SDK: don't generate empty codename line in

SDK Bug: b/6490860

Change-Id: I1eb7090eedca961a2a71a18e5dcef68e6cbf7163
diff --git a/build/ b/build/
index 730f6a4..09a83ea 100644
--- a/build/
+++ b/build/
@@ -12,25 +12,25 @@
 # Rule to convert a source.prop template into the desired
 # Rewritten variables:
-# - ${PLATFORM_VERSION}          e.g. "1.0"
-# - ${PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION}      e.g. "3", aka the API level
-# - ${PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME} e.g. "REL" (transformed into "") or "Cupcake"
-$(HOST_OUT)/development/sdk/ : $(TOPDIR)development/sdk/%_source.prop_template
+# - ${PLATFORM_VERSION}          e.g. "1.0".
+# - ${PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION}      e.g. "3", aka the API level.
+# - ${PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME} e.g. "REL" (transformed into "") or "Cupcake".
+# - if there's no codename, the codename line is removed.
+# $1 is the directory to process; all development/$1/*_source.prop_template files will
+# be converted.
+define convert-source-prop-template
+$(HOST_OUT)/development/$(1)/ : $(TOPDIR)development/$(1)/%_source.prop_template
 	@echo Generate $@
 	$(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@)
 	$(hide) sed -e 's/$${PLATFORM_VERSION}/$(PLATFORM_VERSION)/' \
 		 $< > $@
+	$(hide) sed --in-place -e '/^AndroidVersion.CodeName=\s*$$/d' $@
-$(HOST_OUT)/development/samples/ : $(TOPDIR)development/samples/%_source.prop_template
-	@echo Generate $@
-	$(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@)
-	$(hide) sed -e 's/$${PLATFORM_VERSION}/$(PLATFORM_VERSION)/' \
-		 $< > $@
+$(call convert-source-prop-template,sdk)
+$(call convert-source-prop-template,samples)
 # ===== Android Support/Compatibility Library =====