blob: 003459dc8d4d18ad3194363807d548c1f618f4c4 [file] [log] [blame]
* For polymorphic callsites - setup the Dalvik frame and load Dalvik PC
* into rPC then jump to dvmJitToInterpNoChain to dispatch the
* runtime-resolved callee.
@ r0 = methodToCall, r1 = returnCell, rPC = dalvikCallsite
ldrh r7, [r0, #offMethod_registersSize] @ r7<- methodToCall->regsSize
ldrh r2, [r0, #offMethod_outsSize] @ r2<- methodToCall->outsSize
ldr r9, [rGLUE, #offGlue_interpStackEnd] @ r9<- interpStackEnd
ldr r8, [rGLUE, #offGlue_pSelfSuspendCount] @ r8<- &suspendCount
add r3, r1, #1 @ Thumb addr is odd
SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(r1, rFP) @ r1<- stack save area
sub r1, r1, r7, lsl #2 @ r1<- newFp (old savearea - regsSize)
SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(r10, r1) @ r10<- stack save area
sub r10, r10, r2, lsl #2 @ r10<- bottom (newsave - outsSize)
ldr r8, [r8] @ r3<- suspendCount (int)
cmp r10, r9 @ bottom < interpStackEnd?
bxlt lr @ return to raise stack overflow excep.
@ r1 = newFP, r0 = methodToCall, r3 = returnCell, rPC = dalvikCallsite
ldr r9, [r0, #offMethod_clazz] @ r9<- method->clazz
ldr r10, [r0, #offMethod_accessFlags] @ r10<- methodToCall->accessFlags
str rPC, [rFP, #(offStackSaveArea_currentPc - sizeofStackSaveArea)]
str rPC, [r1, #(offStackSaveArea_savedPc - sizeofStackSaveArea)]
ldr rPC, [r0, #offMethod_insns] @ rPC<- methodToCall->insns
@ set up newSaveArea
str rFP, [r1, #(offStackSaveArea_prevFrame - sizeofStackSaveArea)]
str r3, [r1, #(offStackSaveArea_returnAddr - sizeofStackSaveArea)]
str r0, [r1, #(offStackSaveArea_method - sizeofStackSaveArea)]
cmp r8, #0 @ suspendCount != 0
bxne lr @ bail to the interpreter
tst r10, #ACC_NATIVE
bne .LinvokeNative
* If we want to punt to the interpreter for native call, swap the bne with
* the following
* bxne lr
ldr r10, .LdvmJitToInterpNoChain
ldr r3, [r9, #offClassObject_pDvmDex] @ r3<- method->clazz->pDvmDex
ldr r2, [rGLUE, #offGlue_self] @ r2<- glue->self
@ Update "glue" values for the new method
str r0, [rGLUE, #offGlue_method] @ glue->method = methodToCall
str r3, [rGLUE, #offGlue_methodClassDex] @ glue->methodClassDex = ...
mov rFP, r1 @ fp = newFp
str rFP, [r2, #offThread_curFrame] @ self->curFrame = newFp
@ Start executing the callee
mov pc, r10 @ dvmJitToInterpNoChain