blob: 605fd2928b53cb2e6a0a63be07cb2108441053f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cutils/threads.h>
#include <map>
#include "SmartPtr.h"
enum NamedObjectType {
NUM_OBJECT_TYPES = 5 // Must be last
enum ObjectDataType {
class ObjectData
ObjectData() : m_dataType(UNDEFINED_DATA) {};
ObjectData(ObjectDataType type): m_dataType(type) {};
ObjectDataType getDataType() { return m_dataType; };
virtual ~ObjectData() {};
ObjectDataType m_dataType;
typedef SmartPtr<ObjectData> ObjectDataPtr;
typedef unsigned long long ObjectLocalName;
typedef std::map<ObjectLocalName, unsigned int> NamesMap;
// Class NameSpace - this class manages allocations and deletions of objects
// from a single "local" namespace (private to context group).
// For each allocated object name, a "global" name is
// generated as well to be used in the space where all
// contexts are shared.
// NOTE: this class does not used by the EGL/GLES layer directly,
// the EGL/GLES layer creates objects using the ShareGroup class
// interface (see below).
class GlobalNameSpace;
class NameSpace
friend class ShareGroup;
friend class GlobalNameSpace;
NameSpace(NamedObjectType p_type, GlobalNameSpace *globalNameSpace);
// genName - creates new object in the namespace and returns its name.
// if genLocal is false then the specified p_localName will be used.
// This function also generate a global name for the object,
// the value of the global name can be retrieved using the
// getGlobalName function.
ObjectLocalName genName(ObjectLocalName p_localName, bool genGlobal, bool genLocal);
// genGlobalName() - This function creates a global name
// with no associated local name, for the
// translator internal use.
unsigned int genGlobalName(void);
// getGlobalName - returns the global name of an object or 0 if the object
// does not exist.
unsigned int getGlobalName(ObjectLocalName p_localName);
// getLocaalName - returns the local name of an object or 0 if the object
// does not exist.
ObjectLocalName getLocalName(unsigned int p_globalName);
// deleteName - deletes and object from the namespace as well as its
// global name from the global name space.
void deleteName(ObjectLocalName p_localName);
// isObject - returns true if the named object exist.
bool isObject(ObjectLocalName p_localName);
// replaces an object to map to an existing global object
void replaceGlobalName(ObjectLocalName p_localName, unsigned int p_globalName);
ObjectLocalName m_nextName;
NamesMap m_localToGlobalMap;
const NamedObjectType m_type;
GlobalNameSpace *m_globalNameSpace;
class GlobalNameSpace
unsigned int genName(NamedObjectType p_type);
void deleteName(NamedObjectType p_type, unsigned int p_name);
mutex_t m_lock;
// class ShareGroup -
// That class manages objects of one "local" context share group, typically
// there will be one inctance of ShareGroup for each user OpenGL context
// unless the user context share with another user context. In that case they
// both will share the same ShareGroup instance.
// calls into that class gets serialized through a lock so it is thread safe.
class ShareGroup
friend class ObjectNameManager;
friend class SmartPtr<ShareGroup>; // to allow destructing when ShareGroupPtr refcount reaches zero
// genName - generates new object name and returns its name value.
// if genLocal is false, p_localName will be used as the name.
// This function also generates a "global" name for the object
// which can be queried using the getGlobalName function.
ObjectLocalName genName(NamedObjectType p_type, ObjectLocalName p_localName = 0, bool genLocal= false);
// genGlobalName() - This function creates a global name
// with no associated local name, for the
// translator internal use.
unsigned int genGlobalName(NamedObjectType p_type);
// getGlobalName - retrieves the "global" name of an object or 0 if the
// object does not exist.
unsigned int getGlobalName(NamedObjectType p_type, ObjectLocalName p_localName);
// getLocalName - retrieves the "local" name of an object or 0 if the
// object does not exist.
ObjectLocalName getLocalName(NamedObjectType p_type, unsigned int p_globalName);
// deleteName - deletes and object from the namespace as well as its
// global name from the global name space.
void deleteName(NamedObjectType p_type, ObjectLocalName p_localName);
// replaceGlobalName - replaces an object to map to an existing global
// named object. (used when creating EGLImage siblings)
void replaceGlobalName(NamedObjectType p_type, ObjectLocalName p_localName, unsigned int p_globalName);
// isObject - returns true if the named object exist.
bool isObject(NamedObjectType p_type, ObjectLocalName p_localName);
// Assign object global data to a names object
void setObjectData(NamedObjectType p_type, ObjectLocalName p_localName, ObjectDataPtr data);
// Retrieve object global data
ObjectDataPtr getObjectData(NamedObjectType p_type, ObjectLocalName p_localName);
explicit ShareGroup(GlobalNameSpace *globalNameSpace);
mutex_t m_lock;
NameSpace *m_nameSpace[NUM_OBJECT_TYPES];
void *m_objectsData;
typedef SmartPtr<ShareGroup> ShareGroupPtr;
typedef std::multimap<void *, ShareGroupPtr> ShareGroupsMap;
// ObjectNameManager -
// This class manages the set of all ShareGroups instances,
// each ShareGroup instance can be accessed through one or more 'groupName'
// values. the type of 'groupName' is void *, the intent is that the EGL
// layer will use the user context handle as the name for its ShareGroup
// object. Multiple names can be attached to a ShareGroup object to support
// user context sharing.
class ObjectNameManager
explicit ObjectNameManager(GlobalNameSpace *globalNameSpace);
// createShareGroup - create a new ShareGroup object and attach it with
// the "name" specified by p_groupName.
ShareGroupPtr createShareGroup(void *p_groupName);
// attachShareGroup - find the ShareGroup object attached to the name
// specified in p_existingGroupName and attach p_groupName to the same
// ShareGroup instance.
ShareGroupPtr attachShareGroup(void *p_groupName, void *p_existingGroupName);
// getShareGroup - retreive a ShareGroup object based on its "name"
ShareGroupPtr getShareGroup(void *p_groupName);
// deleteShareGroup - deletes the attachment of the p_groupName to its
// attached ShareGroup. When the last name of ShareGroup is
// deleted the ShareGroup object is destroyed.
void deleteShareGroup(void *p_groupName);
// getGlobalContext() - this function returns a name of an existing
// ShareGroup. The intent is that the EGL layer will
// use that function to get the GL context which each
// new context needs to share with.
void *getGlobalContext();
ShareGroupsMap m_groups;
mutex_t m_lock;
GlobalNameSpace *m_globalNameSpace;