blob: 831b4920b9b753368ca02b94642de54445b86b24 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// BEGIN android-note
// Address length was changed from long to int for performance reasons.
// Harmony implements INetworkSystem's methods with native methods; Android
// implements them with Java that call through to native wrappers.
// TODO: change the native code to eliminate the wrappers
// END android-note
package org.apache.harmony.luni.platform;
import java.nio.channels.Channel;
// BEGIN android-removed
// import java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel;
// END android-removed
* This wraps native code that implements the INetworkSystem interface.
final class OSNetworkSystem implements INetworkSystem {
private static final int ERRORCODE_SOCKET_TIMEOUT = -209;
private static final int ERRORCODE_SOCKET_INTERRUPTED = -208;
private static final int INETADDR_REACHABLE = 0;
// private static boolean isNetworkInited = false; android-removed
private static OSNetworkSystem singleton = new OSNetworkSystem();
* Answers the unique instance of the OSNetworkSystem.
* @return the network system interface instance
public static OSNetworkSystem getOSNetworkSystem() {
return singleton;
// Can not be instantiated.
private OSNetworkSystem() {
public void accept(FileDescriptor fdServer, SocketImpl newSocket,
FileDescriptor fdnewSocket, int timeout) throws IOException {
acceptSocketImpl(fdServer, newSocket, fdnewSocket, timeout);
static native void acceptSocketImpl(FileDescriptor fdServer,
SocketImpl newSocket, FileDescriptor fdnewSocket, int timeout)
throws IOException;
// BEGIN android-removed
// public void acceptStreamSocket(FileDescriptor fdServer,
// SocketImpl newSocket, FileDescriptor fdnewSocket, int timeout)
// throws IOException {
// acceptStreamSocketImpl(fdServer, newSocket, fdnewSocket, timeout);
// }
// static native void acceptStreamSocketImpl(FileDescriptor fdServer,
// SocketImpl newSocket, FileDescriptor fdnewSocket, int timeout)
// throws IOException;
// END android-removed
public int availableStream(FileDescriptor fd) throws SocketException {
return availableStreamImpl(fd);
static native int availableStreamImpl(FileDescriptor aFD) throws SocketException;
* Associates a local address with a socket.
* @param fd
* the socket descriptor
* @param port
* the port number
* @param inetAddress
* address to bind
* @throws SocketException
* thrown if bind operation fails
public void bind(FileDescriptor fd, InetAddress inetAddress, int port) throws SocketException {
socketBindImpl(fd, port, inetAddress);
static native void socketBindImpl(FileDescriptor aFD, int port, InetAddress inetAddress) throws SocketException;
// BEGIN android-changed (removed unused return value and useless native method)
public void connect(FileDescriptor fd, int trafficClass,
InetAddress inetAddress, int port) throws IOException{
connectStreamWithTimeoutSocketImpl(fd, port, 0, trafficClass, inetAddress);
// END android-changed
public void connectDatagram(FileDescriptor fd, int port,
int trafficClass, InetAddress inetAddress) throws SocketException {
connectDatagramImpl2(fd, port, trafficClass, inetAddress);
static native void connectDatagramImpl2(FileDescriptor aFD, int port,
int trafficClass, InetAddress inetAddress) throws SocketException;
public void connectStreamWithTimeoutSocket(FileDescriptor aFD,
int aport, int timeout, int trafficClass, InetAddress inetAddress)
throws IOException {
connectStreamWithTimeoutSocketImpl(aFD, aport, timeout, trafficClass,
static native void connectStreamWithTimeoutSocketImpl(FileDescriptor aFD,
int aport, int timeout, int trafficClass, InetAddress inetAddress)
throws IOException;
// BEGIN android-changed
// changed context from Long to byte[]
public int connectWithTimeout(FileDescriptor fd, int timeout,
int trafficClass, InetAddress inetAddress, int port, int step,
byte[] context) throws IOException {
return connectWithTimeoutSocketImpl(fd, timeout, trafficClass,
inetAddress, port, step, context);
static native int connectWithTimeoutSocketImpl(FileDescriptor aFD,
int timeout, int trafficClass, InetAddress hostname, int port, int step,
byte[] context);
// END android-changed
public void createDatagramSocket(FileDescriptor fd,
boolean preferIPv4Stack) throws SocketException {
createDatagramSocketImpl(fd, preferIPv4Stack);
* Allocate a datagram socket in the IP stack. The socket is associated with
* the <code>aFD</code>.
* @param aFD the FileDescriptor to associate with the socket @param
* preferIPv4Stack IP stack preference if underlying platform is V4/V6
* @exception SocketException upon an allocation error
static native void createDatagramSocketImpl(FileDescriptor aFD,
boolean preferIPv4Stack) throws SocketException;
public void createServerStreamSocket(FileDescriptor fd,
boolean preferIPv4Stack) throws SocketException {
createServerStreamSocketImpl(fd, preferIPv4Stack);
* Answer the result of attempting to create a server stream socket in the
* IP stack. Any special options required for server sockets will be set by
* this method.
* @param aFD the socket FileDescriptor @param preferIPv4Stack if use IPV4
* @exception SocketException if an error occurs while creating the socket
static native void createServerStreamSocketImpl(FileDescriptor aFD,
boolean preferIPv4Stack) throws SocketException;
public void createStreamSocket(FileDescriptor fd,
boolean preferIPv4Stack) throws SocketException {
createStreamSocketImpl(fd, preferIPv4Stack);
static native void createStreamSocketImpl(FileDescriptor aFD,
boolean preferIPv4Stack) throws SocketException;
* Disconnect the socket to a port and address
* @param fd
* the FileDescriptor associated with the socket
* @throws SocketException
* if the disconnect fails
public void disconnectDatagram(FileDescriptor fd)
throws SocketException {
static native void disconnectDatagramImpl(FileDescriptor aFD)
throws SocketException;
public InetAddress getHostByAddr(byte[] ipAddress)
throws UnknownHostException {
// BEGIN android-changed
// Wallpaper fix for http://b/1851257. This is a layering violation,
// but at least the method has the right return type.
// TODO: Fix the socket code to remove this method altogether.
return InetAddress.getByAddress(ipAddress);
// END android-changed
// BEGIN android-removed
// static native InetAddress getHostByAddrImpl(byte[] addr)
// throws UnknownHostException;
// END android-removed
// BEGIN android-removed
public InetAddress getHostByName(String hostName,
boolean preferIPv6Addresses) throws UnknownHostException {
// BEGIN android-changed
// Wallpaper fix for http://b/1851257.
return InetAddress.getByName(hostName);
// END android-changed
// BEGIN android-removed
// static native InetAddress getHostByNameImpl(String addr,
// boolean preferIPv6Addresses) throws UnknownHostException;
// END android-removed
public int getSocketFlags() {
return getSocketFlagsImpl();
public native String byteArrayToIpString(byte[] address)
throws UnknownHostException;
public native byte[] ipStringToByteArray(String address)
throws UnknownHostException;
static native int getSocketFlagsImpl();
public InetAddress getSocketLocalAddress(FileDescriptor fd,
boolean preferIPv6Addresses) {
return getSocketLocalAddressImpl(fd, preferIPv6Addresses);
static native InetAddress getSocketLocalAddressImpl(FileDescriptor aFD,
boolean preferIPv6Addresses);
* Query the IP stack for the local port to which this socket is bound.
* @param aFD
* the socket descriptor
* @param preferIPv6Addresses
* address preference for nodes that support both IPv4 and IPv6
* @return the local port to which the socket is bound
public int getSocketLocalPort(FileDescriptor aFD,
boolean preferIPv6Addresses) {
return getSocketLocalPortImpl(aFD, preferIPv6Addresses);
static native int getSocketLocalPortImpl(FileDescriptor aFD,
boolean preferIPv6Addresses);
* Query the IP stack for the nominated socket option.
* @param fd
* the socket descriptor
* @param opt
* the socket option type
* @return the nominated socket option value
* @throws SocketException
* if the option is invalid
public Object getSocketOption(FileDescriptor fd, int opt)
throws SocketException {
return getSocketOptionImpl(fd, opt);
static native Object getSocketOptionImpl(FileDescriptor aFD, int opt)
throws SocketException;
public native Channel inheritedChannel();
// BEGIN android-removed
// public boolean isReachableByICMP(final InetAddress dest,
// InetAddress source, final int ttl, final int timeout) {
// return INETADDR_REACHABLE == isReachableByICMPImpl(dest, source, ttl,
// timeout);
// }
// native int isReachableByICMPImpl(InetAddress addr,
// InetAddress local, int ttl, int timeout);
// END android-removed
public void listenStreamSocket(FileDescriptor aFD, int backlog)
throws SocketException {
listenStreamSocketImpl(aFD, backlog);
static native void listenStreamSocketImpl(FileDescriptor aFD, int backlog)
throws SocketException;
// BEGIN android-removed: we do this statically, when we start the VM.
// public void oneTimeInitialization(boolean jcl_supports_ipv6);
// native void oneTimeInitializationImpl(boolean jcl_supports_ipv6);
// END android-removed
* Peek on the socket, update <code>sender</code> address and answer the
* sender port.
* @param fd
* the socket FileDescriptor
* @param sender
* an InetAddress, to be updated with the sender's address
* @param receiveTimeout
* the maximum length of time the socket should block, reading
* @return the sender port
* @throws IOException
* upon an read error or timeout
public int peekDatagram(FileDescriptor fd, InetAddress sender,
int receiveTimeout) throws IOException {
return peekDatagramImpl(fd, sender, receiveTimeout);
static native int peekDatagramImpl(FileDescriptor aFD,
InetAddress sender, int receiveTimeout) throws IOException;
* Read available bytes from the given file descriptor into a byte array.
* The read has an optional timeout parameter, which if non-zero is the
* length of time that the read will wait on a select call to see if any
* bytes are available for reading. If the timeout expires the method
* returns zero to indicate no bytes were read.
* @param fd
* the socket file descriptor to read
* @param data
* the byte array in which to store the results
* @param offset
* the offset into the byte array in which to start reading the
* results
* @param count
* the maximum number of bytes to read
* @param timeout
* the length of time to wait for the bytes, in milliseconds; or
* zero to indicate no timeout applied. When there is no timeout
* applied the read may block based upon socket options.
* @return number of bytes read, or zero if there were no bytes available
* before the timeout occurred, or -1 to indicate the socket is
* closed
* @throws IOException
* if an underlying socket exception occurred
public int read(FileDescriptor fd, byte[] data, int offset, int count,
int timeout) throws IOException {
// BEGIN android-added safety!
if (offset < 0 || count < 0 || offset > data.length - count) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("data.length=" + data.length + " offset=" + offset +
" count=" + count);
// END android-added
return readSocketImpl(fd, data, offset, count, timeout);
static native int readSocketImpl(FileDescriptor aFD, byte[] data,
int offset, int count, int timeout) throws IOException;
* Read available bytes from the given file descriptor into OS memory at a
* given address.
* @param fd
* the socket file descriptor to read
* @param address
* the address of the memory in which to store the results
* @param count
* the maximum number of bytes to read
* @param timeout
* the length of time to wait for the bytes, in milliseconds
* @return number of bytes read, or zero if there were no bytes available
* before the timeout occurred, or -1 to indicate the socket is
* closed
* @throws IOException
* if an underlying socket exception occurred
public int readDirect(FileDescriptor fd, int address, int count,
int timeout) throws IOException {
return readSocketDirectImpl(fd, address, count, timeout);
static native int readSocketDirectImpl(FileDescriptor aFD, int address, int count,
int timeout) throws IOException;
* Receive data on the socket into the specified buffer. The packet fields
* <code>data</code> & <code>length</code> are passed in addition to
* <code>packet</code> to eliminate the JNI field access calls.
* @param fd
* the socket FileDescriptor
* @param packet
* the DatagramPacket to receive into
* @param data
* the data buffer of the packet
* @param offset
* the offset in the data buffer
* @param length
* the length of the data buffer in the packet
* @param receiveTimeout
* the maximum length of time the socket should block, reading
* @param peek
* indicates to peek at the data
* @return number of data received
* @throws IOException
* upon an read error or timeout
public int receiveDatagram(FileDescriptor fd, DatagramPacket packet,
byte[] data, int offset, int length, int receiveTimeout,
boolean peek) throws IOException {
return receiveDatagramImpl(fd, packet, data, offset, length,
receiveTimeout, peek);
static native int receiveDatagramImpl(FileDescriptor aFD,
DatagramPacket packet, byte[] data, int offset, int length,
int receiveTimeout, boolean peek) throws IOException;
public int receiveDatagramDirect(FileDescriptor fd,
DatagramPacket packet, int address, int offset, int length,
int receiveTimeout, boolean peek) throws IOException {
return receiveDatagramDirectImpl(fd, packet, address, offset, length,
receiveTimeout, peek);
static native int receiveDatagramDirectImpl(FileDescriptor aFD,
DatagramPacket packet, int address, int offset, int length,
int receiveTimeout, boolean peek) throws IOException;
* Receive data on the connected socket into the specified buffer. The
* packet fields <code>data</code> and <code>length</code> are passed in
* addition to <code>packet</code> to eliminate the JNI field access calls.
* @param fd
* the socket FileDescriptor
* @param packet
* the DatagramPacket to receive into
* @param data
* the data buffer of the packet
* @param offset
* the offset in the data buffer
* @param length
* the length of the data buffer in the packet
* @param receiveTimeout
* the maximum length of time the socket should block, reading
* @param peek
* indicates to peek at the data
* @return number of data received
* @throws IOException
* upon an read error or timeout
public int recvConnectedDatagram(FileDescriptor fd,
DatagramPacket packet, byte[] data, int offset, int length,
int receiveTimeout, boolean peek) throws IOException {
return recvConnectedDatagramImpl(fd, packet, data, offset, length,
receiveTimeout, peek);
static native int recvConnectedDatagramImpl(FileDescriptor aFD,
DatagramPacket packet, byte[] data, int offset, int length,
int receiveTimeout, boolean peek) throws IOException;
public int recvConnectedDatagramDirect(FileDescriptor aFD, DatagramPacket packet, int address,
int offset, int length, int receiveTimeout, boolean peek)
throws IOException {
return recvConnectedDatagramDirectImpl(aFD, packet, address, offset, length, receiveTimeout, peek);
static native int recvConnectedDatagramDirectImpl(FileDescriptor aFD,
DatagramPacket packet, int address, int offset, int length,
int receiveTimeout, boolean peek) throws IOException;
// BEGIN android-changed
// copied from a newer version of Harmony
public boolean select(FileDescriptor[] readFDs, FileDescriptor[] writeFDs,
int numReadable, int numWritable, long timeout, int[] flags)
throws SocketException {
if (numReadable < 0 || numWritable < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
int total = numReadable + numWritable;
if (total == 0) {
return true;
assert validateFDs(readFDs, writeFDs, numReadable, numWritable) : "Invalid file descriptor arrays"; //$NON-NLS-1$
// BEGIN android-changed: handle errors in native code
return selectImpl(readFDs, writeFDs, numReadable, numWritable, flags, timeout);
// END android-changed
// END android-changed
// BEGIN android-changed: return type (we throw in native code, with descriptive errors)
static native boolean selectImpl(FileDescriptor[] readfd,
FileDescriptor[] writefd, int cread, int cwirte, int[] flags,
long timeout);
// END android-changed
* Send the <code>data</code> to the address and port to which the was
* connected and <code>port</code>.
* @param fd
* the socket FileDescriptor
* @param data
* the data buffer of the packet
* @param offset
* the offset in the data buffer
* @param length
* the length of the data buffer in the packet
* @param bindToDevice
* not used, current kept in case needed as was the case for
* sendDatagramImpl
* @return number of data send
* @throws IOException
* upon an read error or timeout
public int sendConnectedDatagram(FileDescriptor fd, byte[] data,
int offset, int length, boolean bindToDevice) throws IOException {
return sendConnectedDatagramImpl(fd, data, offset, length, bindToDevice);
static native int sendConnectedDatagramImpl(FileDescriptor fd,
byte[] data, int offset, int length, boolean bindToDevice)
throws IOException;
public int sendConnectedDatagramDirect(FileDescriptor fd,
int address, int offset, int length, boolean bindToDevice)
throws IOException {
return sendConnectedDatagramDirectImpl(fd, address, offset, length, bindToDevice);
static native int sendConnectedDatagramDirectImpl(FileDescriptor fd,
int address, int offset, int length, boolean bindToDevice)
throws IOException;
* Send the <code>data</code> to the nominated target <code>address</code>
* and <code>port</code>. These values are derived from the DatagramPacket
* to reduce the field calls within JNI.
* @param fd
* the socket FileDescriptor
* @param data
* the data buffer of the packet
* @param offset
* the offset in the data buffer
* @param length
* the length of the data buffer in the packet
* @param port
* the target host port
* @param bindToDevice
* if bind to device
* @param trafficClass
* the traffic class to be used when the datagram is sent
* @param inetAddress
* address to connect to.
* @return number of data send
* @throws IOException
* upon an read error or timeout
public int sendDatagram(FileDescriptor fd, byte[] data, int offset,
int length, int port, boolean bindToDevice, int trafficClass,
InetAddress inetAddress) throws IOException {
return sendDatagramImpl(fd, data, offset, length, port, bindToDevice,
trafficClass, inetAddress);
static native int sendDatagramImpl(FileDescriptor fd, byte[] data, int offset,
int length, int port, boolean bindToDevice, int trafficClass,
InetAddress inetAddress) throws IOException;
public int sendDatagram2(FileDescriptor fd, byte[] data, int offset,
int length, int port, InetAddress inetAddress) throws IOException {
return sendDatagramImpl2(fd, data, offset, length, port, inetAddress);
static native int sendDatagramImpl2(FileDescriptor fd, byte[] data,
int offset, int length, int port, InetAddress inetAddress) throws IOException;
public int sendDatagramDirect(FileDescriptor fd, int address,
int offset, int length, int port, boolean bindToDevice,
int trafficClass, InetAddress inetAddress) throws IOException {
return sendDatagramDirectImpl(fd, address, offset, length, port, bindToDevice,
trafficClass, inetAddress);
static native int sendDatagramDirectImpl(FileDescriptor fd, int address,
int offset, int length, int port, boolean bindToDevice,
int trafficClass, InetAddress inetAddress) throws IOException;
public void sendUrgentData(FileDescriptor fd, byte value) {
sendUrgentDataImpl(fd, value);
static native void sendUrgentDataImpl(FileDescriptor fd, byte value);
public void setInetAddress(InetAddress sender, byte[] address) {
setInetAddressImpl(sender, address);
native void setInetAddressImpl(InetAddress sender, byte[] address);
public void setNonBlocking(FileDescriptor fd, boolean block)
throws IOException {
setNonBlockingImpl(fd, block);
static native void setNonBlockingImpl(FileDescriptor aFD, boolean block);
* Set the nominated socket option in the IP stack.
* @param aFD
* the socket descriptor @param opt the option selector @param
* optVal the nominated option value
* @throws SocketException
* if the option is invalid or cannot be set
public void setSocketOption(FileDescriptor aFD, int opt,
Object optVal) throws SocketException {
setSocketOptionImpl(aFD, opt, optVal);
static native void setSocketOptionImpl(FileDescriptor aFD, int opt,
Object optVal) throws SocketException;
public void shutdownInput(FileDescriptor descriptor) throws IOException {
private native void shutdownInputImpl(FileDescriptor descriptor)
throws IOException;
public void shutdownOutput(FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException {
private native void shutdownOutputImpl(FileDescriptor descriptor)
throws IOException;
* Close the socket in the IP stack.
* @param fd
* the socket descriptor
public void socketClose(FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException {
static native void socketCloseImpl(FileDescriptor fD);
public boolean supportsUrgentData(FileDescriptor fd) {
return supportsUrgentDataImpl(fd);
static native boolean supportsUrgentDataImpl(FileDescriptor fd);
* Used to check if the file descriptor arrays are valid before passing them
* into the select native call.
private boolean validateFDs(FileDescriptor[] readFDs,
FileDescriptor[] writeFDs) {
for (FileDescriptor fd : readFDs) {
// Also checks fd not null
if (!fd.valid()) {
return false;
for (FileDescriptor fd : writeFDs) {
if (!fd.valid()) {
return false;
return true;
// BEGIN android-changed
// copied from a newer version of Harmony
private boolean validateFDs(FileDescriptor[] readFDs,
FileDescriptor[] writeFDs, int countRead, int countWrite) {
for (int i = 0; i < countRead; ++i) {
// Also checks fd not null
if (!readFDs[i].valid()) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < countWrite; ++i) {
if (!writeFDs[i].valid()) {
return false;
return true;
// END android-changed
* Write bytes from a byte array to a socket.
* @param fd
* the socket on which to write the bytes
* @param data
* the array containing the bytes to be written
* @param offset
* the offset in the byte array from which to take the bytes
* @param count
* the maximum number of bytes to be written. Callers are trusted
* not to send values of length+count that are larger than
* data.length
* @return the actual number of bytes written, which will be between zero
* and count
* @throws IOException
* if there is an underlying socket problem
public int write(FileDescriptor fd, byte[] data, int offset, int count)
throws IOException {
return writeSocketImpl(fd, data, offset, count);
static native int writeSocketImpl(FileDescriptor fd, byte[] data, int offset,
int count) throws IOException;
* Write bytes from the given address to a socket.
* @param fd
* the socket on which to write the bytes
* @param address
* the start address of the bytes to be written
* @param count
* the maximum number of bytes to be written
* @return the actual number of bytes written, which will be between zero
* and count
* @throws IOException
* if there is an underlying socket problem
public int writeDirect(FileDescriptor fd, int address, int offset, int count)
throws IOException {
return writeSocketDirectImpl(fd, address, offset, count);
static native int writeSocketDirectImpl(FileDescriptor fd, int address, int offset, int count)
throws IOException;
// BEGIN android-removed
// /**
// * Write given buffers to a socket. The given buffers is a Object array, the
// * element of array must be direct buffer or a byte array to be written.
// *
// * @param fd
// * the socket on which to write the bytes
// * @param buffers
// * the element of array must be direct buffer or a byte array to
// * be written
// * @param offsets
// * the index of the first byte to be write
// * @param counts
// * the maximum number of bytes to be written
// * @param length
// * the size of buffer array
// * @return the actual number of bytes written
// * @throws IOException
// * if there is an underlying socket problem
// */
// public native int writev(FileDescriptor fd, Object[] buffers,
// int[] offsets, int[] counts, int length) throws IOException;
// END android-removed