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Using the Android Native Development Kit (NDK)
version 1.3<br>
The Android Native Development Kit enables developers to write shared libraries
in C or C++ and call them from Java code. The native shared libraries can be
packaged into apk files along with a normal Android application written in Java,
so that the resulting Android application can be downloaded and installed on an
Android phone.<br>
The Native Development Kit consists of:<br>
C/C++ headers for native APIs<br>
C/C++ libraries for native APIs<br>
Sample Code
The Native Development Kit is designed to be used with the Android SDK:<br>
The NDK is used to create a shared library containing native code.
The SDK is used to create an Android application written in Java that calls
into the native code shared library.
Setting up your machine<br>
The Native Development Kit may be installed on either Linux or OS X. Developing
under Windows is not yet supported.<br>
Linux Installation
may work on other distributions as well.<br>
<a name=TOC-Ubuntu-Linux-i386-></a><span style=FONT-FAMILY:Verdana>Ubuntu
Linux (i386)</span>
<div style=FONT-FAMILY:Verdana>
To set up your Linux development environment, make sure you have the
following:<span style="WORD-SPACING:0px; FONT-STYLE:normal; FONT-VARIANT:normal; FONT-WEIGHT:normal; font-size-adjust:none; font-stretch:normal; TEXT-TRANSFORM:none; COLOR:#000000; WHITE-SPACE:normal; LETTER-SPACING:normal; border-collapse:separate"><font size=2>
<div style="MARGIN-TOP:0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM:0px; FONT-FAMILY:Verdana">
<div style="MARGIN-TOP:0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM:0px">
<div style="MARGIN-TOP:0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM:0px">
<ul style="MARGIN-TOP:0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM:0px">
<li style="MARGIN-TOP:8px; MARGIN-BOTTOM:8px">
Git 1.5.4 or
newer<span style="FONT-WEIGHT:normal; WORD-SPACING:0px; TEXT-TRANSFORM:none; COLOR:#000000; FONT-STYLE:normal; WHITE-SPACE:normal; LETTER-SPACING:normal; border-collapse:separate; FONT-VARIANT:normal"><font size=2>.&nbsp;</font></span>
<blockquote style="BORDER:medium none ; MARGIN:0pt 0pt 0pt 40px; PADDING:0px">
<span style=FONT-FAMILY:arial><span style="FONT-WEIGHT:normal; WORD-SPACING:0px; TEXT-TRANSFORM:none; COLOR:#000000; FONT-STYLE:normal; WHITE-SPACE:normal; LETTER-SPACING:normal; border-collapse:separate; FONT-VARIANT:normal"><span style="FONT-FAMILY:courier new,monospace">$
</span></span><span style="FONT-FAMILY:courier new,monospace">sudo apt-get
install git-core<br>
<div style="MARGIN-TOP:0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM:0px">
<div style="MARGIN-TOP:0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM:0px; FONT-FAMILY:arial,sans-serif">
<div style="MARGIN-TOP:0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM:0px">
<a name=TOC-Ubuntu-Linux-amd64-></a><span style=FONT-FAMILY:Verdana>Ubuntu
Linux (amd64)</span>
<span style=FONT-FAMILY:Verdana>This has not been as well
<div style="MARGIN-TOP:0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM:0px; FONT-FAMILY:Verdana">
<div style="MARGIN-TOP:0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM:0px; FONT-FAMILY:Verdana">
The Android build requires a 32-bit build environment:
<div style="MARGIN-TOP:0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM:0px; FONT-FAMILY:Verdana">
Get the packages as listed above in the i386
instructions:<span style="FONT-WEIGHT:normal; WORD-SPACING:0px; TEXT-TRANSFORM:none; COLOR:#000000; FONT-STYLE:normal; WHITE-SPACE:normal; LETTER-SPACING:normal; border-collapse:separate; FONT-VARIANT:normal">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
<blockquote style="BORDER:medium none ; MARGIN:0pt 0pt 0pt 40px; PADDING:0px">
<span style=FONT-FAMILY:arial><span style="FONT-WEIGHT:normal; WORD-SPACING:0px; TEXT-TRANSFORM:none; COLOR:#000000; FONT-STYLE:normal; WHITE-SPACE:normal; LETTER-SPACING:normal; border-collapse:separate; FONT-VARIANT:normal"><span style="FONT-FAMILY:courier new,monospace">$&nbsp;</span></span><span style="FONT-FAMILY:courier new,monospace">sudo
apt-get install git-core<br>
<a name=TOC-Other-Linux></a>Other Linux
no&nbsp;reason&nbsp;why&nbsp;Android&nbsp;cannot&nbsp;be&nbsp;built&nbsp;on&nbsp;non-Ubuntu&nbsp;systems<span style=FONT-WEIGHT:normal><font size=2>.&nbsp;In&nbsp;general&nbsp;you&nbsp;will&nbsp;need:</font></span>
Git&nbsp;1.5.4&nbsp;or&nbsp;newer.&nbsp;You&nbsp;can&nbsp;find&nbsp;it&nbsp;at&nbsp;<a href= rel=nofollow></a><span style=FONT-FAMILY:arial></span>
Mac OS Installation
<span style=FONT-FAMILY:arial,sans-serif>To build the Android files in a
Mac OS environment, you need an Intel/x86 machine. The Android build
system and tools do not support the older PowerPC architecture.</span>
<span style=FONT-FAMILY:arial,sans-serif>Android must be built on a
case-sensitive file system.<br>
We recommend that you build Android on a partition that has been
formatted with the "Case-sensitive Journaled HFS+" file system:
A case-sensitive file system is required because the sources contain
files that differ only in case.
Journaled systems are more robust. (This is optional, but
HFS+ is required to successfully build Mac OS applications such as
the Android Emulator for OS X.
If you want to avoid partitioning/formatting your hard drive, you can
use a case-sensitive disk image instead.
To create the image:<br>
launch /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility
select "New Image"
size: 8 GB (this will work, but you can choose more if you want
volume format: case sensitive, journaled
This will create a .dmg file which, once mounted, acts as a drive
with the required formatting for Android development. For a disk
image named "android.dmg" stored in your home directory, you can add
the following to your ~/.bash_profile to mount the image when you
execute "mountAndroid":<br>
<div style=MARGIN-LEFT:40px>
<span style="FONT-FAMILY:courier new,monospace"># command to mount
the android file
image</span><br style="FONT-FAMILY:courier new,monospace">
<span style="FONT-FAMILY:courier new,monospace">function
mountAndroid&nbsp; { hdiutil attach ~/android.dmg&nbsp;
-mountpoint /Volumes/android; }</span><br>
Once mounted, you'll do all your work in the "android" volume. You
can eject it (unmount it) just like you would with an external
Install git 1.5.4 or newer. You can find it at
<a href= rel=nofollow></a>
Installing the Android SDK
The Android NDK uses the Android SDK.&nbsp;You can find the Android SDK at
<a href= id=a.-o title=></a><br>
This version of the Android NDK requires the Cupcake version of the
Android SDK.<br>
Installing the Prebuilt Native Toolchain<br>
The NDK uses the prebuilt native toolchain from the Android Open Source
git repository.<br>
To download the prebuilt native toolchain to your working directory,
execute the following commands:<br>
<span style="FONT-FAMILY:Courier New"></span>
<div style=MARGIN-LEFT:40px>
<span style="FONT-FAMILY:Courier New">git clone
<span style="FONT-FAMILY:Courier New">cd prebuilt</span><br>
<span style="FONT-FAMILY:Courier New">git checkout -b cupcake -t
<div style=MARGIN-LEFT:40px>
<span style="FONT-FAMILY:Courier New"></span>
Setting Environment Variables
The NDK requires that you set two environment variables:<br>
PREBUILT must be set to the directory that contains the prebuilt
toolchain. Include the "prebuilt" directory in the path. Example:
ANDROID_SDK_BASE must be set to the directory that contains the
Android SDK. Example: ~/AndroidSDK<br>
<span style=FONT-FAMILY:Verdana>Unpacking the NDK</span>
Unpack the android_pndk.tar.gz into your working directory<br>
<div style=MARGIN-LEFT:40px>
<span style="FONT-FAMILY:Courier New">tar -zxvf
This will create a directory called pndk. It should contain a README.html
file (this file) and the following directories: config, include, lib, and
Look in the "samples" directory for samples showing how to use the NDK.<br>