Don't wrap the actual type in parens if its null.

Otherwise the exception message has unnecessary parens:
"expected receiver of type java.lang.String, but got (null)"

Change-Id: Iacd806d018019784afa6e9f25f7c039d9ca18fae
diff --git a/vm/Misc.cpp b/vm/Misc.cpp
index 059e6bb..1365516 100644
--- a/vm/Misc.cpp
+++ b/vm/Misc.cpp
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@
 std::string dvmHumanReadableType(const Object* obj)
     if (obj == NULL) {
-        return "(null)";
+        return "null";
     if (obj->clazz == NULL) {
         /* should only be possible right after a plain dvmMalloc() */
diff --git a/vm/interp/Stack.cpp b/vm/interp/Stack.cpp
index 7b12e7b..ad6af82 100644
--- a/vm/interp/Stack.cpp
+++ b/vm/interp/Stack.cpp
@@ -635,12 +635,7 @@
 static void throwArgumentTypeMismatch(int argIndex, ClassObject* expected, DataObject* arg) {
     std::string expectedClassName(dvmHumanReadableDescriptor(expected->descriptor));
-    std::string actualClassName;
-    if (arg != NULL) {
-        actualClassName = dvmHumanReadableType(arg);
-    } else {
-        actualClassName = "null";
-    }
+    std::string actualClassName = dvmHumanReadableType(arg);
     dvmThrowExceptionFmt(gDvm.exIllegalArgumentException, "argument %d should have type %s, got %s",
             argIndex + 1, expectedClassName.c_str(), actualClassName.c_str());