blob: 6413a2b33226023a4c15f28e2c14004e0d8129a7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#define LOG_TAG "WhiteBalanceTest"
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <utils/Timers.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include "vec2.h"
#include "vec3.h"
#include "whitebalancetest.h"
// White point in XYZ color space under 5200k illumination.
const Vec3f kDaylightWhitePoint(0.9781f, 1.f, 0.9021f);
// Process the data of checker colors collected under different white balance.
// Assuming the Daylight CCT is set to 5200k, compute the CCT of other white
// balance modes.
void WhiteBalanceTest::processData() {
ALOGV("Start Processing White Balance Test Data!");
int numPatches = mCheckerColors.size();
ALOGV("Processing %d tests with %d patches", 2, numPatches);
std::vector<Vec3f> xyzColors(numPatches);
for (int j = 0; j < numPatches; ++j) {
Vec3f xyzCheckerColor = initializeFromRGB(mCheckerColors[j]);
xyzColors[j] = xyzCheckerColor;
ALOGV("XYZ coordinate is %f, %f, %f", xyzCheckerColor.r(),
xyzCheckerColor.g(), xyzCheckerColor.b());
Vec3f meanScale(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
if (mMode == "daylight") {
mXyzColorsDaylight = xyzColors;
// For testing the auto white balance mode. Compute a CCT that would
// map the gray checkers to a white point.
for (int j = 1; j < numPatches; ++j) {
meanScale = meanScale +
(mXyzColorsDaylight[j] / kDaylightWhitePoint);
} else {
for (int j = 1; j < numPatches; ++j) {
meanScale = meanScale + (mXyzColorsDaylight[j] / xyzColors[j]);
meanScale = meanScale / (numPatches - 1);
ALOGV("Scale: %f, %f, %f", meanScale.r(), meanScale.g(), meanScale.b());
Vec3f whitePoint;
whitePoint = meanScale * kDaylightWhitePoint;
ALOGV("White point is %f, %f, %f", whitePoint.r(),
whitePoint.g(), whitePoint.b());
mCorrelatedColorTemp = findCorrelatedColorTemp(whitePoint);
ALOGV("CCT is %d", mCorrelatedColorTemp);
// Given a white point, find the correlated color temperature.
// Formula taken from the paper "Calculating Correlated Color Temperatures
// Across the Entire Gamut of Daylight and Skylight Chromaticities" by Hernandez
// Andres et al. in 1999. The numbers are fitting parameters.
int WhiteBalanceTest::findCorrelatedColorTemp(const Vec3f &whitePoint) {
Vec2f chromaOfWhitePoint(
whitePoint.r() / (whitePoint.r() + whitePoint.g() + whitePoint.b()),
whitePoint.g() / (whitePoint.r() + whitePoint.g() + whitePoint.b()));
float n = (chromaOfWhitePoint.x() - 0.3366f)
/ (chromaOfWhitePoint.y() - 0.1735f);
float y = -949.86315f + 6253.80338f * exp(-n / 0.92159f)
+ 28.70599f * exp(-n / 0.20039f) + 0.00004f * exp(-n / 0.07125f);
return static_cast<int>(y);
// Converts a RGB pixel value to XYZ color space.
Vec3f WhiteBalanceTest::initializeFromRGB(const Vec3f &rgb) {
float linearRed = convertToLinear(rgb.r());
float linearGreen = convertToLinear(rgb.g());
float linearBlue = convertToLinear(rgb.b());
float x = 0.4124f * linearRed + 0.3576f * linearGreen +
0.1805f * linearBlue;
float y = 0.2126f * linearRed + 0.7152f * linearGreen +
0.0722f * linearBlue;
float z = 0.0193f * linearRed + 0.1192f * linearGreen +
0.9505f * linearBlue;
return Vec3f(x, y, z);
float WhiteBalanceTest::convertToLinear(float color) {
float norm = color/ 255.0f;
float linearColor;
// Convert from sRGB space to linear RGB value
if (norm > 0.04045f) {
linearColor = pow(((norm + 0.055f) / 1.055f), 2.4f);
} else {
linearColor = norm / 12.92f;
return linearColor;