blob: 5e653c6f962400daa62acc1ed75e947737010a41 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue;
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.HandlerThread;
import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.provider.Settings;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.inputmethod.CompletionInfo;
import android.view.inputmethod.CorrectionInfo;
import android.view.inputmethod.ExtractedTextRequest;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputContentInfo;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager;
import androidx.annotation.GuardedBy;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import org.junit.AssumptionViolatedException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* Represents an active Mock IME session, which provides basic primitives to write end-to-end tests
* for IME APIs.
* <p>To use {@link MockIme} via {@link MockImeSession}, you need to </p>
* <p>Public methods are not thread-safe.</p>
public class MockImeSession implements AutoCloseable {
private final String mImeEventActionName =
"" + SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos();
private static final long TIMEOUT = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(10);
private final Context mContext;
private final UiAutomation mUiAutomation;
private final HandlerThread mHandlerThread = new HandlerThread("EventReceiver");
private static final class EventStore {
private static final int INITIAL_ARRAY_SIZE = 32;
public final ImeEvent[] mArray;
public int mLength;
EventStore() {
mArray = new ImeEvent[INITIAL_ARRAY_SIZE];
mLength = 0;
EventStore(EventStore src, int newLength) {
mArray = new ImeEvent[newLength];
mLength = src.mLength;
System.arraycopy(src.mArray, 0, mArray, 0, src.mLength);
public EventStore add(ImeEvent event) {
if (mLength + 1 <= mArray.length) {
mArray[mLength] = event;
return this;
} else {
return new EventStore(this, mLength * 2).add(event);
public ImeEventStream.ImeEventArray takeSnapshot() {
return new ImeEventStream.ImeEventArray(mArray, mLength);
private static final class MockImeEventReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
private final Object mLock = new Object();
private EventStore mCurrentEventStore = new EventStore();
private final String mActionName;
MockImeEventReceiver(@NonNull String actionName) {
mActionName = actionName;
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if (TextUtils.equals(mActionName, intent.getAction())) {
synchronized (mLock) {
mCurrentEventStore =
public ImeEventStream.ImeEventArray takeEventSnapshot() {
synchronized (mLock) {
return mCurrentEventStore.takeSnapshot();
private final MockImeEventReceiver mEventReceiver =
new MockImeEventReceiver(mImeEventActionName);
private final ImeEventStream mEventStream =
new ImeEventStream(mEventReceiver::takeEventSnapshot);
private static String executeShellCommand(
@NonNull UiAutomation uiAutomation, @NonNull String command) throws IOException {
try (ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseInputStream in =
new ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseInputStream(
uiAutomation.executeShellCommand(command))) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
while (true) {
final int numRead =;
if (numRead <= 0) {
sb.append(new String(buffer, 0, numRead));
return sb.toString();
private String getCurrentInputMethodId() {
// TODO: Replace this with IMM#getCurrentInputMethodIdForTesting()
return Settings.Secure.getString(mContext.getContentResolver(),
private static void writeMockImeSettings(@NonNull Context context,
@NonNull String imeEventActionName,
@Nullable ImeSettings.Builder imeSettings) throws Exception {
final Bundle bundle = ImeSettings.serializeToBundle(imeEventActionName, imeSettings);
context.getContentResolver().call(SettingsProvider.AUTHORITY, "write", null, bundle);
private ComponentName getMockImeComponentName() {
return MockIme.getComponentName();
private String getMockImeId() {
return MockIme.getImeId();
private MockImeSession(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull UiAutomation uiAutomation) {
mContext = context;
mUiAutomation = uiAutomation;
private void initialize(@Nullable ImeSettings.Builder imeSettings) throws Exception {
// Make sure that MockIME is not selected.
if (mContext.getSystemService(InputMethodManager.class)
.anyMatch(info -> getMockImeComponentName().equals(info.getComponent()))) {
executeShellCommand(mUiAutomation, "ime reset");
if (mContext.getSystemService(InputMethodManager.class)
.anyMatch(info -> getMockImeComponentName().equals(info.getComponent()))) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
writeMockImeSettings(mContext, mImeEventActionName, imeSettings);
new IntentFilter(mImeEventActionName), null /* broadcastPermission */,
new Handler(mHandlerThread.getLooper()));
executeShellCommand(mUiAutomation, "ime enable " + getMockImeId());
executeShellCommand(mUiAutomation, "ime set " + getMockImeId());
PollingCheck.check("Make sure that MockIME becomes available", TIMEOUT,
() -> getMockImeId().equals(getCurrentInputMethodId()));
/** @see #create(Context, UiAutomation, ImeSettings.Builder) */
public static MockImeSession create(@NonNull Context context) throws Exception {
return create(context, getInstrumentation().getUiAutomation(), new ImeSettings.Builder());
* Creates a new Mock IME session. During this session, you can receive various events from
* {@link MockIme}.
* @param context {@link Context} to be used to receive inter-process events from the
* {@link MockIme} (e.g. via {@link BroadcastReceiver}
* @param uiAutomation {@link UiAutomation} object to change the device state that are typically
* guarded by permissions.
* @param imeSettings Key-value pairs to be passed to the {@link MockIme}.
* @return A session object, with which you can retrieve event logs from the {@link MockIme} and
* can clean up the session.
public static MockImeSession create(
@NonNull Context context,
@NonNull UiAutomation uiAutomation,
@Nullable ImeSettings.Builder imeSettings) throws Exception {
final String unavailabilityReason = getUnavailabilityReason(context);
if (unavailabilityReason != null) {
throw new AssumptionViolatedException(unavailabilityReason);
final MockImeSession client = new MockImeSession(context, uiAutomation);
return client;
* Checks if the {@link MockIme} can be used in this device.
* @return {@code null} if it can be used, or message describing why if it cannot.
public static String getUnavailabilityReason(@NonNull Context context) {
if (!context.getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_INPUT_METHODS)) {
return "Device must support installable IMEs that implement InputMethodService API";
return null;
* @return {@link ImeEventStream} object that stores events sent from {@link MockIme} since the
* session is created.
public ImeEventStream openEventStream() {
return mEventStream.copy();
* Closes the active session and de-selects {@link MockIme}. Currently which IME will be
* selected next is up to the system.
public void close() throws Exception {
executeShellCommand(mUiAutomation, "ime reset");
PollingCheck.check("Make sure that MockIME becomes unavailable", TIMEOUT, () ->
.noneMatch(info -> getMockImeComponentName().equals(info.getComponent())));
mContext.getContentResolver().call(SettingsProvider.AUTHORITY, "delete", null, null);
* Common logic to send a special command to {@link MockIme}.
* @param commandName command to be passed to {@link MockIme}
* @param params {@link Bundle} to be passed to {@link MockIme} as a parameter set of
* {@code commandName}
* @return {@link ImeCommand} that is sent to {@link MockIme}. It can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}.
private ImeCommand callCommandInternal(@NonNull String commandName, @NonNull Bundle params) {
final ImeCommand command = new ImeCommand(
commandName, SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos(), true, params);
final Intent intent = new Intent();
return command;
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call {@link InputConnection#getTextBeforeCursor(int, int)} with the
* given parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code getCurrentInputConnection().getTextBeforeCursor(n, flag)}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnCharSequenceValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @param n to be passed as the {@code n} parameter.
* @param flag to be passed as the {@code flag} parameter.
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}.
public ImeCommand callGetTextBeforeCursor(int n, int flag) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putInt("n", n);
params.putInt("flag", flag);
return callCommandInternal("getTextBeforeCursor", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call {@link InputConnection#getTextAfterCursor(int, int)} with the
* given parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code getCurrentInputConnection().getTextAfterCursor(n, flag)}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnCharSequenceValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @param n to be passed as the {@code n} parameter.
* @param flag to be passed as the {@code flag} parameter.
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}.
public ImeCommand callGetTextAfterCursor(int n, int flag) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putInt("n", n);
params.putInt("flag", flag);
return callCommandInternal("getTextAfterCursor", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call {@link InputConnection#getSelectedText(int)} with the
* given parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code getCurrentInputConnection().getSelectedText(flag)}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnCharSequenceValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @param flag to be passed as the {@code flag} parameter.
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}.
public ImeCommand callGetSelectedText(int flag) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putInt("flag", flag);
return callCommandInternal("getSelectedText", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call {@link InputConnection#getCursorCapsMode(int)} with the given
* parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code getCurrentInputConnection().getCursorCapsMode(reqModes)}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnIntegerValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @param reqModes to be passed as the {@code reqModes} parameter.
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}.
public ImeCommand callGetCursorCapsMode(int reqModes) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putInt("reqModes", reqModes);
return callCommandInternal("getCursorCapsMode", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call
* {@link InputConnection#getExtractedText(ExtractedTextRequest, int)} with the given
* parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code getCurrentInputConnection().getExtractedText(request, flags)}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnParcelableValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @param request to be passed as the {@code request} parameter
* @param flags to be passed as the {@code flags} parameter
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}.
public ImeCommand callGetExtractedText(@Nullable ExtractedTextRequest request, int flags) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putParcelable("request", request);
params.putInt("flags", flags);
return callCommandInternal("getExtractedText", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call {@link InputConnection#deleteSurroundingText(int, int)} with the
* given parameters.
* <p>This triggers
* {@code getCurrentInputConnection().deleteSurroundingText(beforeLength, afterLength)}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnBooleanValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @param beforeLength to be passed as the {@code beforeLength} parameter
* @param afterLength to be passed as the {@code afterLength} parameter
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}.
public ImeCommand callDeleteSurroundingText(int beforeLength, int afterLength) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putInt("beforeLength", beforeLength);
params.putInt("afterLength", afterLength);
return callCommandInternal("deleteSurroundingText", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call
* {@link InputConnection#deleteSurroundingTextInCodePoints(int, int)} with the given
* parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code getCurrentInputConnection().deleteSurroundingTextInCodePoints(
* beforeLength, afterLength)}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnBooleanValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @param beforeLength to be passed as the {@code beforeLength} parameter
* @param afterLength to be passed as the {@code afterLength} parameter
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}.
public ImeCommand callDeleteSurroundingTextInCodePoints(int beforeLength, int afterLength) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putInt("beforeLength", beforeLength);
params.putInt("afterLength", afterLength);
return callCommandInternal("deleteSurroundingTextInCodePoints", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call {@link InputConnection#setComposingText(CharSequence, int)} with
* the given parameters.
* <p>This triggers
* {@code getCurrentInputConnection().setComposingText(text, newCursorPosition)}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnBooleanValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @param text to be passed as the {@code text} parameter
* @param newCursorPosition to be passed as the {@code newCursorPosition} parameter
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}.
public ImeCommand callSetComposingText(@Nullable CharSequence text, int newCursorPosition) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putCharSequence("text", text);
params.putInt("newCursorPosition", newCursorPosition);
return callCommandInternal("setComposingText", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call {@link InputConnection#setComposingRegion(int, int)} with the
* given parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code getCurrentInputConnection().setComposingRegion(start, end)}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnBooleanValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @param start to be passed as the {@code start} parameter
* @param end to be passed as the {@code end} parameter
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}.
public ImeCommand callSetComposingRegion(int start, int end) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putInt("start", start);
params.putInt("end", end);
return callCommandInternal("setComposingRegion", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call {@link InputConnection#finishComposingText()} with the given
* parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code getCurrentInputConnection().finishComposingText()}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnBooleanValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}.
public ImeCommand callFinishComposingText() {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
return callCommandInternal("finishComposingText", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call {@link InputConnection#commitText(CharSequence, int)} with the
* given parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code getCurrentInputConnection().commitText(text, newCursorPosition)}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnBooleanValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @param text to be passed as the {@code text} parameter
* @param newCursorPosition to be passed as the {@code newCursorPosition} parameter
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}
public ImeCommand callCommitText(@Nullable CharSequence text, int newCursorPosition) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putCharSequence("text", text);
params.putInt("newCursorPosition", newCursorPosition);
return callCommandInternal("commitText", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call {@link InputConnection#commitCompletion(CompletionInfo)} with
* the given parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code getCurrentInputConnection().commitCompletion(text)}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnBooleanValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @param text to be passed as the {@code text} parameter
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}
public ImeCommand callCommitCompletion(@Nullable CompletionInfo text) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putParcelable("text", text);
return callCommandInternal("commitCompletion", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call {@link InputConnection#commitCorrection(CorrectionInfo)} with
* the given parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code getCurrentInputConnection().commitCorrection(correctionInfo)}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnBooleanValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @param correctionInfo to be passed as the {@code correctionInfo} parameter
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}
public ImeCommand callCommitCorrection(@Nullable CorrectionInfo correctionInfo) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putParcelable("correctionInfo", correctionInfo);
return callCommandInternal("commitCorrection", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call {@link InputConnection#setSelection(int, int)} with the given
* parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code getCurrentInputConnection().setSelection(start, end)}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnBooleanValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @param start to be passed as the {@code start} parameter
* @param end to be passed as the {@code end} parameter
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}
public ImeCommand callSetSelection(int start, int end) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putInt("start", start);
params.putInt("end", end);
return callCommandInternal("setSelection", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call {@link InputConnection#performEditorAction(int)} with the given
* parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code getCurrentInputConnection().performEditorAction(editorAction)}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnBooleanValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @param editorAction to be passed as the {@code editorAction} parameter
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}
public ImeCommand callPerformEditorAction(int editorAction) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putInt("editorAction", editorAction);
return callCommandInternal("performEditorAction", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call {@link InputConnection#performContextMenuAction(int)} with the
* given parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code getCurrentInputConnection().performContextMenuAction(id)}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnBooleanValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @param id to be passed as the {@code id} parameter
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}
public ImeCommand callPerformContextMenuAction(int id) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putInt("id", id);
return callCommandInternal("performContextMenuAction", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call {@link InputConnection#beginBatchEdit()} with the given
* parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code getCurrentInputConnection().beginBatchEdit()}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnBooleanValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}
public ImeCommand callBeginBatchEdit() {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
return callCommandInternal("beginBatchEdit", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call {@link InputConnection#endBatchEdit()} with the given
* parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code getCurrentInputConnection().endBatchEdit()}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnBooleanValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}
public ImeCommand callEndBatchEdit() {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
return callCommandInternal("endBatchEdit", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call {@link InputConnection#sendKeyEvent(KeyEvent)} with the given
* parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code getCurrentInputConnection().sendKeyEvent(event)}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnBooleanValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @param event to be passed as the {@code event} parameter
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}
public ImeCommand callSendKeyEvent(@Nullable KeyEvent event) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putParcelable("event", event);
return callCommandInternal("sendKeyEvent", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call {@link InputConnection#clearMetaKeyStates(int)} with the given
* parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code getCurrentInputConnection().sendKeyEvent(event)}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnBooleanValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @param states to be passed as the {@code states} parameter
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}
public ImeCommand callClearMetaKeyStates(int states) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putInt("states", states);
return callCommandInternal("clearMetaKeyStates", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call {@link InputConnection#reportFullscreenMode(boolean)} with the
* given parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code getCurrentInputConnection().reportFullscreenMode(enabled)}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnBooleanValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @param enabled to be passed as the {@code enabled} parameter
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}
public ImeCommand callReportFullscreenMode(boolean enabled) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putBoolean("enabled", enabled);
return callCommandInternal("reportFullscreenMode", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call {@link InputConnection#performPrivateCommand(String, Bundle)}
* with the given parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code getCurrentInputConnection().performPrivateCommand(action, data)}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnBooleanValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @param action to be passed as the {@code action} parameter
* @param data to be passed as the {@code data} parameter
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}
public ImeCommand callPerformPrivateCommand(@Nullable String action, Bundle data) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putString("action", action);
params.putBundle("data", data);
return callCommandInternal("performPrivateCommand", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call {@link InputConnection#requestCursorUpdates(int)} with the given
* parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code getCurrentInputConnection().requestCursorUpdates(cursorUpdateMode)}.
* </p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnBooleanValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @param cursorUpdateMode to be passed as the {@code cursorUpdateMode} parameter
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}
public ImeCommand callRequestCursorUpdates(int cursorUpdateMode) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putInt("cursorUpdateMode", cursorUpdateMode);
return callCommandInternal("requestCursorUpdates", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call {@link InputConnection#getHandler()} with the given parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code getCurrentInputConnection().getHandler()}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#isNullReturnValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API was {@code null} or not.</p>
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}
public ImeCommand callGetHandler() {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
return callCommandInternal("getHandler", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call {@link InputConnection#closeConnection()} with the given
* parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code getCurrentInputConnection().closeConnection()}.</p>
* <p>Return value information is not available for this command.</p>
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}
public ImeCommand callCloseConnection() {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
return callCommandInternal("closeConnection", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call
* {@link InputConnection#commitContent(InputContentInfo, int, Bundle)} with the given
* parameters.
* <p>This triggers
* {@code getCurrentInputConnection().commitContent(inputContentInfo, flags, opts)}.</p>
* <p>Use {@link ImeEvent#getReturnBooleanValue()} for {@link ImeEvent} returned from
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to see the
* value returned from the API.</p>
* @param inputContentInfo to be passed as the {@code inputContentInfo} parameter
* @param flags to be passed as the {@code flags} parameter
* @param opts to be passed as the {@code opts} parameter
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}
public ImeCommand callCommitContent(@NonNull InputContentInfo inputContentInfo, int flags,
@Nullable Bundle opts) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putParcelable("inputContentInfo", inputContentInfo);
params.putInt("flags", flags);
params.putBundle("opts", opts);
return callCommandInternal("commitContent", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call
* {@link android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService#setBackDisposition(int)} with the given
* parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code setBackDisposition(backDisposition)}.</p>
* @param backDisposition to be passed as the {@code backDisposition} parameter
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}
public ImeCommand callSetBackDisposition(int backDisposition) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putInt("backDisposition", backDisposition);
return callCommandInternal("setBackDisposition", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call
* {@link android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService#requestHideSelf(int)} with the given
* parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code requestHideSelf(flags)}.</p>
* @param flags to be passed as the {@code flags} parameter
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}
public ImeCommand callRequestHideSelf(int flags) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putInt("flags", flags);
return callCommandInternal("requestHideSelf", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} to call
* {@link android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService#requestShowSelf(int)} with the given
* parameters.
* <p>This triggers {@code requestShowSelf(flags)}.</p>
* @param flags to be passed as the {@code flags} parameter
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}
public ImeCommand callRequestShowSelf(int flags) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putInt("flags", flags);
return callCommandInternal("requestShowSelf", params);
* Lets {@link MockIme} call
* {@link android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService#sendDownUpKeyEvents(int)} with the given
* {@code keyEventCode}.
* @param keyEventCode to be passed as the {@code keyEventCode} parameter.
* @return {@link ImeCommand} object that can be passed to
* {@link ImeEventStreamTestUtils#expectCommand(ImeEventStream, ImeCommand, long)} to
* wait until this event is handled by {@link MockIme}
public ImeCommand callSendDownUpKeyEvents(int keyEventCode) {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putInt("keyEventCode", keyEventCode);
return callCommandInternal("sendDownUpKeyEvents", params);
public ImeCommand callGetDisplayId() {
final Bundle params = new Bundle();
return callCommandInternal("getDisplayId", params);