blob: c29dbc9c81200c3b322f6851f8d8346adfff94d5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to dvmCheckInst to handle
* any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
* handler. Unlike the Arm handler, we can't do this as a tail call
* because rIBASE is caller save and we need to reload it.
movl rSELF, %eax
movl rPC, OUT_ARG0(%esp)
movl %eax, OUT_ARG1(%esp)
call dvmCheckInst # (dPC, self)
movl rSELF, %ecx
movl offThread_curHandlerTable(%ecx), rIBASE # reload rIBASE
jmp *dvmAsmInstructionStart+(${opnum}*4)