Reduce spin-on-suspend complaints.

The first complaint is popping up too quickly, and the pile of log
messages it emits aren't helping the process do real work.  This
skips the complaining if we just finished the first (0.25 sec) sleep.
diff --git a/vm/Thread.c b/vm/Thread.c
index 71f6324..67683b5 100644
--- a/vm/Thread.c
+++ b/vm/Thread.c
@@ -2563,15 +2563,17 @@
-         * Sleep briefly.  This returns false if we've exceeded the total
-         * time limit for this round of sleeping.
+         * Sleep briefly.  The iterative sleep call returns false if we've
+         * exceeded the total time limit for this round of sleeping.
         if (!dvmIterativeSleep(sleepIter++, spinSleepTime, startWhen)) {
-            LOGW("threadid=%d: spin on suspend #%d threadid=%d (h=%d)\n",
-                self->threadId, retryCount,
-                thread->threadId, (int)thread->handle);
-            dumpWedgedThread(thread);
-            complained = true;
+            if (spinSleepTime != FIRST_SLEEP) {
+                LOGW("threadid=%d: spin on suspend #%d threadid=%d (h=%d)\n",
+                    self->threadId, retryCount,
+                    thread->threadId, (int)thread->handle);
+                dumpWedgedThread(thread);
+                complained = true;
+            }
             // keep going; could be slow due to valgrind
             sleepIter = 0;