New material for JNI Tips doc.

Added three new "FAQ" sections, covering the questions that come up
most frequently on the android-ndk mailing list.

Augmented the "Unsupported Features" section with a list of items
that didn't used to work, and noted when they started working.

Various minor updates.

Change-Id: I9acb22e70f6dae1d9b5011da0eab08b6e739d5f9
diff --git a/docs/jni-tips.html b/docs/jni-tips.html
index 76cb03f..33f2c25 100644
--- a/docs/jni-tips.html
+++ b/docs/jni-tips.html
@@ -35,6 +35,15 @@
 <li> <a href="#Unsupported">Unsupported Features</a>
+<li> <a href="#FAQUnsatisfied">FAQ: UnsatisfiedLinkError</a>
+<li> <a href="#FAQFindClass">FAQ: FindClass didn't find my class</a>
+<li> <a href="#FAQSharing">FAQ: Sharing raw data with native code</a>
@@ -72,7 +81,8 @@
 If a piece of code has no other way to get its JNIEnv, you should share
 the JavaVM, and use JavaVM-&gt;GetEnv to discover the thread's JNIEnv.
-The C and C++ declarations of JNIEnv and JavaVM are different.  "jni.h" provides different typedefs
+The C declarations of JNIEnv and JavaVM are different from the C++
+declarations.  "jni.h" provides different typedefs
 depending on whether it's included into ".c" or ".cpp".  For this reason it's a bad idea to
 include JNIEnv arguments in header files included by both languages.  (Put another way: if your
 header file requires "#ifdef __cplusplus", you may have to do some extra work if anything in
@@ -284,7 +294,7 @@
 One reason for checking the <code>isCopy</code> flag is to know if
 you need to call <code>Release</code> with <code>JNI_COMMIT</code>
-after making changes to an array -- if you're alternating between making
+after making changes to an array &mdash; if you're alternating between making
 changes and executing code that uses the contents of the array, you may be
 able to
 skip the no-op commit.  Another possible reason for checking the flag is for
@@ -331,11 +341,11 @@
     env->GetByteArrayRegion(array, 0, len, buffer);
-This accomplishes the same thing, with several advantages:
+This has several advantages:
     <li>Requires one JNI call instead of 2, reducing overhead.
     <li>Doesn't require pinning or extra data copies.
-    <li>Reduces the risk of programmer error -- no risk of forgetting
+    <li>Reduces the risk of programmer error &mdash; no risk of forgetting
     to call <code>Release</code> after something fails.
@@ -372,6 +382,13 @@
+Many JNI calls can throw an exception, but often provide a simpler way
+of checking for failure.  For example, if <code>NewString</code> returns
+a non-NULL value, you don't need to check for an exception.  However, if
+you call a method (using a function like <code>CallObjectMethod</code>),
+you must always check for an exception, because the return value is not
+going to be valid if an exception was thrown.
 Note that exceptions thrown by interpreted code do not "leap over" native code,
 and C++ exceptions thrown by native code are not handled by Dalvik.
 The JNI <code>Throw</code> and <code>ThrowNew</code> instructions just
@@ -400,12 +417,14 @@
 goal is to minimize the overhead on the assumption that, if you've written it in native code,
 you probably did it for performance reasons.
-Some VMs support extended checking with the "<code>-Xcheck:jni</code>" flag.  If the flag is set, the VM
-puts a different table of functions into the JavaVM and JNIEnv pointers.  These functions do
-an extended series of checks before calling the standard implementation.
+In Dalvik, you can enable additional checks by setting the
+"<code>-Xcheck:jni</code>" flag.  If the flag is set, the VM directs
+the JavaVM and JNIEnv pointers to a different table of functions.
+These functions perform an extended series of checks before calling the
+standard implementation.
-Some things that may be checked:
+The additional tests include:
@@ -416,6 +435,9 @@
 <li> Field type correctness, e.g. don't store a HashMap in a String field.
+<li> Ensure jmethodID is appropriate when making a static or virtual
+method call.
 <li> Check to see if an exception is pending on calls where pending exceptions are not legal.
 <li> Check for calls to inappropriate functions between Critical get/release calls.
@@ -431,8 +453,7 @@
 <p>Accessibility of methods and fields (i.e. public vs. private) is not
-The Dalvik VM supports the <code>-Xcheck:jni</code> flag.  For a
-description of how to enable it for Android apps, see
+For a description of how to enable CheckJNI for Android apps, see
 <a href="embedded-vm-control.html">Controlling the Embedded VM</a>.
 It's currently enabled by default in the Android emulator and on
 "engineering" device builds.
@@ -483,13 +504,13 @@
 </p><blockquote><pre>jint JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved)
     JNIEnv* env;
-    if ((*vm)->GetEnv(vm, (void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4) != JNI_OK)
+    if ((*vm)->GetEnv(vm, (void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_6) != JNI_OK)
         return -1;
     /* get class with (*env)->FindClass */
     /* register methods with (*env)->RegisterNatives */
-    return JNI_VERSION_1_4;
+    return JNI_VERSION_1_6;
@@ -513,7 +534,9 @@
 that was used to load the shared library.  Normally <code>FindClass</code>
 uses the loader associated with the method at the top of the interpreted
 stack, or if there isn't one (because the thread was just attached to
-the VM) it uses the "system" class loader.
+the VM) it uses the "system" class loader.  This makes
+<code>JNI_OnLoad</code> a convenient place to look up and cache class
+object references.
@@ -543,10 +566,169 @@
     programmers to create hard references to weak globals before doing
     anything with them, so this should not be at all limiting.)</li>
     <li><code>GetObjectRefType</code> (new in 1.6) is implemented but not fully
-    functional -- it can't always tell the difference between "local" and
+    functional &mdash; it can't always tell the difference between "local" and
     "global" references.</li>
+<p>For backward compatibility, you may need to be aware of:
+    <li>Until 2.0 ("Eclair"), the '$' character was not properly
+    converted to "_00024" during searches for method names.  Working
+    around this requires using explicit registration or moving the
+    native methods out of inner classes.
+    <li>"Weak global" references were not implemented until 2.2 ("Froyo").
+    Older VMs will vigorously reject attempts to use them.  You can use
+    the Android platform version constants to test for support.
+</p><h2><a name="FAQUnsatisfied"> FAQ: UnsatisfiedLinkError </a></h2>
+When working on native code it's not uncommon to see a failure like this:
+<pre>java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Library foo not found</pre>
+In some cases it means what it says &mdash; the library wasn't found.  In
+other cases the library exists but couldn't be opened by dlopen(), and
+the details of the failure can be found in logcat.  For example:
+<pre>D/dalvikvm(  870): Trying to load lib /sdcard/ 0x4001ff48
+I/dalvikvm(  870): Unable to dlopen(/sdcard/ Cannot load library: /sdcard/ is not a valid ELF object
+Common reasons why you might encounter "library not found" exceptions:
+    <li>The library doesn't exist or isn't accessible to the app.  Use
+    <code>adb shell ls -l &lt;path&gt;</code> to check its presence
+    and permissions.
+    <li>The library wasn't built with the NDK.  This can result in
+    dependencies on functions or libraries that don't exist on the device.
+Another class of <code>UnsatisfiedLinkError</code> failures looks like:
+<pre>java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: myfunc
+        at Foo.myfunc(Native Method)
+        at Foo.main(</pre>
+In logcat, you'll see:
+<pre>W/dalvikvm(  880): No implementation found for native LFoo;.myfunc ()V</pre>
+This means that the VM tried to find a matching method but was unsuccessful.
+Some common reasons for this are:
+    <li>The library isn't getting loaded.  Check the logcat output for
+    messages about library loading.
+    <li>The method isn't being found due to a name or signature mismatch.  This
+    is commonly caused by:
+    <ul>
+        <li>For lazy method lookup, failing to declare C++ functions
+        with <code>extern C</code>.  You can use <code>arm-eabi-nm</code>
+        to see the symbols as they appear in the library; if they look
+        mangled (e.g. <code>_Z15Java_Foo_myfuncP7_JNIEnvP7_jclass</code>
+        rather than <code>Java_Foo_myfunc</code>) then you need to
+        adjust the declaration.
+        <li>For explicit registration, minor errors when entering the
+        method signature.  Make sure that what you're passing to the
+        registration call matches the signature in the log file.
+        Remember that 'B' is <code>byte</code> and 'Z' is <code>boolean</code>.
+        Class name components in signatures start with 'L', end with ';',
+        use '/' to separate package/class names, and use '$' to separate
+        inner-class names
+        (e.g. <code>Ljava/util/Map$Entry;</code>).
+    </ul>
+Using <code>javah</code> to automatically generate JNI headers may help
+avoid some problems.
+</p><h2><a name="FAQFindClass"> FAQ: FindClass didn't find my class </a></h2>
+Make sure that the class name string has the correct format.  JNI class
+names start with the package name and are separated with slashes,
+e.g. <code>java/lang/String</code>.  If you're looking up an array class,
+you need to start with the appropriate number of square brackets and
+must also wrap the class with 'L' and ';', so a one-dimensional array of
+<code>String</code> would be <code>[Ljava/lang/String;</code>.
+If the class name looks right, you could be running into a class loader
+issue.  <code>FindClass</code> wants to start the class search in the
+class loader associated with your code.  It examines the VM call stack,
+which will look something like:
+<pre>    Foo.myfunc(Native Method)
+    Foo.main(
+    dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)</pre>
+The topmost method is <code>Foo.myfunc</code>.  <code>FindClass</code>
+finds the <code>ClassLoader</code> object associated with the <code>Foo</code>
+class and uses that.
+This usually does what you want.  You can get into trouble if you
+create a thread outside the VM (perhaps by calling <code>pthread_create</code>
+and then attaching it to the VM with <code>AttachCurrentThread</code>).
+Now the stack trace looks like this:
+<pre> Method)</pre>
+The topmost method is <code></code>, which isn't part of
+your application.  If you call <code>FindClass</code> from this thread, the
+VM will start in the "system" class loader instead of the one associated
+with your application, so attempts to find app-specific classes will fail.
+There are a few ways to work around this:
+    <li>Do your <code>FindClass</code> lookups once, in
+    <code>JNI_OnLoad</code>, and cache the class references for later
+    use.  Any <code>FindClass</code> calls made as part of executing
+    <code>JNI_OnLoad</code> will use the class loader associated with
+    the function that called <code>System.loadLibrary</code> (this is a
+    special rule, provided to make library initialization more convenient).
+    If your app code is loading the library, <code>FindClass</code>
+    will use the correct class loader.
+    <li>Pass an instance of the class into the functions that need
+    it, e.g. declare your native method to take a Class argument and
+    then pass <code>Foo.class</code> in.
+    <li>Cache a reference to the <code>ClassLoader</code> object somewhere
+    handy, and issue <code>loadClass</code> calls directly.  This requires
+    some effort.
+</p><h2><a name="FAQSharing"> FAQ: Sharing raw data with native code </a></h2>
+You may find yourself in a situation where you need to access a large
+buffer of raw data from code written in Java and C/C++.  Common examples
+include manipulation of bitmaps or sound samples.  There are two
+basic approaches.
+You can store the data in a <code>byte[]</code>.  This allows very fast
+access from code written in Java.  On the native side, however, you're
+not guaranteed to be able to access the data without having to copy it.  In
+some implementations, <code>GetByteArrayElements</code> and
+<code>GetPrimitiveArrayCritical</code> will return actual pointers to the
+raw data in the managed heap, but in others it will allocate a buffer
+on the native heap and copy the data over.
+The alternative is to store the data in a direct byte buffer.  These
+can be created with <code>java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocateDirect</code>, or
+the JNI <code>NewDirectByteBuffer</code> function.  Unlike regular
+byte buffers, the storage is not allocated on the managed heap, and can
+always be accessed directly from native code (get the address
+with <code>GetDirectBufferAddress</code>).  Depending on how direct
+byte buffer access is implemented in the VM, accessing the data from code
+written in Java can be very slow.
+The choice of which to use depends on two factors:
+    <li>Will most of the data accesses happen from code written in Java
+    or in C/C++?
+    <li>If the data is eventually being passed to a system API, what form
+    must it be in?  (For example, if the data is eventually passed to a
+    function that takes a byte[], doing processing in a direct
+    <code>ByteBuffer</code> might be unwise.)
+If there's no clear winner, use a direct byte buffer.  Support for them
+is built directly into JNI, and access to them from code written in
+Java can be made faster with VM improvements.
 <address>Copyright &copy; 2008 The Android Open Source Project</address>