vndk-def: Add DT_NEEDED removal tool

This commit adds ``.  `` is a
binary editor which removes the specified library from DT_NEEDED

Test: [] -o [] --name [victim]
Change-Id: Ief62aa57a4b315926269fbb38e79798772fa554c
diff --git a/vndk/tools/definition-tool/tools/ b/vndk/tools/definition-tool/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4340ff2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vndk/tools/definition-tool/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from __future__ import print_function
+import argparse
+import collections
+import struct
+import sys
+Elf_Hdr = collections.namedtuple(
+        'Elf_Hdr',
+        'ei_class ei_data ei_version ei_osabi e_type e_machine e_version '
+        'e_entry e_phoff e_shoff e_flags e_ehsize e_phentsize e_phnum '
+        'e_shentsize e_shnum e_shstridx')
+Elf_Shdr = collections.namedtuple(
+        'Elf_Shdr',
+        'sh_name sh_type sh_flags sh_addr sh_offset sh_size sh_link sh_info '
+        'sh_addralign sh_entsize')
+Elf_Dyn = collections.namedtuple('Elf_Dyn', 'd_tag d_val')
+class Elf_Sym(collections.namedtuple(
+    'ELF_Sym', 'st_name st_value st_size st_info st_other st_shndx')):
+    STB_LOCAL = 0
+    STB_GLOBAL = 1
+    STB_WEAK = 2
+    SHN_UNDEF = 0
+    @property
+    def st_bind(self):
+        return (self.st_info >> 4)
+    @property
+    def is_local(self):
+        return self.st_bind == Elf_Sym.STB_LOCAL
+    @property
+    def is_global(self):
+        return self.st_bind == Elf_Sym.STB_GLOBAL
+    @property
+    def is_weak(self):
+        return self.st_bind == Elf_Sym.STB_WEAK
+    @property
+    def is_undef(self):
+        return self.st_shndx == Elf_Sym.SHN_UNDEF
+class ELFError(ValueError):
+    pass
+# ELF file format constants.
+ELF_MAGIC = b'\x7fELF'
+EI_DATA = 5
+DT_NULL = 0
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
+    def _extract_buf_byte(buf, offset):
+        return buf[offset]
+    def _extract_buf_byte(buf, offset):
+        return ord(buf[offset])
+def _extract_zero_terminated_buf_slice(buf, offset):
+    """Extract a zero-terminated buffer slice from the given offset"""
+    end = offset
+    try:
+        while _extract_buf_byte(buf, end) != 0:
+            end += 1
+    except IndexError:
+        pass
+    return buf[offset:end]
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
+    def _extract_zero_terminated_str(buf, offset):
+        buf_slice = _extract_zero_terminated_buf_slice(buf, offset)
+        return buf_slice.decode('utf-8')
+    def _extract_zero_terminated_str(buf, offset):
+        return _extract_zero_terminated_buf_slice(buf, offset)
+def _replace_dt_needed_buf_internal(buf, dt_needed_name):
+    # Check ELF ident.
+    if len(buf) < 8:
+        raise ELFError('bad ident')
+    if buf[0:4] != ELF_MAGIC:
+        raise ELFError('bad magic')
+    ei_class = _extract_buf_byte(buf, EI_CLASS)
+    if ei_class not in (ELFCLASS32, ELFCLASS64):
+        raise ELFError('unknown word size')
+    is_32bit = ei_class == ELFCLASS32
+    ei_data = _extract_buf_byte(buf, EI_DATA)
+    if ei_data not in (ELFDATA2LSB, ELFDATA2MSB):
+        raise ELFError('unknown endianness')
+    # ELF structure definitions.
+    endian_fmt = '<' if ei_data == ELFDATA2LSB else '>'
+    if is_32bit:
+        elf_hdr_fmt = endian_fmt + '4x4B8xHHLLLLLHHHHHH'
+        elf_shdr_fmt = endian_fmt + 'LLLLLLLLLL'
+        elf_dyn_fmt = endian_fmt + 'lL'
+        elf_sym_fmt = endian_fmt + 'LLLBBH'
+    else:
+        elf_hdr_fmt = endian_fmt + '4x4B8xHHLQQQLHHHHHH'
+        elf_shdr_fmt = endian_fmt + 'LLQQQQLLQQ'
+        elf_dyn_fmt = endian_fmt + 'QQ'
+        elf_sym_fmt = endian_fmt + 'LBBHQQ'
+    def parse_struct(cls, fmt, offset, error_msg):
+        try:
+            return cls._make(struct.unpack_from(fmt, buf, offset))
+        except struct.error:
+            raise ELFError(error_msg)
+    def parse_elf_hdr(offset):
+        return parse_struct(Elf_Hdr, elf_hdr_fmt, offset, 'bad elf header')
+    def parse_elf_shdr(offset):
+        return parse_struct(Elf_Shdr, elf_shdr_fmt, offset,
+                            'bad section header')
+    def parse_elf_dyn(offset):
+        return parse_struct(Elf_Dyn, elf_dyn_fmt, offset, 'bad .dynamic entry')
+    def extract_str(offset):
+        return _extract_zero_terminated_str(buf, offset)
+    # Parse ELF header.
+    header = parse_elf_hdr(0)
+    # Check section header size.
+    if header.e_shentsize == 0:
+        raise ELFError('no section header')
+    # Find .shstrtab section.
+    shstrtab_shdr_off = \
+            header.e_shoff + header.e_shstridx * header.e_shentsize
+    shstrtab_shdr = parse_elf_shdr(shstrtab_shdr_off)
+    shstrtab_off = shstrtab_shdr.sh_offset
+    # Parse ELF section header.
+    sections = dict()
+    header_end = header.e_shoff + header.e_shnum * header.e_shentsize
+    for shdr_off in range(header.e_shoff, header_end, header.e_shentsize):
+        shdr = parse_elf_shdr(shdr_off)
+        name = extract_str(shstrtab_off + shdr.sh_name)
+        sections[name] = shdr
+    # Find .dynamic and .dynstr section header.
+    dynamic_shdr = sections.get('.dynamic')
+    if not dynamic_shdr:
+        raise ELFError('no .dynamic section')
+    dynstr_shdr = sections.get('.dynstr')
+    if not dynstr_shdr:
+        raise ELFError('no .dynstr section')
+    dynamic_off = dynamic_shdr.sh_offset
+    dynstr_off = dynstr_shdr.sh_offset
+    # Find DT_NULL entry.
+    ent_size = dynamic_shdr.sh_entsize
+    assert struct.calcsize(elf_dyn_fmt) == ent_size
+    if dynamic_shdr.sh_size < ent_size:
+        raise ELFError('.dynamic section is empty')
+    dynamic_end = dynamic_off + dynamic_shdr.sh_size
+    dt_null_off = dynamic_end - ent_size
+    if parse_elf_dyn(dt_null_off).d_tag != DT_NULL:
+        raise ELFError('.dynamic section is not ended with DT_NULL')
+    dt_null_ent = buf[dt_null_off:dt_null_off + ent_size]
+    # Build result buffer which replaces matching DT_NEEDED entries.
+    res = buf[0:dynamic_off]
+    for ent_off in range(dynamic_off, dynamic_end, ent_size):
+        ent = parse_elf_dyn(ent_off)
+        if ent.d_tag != DT_NEEDED or \
+                extract_str(dynstr_off + ent.d_val) != dt_needed_name:
+            res += buf[ent_off:ent_off + ent_size]
+    for ent_off in range(len(res), dynamic_end, ent_size):
+        res += dt_null_ent
+    res += buf[dynamic_end:]
+    return res
+def replace_dt_needed_buf(buf, dt_needed_name):
+    try:
+        return _replace_dt_needed_buf_internal(buf, dt_needed_name)
+    except IndexError:
+        raise ELFError('bad offset')
+def replace_dt_needed(input_path, output_path, dt_needed_name):
+    with open(input_path, 'rb') as f:
+        buf =
+    buf = replace_dt_needed_buf(buf, dt_needed_name)
+    with open(output_path, 'wb') as f:
+        f.write(buf)
+def main():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Remove DT_NEEDED entries')
+    parser.add_argument('input', help='input ELF file')
+    parser.add_argument('--output', '-o', required=True, help='output ELF file')
+    parser.add_argument('--name', required=True, help='name')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    try:
+        replace_dt_needed(args.input, args.output,
+        return 0
+    except (OSError, ELFError) as e:
+        print('error:', e, file=sys.stderr)
+    return 1
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    sys.exit(main())