blob: 365388aaa4ed64cc145a7b32363cecbeef36bd87 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dalvik.system;
* Provides access to some VM-specific debug features. Though this class and
* many of its members are public, this class is meant to be wrapped in a more
* friendly way for use by application developers. On the Android platform, the
* recommended way to access this functionality is through the class
* <code>android.os.Debug</code>.
* @cts Please complete the spec.
* @deprecated this is an internal Dalvik class that is not appropriate for
* general use. It will be removed from the public API in a future release.
public final class VMDebug {
* Specifies the default method trace data file name.
static public final String DEFAULT_METHOD_TRACE_FILE_NAME = "/sdcard/dmtrace.trace";
* flag for startMethodTracing(), which adds the results from
* startAllocCounting to the trace key file.
public static final int TRACE_COUNT_ALLOCS = 1;
/* constants for getAllocCount */
private static final int KIND_ALLOCATED_OBJECTS = 1<<0;
private static final int KIND_ALLOCATED_BYTES = 1<<1;
private static final int KIND_FREED_OBJECTS = 1<<2;
private static final int KIND_FREED_BYTES = 1<<3;
private static final int KIND_GC_INVOCATIONS = 1<<4;
private static final int KIND_EXT_ALLOCATED_OBJECTS = 1<<12;
private static final int KIND_EXT_ALLOCATED_BYTES = 1<<13;
private static final int KIND_EXT_FREED_OBJECTS = 1<<14;
private static final int KIND_EXT_FREED_BYTES = 1<<15;
public static final int KIND_GLOBAL_ALLOCATED_OBJECTS =
public static final int KIND_GLOBAL_ALLOCATED_BYTES =
public static final int KIND_GLOBAL_FREED_OBJECTS =
public static final int KIND_GLOBAL_FREED_BYTES =
public static final int KIND_GLOBAL_GC_INVOCATIONS =
public static final int KIND_GLOBAL_EXT_ALLOCATED_OBJECTS =
public static final int KIND_GLOBAL_EXT_ALLOCATED_BYTES =
public static final int KIND_GLOBAL_EXT_FREED_OBJECTS =
public static final int KIND_GLOBAL_EXT_FREED_BYTES =
public static final int KIND_THREAD_ALLOCATED_OBJECTS =
public static final int KIND_THREAD_ALLOCATED_BYTES =
public static final int KIND_THREAD_FREED_OBJECTS =
public static final int KIND_THREAD_FREED_BYTES =
public static final int KIND_THREAD_GC_INVOCATIONS =
public static final int KIND_THREAD_EXT_ALLOCATED_OBJECTS =
public static final int KIND_THREAD_EXT_ALLOCATED_BYTES =
public static final int KIND_THREAD_EXT_FREED_OBJECTS =
public static final int KIND_THREAD_EXT_FREED_BYTES =
public static final int KIND_ALL_COUNTS = 0xffffffff;
/* all methods are static */
private VMDebug() {}
* Returns the time since the last known debugger activity.
* @return the time in milliseconds, or -1 if the debugger is not connected
public static native long lastDebuggerActivity();
* Determines if debugging is enabled in this VM. If debugging is not
* enabled, a debugger cannot be attached.
* @return true if debugging is enabled
public static native boolean isDebuggingEnabled();
* Determines if a debugger is currently attached.
* @return true if (and only if) a debugger is connected
public static native boolean isDebuggerConnected();
* Enable object allocation count logging and reporting. Call with
* a depth of zero to disable. This produces "top N" lists on every GC.
//public static native void enableTopAllocCounts(int depth);
* Start method tracing with default name, size, and with <code>0</code>
* flags.
public static void startMethodTracing() {
startMethodTracing(DEFAULT_METHOD_TRACE_FILE_NAME, 0, 0);
* Start method tracing, specifying a file name as well as a default
* buffer size. See <a
* href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/tools/traceview.html"> Running the
* Traceview Debugging Program</a> for information about reading
* trace files.
* <p>You can use either a fully qualified path and
* name, or just a name. If only a name is specified, the file will
* be created under the /sdcard/ directory. If a name is not given,
* the default is /sdcard/dmtrace.trace.</p>
* @param traceFileName name to give the trace file
* @param bufferSize the maximum size of both files combined. If passed
* as <code>0</code>, it defaults to 8MB.
* @param flags flags to control method tracing. The only one that
* is currently defined is {@link #TRACE_COUNT_ALLOCS}.
public static void startMethodTracing(String traceFileName,
int bufferSize, int flags) {
startMethodTracing(traceFileName, null, bufferSize, flags);
* Like startMethodTracing(String, int, int), but taking an already-opened
* FileDescriptor in which the trace is written. The file name is also
* supplied simply for logging. Makes a dup of the file descriptor.
* Not exposed in the SDK unless we are really comfortable with supporting
* this and find it would be useful.
* @hide
public static native void startMethodTracing(String traceFileName,
FileDescriptor fd, int bufferSize, int flags);
* Determine whether method tracing is currently active.
* @hide
public static native boolean isMethodTracingActive();
* Stops method tracing.
public static native void stopMethodTracing();
* Starts sending Dalvik method trace info to the emulator.
public static native void startEmulatorTracing();
* Stops sending Dalvik method trace info to the emulator.
public static native void stopEmulatorTracing();
* Get an indication of thread CPU usage. The value returned indicates the
* amount of time that the current thread has spent executing code or
* waiting for certain types of I/O.
* <p>
* The time is expressed in nanoseconds, and is only meaningful when
* compared to the result from an earlier call. Note that nanosecond
* resolution does not imply nanosecond accuracy.
* @return the CPU usage. A value of -1 means the system does not support
* this feature.
public static native long threadCpuTimeNanos();
* Count the number and aggregate size of memory allocations between
* two points.
public static native void startAllocCounting();
public static native void stopAllocCounting();
public static native int getAllocCount(int kind);
public static native void resetAllocCount(int kinds);
* Establishes an object allocation limit in the current thread. Useful for
* catching regressions in code that is expected to operate without causing
* any allocations. The limit is valid from the return of this method until
* it is either changed or the thread terminates.
* @param limit
* the new limit. A value of 0 means not a single new object may
* be allocated. A value of -1 disables the limit.
* @return the previous limit, or -1 if no limit was set
* @see #setGlobalAllocationLimit(int)
public static native int setAllocationLimit(int limit);
* Establishes an object allocation limit for the entire VM. Useful for
* catching regressions in code that is expected to operate without causing
* any allocations. The limit is valid from the return of this method until
* it is either changed or the thread terminates.
* @param limit
* the new limit. A value of 0 means not a single new object may
* be allocated. A value of -1 disables the limit.
* @return the previous limit, or -1 if no limit was set
* @see #setAllocationLimit(int)
public static native int setGlobalAllocationLimit(int limit);
* Count the number of instructions executed between two points.
public static native void startInstructionCounting();
public static native void stopInstructionCounting();
public static native void getInstructionCount(int[] counts);
public static native void resetInstructionCount();
* Dumps a list of loaded class to the log file.
public static native void printLoadedClasses(int flags);
* Gets the number of loaded classes.
* @return the number of loaded classes
public static native int getLoadedClassCount();
* Dump "hprof" data to the specified file. This will cause a GC.
* The VM may create a temporary file in the same directory.
* @param fileName Full pathname of output file (e.g. "/sdcard/dump.hprof").
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the VM was built without
* HPROF support.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs while opening or writing files.
public static native void dumpHprofData(String fileName) throws IOException;
* Primes the register map cache.
* @hide
public static native boolean cacheRegisterMap(String classAndMethodDesc);
* Crashes the VM. Seriously. Dumps the stack trace for the current
* thread and then aborts the VM so you can see the native stack trace.
* Useful for figuring out how you got somewhere when lots of native
* code is involved.
* @hide
public static native void crash();
* Fake method, inserted into dmtrace output when the garbage collector
* runs. Not actually called.
private static void startGC() {}
* Fake method, inserted into dmtrace output during class preparation
* (loading and linking, but not verification or initialization). Not
* actually called.
private static void startClassPrep() {}