New Java-based SamplingProfiler

- libcore: new Java based SamplingProfiler
- dalvik: remove old SamplingProfiler native bits
- frameworks/base: New placeholder SamplingProfilerIntegration
- vendor/google: remove old profiler snapshot parsing code



   A new 100% Java SamplingProfiler. While it has more overhead that
   the old native one, the new one can actually collect more than the
   current PC and frame pointer, so you can get useful context of
   where your app is spending time. It currently provides ASCII hprof
   format output for use with tools like PerfAnal

    Unit test for the new SamplingProfiler

    Add core-tests-dalvik


    Removing native code that supported the old SamplingProfiler


  Placeholder SamplingProfilerIntegration. Later plans include
  generating EventStackTrace protobufs.

    New SamplingProfiler does not have a global instance, so
    SamplingProfilerIntegration provides one in INSTANCE. Old binary
    snapshot format is temporily replaced with ASCII hprof data.

    Simplified interface for zygote profile snapshotting

    Current SamplingProfilerIntegration does not track event loop
    explicitly, but hprof information does include thread information.


    Removing code for parsing old SamplingProfiler snapshot format
diff --git a/vm/ b/vm/
index abc2766..838da88 100644
--- a/vm/
+++ b/vm/
@@ -159,7 +159,6 @@
 	mterp/out/InterpC-portdbg.c.arm \
 	native/InternalNative.c \
 	native/dalvik_system_DexFile.c \
-	native/dalvik_system_SamplingProfiler.c \
 	native/dalvik_system_VMDebug.c \
 	native/dalvik_system_VMRuntime.c \
 	native/dalvik_system_VMStack.c \
diff --git a/vm/native/InternalNative.c b/vm/native/InternalNative.c
index 62d4d04..06ed665 100644
--- a/vm/native/InternalNative.c
+++ b/vm/native/InternalNative.c
@@ -47,8 +47,6 @@
             dvm_java_security_AccessController, 0 },
     { "Ljava/util/concurrent/atomic/AtomicLong;",
             dvm_java_util_concurrent_atomic_AtomicLong, 0 },
-    { "Ldalvik/system/SamplingProfiler;",
-            dvm_dalvik_system_SamplingProfiler, 0 },
     { "Ldalvik/system/VMDebug;",          dvm_dalvik_system_VMDebug, 0 },
     { "Ldalvik/system/DexFile;",          dvm_dalvik_system_DexFile, 0 },
     { "Ldalvik/system/VMRuntime;",        dvm_dalvik_system_VMRuntime, 0 },
diff --git a/vm/native/dalvik_system_SamplingProfiler.c b/vm/native/dalvik_system_SamplingProfiler.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5642bde..0000000
--- a/vm/native/dalvik_system_SamplingProfiler.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,647 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- * Native support for dalvik.system.SamplingProfiler
- */
-#define LOG_TAG "SamplingProfiler"
-#include <cutils/log.h>
-#include "Dalvik.h"
-#include "native/InternalNativePriv.h"
-#include "native/SystemThread.h"
-// ~20k
-#define INITIAL_CAPACITY 1024
-// ~80k
-#define MAX_CAPACITY 4096
-typedef enum {
-    /** The "event thread". */
-    /** Not the "event thread". */
-} ThreadType;
-typedef enum {
-    /** Executing bytecode. */
-    /** Waiting on a lock or VM resource. */
-} ThreadState;
-typedef enum {
-    /** This method is in the call stack. */
-    /** VM is in this method. */
-} MethodState;
-/** SampleSet entry. */
-typedef struct {
-    /** Entry key. */
-    const Method* method; // 4 bytes
-    /** Sample counts for method divided by thread type and state. */
-} MethodCount;
- * Set of MethodCount entries.
- *
- * Note: If we ever support class unloading, we'll need to make this a GC root
- * so the methods don't get reclaimed.
- */
-typedef struct {
-    /** Hash collisions. */
-    int collisions;
-    /** Number of entries in set. */
-    int size;
-    /** Number of slots. */
-    int capacity;
-    /** Maximum number of entries this set can hold. 3/4 capacity. */
-    int maxSize;
-    /** Used to convert a hash to an entry index. */
-    int mask;
-    /** Entry table. */
-    MethodCount* entries;
-    /** The event thread. */
-    Thread* eventThread;
-} SampleSet;
- * Initializes an empty set with the given capacity (which must be a power of
- * two). Allocates memory for the entry array which must be freed.
- */
-static SampleSet newSampleSet(int capacity) {
-    SampleSet set;
-    set.collisions = 0;
-    set.size = 0;
-    set.capacity = capacity;
-    set.maxSize = (capacity >> 2) * 3; // 3/4 capacity
-    set.mask = capacity - 1;
-    set.entries = (MethodCount*) calloc(sizeof(MethodCount), capacity);
-    set.eventThread = NULL;
-    return set;
-/** Hashes the given pointer. */
-static u4 hash(const void* p) {
-    u4 h = (u4) p;
-    // This function treats its argument as seed for a Marsaglia
-    // xorshift random number generator, and produces the next
-    // value. The particular xorshift parameters used here tend to
-    // spread bits downward, to better cope with keys that differ
-    // only in upper bits, which otherwise excessively collide in
-    // small tables.
-    h ^= h >> 11;
-    h ^= h << 7;
-    return h ^ (h >> 16);
-/** Doubles capacity of SampleSet. */
-static void expand(SampleSet* oldSet) {
-    // TODO: Handle newSet.entries == NULL
-    SampleSet newSet = newSampleSet(oldSet->capacity << 1);
-    LOGI("Expanding sample set capacity to %d.", newSet.capacity);
-    int oldIndex;
-    MethodCount* oldEntries = oldSet->entries;
-    for (oldIndex = 0; oldIndex < oldSet->size; oldIndex++) {
-        MethodCount oldEntry = oldEntries[oldIndex];
-        if (oldEntry.method != NULL) {
-            // Find the first empty slot.
-            int start = hash(oldEntry.method) & newSet.mask;
-            int i = start;
-            while (newSet.entries[i].method != NULL) {
-                i = (i + 1) & newSet.mask;
-            }
-            // Copy the entry into the empty slot.
-            newSet.entries[i] = oldEntry;
-            newSet.collisions += (i != start);
-        }
-    }
-    free(oldEntries);
-    newSet.size = oldSet->size;
-    newSet.eventThread = oldSet->eventThread;
-    *oldSet = newSet;
-/** Increments counter for method in set. */
-static void countMethod(SampleSet* set, const Method* method,
-        ThreadType threadType, ThreadState threadState,
-        MethodState methodState) {
-    MethodCount* entries = set->entries;
-    int start = hash(method) & set->mask;
-    int i;
-    for (i = start;; i = (i + 1) & set->mask) {
-        MethodCount* entry = &entries[i];
-        if (entry->method == method) {
-            // We found an existing entry.
-            entry->counts[threadType][threadState][methodState]++;
-            return;
-        }
-        if (entry->method == NULL) {
-            // Add a new entry.
-            if (set->size < set->maxSize) {
-                entry->method = method;
-                entry->counts[threadType][threadState][methodState] = 1;
-                set->collisions += (i != start);
-                set->size++;
-            } else {
-                if (set->capacity < MAX_CAPACITY) {
-                    // The set is 3/4 full. Expand it, and then add the entry.
-                    expand(set);
-                    countMethod(set, method, threadType, threadState,
-                            methodState);
-                } else {
-                    // Don't add any more entries.
-                    // TODO: Should we replace the LRU entry?
-                }
-            }
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-/** Clears all entries from sample set. */
-static void clearSampleSet(SampleSet* set) {
-    set->collisions = 0;
-    set->size = 0;
-    memset(set->entries, 0, set->capacity * sizeof(MethodCount));
- * Collects a sample from a single, possibly running thread.
- */
-static void sample(SampleSet* set, Thread* thread) {
-    ThreadType threadType = thread == set->eventThread
-    ThreadState threadState;
-    switch (dvmGetSystemThreadStatus(thread)) {
-        case THREAD_RUNNING: threadState = RUNNING_THREAD; break;
-        case THREAD_NATIVE: return; // Something went wrong. Skip this thread.
-        default: threadState = SUSPENDED_THREAD; // includes PAGING
-    }
-    /*
-     * This code reads the stack concurrently, so it needs to defend against
-     * garbage data that will certainly result from the stack changing out
-     * from under us.
-     */
-    // Top of the stack.
-    void* stackTop = thread->interpStackStart;
-    void* currentFrame = thread->curFrame;
-    if (currentFrame == NULL) {
-        return;
-    }
-    MethodState methodState = LEAF_METHOD;
-    while (true) {
-        StackSaveArea* saveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(currentFrame);
-        const Method* method = saveArea->method;
-        // Count the method now. We'll validate later that it's a real Method*.
-        if (method != NULL) {
-            countMethod(set, method, threadType, threadState, methodState);
-            methodState = CALLING_METHOD;
-        }
-        void* callerFrame = saveArea->prevFrame;
-        if (callerFrame == NULL // No more callers.
-                || callerFrame > stackTop // Stack underflow!
-                || callerFrame < currentFrame // Wrong way!
-            ) {
-            break;
-        }
-        currentFrame = callerFrame;
-    }
- * Collects samples.
- */
-static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_SamplingProfiler_sample(const u4* args,
-        JValue* pResult) {
-    SampleSet* set = (SampleSet*) args[0];
-    dvmLockThreadList(dvmThreadSelf());
-    Thread* thread = gDvm.threadList;
-    int sampledThreads = 0;
-    Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf();
-    while (thread != NULL) {
-        if (thread != self) {
-            sample(set, thread);
-            sampledThreads++;
-        }
-        thread = thread->next;
-    }
-    dvmUnlockThreadList();
-    RETURN_INT(sampledThreads);
- * Gets the number of methods in the sample set.
- */
-static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_SamplingProfiler_size(const u4* args,
-        JValue* pResult) {
-    SampleSet* set = (SampleSet*) args[0];
-    RETURN_INT(set->size);
- * Gets the number of collisions in the sample set.
- */
-static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_SamplingProfiler_collisions(const u4* args,
-        JValue* pResult) {
-    SampleSet* set = (SampleSet*) args[0];
-    RETURN_INT(set->collisions);
- * Returns true if the method is in the given table.
- */
-static bool inTable(const Method* method, const Method* table,
-        int tableLength) {
-    if (tableLength < 1) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    const Method* last = table + (tableLength - 1);
-    // Cast to char* to handle misaligned pointers.
-    return (char*) method >= (char*) table
-        && (char*) method <= (char*) last;
-/** Entry in a hash of method counts by class. */
-typedef struct mcw {
-    /** Decorated method count. */
-    MethodCount* methodCount;
-    /** Shortcut to methodCount->method->clazz. */
-    ClassObject* clazz;
-    /** Pointer to class name that enables us to chop off the first char. */
-    const char* className;
-    /** Cached string lengths. */
-    u2 classNameLength;
-    u2 methodNameLength;
-    /** Next method in the same class. */
-    struct mcw* next;
-} MethodCountWrapper;
-/** Returns true if we can trim the first and last chars in the class name. */
-static bool isNormalClassName(const char* clazzName, int length) {
-    return (length >= 2) && (clazzName[0] == 'L')
-        && (clazzName[length - 1] == ';');
- * Heurtistically guesses whether or not 'method' actually points to a Method
- * struct.
- */
-static bool isValidMethod(const Method* method) {
-    if (!dvmLinearAllocContains(method, sizeof(Method))) {
-        LOGW("Method* is not in linear allocation table.");
-        return false;
-    }
-    ClassObject* clazz = method->clazz;
-    if (!dvmIsValidObject((Object*) clazz)) {
-        LOGW("method->clazz doesn't point to an object at all.");
-        return false;
-    }
-    if (clazz->obj.clazz != gDvm.classJavaLangClass) {
-        LOGW("method->clazz doesn't point to a ClassObject.");
-        return false;
-    }
-    // No need to validate the tables because we don't actually read them.
-    if (!inTable(method, clazz->directMethods, clazz->directMethodCount)
-            && !inTable(method, clazz->virtualMethods,
-                    clazz->virtualMethodCount)) {
-        LOGW("Method not found in associated ClassObject.");
-        return false;
-    }
-    // We're pretty sure at this point that we're looking at a real Method*.
-    // The only alternative is that 'method' points to the middle of a Method
-    // struct and whatever ->clazz resolves to relative to that random
-    // address happens to point to the right ClassObject*. We could mod
-    // the address to ensure that the Method* is aligned as expected, but it's
-    // probably not worth the overhead.
-    return true;
-/** Converts slashes to dots in the given class name. */
-static void slashesToDots(char* s, int length) {
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-        if (s[i] == '/') {
-            s[i] = '.';
-        }
-    }
- * Compares class pointers from two method count wrappers. Used in the by-class
- * hash table.
- */
-static int compareMethodCountClasses(const void* tableItem,
-        const void* looseItem) {
-    const MethodCountWrapper* a = (MethodCountWrapper*) tableItem;
-    const MethodCountWrapper* b = (MethodCountWrapper*) looseItem;
-    u4 serialA = a->clazz->serialNumber;
-    u4 serialB = b->clazz->serialNumber;
-    return serialA == serialB ? 0 : (serialA < serialB ? -1 : 1);
- * Calculates amount of memory needed for the given class in the final
- * snapshot and adds the result to arg.
- */
-static int calculateSnapshotEntrySize(void* data, void* arg) {
-    MethodCountWrapper* wrapper = (MethodCountWrapper*) data;
-    const char* className = wrapper->clazz->descriptor;
-    wrapper->classNameLength = strlen(className);
-    if (isNormalClassName(className, wrapper->classNameLength)) {
-        // Trim first & last chars.
-        wrapper->className = className + 1;
-        wrapper->classNameLength -= 2;
-    } else {
-        wrapper->className = className;
-    }
-    // Size of this class entry.
-    int size = 2; // class name size
-    size += wrapper->classNameLength;
-    size += 2; // number of methods in this class
-    do {
-        wrapper->methodNameLength
-                = strlen(wrapper->methodCount->method->name);
-        size += 2; // method name size
-        size += wrapper->methodNameLength;
-        // sample counts
-        wrapper = wrapper->next;
-    } while (wrapper != NULL);
-    int* total = (int*) arg;
-    *total += size;
-    return 0;
-/** Writes 2 bytes and increments dest pointer. */
-#define writeShort(dest, value)     \
-do {                                \
-    u2 _value = (value);            \
-    *dest++ = (char) (_value >> 8); \
-    *dest++ = (char) _value;        \
-} while (0);
-/** Writes length in 2 bytes and then string, increments dest. */
-#define writeString(dest, s, length)    \
-do {                                    \
-    u2 _length = (length);              \
-    writeShort(dest, _length);          \
-    memcpy(dest, s, _length);           \
-    dest += _length;                    \
-} while (0);
- * Writes the entry data and advances the pointer (in arg).
- */
-static int writeSnapshotEntry(void* data, void* arg) {
-    MethodCountWrapper* wrapper = (MethodCountWrapper*) data;
-    // We'll copy offset back into offsetPointer at the end.
-    char** offsetPointer = (char**) arg;
-    char* offset = *offsetPointer;
-    // Class name.
-    writeString(offset, wrapper->className, wrapper->classNameLength);
-    slashesToDots(offset - wrapper->classNameLength, wrapper->classNameLength);
-    // Method count.
-    char* methodCountPointer = offset;
-    u2 methodCount = 0;
-    offset += 2;
-    // Method entries.
-    do {
-        // Method name.
-        writeString(offset, wrapper->methodCount->method->name,
-                wrapper->methodNameLength);
-        // Sample counts.
-                = wrapper->methodCount->counts;
-        int type, threadState, methodState;
-        for (type = 0; type < THREAD_TYPE_SIZE; type++)
-            for (threadState = 0; threadState < THREAD_STATE_SIZE;
-                    threadState++)
-                for (methodState = 0; methodState < METHOD_STATE_SIZE;
-                        methodState++)
-                    writeShort(offset, counts[type][threadState][methodState]);
-        methodCount++;
-        wrapper = wrapper->next;
-    } while (wrapper != NULL);
-    // Go back and write method count.
-    writeShort(methodCountPointer, methodCount);
-    // Increment original pointer.
-    *offsetPointer = offset;
-    return 0;
- * Captures the collected samples and clears the sample set.
- */
-static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_SamplingProfiler_snapshot(const u4* args,
-        JValue* pResult) {
-    /*
-     * Format:
-     *   version # (2 bytes)
-     *   # of class entries (2 bytes)
-     *   ClassEntry...
-     *
-     * ClassEntry:
-     *   class name length (2 bytes)
-     *   UTF-8 class name
-     *   # of method entries (2 bytes)
-     *   MethodEntry...
-     *
-     *  MethodEntry:
-     *    method name length (2 bytes)
-     *    UTF-8 method name
-     *    CountsByThreadState (for event thread)
-     *    CountsByThreadState (for other threads)
-     *
-     *  CountsByThreadState:
-     *    CountsByMethodState (for running threads)
-     *    CountsByMethodState (for suspended threads)
-     *
-     *  CountsByMethodState:
-     *    as calling method (2 bytes)
-     *    as leaf method (2 bytes)
-     */
-    SampleSet* set = (SampleSet*) args[0];
-    if (set->size == 0) {
-        // No data has been captured.
-        RETURN_PTR(NULL);
-    }
-    MethodCountWrapper* wrappers = (MethodCountWrapper*) calloc(set->size,
-            sizeof(MethodCountWrapper));
-    if (wrappers == NULL) {
-        LOGW("Out of memory.");
-        RETURN_PTR(NULL);
-    }
-    // Method count wrappers by class.
-    HashTable* byClass = dvmHashTableCreate(set->size, NULL);
-    if (byClass == NULL) {
-        free(wrappers);
-        LOGW("Out of memory.");
-        RETURN_PTR(NULL);
-    }
-    // Validate method pointers and index by class.
-    int setIndex;
-    int wrapperIndex;
-    for (setIndex = set->capacity - 1, wrapperIndex = 0;
-            setIndex >= 0 && wrapperIndex < set->size;
-            setIndex--) {
-        MethodCount* mc = &set->entries[setIndex];
-        const Method* method = mc->method;
-        if (method != NULL && isValidMethod(method)) {
-            MethodCountWrapper* wrapper = &wrappers[wrapperIndex];
-            wrapper->methodCount = mc;
-            wrapper->clazz = mc->method->clazz;
-            u4 h = hash(wrapper->clazz);
-            MethodCountWrapper* fromTable = dvmHashTableLookup(byClass, h,
-                    wrapper, compareMethodCountClasses, true);
-            if (fromTable != wrapper) {
-                // We already have an entry for this class. Link the new entry.
-                wrapper->next = fromTable->next;
-                fromTable->next = wrapper;
-            }
-            wrapperIndex++;
-        }
-    }
-    // Calculate size of snapshot in bytes.
-    int totalSize = 4; // version, # of classes
-    dvmHashForeach(byClass, calculateSnapshotEntrySize, &totalSize);
-    // Write snapshot.
-    ArrayObject* snapshot
-            = dvmAllocPrimitiveArray('B', totalSize, ALLOC_DEFAULT);
-    if (snapshot == NULL) {
-        // Not enough memory to hold snapshot.
-        // TODO: Still clear the set or leave it to try again later?
-        LOGW("Out of memory.");
-        free(wrappers);
-        dvmHashTableFree(byClass);
-        RETURN_PTR(NULL);
-    }
-    char* offset = (char*) snapshot->contents;
-    writeShort(offset, 1); // version
-    writeShort(offset, dvmHashTableNumEntries(byClass)); // class count
-    dvmHashForeach(byClass, writeSnapshotEntry, &offset);
-    // Verify that our size calculation was correct.
-    int actualSize = offset - (char*) snapshot->contents;
-    if (actualSize != totalSize) {
-        LOGE("expected: %d, actual: %d", totalSize, actualSize);
-        abort();
-    }
-    dvmHashTableFree(byClass);
-    free(wrappers);
-    clearSampleSet(set);
-    dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc((Object*) snapshot, NULL);
-    RETURN_PTR(snapshot);
- * Allocates native memory.
- */
-static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_SamplingProfiler_allocate(const u4* args,
-        JValue* pResult) {
-    SampleSet* set = (SampleSet*) malloc(sizeof(SampleSet));
-    *set = newSampleSet(INITIAL_CAPACITY);
-    RETURN_INT((jint) set);
- * Frees native memory.
- */
-static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_SamplingProfiler_free(const u4* args,
-        JValue* pResult) {
-    SampleSet* set = (SampleSet*) args[0];
-    free(set->entries);
-    free(set);
- * Identifies the event thread.
- */
-static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_SamplingProfiler_setEventThread(const u4* args,
-        JValue* pResult) {
-    SampleSet* set = (SampleSet*) args[0];
-    Object* eventThread = (Object*) args[1];  // java.lang.Thread
-    Object* vmThread = dvmGetFieldObject(eventThread,
-            gDvm.offJavaLangThread_vmThread); // java.lang.VMThread
-    set->eventThread = dvmGetThreadFromThreadObject(vmThread);
-const DalvikNativeMethod dvm_dalvik_system_SamplingProfiler[] = {
-    { "collisions", "(I)I", Dalvik_dalvik_system_SamplingProfiler_collisions },
-    { "size", "(I)I", Dalvik_dalvik_system_SamplingProfiler_size },
-    { "sample", "(I)I", Dalvik_dalvik_system_SamplingProfiler_sample },
-    { "snapshot", "(I)[B", Dalvik_dalvik_system_SamplingProfiler_snapshot },
-    { "free", "(I)V", Dalvik_dalvik_system_SamplingProfiler_free },
-    { "allocate", "()I", Dalvik_dalvik_system_SamplingProfiler_allocate },
-    { "setEventThread", "(ILjava/lang/Thread;)V",
-            Dalvik_dalvik_system_SamplingProfiler_setEventThread },
-    { NULL, NULL, NULL },