blob: e7dd73b2fca83907131bef985b1d040ce763120f [file] [log] [blame]
import android.provider.BaseColumns;
* Defines constants for accessing the content provider defined in DataProvider. A content provider
* contract assists in accessing the provider's available content URIs, column names, MIME types,
* and so forth, without having to know the actual values.
public final class DataProviderContract implements BaseColumns {
private DataProviderContract() { }
// The URI scheme used for content URIs
public static final String SCHEME = "content";
// The provider's authority
public static final String AUTHORITY = "";
* The DataProvider content URI
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse(SCHEME + "://" + AUTHORITY);
* The MIME type for a content URI that would return multiple rows
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String MIME_TYPE_ROWS =
* The MIME type for a content URI that would return a single row
* <P>Type: TEXT</P>
public static final String MIME_TYPE_SINGLE_ROW =
* Picture table primary key column name
public static final String ROW_ID = BaseColumns._ID;
* Picture table name
public static final String PICTUREURL_TABLE_NAME = "PictureUrlData";
* Picture table content URI
public static final Uri PICTUREURL_TABLE_CONTENTURI =
* Picture table thumbnail URL column name
public static final String IMAGE_THUMBURL_COLUMN = "ThumbUrl";
* Picture table thumbnail filename column name
public static final String IMAGE_THUMBNAME_COLUMN = "ThumbUrlName";
* Picture table full picture URL column name
public static final String IMAGE_URL_COLUMN = "ImageUrl";
* Picture table full picture filename column name
public static final String IMAGE_PICTURENAME_COLUMN = "ImageName";
* Modification date table name
public static final String DATE_TABLE_NAME = "DateMetadatData";
* Content URI for modification date table
public static final Uri DATE_TABLE_CONTENTURI =
* Modification date table date column name
public static final String DATA_DATE_COLUMN = "DownloadDate";
// The content provider database name
public static final String DATABASE_NAME = "PictureDataDB";
// The starting version of the database
public static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;