Remove logging of memory management statistics to the event log.

While the event log used to report better information than the logcat
log messages, this is no longer the case.

Change-Id: Iaf7bef5252c284c1a159bc8c0447247c5b5f47e4
diff --git a/vm/alloc/Float12.h b/vm/alloc/Float12.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 324cc51..0000000
--- a/vm/alloc/Float12.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#ifndef _DALVIK_FLOAT12_H
-#define _DALVIK_FLOAT12_H
-/* Encodes a 32-bit number in 12 bits with +/-1.5% error,
- * though the majority (80%) are within +/-0.25%.
- *
- * The encoding looks like:
- *
- *     76543210 76543210 76543210
- *
- * where EEE is a base-16 exponent and MMMM is the mantissa.
- * The output value is (MMMM * 16^EEE), or (MMMM << (EEE * 4)).
- *
- * TODO: do this in a less brain-dead way.  I'm sure we can do
- *       it without all of these loops.
- */
-inline unsigned short intToFloat12(unsigned int val)
-    int oval = val;
-    int shift = 0;
-    /* Shift off the precision we don't care about.
-     * Don't round here; it biases the values too high
-     * (such that the encoded value is always greater
-     * than the actual value)
-     */
-    unsigned int pval = val;
-    while (val > 0x1ff) {
-        pval = val;
-        val >>= 1;
-        shift++;
-    }
-    if (shift > 0 && (pval & 1)) {
-        /* Round based on the last bit we shifted off.
-         */
-        val++;
-        if (val > 0x1ff) {
-            val = (val + 1) >> 1;
-            shift++;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Shift off enough bits to create a valid exponent.
-     * Since we care about the bits we're losing, be sure
-     * to round them.
-     */
-    while (shift % 4 != 0) {
-        val = (val + 1) >> 1;
-        shift++;
-    }
-    /* In the end, only round by the most-significant lost bit.
-     * This centers the values around the closest match.
-     * All of the rounding we did above guarantees that this
-     * round won't overflow past 0x1ff.
-     */
-    if (shift > 0) {
-        val = ((oval >> (shift - 1)) + 1) >> 1;
-    }
-    val |= (shift / 4) << 9;
-    return val;
-inline unsigned int float12ToInt(unsigned short f12)
-    return (f12 & 0x1ff) << ((f12 >> 9) * 4);
-#if 0   // testing
-#include <stdio.h>
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-    if (argc != 3) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <min> <max>\n", argv[0]);
-        return 1;
-    }
-    unsigned int min = atoi(argv[1]);
-    unsigned int max = atoi(argv[2]);
-    if (min > max) {
-        int t = min;
-        max = min;
-        min = t;
-    } else if (min == max) {
-        max++;
-    }
-    while (min < max) {
-        unsigned int out;
-        unsigned short sf;
-        sf = intToFloat12(min);
-        out = float12ToInt(sf);
-//        printf("%d 0x%03x / 0x%03x %d (%d)\n", min, min, sf, out, (int)min - (int)out);
-        printf("%6.6f %d %d\n", ((float)(int)(min - out)) / (float)(int)min, min, out);
-        if (min <= 8192) {
-            min++;
-        } else if (min < 10000) {
-            min += 10;
-        } else if (min < 100000) {
-            min += 1000;
-        } else {
-            min += 10000;
-        }
-    }
-    return 0;
-#endif  // testing
-#endif  // _DALVIK_FLOAT12_H
diff --git a/vm/alloc/Heap.c b/vm/alloc/Heap.c
index 39f92b5..2199a7c 100644
--- a/vm/alloc/Heap.c
+++ b/vm/alloc/Heap.c
@@ -813,7 +813,6 @@
              currAllocated / 1024, currFootprint / 1024,
              rootTime, dirtyTime);
-    dvmLogGcStats(numObjectsFreed, numBytesFreed, totalTime);
     if (gcHeap->ddmHpifWhen != 0) {
         LOGD_HEAP("Sending VM heap info to DDM\n");
         dvmDdmSendHeapInfo(gcHeap->ddmHpifWhen, false);
diff --git a/vm/alloc/HeapDebug.c b/vm/alloc/HeapDebug.c
index df7d648..9bd6799 100644
--- a/vm/alloc/HeapDebug.c
+++ b/vm/alloc/HeapDebug.c
@@ -14,13 +14,8 @@
  * limitations under the License.
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
 #include "Dalvik.h"
-#include "HeapInternal.h"
 #include "HeapSource.h"
-#include "Float12.h"
 int dvmGetHeapDebugInfo(HeapDebugInfoType info)
@@ -35,293 +30,3 @@
         return -1;
-/* Looks up the cmdline for the process and tries to find
- * the most descriptive five characters, then inserts the
- * short name into the provided event value.
- */
-#define PROC_NAME_LEN 5
-static void insertProcessName(long long *ep)
-    static bool foundRealName = false;
-    static char name[PROC_NAME_LEN] = { 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' };
-    long long event = *ep;
-    if (!foundRealName) {
-        int fd = open("/proc/self/cmdline", O_RDONLY);
-        if (fd > 0) {
-            char buf[128];
-            ssize_t n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);
-            close(fd);
-            if (n > 0) {
-                memset(name, 0, sizeof(name));
-                if (n <= PROC_NAME_LEN) {
-                    // The whole name fits.
-                    memcpy(name, buf, n);
-                } else {
-                    /* We need to truncate.  The name will look something
-                     * like "".  Favor the characters
-                     * immediately following the last dot.
-                     */
-                    buf[n] = '\0';
-                    char *dot = strrchr(buf, '.');
-                    if (dot == NULL) {
-                        /* Or, look for a slash, in case it's something like
-                         * "/system/bin/runtime".
-                         */
-                        dot = strrchr(buf, '/');
-                    }
-                    if (dot != NULL) {
-                        dot++;  // Skip the dot
-                        size_t dotlen = strlen(dot);
-                        if (dotlen < PROC_NAME_LEN) {
-                            /* Use all available characters.  We know that
-                             * n > PROC_NAME_LEN from the check above.
-                             */
-                            dot -= PROC_NAME_LEN - dotlen;
-                        }
-                        strncpy(name, dot, PROC_NAME_LEN);
-                    } else {
-                        // No dot; just use the leading characters.
-                        memcpy(name, buf, PROC_NAME_LEN);
-                    }
-                }
-                if (strcmp(buf, "zygote") != 0) {
-                    /* If the process is no longer called "zygote",
-                     * cache this name.
-                     */
-                    foundRealName = true;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    event &= ~(0xffffffffffLL << 24);
-    event |= (long long)name[0] << 56;
-    event |= (long long)name[1] << 48;
-    event |= (long long)name[2] << 40;
-    event |= (long long)name[3] << 32;
-    event |= (long long)name[4] << 24;
-    *ep = event;
-// See device/data/etc/event-log-tags
-#define EVENT_LOG_TAG_dvm_gc_info 20001
-#define EVENT_LOG_TAG_dvm_gc_madvise_info 20002
-void dvmLogGcStats(size_t numFreed, size_t sizeFreed, size_t gcTimeMs)
-    size_t perHeapActualSize[HEAP_SOURCE_MAX_HEAP_COUNT],
-           perHeapAllowedSize[HEAP_SOURCE_MAX_HEAP_COUNT],
-           perHeapNumAllocated[HEAP_SOURCE_MAX_HEAP_COUNT],
-           perHeapSizeAllocated[HEAP_SOURCE_MAX_HEAP_COUNT];
-    unsigned char eventBuf[1 + (1 + sizeof(long long)) * 4];
-    size_t actualSize, allowedSize, numAllocated, sizeAllocated;
-    size_t softLimit = dvmHeapSourceGetIdealFootprint();
-    size_t nHeaps = dvmHeapSourceGetNumHeaps();
-    /* Enough to quiet down gcc for unitialized variable check */
-    perHeapActualSize[0] = perHeapAllowedSize[0] = perHeapNumAllocated[0] =
-                           perHeapSizeAllocated[0] = 0;
-    actualSize = dvmHeapSourceGetValue(HS_FOOTPRINT, perHeapActualSize,
-                                       HEAP_SOURCE_MAX_HEAP_COUNT);
-    allowedSize = dvmHeapSourceGetValue(HS_ALLOWED_FOOTPRINT,
-                      perHeapAllowedSize, HEAP_SOURCE_MAX_HEAP_COUNT);
-    numAllocated = dvmHeapSourceGetValue(HS_OBJECTS_ALLOCATED,
-                      perHeapNumAllocated, HEAP_SOURCE_MAX_HEAP_COUNT);
-    sizeAllocated = dvmHeapSourceGetValue(HS_BYTES_ALLOCATED,
-                      perHeapSizeAllocated, HEAP_SOURCE_MAX_HEAP_COUNT);
-    /*
-     * Construct the the first 64-bit value to write to the log.
-     * Global information:
-     *
-     * [63   ] Must be zero
-     * [62-24] ASCII process identifier
-     * [23-12] GC time in ms
-     * [11- 0] Bytes freed
-     *
-     */
-    long long event0;
-    event0 = 0LL << 63 |
-            (long long)intToFloat12(gcTimeMs) << 12 |
-            (long long)intToFloat12(sizeFreed);
-    insertProcessName(&event0);
-    /*
-     * Aggregated heap stats:
-     *
-     * [63-62] 10
-     * [61-60] Reserved; must be zero
-     * [59-48] Objects freed
-     * [47-36] Actual size (current footprint)
-     * [35-24] Allowed size (current hard max)
-     * [23-12] Objects allocated
-     * [11- 0] Bytes allocated
-     */
-    long long event1;
-    event1 = 2LL << 62 |
-            (long long)intToFloat12(numFreed) << 48 |
-            (long long)intToFloat12(actualSize) << 36 |
-            (long long)intToFloat12(allowedSize) << 24 |
-            (long long)intToFloat12(numAllocated) << 12 |
-            (long long)intToFloat12(sizeAllocated);
-    /*
-     * Report the current state of the zygote heap(s).
-     *
-     * The active heap is always heap[0].  We can be in one of three states
-     * at present:
-     *
-     *  (1) Still in the zygote.  Zygote using heap[0].
-     *  (2) In the zygote, when the first child is started.  We created a
-     *      new heap just before the first fork() call, so the original
-     *      "zygote heap" is now heap[1], and we have a small heap[0] for
-     *      anything we do from here on.
-     *  (3) In an app process.  The app gets a new heap[0], and can also
-     *      see the two zygote heaps [1] and [2] (probably unwise to
-     *      assume any specific ordering).
-     *
-     * So if nHeaps == 1, we want the stats from heap[0]; else we want
-     * the sum of the values from heap[1] to heap[nHeaps-1].
-     *
-     *
-     * Zygote heap stats (except for the soft limit, which belongs to the
-     * active heap):
-     *
-     * [63-62] 11
-     * [61-60] Reserved; must be zero
-     * [59-48] Soft Limit (for the active heap)
-     * [47-36] Actual size (current footprint)
-     * [35-24] Allowed size (current hard max)
-     * [23-12] Objects allocated
-     * [11- 0] Bytes allocated
-     */
-    long long event2;
-    size_t zActualSize, zAllowedSize, zNumAllocated, zSizeAllocated;
-    int firstHeap = (nHeaps == 1) ? 0 : 1;
-    size_t hh;
-    zActualSize = zAllowedSize = zNumAllocated = zSizeAllocated = 0;
-    for (hh = firstHeap; hh < nHeaps; hh++) {
-        zActualSize += perHeapActualSize[hh];
-        zAllowedSize += perHeapAllowedSize[hh];
-        zNumAllocated += perHeapNumAllocated[hh];
-        zSizeAllocated += perHeapSizeAllocated[hh];
-    }
-    event2 = 3LL << 62 |
-            (long long)intToFloat12(softLimit) << 48 |
-            (long long)intToFloat12(zActualSize) << 36 |
-            (long long)intToFloat12(zAllowedSize) << 24 |
-            (long long)intToFloat12(zNumAllocated) << 12 |
-            (long long)intToFloat12(zSizeAllocated);
-    /*
-     * Report the current external allocation stats and the native heap
-     * summary.
-     *
-     * [63-48] Reserved; must be zero (TODO: put new data in these slots)
-     * [47-36] dlmalloc_footprint
-     * [35-24] mallinfo: total allocated space
-     * [23-12] External byte limit
-     * [11- 0] External bytes allocated
-     */
-    long long event3;
-    size_t externalLimit, externalBytesAllocated;
-    size_t uordblks, footprint;
-#if 0
-    /*
-     * This adds 2-5msec to the GC cost on a DVT, or about 2-3% of the cost
-     * of a GC, so it's not horribly expensive but it's not free either.
-     */
-    extern size_t dlmalloc_footprint(void);
-    struct mallinfo mi;
-    //u8 start, end;
-    //start = dvmGetRelativeTimeNsec();
-    mi = mallinfo();
-    uordblks = mi.uordblks;
-    footprint = dlmalloc_footprint();
-    //end = dvmGetRelativeTimeNsec();
-    //LOGD("mallinfo+footprint took %dusec; used=%zd footprint=%zd\n",
-    //    (int)((end - start) / 1000), mi.uordblks, footprint);
-    uordblks = footprint = 0;
-    externalLimit = externalBytesAllocated = 0;
-    event3 =
-            (long long)intToFloat12(footprint) << 36 |
-            (long long)intToFloat12(uordblks) << 24 |
-            (long long)intToFloat12(externalLimit) << 12 |
-            (long long)intToFloat12(externalBytesAllocated);
-    /* Build the event data.
-     * [ 0: 0] item count (4)
-     * [ 1: 1] EVENT_TYPE_LONG
-     * [ 2: 9] event0
-     * [10:10] EVENT_TYPE_LONG
-     * [11:18] event1
-     * [19:19] EVENT_TYPE_LONG
-     * [20:27] event2
-     * [28:28] EVENT_TYPE_LONG
-     * [29:36] event2
-     */
-    unsigned char *c = eventBuf;
-    *c++ = 4;
-    *c++ = EVENT_TYPE_LONG;
-    memcpy(c, &event0, sizeof(event0));
-    c += sizeof(event0);
-    *c++ = EVENT_TYPE_LONG;
-    memcpy(c, &event1, sizeof(event1));
-    c += sizeof(event1);
-    *c++ = EVENT_TYPE_LONG;
-    memcpy(c, &event2, sizeof(event2));
-    c += sizeof(event2);
-    *c++ = EVENT_TYPE_LONG;
-    memcpy(c, &event3, sizeof(event3));
-    (void) android_btWriteLog(EVENT_LOG_TAG_dvm_gc_info, EVENT_TYPE_LIST,
-            eventBuf, sizeof(eventBuf));
-void dvmLogMadviseStats(size_t madvisedSizes[], size_t arrayLen)
-    unsigned char eventBuf[1 + (1 + sizeof(int)) * 2];
-    size_t total, zyg;
-    size_t firstHeap, i;
-    size_t nHeaps = dvmHeapSourceGetNumHeaps();
-    assert(arrayLen >= nHeaps);
-    firstHeap = nHeaps > 1 ? 1 : 0;
-    total = 0;
-    zyg = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < nHeaps; i++) {
-        total += madvisedSizes[i];
-        if (i >= firstHeap) {
-            zyg += madvisedSizes[i];
-        }
-    }
-    /* Build the event data.
-     * [ 0: 0] item count (2)
-     * [ 1: 1] EVENT_TYPE_INT
-     * [ 2: 5] total madvise byte count
-     * [ 6: 6] EVENT_TYPE_INT
-     * [ 7:10] zygote heap madvise byte count
-     */
-    unsigned char *c = eventBuf;
-    *c++ = 2;
-    *c++ = EVENT_TYPE_INT;
-    memcpy(c, &total, sizeof(total));
-    c += sizeof(total);
-    *c++ = EVENT_TYPE_INT;
-    memcpy(c, &zyg, sizeof(zyg));
-    c += sizeof(zyg);
-    (void) android_btWriteLog(EVENT_LOG_TAG_dvm_gc_madvise_info,
-            EVENT_TYPE_LIST, eventBuf, sizeof(eventBuf));
diff --git a/vm/alloc/HeapInternal.h b/vm/alloc/HeapInternal.h
index c708e16..119c417 100644
--- a/vm/alloc/HeapInternal.h
+++ b/vm/alloc/HeapInternal.h
@@ -116,8 +116,6 @@
 bool dvmLockHeap(void);
 void dvmUnlockHeap(void);
-void dvmLogGcStats(size_t numFreed, size_t sizeFreed, size_t gcTimeMs);
-void dvmLogMadviseStats(size_t madvisedSizes[], size_t arrayLen);
  * Logging helpers
diff --git a/vm/alloc/HeapWorker.c b/vm/alloc/HeapWorker.c
index d67f49e..770025e 100644
--- a/vm/alloc/HeapWorker.c
+++ b/vm/alloc/HeapWorker.c
@@ -384,7 +384,6 @@
                 memset(madvisedSizes, 0, sizeof(madvisedSizes));
                 dvmHeapSourceTrim(madvisedSizes, HEAP_SOURCE_MAX_HEAP_COUNT);
-                dvmLogMadviseStats(madvisedSizes, HEAP_SOURCE_MAX_HEAP_COUNT);