Script to auto-upload all android samples in prebuilts.

Change-Id: I1762aba73e830613431b5fdecb43c4a1b6c09338
diff --git a/github-upload b/github-upload
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a1440a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/github-upload
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+##  GitHub Upload/Sync script for Android Samples
+#replace with auth token for google-automerger GitHub account
+#get list of existing GH repos
+EXISTING=`curl -s  | grep full_name`
+#iterate through samples
+cd ./prebuilts/gradle
+for i in $(ls);
+##for testing
+#foo="ActionBarCompat-Basic ActionBarCompat-ListPopupMenu"
+#for i in $foo;
+echo $i
+ #checking to see if they're in the list
+ if [[ "$EXISTING" =~ "$i" ]]; then
+   echo "$i already exists as a repo"
+ else
+   echo "A repo for $i does not exist yet" 
+#echo "
+#URL Repo Name:
+CREATE="curl -H 'Authorization: token '$TOKEN \
+     -d '{\"name\":\"android-'$i'\", \"team_id\":889859}' \
+#echo "
+#Create Script:
+eval $CREATE
+#add secondary team permissions (robots)
+ADDTEAM="curl -X PUT \
+-H 'Authorization: token '$TOKEN \
+-H 'Content-Length: 0' \
+#echo "
+#Add Team Robots:
+eval $ADDTEAM
+#echo "
+#Authenticated URL:
+   cd $i
+   git init
+    #overrides .gitconfig just for this project - does not alter your global settings.
+   git config "google-automerger"
+   git config
+   git add .
+   git commit -m "Initial Commit"
+   git remote add origin $URL
+   git push origin master
+   cd ..
+ fi