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* Copyright (C) 1996-2005, International Business Machines Corporation and *
* others. All Rights Reserved. *
* Package static class for declaring all native methods for collation use.
* @author syn wee quek
* @internal ICU 2.4
final class NativeCollation
// collator methods ---------------------------------------------
public NativeCollation() {
* Method to create a new C Collator using the argument locale rules.
* @param locale locale name
* @return new c collator
* @internal ICU 2.4
static native int openCollator(String locale);
* Method to create a new C Collator using the argument rules.
* @param rules , set of collation rules
* @param normalizationmode default normalization mode
* @param collationstrength default collation strength
* @return new c collator
* @internal ICU 2.4
static native int openCollatorFromRules(String rules,
int normalizationmode,
int collationstrength);
* Close a C collator
* Once closed, a UCollatorOld should not be used.
* @param collatoraddress The UCollatorOld to close
* @internal ICU 2.4
static native void closeCollator(int collatoraddress);
* Compare two strings.
* The strings will be compared using the normalization mode and options
* specified in openCollator or openCollatorFromRules
* @param collatoraddress address of the c collator
* @param source The source string.
* @param target The target string.
* @return result of the comparison, Collation.EQUAL,
* Collation.GREATER or Collation.LESS
* @internal ICU 2.4
static native int compare(int collatoraddress, String source,
String target);
* Get the normalization mode for this object.
* The normalization mode influences how strings are compared.
* @param collatoraddress
* @return normalization mode; one of the values from Normalization
* @internal ICU 2.4
static native int getNormalization(int collatoraddress);
* Set the normalization mode used int this object
* The normalization mode influences how strings are compared.
* @param collatoraddress the address of the C collator
* @param normalizationmode desired normalization mode; one of the values
* from Normalization
* @internal ICU 2.4
static native void setNormalization(int collatoraddress,
int normalizationmode);
* Get the collation rules from a UCollator.
* The rules will follow the rule syntax.
* @param collatoraddress the address of the C collator
* @return collation rules.
* @internal ICU 2.4
static native String getRules(int collatoraddress);
* Get a sort key for the argument string
* Sort keys may be compared using java.util.Arrays.equals
* @param collatoraddress address of the C collator
* @param source string for key to be generated
* @return sort key
* @internal ICU 2.4
static native byte[] getSortKey(int collatoraddress, String source);
* Gets the version information for collation.
* @param collatoraddress address of the C collator
* @return version information
* @internal ICU 2.4
// private native String getVersion(int collatoraddress);
* Universal attribute setter.
* @param collatoraddress address of the C collator
* @param type type of attribute to be set
* @param value attribute value
* @exception RuntimeException when error occurs while setting attribute value
* @internal ICU 2.4
static native void setAttribute(int collatoraddress, int type, int value);
* Universal attribute getter
* @param collatoraddress address of the C collator
* @param type type of attribute to be set
* @return attribute value
* @exception RuntimeException thrown when error occurs while getting attribute value
* @internal ICU 2.4
static native int getAttribute(int collatoraddress, int type);
* Thread safe cloning operation
* @param collatoraddress address of C collator to be cloned
* @return address of the new clone
* @exception RuntimeException thrown when error occurs while cloning
* @internal ICU 2.4
static native int safeClone(int collatoraddress);
* Create a CollationElementIterator object that will iterator over the
* elements in a string, using the collation rules defined in this
* RuleBasedCollator
* @param collatoraddress address of C collator
* @param source string to iterate over
* @return address of C collationelementiterator
* @internal ICU 2.4
static native int getCollationElementIterator(int collatoraddress,
String source);
// collationelementiterator methods -------------------------------------
* Close a C collation element iterator.
* @param address of C collation element iterator to close.
* @internal ICU 2.4
static native void closeElements(int address);
* Reset the collation elements to their initial state.
* This will move the 'cursor' to the beginning of the text.
* @param address of C collation element iterator to reset.
* @internal ICU 2.4
static native void reset(int address);
* Get the ordering priority of the next collation element in the text.
* A single character may contain more than one collation element.
* @param address if C collation elements containing the text.
* @return next collation elements ordering, or NULLORDER if the end of the
* text is reached.
* @internal ICU 2.4
static native int next(int address);
* Get the ordering priority of the previous collation element in the text.
* A single character may contain more than one collation element.
* @param address of the C collation element iterator containing the text.
* @return previous collation element ordering, or NULLORDER if the end of
* the text is reached.
* @internal ICU 2.4
static native int previous(int address);
* Get the maximum length of any expansion sequences that end with the
* specified comparison order.
* @param address of the C collation element iterator containing the text.
* @param order collation order returned by previous or next.
* @return maximum length of any expansion sequences ending with the
* specified order.
* @internal ICU 2.4
static native int getMaxExpansion(int address, int order);
* Set the text containing the collation elements.
* @param address of the C collation element iterator to be set
* @param source text containing the collation elements.
* @internal ICU 2.4
static native void setText(int address, String source);
* Get the offset of the current source character.
* This is an offset into the text of the character containing the current
* collation elements.
* @param address of the C collation elements iterator to query.
* @return offset of the current source character.
* @internal ICU 2.4
static native int getOffset(int address);
* Set the offset of the current source character.
* This is an offset into the text of the character to be processed.
* @param address of the C collation element iterator to set.
* @param offset The desired character offset.
* @internal ICU 2.4
static native void setOffset(int address, int offset);