blob: 4d70d3d373fc2b267e1afe551b00fd24e085d4fe [file] [log] [blame]
# Redirect file.
# This file contains the list of rewrite rules that are applied when serving
# pages.
# Each redirect has four parts:
# - src: The path to redirect. This is a regex rule prefixed with an implied
# '^'. Unless you're doing something advanced, your path should start with
# '/' character.
# - dst: The path to redirect to. If the path begins with a slash,
# it is considered a relative redirect. Otherwise, it is an absolute
# redirct (and should probably begin with http: or http://). You may use
# capturing groups to preserve part of the source path. To referece a
# capturing group, use \N, where N is the (1-based) index of desired group.
# - type: Either 'permanent' or 'temporary', depending on whether you want an
# HTTP 301 or HTTP 302 redirect, respectiviely. See RFC 2616 for the
# difference between these:
# If you don't specify a type, 'permanent' will be used by default. Note that
# this is different from the Apache convention (which uses 'temporary' by
# default.)
# - comment: Currently ignored by the computer, but useful for humans.
# Example:
# redirects:
# - src: /foo
# dst: /bar
# # Redirect /foo to /bar. This will also redirect foo/ and
# # foo/test.html. Note that the redirect type is optional. This will be
# # treated as a permanent redirect.
# - src: /(.+droid(/.*)?)$
# dst: /droids/\1
# type: permanent
# # Redirect /android to /droids/android and /bugdroid to
# # /droids/bugdroid. However, it will not redirect /droid or
# # /bugdroids.
# - src: /google
# dst:
# type: temporary
# # This is an example of a redirect to an absolute URI.
- src: /%2B/?$
type: permanent
comment: Redirect /+ and /+/ to Google+