACameraCaptureSession_captureCallbacks#onCaptureCompleted} callback.
+ * </p>
+ *
+ * @param image the {@link AImage} of interest.
+ * @param timestampNs the timestamp of the image will be filled here if the method call succeeeds.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if image or timestampNs is NULL.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT} if the {@link AImageReader} generated this
+ *                 image has been deleted.</li></ul>
+ */
 media_status_t AImage_getTimestamp(const AImage* image, /*out*/int64_t* timestampNs);
-// AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT will be returned if the parent AImageReader is deleted
+ * Query the number of planes of the input {@link AImage}.
+ *
+ * <p>The number of plane of an {@link AImage} is determined by its format, which can be queried by
+ * {@link AImage_getFormat} method.</p>
+ *
+ * @param image the {@link AImage} of interest.
+ * @param numPlanes the number of planes of the image will be filled here if the method call
+ *         succeeeds.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if image or numPlanes is NULL.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT} if the {@link AImageReader} generated this
+ *                 image has been deleted.</li></ul>
+ */
 media_status_t AImage_getNumberOfPlanes(const AImage* image, /*out*/int32_t* numPlanes);
-// AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT will be returned if the parent AImageReader is deleted
+ * Query the pixel stride of the input {@link AImage}.
+ *
+ * <p>This is the distance between two consecutive pixel values in a row of pixels. It may be
+ * larger than the size of a single pixel to account for interleaved image data or padded formats.
+ * Note that pixel stride is undefined for some formats such as {@link AIMAGE_FORMAT_RAW_PRIVATE},
+ * and calling this method on images of these formats will cause {@link AMEDIA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED}
+ * being returned.
+ * For formats where pixel stride is well defined, the pixel stride is always greater than 0.</p>
+ *
+ * @param image the {@link AImage} of interest.
+ * @param planeIdx the index of the plane. Must be less than the number of planes of input image.
+ * @param pixelStride the pixel stride of the image will be filled here if the method call succeeeds.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if image or pixelStride is NULL, or planeIdx
+ *                 is out of the range of [0, numOfPlanes - 1].</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED} if pixel stride is undefined for the format of input
+ *                 image.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT} if the {@link AImageReader} generated this
+ *                 image has been deleted.</li></ul>
+ */
 media_status_t AImage_getPlanePixelStride(
         const AImage* image, int planeIdx, /*out*/int32_t* pixelStride);
-// AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT will be returned if the parent AImageReader is deleted
+ * Query the row stride of the input {@link AImage}.
+ *
+ * <p>This is the distance between the start of two consecutive rows of pixels in the image. Note
+ * that row stried is undefined for some formats such as {@link AIMAGE_FORMAT_RAW_PRIVATE}, and
+ * calling this method on images of these formats will cause {@link AMEDIA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED}
+ * being returned.
+ * For formats where row stride is well defined, the row stride is always greater than 0.</p>
+ *
+ * @param image the {@link AImage} of interest.
+ * @param planeIdx the index of the plane. Must be less than the number of planes of input image.
+ * @param rowStride the row stride of the image will be filled here if the method call succeeeds.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if image or rowStride is NULL, or planeIdx
+ *                 is out of the range of [0, numOfPlanes - 1].</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED} if row stride is undefined for the format of input
+ *                 image.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT} if the {@link AImageReader} generated this
+ *                 image has been deleted.</li></ul>
+ */
 media_status_t AImage_getPlaneRowStride(
         const AImage* image, int planeIdx, /*out*/int32_t* rowStride);
-// AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT will be returned if the parent AImageReader is deleted
-// Note that once the AImage or the parent AImageReader is deleted, the `*data` returned from
-// previous AImage_getPlaneData call becomes dangling pointer. Do NOT use it after
-// AImage or AImageReader is deleted
+ * Get the data pointer of the input image for direct application access.
+ *
+ * <p>Note that once the {@link AImage} or the parent {@link AImageReader} is deleted, the data
+ * pointer from previous AImage_getPlaneData call becomes invalid. Do NOT use it after the
+ * {@link AImage} or the parent {@link AImageReader} is deleted.</p>
+ *
+ * @param image the {@link AImage} of interest.
+ * @param planeIdx the index of the plane. Must be less than the number of planes of input image.
+ * @param data the data pointer of the image will be filled here if the method call succeeeds.
+ * @param dataLength the valid length of data will be filled here if the method call succeeeds.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if image, data or dataLength is NULL, or
+ *                 planeIdx is out of the range of [0, numOfPlanes - 1].</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_OBJECT} if the {@link AImageReader} generated this
+ *                 image has been deleted.</li></ul>
+ */
 media_status_t AImage_getPlaneData(
         const AImage* image, int planeIdx,
         /*out*/uint8_t** data, /*out*/int* dataLength);
diff --git a/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/media/NdkImageReader.h b/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/media/NdkImageReader.h
index 9e7483d..7c7ec6a 100644
--- a/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/media/NdkImageReader.h
+++ b/ndk/platforms/android-24/include/media/NdkImageReader.h
@@ -44,38 +44,253 @@
 extern "C" {
+ * AImage is an opaque type that allows direct application access to image data rendered into a
+ * {@link ANativeWindow}.
+ */
 typedef struct AImageReader AImageReader;
+ * Create a new reader for images of the desired size and format.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * The maxImages parameter determines the maximum number of {@link AImage} objects that can be
+ * acquired from the {@link AImageReader} simultaneously. Requesting more buffers will use up
+ * more memory, so it is important to use only the minimum number necessary for the use case.
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * The valid sizes and formats depend on the source of the image data.
+ * </p>
+ *
+ * @param width The default width in pixels of the Images that this reader will produce.
+ * @param height The default height in pixels of the Images that this reader will produce.
+ * @param format The format of the Image that this reader will produce. This must be one of the
+ *            AIMAGE_FORMAT_* enum value defined in {@link AIMAGE_FORMATS}. Note that not all
+ *            formats are supported, like {@link AIMAGE_FORMAT_PRIVATE}.
+ * @param maxImages The maximum number of images the user will want to access simultaneously. This
+ *            should be as small as possible to limit memory use. Once maxImages Images are obtained
+ *            by the user, one of them has to be released before a new {@link AImage} will become
+ *            available for access through {@link AImageReader_acquireLatestImage} or
+ *            {@link AImageReader_acquireNextImage}. Must be greater than 0.
+ * @param reader The created image reader will be filled here if the method call succeeeds.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if reader is NULL, or one or more of width,
+ *                 height, format, maxImages arguments is not supported.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN} if the method fails for some other reasons.</li></ul>
+ *
+ * @see AImage
+ */
 media_status_t AImageReader_new(
         int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t format, int32_t maxImages,
         /*out*/AImageReader** reader);
-// Return all images acquired from this AImageReader back to system and delete
-// the AImageReader instance from memory
-// Do NOT use `reader` after this call
+ * Delete an {@link AImageReader} and return all images generated by this reader to system.
+ *
+ * <p>This method will return all {@link AImage} objects acquired by this reader (via
+ * {@link AImageReader_acquireNextImage} or {@link AImageReader_acquireLatestImage}) to system,
+ * making any of data pointers obtained from {@link AImage_getPlaneData} invalid. Do NOT access
+ * the reader object or any of those data pointers after this method returns.</p>
+ *
+ * @param reader The image reader to be deleted.
+ */
 void AImageReader_delete(AImageReader* reader);
-// Do NOT call ANativeWindow_release on the output. Just use AImageReader_delete.
-media_status_t AImageReader_getWindow(AImageReader*, /*out*/ANativeWindow** window);
+ * Get a {@link ANativeWindow} that can be used to produce {@link AImage} for this image reader.
+ *
+ * @param reader The image reader of interest.
+ * @param window The output {@link ANativeWindow} will be filled here if the method call succeeds.
+ *                The {@link ANativeWindow} is managed by this image reader. Do NOT call
+ *                {@link ANativeWindow_release} on it. Instead, use {@link AImageReader_delete}.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if reader or window is NULL.</li></ul>
+ */
+media_status_t AImageReader_getWindow(AImageReader* reader, /*out*/ANativeWindow** window);
+ * Query the default width of the {@link AImage} generated by this reader, in pixels.
+ *
+ * <p>The width may be overridden by the producer sending buffers to this reader's
+ * {@link ANativeWindow}. If so, the actual width of the images can be found using
+ * {@link AImage_getWidth}.</p>
+ *
+ * @param reader The image reader of interest.
+ * @param width the default width of the reader will be filled here if the method call succeeeds.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if reader or width is NULL.</li></ul>
+ */
 media_status_t AImageReader_getWidth(const AImageReader* reader, /*out*/int32_t* width);
+ * Query the default height of the {@link AImage} generated by this reader, in pixels.
+ *
+ * <p>The height may be overridden by the producer sending buffers to this reader's
+ * {@link ANativeWindow}. If so, the actual height of the images can be found using
+ * {@link AImage_getHeight}.</p>
+ *
+ * @param reader The image reader of interest.
+ * @param height the default height of the reader will be filled here if the method call succeeeds.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if reader or height is NULL.</li></ul>
+ */
 media_status_t AImageReader_getHeight(const AImageReader* reader, /*out*/int32_t* height);
+ * Query the format of the {@link AImage} generated by this reader.
+ *
+ * @param reader The image reader of interest.
+ * @param format the fromat of the reader will be filled here if the method call succeeeds. The
+ *                value will be one of the AIMAGE_FORMAT_* enum value defiend in {@link NdkImage.h}.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if reader or format is NULL.</li></ul>
+ */
 media_status_t AImageReader_getFormat(const AImageReader* reader, /*out*/int32_t* format);
+ * Query the maximum number of concurrently acquired {@link AImage}s of this reader.
+ *
+ * @param reader The image reader of interest.
+ * @param maxImages the maximum number of concurrently acquired images of the reader will be filled
+ *                here if the method call succeeeds.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if reader or maxImages is NULL.</li></ul>
+ */
 media_status_t AImageReader_getMaxImages(const AImageReader* reader, /*out*/int32_t* maxImages);
+ * Acquire the next {@link AImage} from the image reader's queue.
+ *
+ * <p>Warning: Consider using {@link AImageReader_acquireLatestImage} instead, as it will
+ * automatically release older images, and allow slower-running processing routines to catch
+ * up to the newest frame. Usage of {@link AImageReader_acquireNextImage} is recommended for
+ * batch/background processing. Incorrectly using this method can cause images to appear
+ * with an ever-increasing delay, followed by a complete stall where no new images seem to appear.
+ * </p>
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * This method will fail if {@link AImageReader_getMaxImages maxImages} have been acquired with
+ * {@link AImageReader_acquireNextImage} or {@link AImageReader_acquireLatestImage}. In particular
+ * a sequence of {@link AImageReader_acquireNextImage} or {@link AImageReader_acquireLatestImage}
+ * calls greater than {@link AImageReader_getMaxImages maxImages} without calling
+ * {@link AImage_delete} in-between will exhaust the underlying queue. At such a time,
+ * {@link AMEDIA_IMGREADER_MAX_IMAGES_ACQUIRED} will be returned until more images are released with
+ * {@link AImage_delete}.
+ * </p>
+ *
+ * @param reader The image reader of interest.
+ * @param image the acquired {@link AImage} will be filled here if the method call succeeeds.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if reader or image is NULL.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_IMGREADER_MAX_IMAGES_ACQUIRED} if the number of concurrently acquired
+ *                 images has reached the limit.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_IMGREADER_NO_BUFFER_AVAILABLE} if there is no buffers currently
+ *                 available in the reader queue.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN} if the method fails for some other reasons.</li></ul>
+ *
+ * @see AImageReader_acquireLatestImage
+ */
 media_status_t AImageReader_acquireNextImage(AImageReader* reader, /*out*/AImage** image);
+ * Acquire the latest {@link AImage} from the image reader's queue, dropping older images.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * This operation will acquire all the images possible from the image reader, but
+ * {@link AImage_delete} all images that aren't the latest. This function is recommended to use over
+ * {@link AImageReader_acquireNextImage} for most use-cases, as it's more suited for real-time
+ * processing.
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * Note that {@link AImageReader_getMaxImages maxImages} should be at least 2 for
+ * {@link AImageReader_acquireLatestImage} to be any different than
+ * {@link AImageReader_acquireNextImage} - discarding all-but-the-newest {@link AImage} requires
+ * temporarily acquiring two {@link AImage}s at once. Or more generally, calling
+ * {@link AImageReader_acquireLatestImage} with less than two images of margin, that is
+ * (maxImages - currentAcquiredImages < 2) will not discard as expected.
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * This method will fail if {@link AImageReader_getMaxImages maxImages} have been acquired with
+ * {@link AImageReader_acquireNextImage} or {@link AImageReader_acquireLatestImage}. In particular
+ * a sequence of {@link AImageReader_acquireNextImage} or {@link AImageReader_acquireLatestImage}
+ * calls greater than {@link AImageReader_getMaxImages maxImages} without calling
+ * {@link AImage_delete} in-between will exhaust the underlying queue. At such a time,
+ * {@link AMEDIA_IMGREADER_MAX_IMAGES_ACQUIRED} will be returned until more images are released with
+ * {@link AImage_delete}.
+ * </p>
+ *
+ * @param reader The image reader of interest.
+ * @param image the acquired {@link AImage} will be filled here if the method call succeeeds.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if reader or image is NULL.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_IMGREADER_MAX_IMAGES_ACQUIRED} if the number of concurrently acquired
+ *                 images has reached the limit.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_IMGREADER_NO_BUFFER_AVAILABLE} if there is no buffers currently
+ *                 available in the reader queue.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN} if the method fails for some other reasons.</li></ul>
+ *
+ * @see AImageReader_acquireNextImage
+ */
 media_status_t AImageReader_acquireLatestImage(AImageReader* reader, /*out*/AImage** image);
-// The callback happens on one dedicated thread per AImageReader instance
-// It's okay to use AImageReader_*/AImage_* APIs within the callback
+ * The definition of {@link AImageReader} new image available callback.
+ *
+ * @param context The optional application context provided by user in
+ *                {@link AImageReader_setImageListener}.
+ * @param session The camera capture session whose state is changing.
+ */
 typedef void (*AImageReader_ImageCallback)(void* context, AImageReader* reader);
 typedef struct AImageReader_ImageListener {
-    void*                      context; // optional application context.
+    /// optional application context.
+    void*                      context;
+    /**
+     * This callback is called when there is a new image available for in the image reader's queue.
+     *
+     * <p>The callback happens on one dedicated thread per {@link AImageReader} instance. It is okay
+     * to use AImageReader_* and AImage_* methods within the callback. Note that it is possible that
+     * calling {@link AImageReader_acquireNextImage} or {@link AImageReader_acquireLatestImage}
+     * returns {@link AMEDIA_IMGREADER_NO_BUFFER_AVAILABLE} within this callback. For example, when
+     * there are multiple images and callbacks queued, if application called
+     * {@link AImageReader_acquireLatestImage}, some images will be returned to system before their
+     * corresponding callback is executed.</p>
+     */
     AImageReader_ImageCallback onImageAvailable;
 } AImageReader_ImageListener;
+ * Set the onImageAvailable listener of this image reader.
+ *
+ * <p>Note that calling this method will replace previously registered listeners.</p>
+ *
+ * @param reader The image reader of interest.
+ * @param listener the {@link AImageReader_ImageListener} to be registered. Set this to NULL if
+ *                 application no longer needs to listen to new images.
+ *
+ * @return <ul>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_OK} if the method call succeeds.</li>
+ *         <li>{@link AMEDIA_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER} if reader is NULL.</li></ul>
+ */
 media_status_t AImageReader_setImageListener(
         AImageReader* reader, AImageReader_ImageListener* listener);