blob: 928d7a1753d06b76c6d47fae314799d2b2643731 [file] [log] [blame]
// Rule: InefficientWeight
// Description: Checks whether a layout_weight is declared inefficiently.
// Conditions:
// - The node has a LinearLayout parent
// - The node is the only sibling with a weight
// - The node has a height/width != 0
def parent = node.'..'
if ("LinearLayout") && node.'@android:layout_weight' &&
parent.'*'.findAll{ it.'@android:layout_weight' }.size() == 1) {
def dimension = parent.'@android:orientation' == "vertical" ?
"android:layout_height" : "android:layout_width"
if (node."@${dimension}"[0] != '0') {
analysis << "Use an ${dimension} of 0dip instead of ${node."@${dimension}"} " +
"for better performance"