blob: 3ac4ff87bd2e7d480c8aaa6e876831f8cc035976 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.renderscript.cts;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.Arrays;
import junit.framework.Assert;
* This class and the enclosed Floaty class are used to validate the precision of the floating
* point operations of the various drivers. Instances of Target contains information about the
* expectations we have for the functions being tested. There's an instance of Floaty for each
* floating value being verified.
public class Target {
* Broad classification of the type of function being tested.
public enum FunctionType {
* Floating point precision of the result of the function being tested.
public enum ReturnType {
/* The classification of the function being tested */
private FunctionType mFunctionType;
/* The floating point precision of the result of the function being tested */
private ReturnType mReturnType;
* In relaxed precision mode, we allow:
* - less precision in the computation
* - using only normalized values
* - reordering of the operations
* - different rounding mode
private boolean mIsRelaxedPrecision;
/* If false, zero or the closest normal value are also accepted for subnormal results. */
private boolean mHandleSubnormal;
/* Number of bits in mReturnType */
private int mFloatSize;
* How much we'll allow the values tested to diverge from the values
* we compute. This can be very large for native_* and half_* tests.
private int mUlpFactor;
Target(FunctionType functionType, ReturnType returnType, boolean relaxed) {
mFunctionType = functionType;
mReturnType = returnType;
mIsRelaxedPrecision = relaxed;
if (mReturnType == ReturnType.HALF) {
// HALF accepts relaxed precision by default - subnormal numbers need not be handled.
// 'relaxed' parameter is ignored.
mHandleSubnormal = false;
mFloatSize = 16;
} else if (mReturnType == ReturnType.FLOAT) {
// NORMAL functions, when in non-relaxed mode, need to handle subnormals. Subnormals
// need not be handled in any other mode.
mHandleSubnormal = (mFunctionType == FunctionType.NORMAL) && !relaxed;
mFloatSize = 32;
} else if (mReturnType == ReturnType.DOUBLE) {
// We only have NORMAL functions for DOUBLE, with no relaxed precison - subnormal values
// must always be handled. 'relaxed' parameter is ignored.
assert(mFunctionType == FunctionType.NORMAL);
mHandleSubnormal = true;
mFloatSize = 64;
* Sets whether we are testing a native_* function and how many ulp we allow
* for full and relaxed precision.
void setPrecision(int fullUlpFactor, int relaxedUlpFactor) {
mUlpFactor = mIsRelaxedPrecision ? relaxedUlpFactor : fullUlpFactor;
* Helper functions to create a new Floaty with the current expected level of precision.
* We have variations that expect one to five arguments. Any of the passed arguments are
* considered valid values for that Floaty.
Floaty newFloaty(double a) {
return new Floaty(mFloatSize, new double [] { a });
Floaty newFloaty(double a, double b) {
return new Floaty(mFloatSize, new double [] { a, b });
Floaty newFloaty(double a, double b, double c) {
return new Floaty(mFloatSize, new double [] { a, b, c });
Floaty newFloaty(double a, double b, double c, double d) {
return new Floaty(mFloatSize, new double [] { a, b, c, d });
Floaty newFloaty(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e) {
return new Floaty(mFloatSize, new double [] { a, b, c, d, e });
* Helper functions to create a new 32 bit Floaty with the current expected level of precision.
* We have variations that expect one to five arguments. Any of the passed arguments are considered
* valid values for that Floaty.
Floaty new32(float a) {
return new Floaty(32, new double [] { a });
Floaty new32(float a, float b) {
return new Floaty(32, new double [] { a, b });
Floaty new32(float a, float b, float c) {
return new Floaty(32, new double [] { a, b, c });
Floaty new32(float a, float b, float c, float d) {
return new Floaty(32, new double [] { a, b, c, d });
Floaty new32(float a, float b, float c, float d, float e) {
return new Floaty(32, new double [] { a, b, c, d, e });
* Helper functions to create a new 64 bit Floaty with the current expected level of precision.
* We have variations that expect one to five arguments. Any of the passed arguments are considered
* valid values for that Floaty.
Floaty new64(double a) {
return new Floaty(64, new double [] { a });
Floaty new64(double a, double b) {
return new Floaty(64, new double [] { a, b });
Floaty new64(double a, double b, double c) {
return new Floaty(64, new double [] { a, b, c });
Floaty new64(double a, double b, double c, double d) {
return new Floaty(64, new double [] { a, b, c, d });
Floaty new64(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e) {
return new Floaty(64, new double [] { a, b, c, d, e });
* Returns a Floaty that contain a NaN for the specified size.
Floaty newNan(int numberOfBits) {
return new Floaty(numberOfBits, new double [] { Double.NaN });
Floaty add(Floaty a, Floaty b) {
//Log.w("Target.add", "a: " + a.toString());
//Log.w("Target.add", "b: " + b.toString());
assert(a.mNumberOfBits == b.mNumberOfBits);
if (!a.mHasRange || !b.mHasRange) {
return newNan(a.mNumberOfBits);
return new Floaty(a.mNumberOfBits, new double[] { a.mValue + b.mValue,
a.mMinValue + b.mMinValue,
a.mMaxValue + b.mMaxValue });
Floaty subtract(Floaty a, Floaty b) {
//Log.w("Target.subtract", "a: " + a.toString());
//Log.w("Target.subtract", "b: " + b.toString());
assert(a.mNumberOfBits == b.mNumberOfBits);
if (!a.mHasRange || !b.mHasRange) {
return newNan(a.mNumberOfBits);
return new Floaty(a.mNumberOfBits, new double[] { a.mValue - b.mValue,
a.mMinValue - b.mMaxValue,
a.mMaxValue - b.mMinValue });
Floaty multiply(Floaty a, Floaty b) {
//Log.w("Target.multiply", "a: " + a.toString());
//Log.w("Target.multiply", "b: " + b.toString());
assert(a.mNumberOfBits == b.mNumberOfBits);
if (!a.mHasRange || !b.mHasRange) {
return newNan(a.mNumberOfBits);
return new Floaty(a.mNumberOfBits, new double[] { a.mValue * b.mValue,
a.mMinValue * b.mMinValue,
a.mMinValue * b.mMaxValue,
a.mMaxValue * b.mMinValue,
a.mMaxValue * b.mMaxValue});
Floaty divide(Floaty a, Floaty b) {
//Log.w("Target.divide", "a: " + a.toString());
//Log.w("Target.divide", "b: " + b.toString());
assert(a.mNumberOfBits == b.mNumberOfBits);
if (!a.mHasRange || !b.mHasRange) {
return newNan(a.mNumberOfBits);
return new Floaty(a.mNumberOfBits, new double[] { a.mValue / b.mValue,
a.mMinValue / b.mMinValue,
a.mMinValue / b.mMaxValue,
a.mMaxValue / b.mMinValue,
a.mMaxValue / b.mMaxValue});
/** Returns the absolute value of a Floaty. */
Floaty abs(Floaty a) {
if (!a.mHasRange) {
return newNan(a.mNumberOfBits);
if (a.mMinValue >= 0 && a.mMaxValue >= 0) {
// Two non-negatives, no change
return a;
Floaty f = new Floaty(a);
f.mValue = Math.abs(a.mValue);
if (a.mMinValue < 0 && a.mMaxValue < 0) {
// Two negatives, we invert
f.mMinValue = -a.mMaxValue;
f.mMaxValue = -a.mMinValue;
} else {
// We have one negative, one positive.
f.mMinValue = 0.f;
f.mMaxValue = Math.max(-a.mMinValue, a.mMaxValue);
return f;
/** Returns the square root of a Floaty. */
Floaty sqrt(Floaty a) {
//Log.w("Target.sqrt", "a: " + a.toString());
if (!a.mHasRange) {
return newNan(a.mNumberOfBits);
double f = Math.sqrt(a.mValue);
double min = Math.sqrt(a.mMinValue);
double max = Math.sqrt(a.mMaxValue);
double[] values;
/* If the range of inputs covers 0, make sure we have it as one of
* the answers, to set the correct lowest bound, as the square root
* of the negative inputs will yield a NaN flag and won't affect the
* range.
if (a.mMinValue < 0 && a.mMaxValue > 0) {
values = new double[]{f, 0., min, max};
} else {
values = new double[]{f, min, max};
Floaty answer = new Floaty(a.mNumberOfBits, values);
// Allow a little more imprecision for a square root operation.
return answer;
* This class represents the range of floating point values we accept as the result of a
* computation performed by a runtime driver.
class Floaty {
* The number of bits the value should have, either 32 or 64. It would have been nice to
* use generics, e.g. Floaty<double> and Floaty<double> but Java does not support generics
* of float and double. Also, Java does not have an f16 type. This can simulate it,
* although more work will be needed.
private int mNumberOfBits;
/** True if NaN is an acceptable value. */
private boolean mCanBeNan;
* True if mValue, mMinValue, mMaxValue have been set. This should be the case if mCanBeNan is false.
* It's possible for both mCanBeNan and mHasRange to be true at the same time.
private boolean mHasRange;
* The typical value we would expect. We don't just keep track of the min and max
* of the ranges of values allowed because some functions we are evaluating are
* discontinuous, e.g. sqrt around 0, lgamma around -1, -2, -3 and tan around pi/2.
* By keeping track of the middle value, we're more likely to handle this discontinuity
* correctly.
private double mValue;
/** The minimum value we would expect. */
private double mMinValue;
/** The maximum value we would expect. */
private double mMaxValue;
Floaty(Floaty a) {
mNumberOfBits = a.mNumberOfBits;
mCanBeNan = a.mCanBeNan;
mHasRange = a.mHasRange;
mValue = a.mValue;
mMinValue = a.mMinValue;
mMaxValue = a.mMaxValue;
* Creates a Floaty and initializes it so that the values passed could be represented by it.
* We also expand what's allowed by +/- mUlpFactor to allow for the various rounding modes.
* values[0] is treated as the representative case, otherwise the order of values does not matter.
Floaty(int numberOfBits, double values[]) {
//Log.w("Floaty(double[], ulp)", "input: " + Arrays.toString(values) + ", ulp " + Integer.toString(mUlpFactor));
mNumberOfBits = numberOfBits;
mCanBeNan = false;
mHasRange = false;
mValue = values[0];
for (double f: values) {
if (Double.isNaN(f)) {
mCanBeNan = true;
// For relaxed mode, we don't require support of subnormal values.
// If we have a subnormal value, we'll allow both the normalized value and zero,
// to cover the two ways this small value might be handled.
if (!mHandleSubnormal) {
if (IsSubnormal(f)) {
// Expand the range to the closest value representable in the desired floating-point
// format
// Expand the range by one ulp factor to cover for the different rounding modes.
//Log.w("Floaty(double[], ulp)", "output: " + toString());
/** Modify the mMinValue and mMaxValue so that f is contained within the range. */
private void updateMinAndMax(double f) {
if (mHasRange) {
if (f < mMinValue) {
mMinValue = f;
if (f > mMaxValue) {
mMaxValue = f;
} else {
mHasRange = true;
mMinValue = f;
mMaxValue = f;
/** Return (as double) the next highest value representable in Float16 precision */
private double roundFloat16Up(double value) {
return Float16Utils.roundToFloat16(value)[1];
/** Return (as double) the next lowest value representable in Float16 precision */
private double roundFloat16Down(double value) {
return Float16Utils.roundToFloat16(value)[0];
* Modify mMinValue and mMaxValue to the closest value representable in mNumberOfBits.
* mMinValue is rounded down and mMaxValue is rounded u
void ExpandRangeToTargetPrecision() {
if (!mHasRange) return;
if (mNumberOfBits != 16) return; // For now, this function is only needed for Float16.
// Log.w("ExpandRangeToFloat16Precision", "Before: " + Double.toString(mMinValue) + " " + Double.toString(mValue) + " " + Double.toString(mMaxValue));
// TODO Should we adjust mValue to Float16-representable value?
mMaxValue = roundFloat16Up(mMaxValue);
mMinValue = roundFloat16Down(mMinValue);
//Log.w("ExpandRangeToFloat16Precision", "After: " + Double.toString(mMinValue) + " " + Double.toString(mValue) + " " + Double.toString(mMaxValue));
/** Modify mMinValue and mMaxValue to allow one extra ulp factor of error on each side. */
void ExpandRangeByUlpFactor() {
if (mHasRange && mUlpFactor > 0) {
// Expand the edges by the specified factor.
/** Expand the mMinValue by the number of ulp specified. */
private void ExpandMin(int ulpFactor) {
//Log.w("ExpandMin", java.lang.Double.toString(mMinValue) + " by " + Integer.toString(ulpFactor));
if (!mHasRange) {
if (mMinValue == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ||
mMinValue == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
// Can't get any larger
//Log.w("ExpandMin", "infinity");
double ulp = NegativeUlp();
double delta = ulp * ulpFactor;
double newValue = mMinValue + delta;
* Reduce mMinValue but don't go negative if it's positive because the rounding error
* we're simulating won't change the sign.
if (newValue < 0 && mMinValue > 0.f) {
mMinValue = 0.f;
} else {
mMinValue = newValue;
// If subnormal, also allow the normalized value if it's smaller.
if (!mHandleSubnormal && IsSubnormal(mMinValue)) {
if (mMinValue < 0) {
mMinValue = smallestNormal(-1.0f);
} else {
mMinValue = 0.f;
// If Float16, round minValue down to maintain invariant that the range is always
// representable in Float16.
if (mNumberOfBits == 16) {
mMinValue = roundFloat16Down(mMinValue);
//Log.w("ExpandMin", "ulp " + java.lang.Double.toString(ulp) + ", delta " + java.lang.Double.toString(delta) + " for " + java.lang.Double.toString(mMinValue));
/** Expand the mMaxValue by the number of ulp specified. */
private void ExpandMax(int ulpFactor) {
//Log.w("ExpandMax", java.lang.Double.toString(mMaxValue) + " by " + Integer.toString(ulpFactor));
if (!mHasRange) {
if (mMaxValue == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ||
mMaxValue == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
// Can't get any larger
//Log.w("ExpandMax", "infinity");
double ulp = Ulp();
double delta = ulp * ulpFactor;
double newValue = mMaxValue + delta;
* Increase mMaxValue but don't go positive if it's negative because the rounding error
* we're simulating won't change the sign.
if (newValue > 0 && mMaxValue < 0.f) {
mMaxValue = 0.f;
} else {
mMaxValue = newValue;
// If subnormal, also allow the normalized value if it's smaller.
if (!mHandleSubnormal && IsSubnormal(mMaxValue)) {
if (mMaxValue > 0) {
mMaxValue = smallestNormal(1.0f);
} else {
mMaxValue = 0.f;
// If Float16, round mMaxValue up to maintain invariant that the range is always
// representable in Float16.
if (mNumberOfBits == 16 && mMaxValue != 0) {
mMaxValue = roundFloat16Up(mMaxValue);
//Log.w("ExpandMax", "ulp " + java.lang.Double.toString(ulp) + ", delta " + java.lang.Double.toString(delta) + " for " + java.lang.Double.toString(mMaxValue));
* Returns true if f is smaller than the smallest normalized number that can be represented
* by the number of bits we have.
private boolean IsSubnormal(double f) {
double af = Math.abs(f);
return 0 < af && af < smallestNormal(1.0f);
* Returns the smallest normal representable by the number of bits we have, of the same
* sign as f.
private double smallestNormal(double f) {
double answer;
if (mNumberOfBits == 16) {
answer = Float16Utils.MIN_NORMAL;
} else if (mNumberOfBits == 32) {
answer = Float.MIN_NORMAL;
} else {
answer = Double.MIN_NORMAL;
if (f < 0) {
answer = -answer;
return answer;
/** Returns the unit of least precision for the maximum value allowed. */
private double Ulp() {
double u;
if (mNumberOfBits == 16) {
u = Float16Utils.float16Ulp(mMaxValue);
} else if (mNumberOfBits == 32) {
u = Math.ulp((float)mMaxValue);
} else {
u = Math.ulp(mMaxValue);
if (!mHandleSubnormal) {
u = Math.max(u, smallestNormal(1.f));
return u;
/** Returns the negative of the unit of least precision for the minimum value allowed. */
private double NegativeUlp() {
double u;
if (mNumberOfBits == 16) {
u = -Float16Utils.float16Ulp(mMinValue);
} else if (mNumberOfBits == 32) {
u = -Math.ulp((float)mMinValue);
} else {
u = -Math.ulp(mMinValue);
if (!mHandleSubnormal) {
u = Math.min(u, smallestNormal(-1.f));
return u;
/** Returns true if the number passed is among the values that are represented by this Floaty. */
public boolean couldBe(double a) {
return couldBe(a, 0.0);
* Returns true if the number passed is among the values that are represented by this Floaty.
* An extra amount of allowed error can be specified.
public boolean couldBe(double a, double extraAllowedError) {
//Log.w("Floaty.couldBe", "Can " + Double.toString(a) + " be " + toString() + "? ");
// Handle the input being a NaN.
if (Double.isNaN(a)) {
//Log.w("couldBe", "true because is Naan");
return mCanBeNan;
// If the input is not a NaN, we better have a range.
if (!mHasRange) {
return false;
// Handle the simple case.
if ((mMinValue - extraAllowedError) <= a && a <= (mMaxValue + extraAllowedError)) {
return true;
// For native, we don't require returning +/- infinity. If that's what we expect,
// allow all answers.
if (mFunctionType == FunctionType.NATIVE) {
if (mMinValue == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY &&
mMaxValue == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
return true;
if (mMinValue == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY &&
mMaxValue == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
return true;
return false;
// TODO simplify: remove 32() and 64()
public double get() { return mValue; }
public double mid() { return mid64(); }
public double min() { return mMinValue; }
public double max() { return mMaxValue; }
public double get64() { return mValue; }
public double min64() { return mMinValue; }
public double max64() { return mMaxValue; }
* Returns mValue unless zero could be a legal value. In that case, return it.
* This is useful for testing functions where the behavior at zero is unusual,
* e.g. reciprocals. If mValue is already +0.0 or -0.0, don't change it, to
* preserve the sign.
public double mid64() {
if (mMinValue < 0.0 && mMaxValue > 0.0 && mValue != 0.0) {
return 0.0;
return mValue;
public float get32() { return (float) mValue; }
public float min32() { return (float) mMinValue; }
public float max32() { return (float) mMaxValue; }
public float mid32() { return (float) mid64(); }
public String toString() {
String s = String.format("[f%d: ", mNumberOfBits);
if (mCanBeNan) {
s += "NaN, ";
if (mHasRange) {
if (mNumberOfBits == 32) {
float min = (float)mMinValue;
float mid = (float)mValue;
float max = (float)mMaxValue;
s += String.format("%11.9g {%08x} to %11.9g {%08x} to %11.9g {%08x}", min,
Float.floatToRawIntBits(min), mid,
Float.floatToRawIntBits(mid), max,
} else {
s += String.format("%24.9g {%16x} to %24.9g {%16x} to %24.9g {%16x}", mMinValue,
Double.doubleToRawLongBits(mMinValue), mValue,
Double.doubleToRawLongBits(mValue), mMaxValue,
s += "]";
return s;