Replaces << (deprecated in 4.x and removed in 5.0) with doLast.

Test: Manually tested.

Bug: 137389675
Change-Id: I60699253dad6a3115dd64ecbc5188d10a08de706
diff --git a/buildSrc/src/main/groovy/com/example/android/samples/build/SampleGenPlugin.groovy b/buildSrc/src/main/groovy/com/example/android/samples/build/SampleGenPlugin.groovy
index faa2973..e60f1f6 100644
--- a/buildSrc/src/main/groovy/com/example/android/samples/build/SampleGenPlugin.groovy
+++ b/buildSrc/src/main/groovy/com/example/android/samples/build/SampleGenPlugin.groovy
@@ -89,8 +89,17 @@
             // People get nervous when they see a task with no actions, so...
-            project.create << {println "Project creation finished."}
-            project.refresh << {println "Project refresh finished."}
+            project.create {
+                doLast {
+                    println "Project creation finished."
+                }
+            }
+            project.refresh {
+                doLast {
+                    println "Project refresh finished."
+                }
+            }