blob: c32e2d7e0a3e42ccda24baeb17586032ba396679 [file] [log] [blame]
%verify executed
* Handle a throw-verification-error instruction. This throws an
* exception for an error discovered during verification. The
* exception is indicated by AA, with some detail provided by BBBB.
/* op AA, ref@BBBB */
movl rGLUE,%ecx
movzwl 2(rPC),%eax # eax<- BBBB
movl offGlue_method(%ecx),%ecx # ecx<- glue->method
movl %eax,OUT_ARG2(%esp) # arg2<- BBBB
movl rINST,OUT_ARG1(%esp) # arg1<- AA
movl %ecx,OUT_ARG0(%esp) # arg0<- method
call dvmThrowVerificationError # call(method, kind, ref)
jmp common_exceptionThrown # handle exception