Previous changes put unlinkedJavaLangClass on the heap.  It makes
HprofReader unhappy, because it has a NULL class.  So now we won't
dump objects with a NULL class. This also suppresses dumping of
uninitialized objects.

Change-Id: Ie6713d4e665ab6e518f13338367ee874903e2862
diff --git a/vm/hprof/HprofHeap.c b/vm/hprof/HprofHeap.c
index 31063e4..1738b57 100644
--- a/vm/hprof/HprofHeap.c
+++ b/vm/hprof/HprofHeap.c
@@ -267,16 +267,11 @@
     clazz = obj->clazz;
     if (clazz == NULL) {
-        /* This object was probably just allocated and hasn't been
-         * initialized yet.  Add an instance entry to make a note of
-         * it;  there's not much else that we can do.
+        /* This object will bother HprofReader, because it has a NULL
+         * class, so just don't dump it. It could be
+         * gDvm.unlinkedJavaLangClass or it could be an object just
+         * allocated which hasn't been initialized yet.
-        hprofAddU1ToRecord(rec, HPROF_INSTANCE_DUMP);
-        hprofAddIdToRecord(rec, (hprof_object_id)obj);
-        hprofAddU4ToRecord(rec, stackTraceSerialNumber(obj));
-        hprofAddIdToRecord(rec, (hprof_class_object_id)clazz);  // NULL
-        hprofAddIdToRecord(rec, 0);    // no instance data
     } else if (clazz == gDvm.unlinkedJavaLangClass) {
         /* obj is a ClassObject that hasn't been linked yet.