blob: 57ff35c25909df3f7e5c1a0afcf3757724558e7c [file] [log] [blame]
* In the C mterp stubs, "goto" is a function call followed immediately
* by a return.
#define GOTO_TARGET_DECL(_target, ...)
#define GOTO_TARGET(_target, ...) _target:
/* ugh */
#define STUB_HACK(x)
#define JIT_STUB_HACK(x)
* InterpSave's pc and fp must be valid when breaking out to a
* "Reportxxx" routine. Because the portable interpreter uses local
* variables for these, we must flush prior. Stubs, however, use
* the interpSave vars directly, so this is a nop for stubs.
#define PC_FP_TO_SELF() \
self->interpSave.pc = pc; \
self->interpSave.curFrame = fp;
#define PC_TO_SELF() self->interpSave.pc = pc;
* Instruction framing. For a switch-oriented implementation this is
* case/break, for a threaded implementation it's a goto label and an
* instruction fetch/computed goto.
* Assumes the existence of "const u2* pc" and (for threaded operation)
* "u2 inst".
# define H(_op) &&op_##_op
# define HANDLE_OPCODE(_op) op_##_op:
# define FINISH(_offset) { \
ADJUST_PC(_offset); \
inst = FETCH(0); \
if (self->interpBreak.ctl.subMode) { \
dvmCheckBefore(pc, fp, self); \
} \
goto *handlerTable[INST_INST(inst)]; \
# define FINISH_BKPT(_opcode) { \
goto *handlerTable[_opcode]; \
# define DISPATCH_EXTENDED(_opcode) { \
goto *handlerTable[0x100 + _opcode]; \
#define OP_END
* The "goto" targets just turn into goto statements. The "arguments" are
* passed through local variables.
#define GOTO_exceptionThrown() goto exceptionThrown;
#define GOTO_returnFromMethod() goto returnFromMethod;
#define GOTO_invoke(_target, _methodCallRange, _jumboFormat) \
do { \
methodCallRange = _methodCallRange; \
jumboFormat = _jumboFormat; \
goto _target; \
} while(false)
/* for this, the "args" are already in the locals */
#define GOTO_invokeMethod(_methodCallRange, _methodToCall, _vsrc1, _vdst) goto invokeMethod;
#define GOTO_bail() goto bail;
* Periodically check for thread suspension.
* While we're at it, see if a debugger has attached or the profiler has
* started. If so, switch to a different "goto" table.
#define PERIODIC_CHECKS(_pcadj) { \
if (dvmCheckSuspendQuick(self)) { \
EXPORT_PC(); /* need for precise GC */ \
dvmCheckSuspendPending(self); \
} \