build: Fixes mainDexClasses.bat

This commit fixes the parameters passed to MainDexListBuilder when the annotation workaround switch is not used. To test this, run a build on Windows that invokes the mainDexClasses.bat script for building the list of the classes for the main dex file.

Test: run a build of any Android app on Windows, and make sure the build invokes the build invokes the mainDexClasses.bat script without the annotation workaround switch.
Change-Id: Ifb0efc7d23773b16a4cb1b2c37bf99b8d0827881
diff --git a/dx/etc/mainDexClasses.bat b/dx/etc/mainDexClasses.bat
index 1923ee4..6e331ab 100755
--- a/dx/etc/mainDexClasses.bat
+++ b/dx/etc/mainDexClasses.bat
@@ -104,10 +104,10 @@
 call "%proguard%" -injars %params% -dontwarn -forceprocessing  -outjars "%tmpJar%" -libraryjars "%shrinkedAndroidJar%" -dontoptimize -dontobfuscate -dontpreverify -include "%baserules%" 1>nul


 if DEFINED output goto redirect

-call "%java_exe%" -Djava.ext.dirs="%frameworkdir%" "%disableKeepAnnotated%" "%tmpJar%" "%params%"

+call "%java_exe%" -Djava.ext.dirs="%frameworkdir%" %disableKeepAnnotated% "%tmpJar%" "%params%"

 goto afterClassReferenceListBuilder


-call "%java_exe%" -Djava.ext.dirs="%frameworkdir%" "%disableKeepAnnotated%" "%tmpJar%" "%params%" 1>"%output%"

+call "%java_exe%" -Djava.ext.dirs="%frameworkdir%" %disableKeepAnnotated% "%tmpJar%" "%params%" 1>"%output%"



 del %tmpJar%