blob: db1837d02e5df40f81cd9a3387860d1ada760ac3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Common definitions for the Android NDK build system
# We use the GNU Make Standard Library
include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/../gmsl/gmsl
# This is the Android NDK version number as a list of three items:
# major, minor, revision
ndk_version := 1 0 0
# Used to output warnings and error from the library, it's possible to
# disable any warnings or errors by overriding these definitions
# manually or by setting GMSL_NO_WARNINGS or GMSL_NO_ERRORS
__ndk_name := Android NDK
__ndk_info = $(info $(__ndk_name): $1 $2 $3 $4 $5)
__ndk_warning = $(warning $(__ndk_name): $1 $2 $3 $4 $5)
__ndk_error = $(error $(__ndk_name): $1 $2 $3 $4 $5)
__ndk_warning :=
__ndk_error :=
# If NDK_TRACE is enabled then calls to the library functions are
# traced to stdout using warning messages with their arguments
__ndk_tr1 = $(warning $0('$1'))
__ndk_tr2 = $(warning $0('$1','$2'))
__ndk_tr3 = $(warning $0('$1','$2','$3'))
__ndk_tr1 :=
__ndk_tr2 :=
__ndk_tr3 :=
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function : ndk_log
# Arguments: 1: text to print when NDK_LOG is defined
# Returns : None
# Usage : $(call ndk_log,<some text>)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ifdef NDK_LOG
ndk_log = $(info $(__ndk_name): $1)
ndk_log :=
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Macro : empty
# Returns : an empty macro
# Usage : $(empty)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
empty :=
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Macro : space
# Returns : a single space
# Usage : $(space)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
space := $(empty) $(empty)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function : last2
# Arguments: a list
# Returns : the penultimate (next-to-last) element of a list
# Usage : $(call last2, <LIST>)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
last2 = $(word $(words $1), x $1)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function : last3
# Arguments: a list
# Returns : the antepenultimate (second-next-to-last) element of a list
# Usage : $(call last3, <LIST>)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
last3 = $(word $(words $1), x x $1)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Macro : this-makefile
# Returns : the name of the current Makefile in the inclusion stack
# Usage : $(this-makefile)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
this-makefile = $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Macro : local-makefile
# Returns : the name of the last parsed file
# Usage : $(local-makefile)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
local-makefile = $(lastword $(filter,$(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function : assert-defined
# Arguments: 1: list of variable names
# Returns : None
# Usage : $(call assert-defined, VAR1 VAR2 VAR3...)
# Rationale: Checks that all variables listed in $1 are defined, or abort the
# build
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
assert-defined = $(foreach __varname,$(strip $1),\
$(if $(strip $($(__varname))),,\
$(call __ndk_error, Assertion failure: $(__varname) is not defined)\
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function : clear-vars
# Arguments: 1: list of variable names
# 2: file where the variable should be defined
# Returns : None
# Usage : $(call clear-vars, VAR1 VAR2 VAR3...)
# Rationale: Clears/undefines all variables in argument list
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
clear-vars = $(foreach __varname,$1,$(eval $(__varname) := $(empty)))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function : check-required-vars
# Arguments: 1: list of variable names
# 2: file where the variable(s) should be defined
# Returns : None
# Usage : $(call check-required-vars, VAR1 VAR2 VAR3..., <file>)
# Rationale: Checks that all required vars listed in $1 were defined by $2
# or abort the build with an error
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check-required-vars = $(foreach __varname,$1,\
$(if $(strip $($(__varname))),,\
$(call __ndk_info, Required variable $(__varname) is not defined by $2)\
$(call __ndk_error,Aborting)\
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function : modules-clear
# Arguments: None
# Returns : None
# Usage : $(call modules-clear)
# Rationale: clears the list of defined modules known by the build system
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
modules-clear = $(eval __ndk_modules := $(empty_set))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function : modules-add
# Arguments: 1: module name
# 2: path to where the module is defined
# Returns : None
# Usage : $(call modules-add,<modulename>,< path>)
# Rationale: add a new module. If it is already defined, print an error message
# and abort.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
modules-add = \
$(if $(call set_is_member,$(__ndk_modules),$1),\
$(call __ndk_info,Trying to define local module '$1' in $2.)\
$(call __ndk_info,But this module was already defined by $(__ndk_modules.$1).)\
$(call __ndk_error,Aborting.)\
$(eval __ndk_modules := $(call set_insert,$(__ndk_modules),$1))\
$(eval __ndk_modules.$1 := $2)\
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function : check-user-define
# Arguments: 1: name of variable that must be defined by the user
# 2: name of Makefile where the variable should be defined
# 3: name/description of the Makefile where the check is done, which
# must be included by $2
# Returns : None
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check-user-define = $(if $(strip $($1)),,\
$(call __ndk_error,Missing $1 before including $3 in $2))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is used to check that LOCAL_MODULE is properly defined by an
# file before including one of the $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY), etc... files.
# Function : check-user-LOCAL_MODULE
# Arguments: 1: name/description of the included build Makefile where the
# check is done
# Returns : None
# Usage : $(call check-user-LOCAL_MODULE, BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check-defined-LOCAL_MODULE = \
$(call check-user-define,LOCAL_MODULE,$(local-makefile),$(1)) \
$(if $(call seq,$(words $(LOCAL_MODULE)),1),,\
$(call __ndk_info,LOCAL_MODULE definition in $(local-makefile) must not contain space)\
$(call __ndk_error,Please correct error. Aborting)\
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Strip any 'lib' prefix in front of a given string.
# Function : strip-lib-prefix
# Arguments: 1: module name
# Returns : module name, without any 'lib' prefix if any
# Usage : $(call strip-lib-prefix,$(LOCAL_MODULE))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
strip-lib-prefix = $(1:lib%=%)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is used to strip any lib prefix from LOCAL_MODULE, then check that
# the corresponding module name is not already defined.
# Function : check-user-LOCAL_MODULE
# Arguments: 1: path of where this LOCAL_MODULE is defined
# Returns : None
# Usage : $(call check-LOCAL_MODULE,$(LOCAL_MAKEFILE))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
check-LOCAL_MODULE = \
$(eval LOCAL_MODULE := $$(call strip-lib-prefix,$$(LOCAL_MODULE)))\
$(call modules-add,$(LOCAL_MODULE),$1)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Macro : my-dir
# Returns : the directory of the current Makefile
# Usage : $(my-dir)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
my-dir = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function : all-makefiles-under
# Arguments: 1: directory path
# Returns : a list of all makefiles immediately below some directory
# Usage : $(call all-makefiles-under, <some path>)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
all-makefiles-under = $(wildcard $1/*/
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Macro : all-subdir-makefiles
# Returns : list of all makefiles in subdirectories of the current Makefile's
# location
# Usage : $(all-subdir-makefiles)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
all-subdir-makefiles = $(call all-makefiles-under,$(call my-dir))
# =============================================================================
# Source file tagging support.
# Each source file listed in LOCAL_SRC_FILES can have any number of
# 'tags' associated to it. A tag name must not contain space, and its
# usage can vary.
# For example, the 'debug' tag is used to sources that must be built
# in debug mode, the 'arm' tag is used for sources that must be built
# using the 32-bit instruction set on ARM platforms, and 'neon' is used
# for sources that must be built with ARM Advanced SIMD (a.k.a. NEON)
# support.
# More tags might be introduced in the future.
# LOCAL_SRC_TAGS contains the list of all tags used (initially empty)
# LOCAL_SRC_FILES contains the list of all source files.
# LOCAL_SRC_TAG.<tagname> contains the set of source file names tagged
# with <tagname>
# LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TAGS.<filename> contains the set of tags for a given
# source file name
# Tags are processed by a toolchain-specific function (e.g. TARGET-compute-cflags)
# which will call various functions to compute source-file specific settings.
# These are currently stored as:
# LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TARGET_CFLAGS.<filename> contains the list of
# target-specific C compiler flags used to compile a given
# source file. This is set by the function TARGET-set-cflags
# defined in the toolchain's script.
# LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TEXT.<filename> contains the 'text' that will be
# displayed along the label of the build output line. For example
# 'thumb' or 'arm ' with ARM-based toolchains.
# =============================================================================
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Macro : clear-all-src-tags
# Returns : remove all source file tags and associated data.
# Usage : $(clear-all-src-tags)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
clear-all-src-tags = \
$(foreach __tag,$(LOCAL_SRC_TAGS), \
$(eval LOCAL_SRC_TAG.$(__tag) := $(empty)) \
) \
$(foreach __src,$(LOCAL_SRC_FILES), \
$(eval LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TAGS.$(__src) := $(empty)) \
$(eval LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TARGET_CFLAGS.$(__src) := $(empty)) \
$(eval LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TEXT.$(__src) := $(empty)) \
) \
$(eval LOCAL_SRC_TAGS := $(empty_set))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Macro : tag-src-files
# Arguments: 1: list of source files to tag
# 2: tag name (must not contain space)
# Usage : $(call tag-src-files,<list-of-source-files>,<tagname>)
# Rationale: Add a tag to a list of source files
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
tag-src-files = \
$(eval LOCAL_SRC_TAGS := $(call set_insert,$2,$(LOCAL_SRC_TAGS))) \
$(eval LOCAL_SRC_TAG.$2 := $(call set_union,$1,$(LOCAL_SRC_TAG.$2))) \
$(foreach __src,$1, \
$(eval LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TAGS.$(__src) += $2) \
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Macro : get-src-files-with-tag
# Arguments: 1: tag name
# Usage : $(call get-src-files-with-tag,<tagname>)
# Return : The list of source file names that have been tagged with <tagname>
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
get-src-files-with-tag = $(LOCAL_SRC_TAG.$1)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Macro : get-src-files-without-tag
# Arguments: 1: tag name
# Usage : $(call get-src-files-without-tag,<tagname>)
# Return : The list of source file names that have NOT been tagged with <tagname>
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
get-src-files-without-tag = $(filter-out $(LOCAL_SRC_TAG.$1),$(LOCAL_SRC_FILES))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Macro : set-src-files-target-cflags
# Arguments: 1: list of source files
# 2: list of compiler flags
# Usage : $(call set-src-files-target-cflags,<sources>,<flags>)
# Rationale: Set or replace the set of compiler flags that will be applied
# when building a given set of source files. This function should
# normally be called from the toolchain-specific function that
# computes all compiler flags for all source files.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
set-src-files-target-cflags = $(foreach __src,$1,$(eval LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TARGET_CFLAGS.$(__src) := $2))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Macro : add-src-files-target-cflags
# Arguments: 1: list of source files
# 2: list of compiler flags
# Usage : $(call add-src-files-target-cflags,<sources>,<flags>)
# Rationale: A variant of set-src-files-target-cflags that can be used
# to append, instead of replace, compiler flags for specific
# source files.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
add-src-files-target-cflags = $(foreach __src,$1,$(eval LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TARGET_CFLAGS.$(__src) += $2))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Macro : get-src-file-target-cflags
# Arguments: 1: single source file name
# Usage : $(call get-src-file-target-cflags,<source>)
# Rationale: Return the set of target-specific compiler flags that must be
# applied to a given source file. These must be set prior to this
# call using set-src-files-target-cflags or add-src-files-target-cflags
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
get-src-file-target-cflags = $(LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TARGET_CFLAGS.$1)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Macro : set-src-files-text
# Arguments: 1: list of source files
# 2: text
# Usage : $(call set-src-files-text,<sources>,<text>)
# Rationale: Set or replace the 'text' associated to a set of source files.
# The text is a very short string that complements the build
# label. For example, it will be either 'thumb' or 'arm ' for
# ARM-based toolchains. This function must be called by the
# toolchain-specific functions that processes all source files.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
set-src-files-text = $(foreach __src,$1,$(eval LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TEXT.$(__src) := $2))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Macro : get-src-file-text
# Arguments: 1: single source file
# Usage : $(call get-src-file-text,<source>)
# Rationale: Return the 'text' associated to a given source file when
# set-src-files-text was called.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
get-src-file-text = $(LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TEXT.$1)
# This should only be called for debugging the source files tagging system
dump-src-file-tags = \
$(foreach __tag,$(LOCAL_SRC_TAGS),$(info LOCAL_SRC_TAG.$(__tag) = $(LOCAL_SRC_TAG.$(__tag)))) \
$(foreach __src,$(LOCAL_SRC_FILES),$(info LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TAGS.$(__src) = $(LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TAGS.$(__src)))) \
$(info WITH arm = $(call get-src-files-with-tag,arm)) \
$(info WITHOUT arm = $(call get-src-files-without-tag,arm)) \
$(foreach __src,$(LOCAL_SRC_FILES),$(info LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TARGET_CFLAGS.$(__src) = $(LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TARGET_CFLAGS.$(__src)))) \
$(foreach __src,$(LOCAL_SRC_FILES),$(info LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TEXT.$(__src) = $(LOCAL_SRC_FILES_TEXT.$(__src)))) \
# =============================================================================
# support
# =============================================================================
# the list of variables that *must* be defined in files
# the list of variables that *may* be defined in files
# the list of all variables that may appear in an file
# =============================================================================
# support
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Generated files support
# =============================================================================
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function : host-static-library-path
# Arguments : 1: library module name (e.g. 'foo')
# Returns : location of generated host library name (e.g. '..../libfoo.a)
# Usage : $(call host-static-library-path,<modulename>)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
host-static-library-path = $(HOST_OUT)/lib$1.a
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function : host-executable-path
# Arguments : 1: executable module name (e.g. 'foo')
# Returns : location of generated host executable name (e.g. '..../foo)
# Usage : $(call host-executable-path,<modulename>)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
host-executable-path = $(HOST_OUT)/$1$(HOST_EXE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function : static-library-path
# Arguments : 1: library module name (e.g. 'foo')
# Returns : location of generated static library name (e.g. '..../libfoo.a)
# Usage : $(call static-library-path,<modulename>)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static-library-path = $(TARGET_OUT)/lib$1.a
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function : shared-library-path
# Arguments : 1: library module name (e.g. 'foo')
# Returns : location of generated shared library name (e.g. '..../
# Usage : $(call shared-library-path,<modulename>)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
shared-library-path = $(TARGET_OUT)/lib$
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function : executable-path
# Arguments : 1: executable module name (e.g. 'foo')
# Returns : location of generated exectuable name (e.g. '..../foo)
# Usage : $(call executable-path,<modulename>)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
executable-path = $(TARGET_OUT)/$1
# =============================================================================
# Build commands support
# =============================================================================
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Macro : hide
# Returns : nothing
# Usage : $(hide)<make commands>
# Rationale: To be used as a prefix for Make build commands to hide them
# by default during the build. To show them, set V=1 in your
# environment or command-line.
# For example:
# foo.o: foo.c
# -->|$(hide) <build-commands>
# Where '-->|' stands for a single tab character.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ifeq ($(V),1)
hide = $(empty)
hide = @
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Template : ev-compile-c-source
# Arguments : 1: single C source file name (relative to LOCAL_PATH)
# 2: target object file (without path)
# Returns : None
# Usage : $(eval $(call ev-compile-c-source,<srcfile>,<objfile>)
# Rationale : Internal template evaluated by compile-c-source and
# compile-s-source
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
define ev-compile-c-source
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_SRC := $$(_SRC)
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_OBJ := $$(_OBJ)
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_ARM_TEXT := $$(call get-src-file-text,$1)
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_CC := $$($$(my)CC)
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_CFLAGS := $$($$(my)CFLAGS) \
$$(call get-src-file-target-cflags,$(1)) \
@mkdir -p $$(dir $$(PRIVATE_OBJ))
@echo "Compile $$(PRIVATE_ARM_TEXT) : $$(PRIVATE_MODULE) <= $$(PRIVATE_SRC)"
$(hide) $$(PRIVATE_CC) $$(PRIVATE_CFLAGS) -c \
-MMD -MP -MF $$(PRIVATE_OBJ).d.tmp \
$$(call cmd-process-deps,$$(PRIVATE_OBJ))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function : compile-c-source
# Arguments : 1: single C source file name (relative to LOCAL_PATH)
# Returns : None
# Usage : $(call compile-c-source,<srcfile>)
# Rationale : Setup everything required to build a single C source file
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
compile-c-source = $(eval $(call ev-compile-c-source,$1,$(1:%.c=%.o)))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function : compile-s-source
# Arguments : 1: single Assembly source file name (relative to LOCAL_PATH)
# Returns : None
# Usage : $(call compile-s-source,<srcfile>)
# Rationale : Setup everything required to build a single Assembly source file
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
compile-s-source = $(eval $(call ev-compile-c-source,$1,$(1:%.S=%.o)))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Template : ev-compile-cpp-source
# Arguments : 1: single C++ source file name (relative to LOCAL_PATH)
# 2: target object file (without path)
# Returns : None
# Usage : $(eval $(call ev-compile-cpp-source,<srcfile>,<objfile>)
# Rationale : Internal template evaluated by compile-cpp-source
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
define ev-compile-cpp-source
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_SRC := $$(_SRC)
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_OBJ := $$(_OBJ)
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_ARM_TEXT := $$(call get-src-file-text,$1)
$$(_OBJ): PRIVATE_CXX := $$($$(my)CXX)
$$(call get-src-file-target-cflags,$(1)) \
@mkdir -p $$(dir $$(PRIVATE_OBJ))
@echo "Compile++ $$(PRIVATE_ARM_TEXT): $$(PRIVATE_MODULE) <= $$(PRIVATE_SRC)"
-MMD -MP -MF $$(PRIVATE_OBJ).d.tmp \
$$(call cmd-process-deps,$$(PRIVATE_OBJ))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function : compile-cpp-source
# Arguments : 1: single C++ source file name (relative to LOCAL_PATH)
# Returns : None
# Usage : $(call compile-c-source,<srcfile>)
# Rationale : Setup everything required to build a single C++ source file
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
compile-cpp-source = $(eval $(call ev-compile-cpp-source,$1,$(1:%$(LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION)=%.o)))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command : cmd-process-deps
# Arguments : 1: object file path
# Returns : None
# Usage : $(call cmd-process-deps,<objectfile>)
# Rationale : To be used as a Make build command to process the dependencies
# generated by the compiler (in <obj>.d.tmp) into ones suited
# for our build system. See the comments in build/core/
# for more details.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmd-process-deps = $(hide) $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/ $(1) $(1).d.tmp $(1).d
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Command : cmd-install-file
# Arguments : 1: source file
# 2: destination file
# Returns : None
# Usage : $(call cmd-install-file,<srcfile>,<dstfile>)
# Rationale : To be used as a Make build command to copy/install a file to
# a given location.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
define cmd-install-file
@mkdir -p $(dir $2)
$(hide) cp -fp $1 $2