blob: 3d6a38886a918543b17e792a11d72802484a636d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Base class for device policy tests. It offers utility methods to run tests, set device or profile
* owner, etc.
public class BaseDevicePolicyTest extends DeviceTestCase implements IBuildReceiver {
private static final String RUNNER = "";
static final int USER_SYSTEM = 0; // From the UserHandle class.
private static final int FLAG_PRIMARY = 1; // From the UserInfo class
protected IBuildInfo mCtsBuild;
private String mPackageVerifier;
private HashSet<String> mAvailableFeatures;
protected boolean mHasFeature;
private ArrayList<Integer> mOriginalUsers;
public void setBuild(IBuildInfo buildInfo) {
mCtsBuild = buildInfo;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
assertNotNull(mCtsBuild); // ensure build has been set before test is run.
mHasFeature = getDevice().getApiLevel() >= 21 /* Build.VERSION_CODES.L */
&& hasDeviceFeature("");
// disable the package verifier to avoid the dialog when installing an app
mPackageVerifier = getDevice().executeShellCommand(
"settings get global package_verifier_enable");
getDevice().executeShellCommand("settings put global package_verifier_enable 0");
mOriginalUsers = listUsers();
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
// reset the package verifier setting to its original value
getDevice().executeShellCommand("settings put global package_verifier_enable "
+ mPackageVerifier);
protected void installApp(String fileName)
throws FileNotFoundException, DeviceNotAvailableException {
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Installing app " + fileName);
String installResult = getDevice().installPackage(
MigrationHelper.getTestFile(mCtsBuild, fileName), true);
assertNull(String.format("Failed to install %s, Reason: %s", fileName, installResult),
protected void installAppAsUser(String appFileName, int userId) throws FileNotFoundException,
DeviceNotAvailableException {
final ITestDevice device = getDevice();
final File apk = MigrationHelper.getTestFile(mCtsBuild, appFileName);
final String remotePath = "/data/local/tmp/" + apk.getName();
if (!device.pushFile(apk, remotePath)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to push " + apk);
final String result = device.executeShellCommand(
"pm install -r --user " + userId + " " + remotePath);
assertTrue(result, result.contains("\nSuccess"));
/** Initializes the user with the given id. This is required so that apps can run on it. */
protected void startUser(int userId) throws Exception {
String command = "am start-user " + userId;
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Starting command " + command);
String commandOutput = getDevice().executeShellCommand(command);
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Output for command " + command + ": " + commandOutput);
assertTrue(commandOutput + " expected to start with \"Success:\"",
protected void switchUser(int userId) throws Exception {
String command = "am switch-user " + userId;
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Starting command " + command);
String commandOutput = getDevice().executeShellCommand(command);
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Output for command " + command + ": " + commandOutput);
protected int getMaxNumberOfUsersSupported() throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
// TODO: move this to ITestDevice once it supports users
String command = "pm get-max-users";
String commandOutput = getDevice().executeShellCommand(command);
CLog.i("Output for command " + command + ": " + commandOutput);
try {
return Integer.parseInt(commandOutput.substring(commandOutput.lastIndexOf(" ")).trim());
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
fail("Failed to parse result: " + commandOutput);
return 0;
protected int getUserFlags(int userId) throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
String command = "pm list users";
String commandOutput = getDevice().executeShellCommand(command);
CLog.i("Output for command " + command + ": " + commandOutput);
String[] lines = commandOutput.split("\\r?\\n");
assertTrue(commandOutput + " should contain at least one line", lines.length >= 1);
for (int i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
// Individual user is printed out like this:
// \tUserInfo{$id$:$name$:$Integer.toHexString(flags)$} [running]
String[] tokens = lines[i].split("\\{|\\}|:");
assertTrue(lines[i] + " doesn't contain 4 or 5 tokens",
tokens.length == 4 || tokens.length == 5);
// If the user IDs match, return the flags.
if (Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]) == userId) {
return Integer.parseInt(tokens[3], 16);
fail("User not found");
return 0;
protected ArrayList<Integer> listUsers() throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
String command = "pm list users";
String commandOutput = getDevice().executeShellCommand(command);
CLog.i("Output for command " + command + ": " + commandOutput);
// Extract the id of all existing users.
String[] lines = commandOutput.split("\\r?\\n");
assertTrue(commandOutput + " should contain at least one line", lines.length >= 1);
assertEquals(commandOutput, lines[0], "Users:");
ArrayList<Integer> users = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
// Individual user is printed out like this:
// \tUserInfo{$id$:$name$:$Integer.toHexString(flags)$} [running]
String[] tokens = lines[i].split("\\{|\\}|:");
assertTrue(lines[i] + " doesn't contain 4 or 5 tokens",
tokens.length == 4 || tokens.length == 5);
return users;
protected void stopUser(int userId) throws Exception {
String stopUserCommand = "am stop-user -w " + userId;
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "starting command \"" + stopUserCommand + "\" and waiting.");
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Output for command " + stopUserCommand + ": "
+ getDevice().executeShellCommand(stopUserCommand));
protected void removeUser(int userId) throws Exception {
String removeUserCommand = "pm remove-user " + userId;
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "starting command " + removeUserCommand);
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Output for command " + removeUserCommand + ": "
+ getDevice().executeShellCommand(removeUserCommand));
protected void removeTestUsers() throws Exception {
for (int userId : listUsers()) {
if (!mOriginalUsers.contains(userId)) {
/** Returns true if the specified tests passed. Tests are run as user owner. */
protected boolean runDeviceTests(String pkgName, @Nullable String testClassName)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
return runDeviceTests(pkgName, testClassName, null /*testMethodName*/, null /*userId*/);
/** Returns true if the specified tests passed. Tests are run as given user. */
protected boolean runDeviceTestsAsUser(
String pkgName, @Nullable String testClassName, int userId)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
return runDeviceTestsAsUser(pkgName, testClassName, null, userId);
/** Returns true if the specified tests passed. Tests are run as given user. */
protected boolean runDeviceTestsAsUser(
String pkgName, @Nullable String testClassName, String testMethodName, int userId)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
return runDeviceTests(pkgName, testClassName, testMethodName, userId);
protected boolean runDeviceTests(String pkgName, @Nullable String testClassName,
@Nullable String testMethodName, @Nullable Integer userId)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
return runDeviceTests(pkgName, testClassName, testMethodName, userId, /*params*/ null);
protected boolean runDeviceTests(String pkgName, @Nullable String testClassName,
@Nullable String testMethodName, @Nullable Integer userId, @Nullable String params)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
if (testClassName != null && testClassName.startsWith(".")) {
testClassName = pkgName + testClassName;
TestRunResult runResult = (userId == null && params == null)
? doRunTests(pkgName, testClassName, testMethodName)
: doRunTestsAsUser(pkgName, testClassName, testMethodName,
userId != null ? userId : 0, params != null ? params : "");
return !runResult.hasFailedTests() && runResult.getNumTestsInState(TestStatus.PASSED) > 0;
/** Returns true if the system supports the split between system and primary user. */
protected boolean hasUserSplit() throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
return getBooleanSystemProperty("ro.fw.system_user_split", false);
/** Returns a boolean value of the system property with the specified key. */
protected boolean getBooleanSystemProperty(String key, boolean defaultValue)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
final String[] positiveValues = {"1", "y", "yes", "true", "on"};
final String[] negativeValues = {"0", "n", "no", "false", "off"};
String propertyValue = getDevice().getProperty(key);
if (propertyValue == null || propertyValue.isEmpty()) {
return defaultValue;
if (Arrays.asList(positiveValues).contains(propertyValue)) {
return true;
if (Arrays.asList(negativeValues).contains(propertyValue)) {
return false;
fail("Unexpected value of boolean system property '" + key + "': " + propertyValue);
return false;
/** Helper method to run tests and return the listener that collected the results. */
private TestRunResult doRunTests(
String pkgName, String testClassName,
String testMethodName) throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
RemoteAndroidTestRunner testRunner = new RemoteAndroidTestRunner(
pkgName, RUNNER, getDevice().getIDevice());
if (testClassName != null && testMethodName != null) {
testRunner.setMethodName(testClassName, testMethodName);
} else if (testClassName != null) {
CollectingTestListener listener = new CollectingTestListener();
assertTrue(getDevice().runInstrumentationTests(testRunner, listener));
return listener.getCurrentRunResults();
private TestRunResult doRunTestsAsUser(String pkgName, @Nullable String testClassName,
@Nullable String testMethodName, int userId, String params)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
// TODO: move this to RemoteAndroidTestRunner once it supports users. Should be straight
// forward to add a RemoteAndroidTestRunner.setUser(userId) method. Then we can merge both
// doRunTests* methods.
StringBuilder testsToRun = new StringBuilder();
if (testClassName != null) {
testsToRun.append("-e class " + testClassName);
if (testMethodName != null) {
testsToRun.append("#" + testMethodName);
String command = "am instrument --user " + userId + " " + params + " -w -r "
+ testsToRun + " " + pkgName + "/" + RUNNER;
CLog.i("Running " + command);
CollectingTestListener listener = new CollectingTestListener();
InstrumentationResultParser parser = new InstrumentationResultParser(pkgName, listener);
getDevice().executeShellCommand(command, parser);
return listener.getCurrentRunResults();
private void printTestResult(TestRunResult runResult) {
for (Map.Entry<TestIdentifier, TestResult> testEntry :
runResult.getTestResults().entrySet()) {
TestResult testResult = testEntry.getValue();
"Test " + testEntry.getKey() + ": " + testResult.getStatus());
if (testResult.getStatus() != TestStatus.PASSED) {
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.WARN, testResult.getStackTrace());
protected boolean hasDeviceFeature(String requiredFeature) throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
if (mAvailableFeatures == null) {
// TODO: Move this logic to ITestDevice.
String command = "pm list features";
String commandOutput = getDevice().executeShellCommand(command);
CLog.i("Output for command " + command + ": " + commandOutput);
// Extract the id of the new user.
mAvailableFeatures = new HashSet<>();
for (String feature: commandOutput.split("\\s+")) {
// Each line in the output of the command has the format "feature:{FEATURE_VALUE}".
String[] tokens = feature.split(":");
assertTrue("\"" + feature + "\" expected to have format feature:{FEATURE_VALUE}",
tokens.length > 1);
assertEquals(feature, "feature", tokens[0]);
boolean result = mAvailableFeatures.contains(requiredFeature);
if (!result) {
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Device doesn't have required feature "
+ requiredFeature + ". Test won't run.");
return result;
protected int createUser() throws Exception {
return createUser(false);
protected int createUser(boolean ephemeral) throws Exception {
String command ="pm create-user " + (ephemeral ? "--ephemeral " : "")
+ "TestUser_" + System.currentTimeMillis();
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Starting command " + command);
String commandOutput = getDevice().executeShellCommand(command);
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Output for command " + command + ": " + commandOutput);
// Extract the id of the new user.
String[] tokens = commandOutput.split("\\s+");
assertTrue(tokens.length > 0);
assertEquals("Success:", tokens[0]);
return Integer.parseInt(tokens[tokens.length-1]);
protected int createManagedProfile(int parentUserId) throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
String command = "pm create-user --profileOf " + parentUserId + " --managed "
+ "TestProfile_" + System.currentTimeMillis();
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Starting command " + command);
String commandOutput = getDevice().executeShellCommand(command);
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Output for command " + command + ": " + commandOutput);
// Extract the id of the new user.
String[] tokens = commandOutput.split("\\s+");
assertTrue(commandOutput + " expected to have format \"Success: {USER_ID}\"",
tokens.length > 0);
assertEquals(commandOutput, "Success:", tokens[0]);
return Integer.parseInt(tokens[tokens.length-1]);
// TODO: use the method from once it is available.
protected int getPrimaryUser() throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
final String command = "pm list users";
final String commandOutput = getDevice().executeShellCommand(command);
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Output for command " + command + ": " + commandOutput);
final String[] lines = commandOutput.split("\\n");
final Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\{(\\d+):.*:(\\d+)");
for (String line : lines) {
Matcher m = p.matcher(line);
if (m.find()) {
final int flag = Integer.parseInt(;
if ((flag & FLAG_PRIMARY) != 0) {
return Integer.parseInt(;
fail("There is no primary user on this device?");
return -1;
protected int getUserSerialNumber(int userId) throws DeviceNotAvailableException{
// dumpsys user return lines like "UserInfo{0:Owner:13} serialNo=0"
String commandOutput = getDevice().executeShellCommand("dumpsys user");
String[] tokens = commandOutput.split("\\n");
for (String token : tokens) {
token = token.trim();
if (token.contains("UserInfo{" + userId + ":")) {
String[] split = token.split("serialNo=");
assertTrue(split.length == 2);
int serialNumber = Integer.parseInt(split[1]);
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Serial number of user " + userId + ": "
+ serialNumber);
return serialNumber;
fail("Couldn't find user " + userId);
return -1;
protected boolean setProfileOwner(String componentName, int userId)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
String command = "dpm set-profile-owner --user " + userId + " '" + componentName + "'";
String commandOutput = getDevice().executeShellCommand(command);
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Output for command " + command + ": " + commandOutput);
return commandOutput.startsWith("Success:");
protected void setProfileOwnerOrFail(String componentName, int userId)
throws Exception {
if (!setProfileOwner(componentName, userId)) {
fail("Failed to set profile owner");
protected void setDeviceAdmin(String componentName, int userId)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
String command = "dpm set-active-admin --user " + userId + " '" + componentName + "'";
String commandOutput = getDevice().executeShellCommand(command);
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Output for command " + command + ": " + commandOutput);
assertTrue(commandOutput + " expected to start with \"Success:\"",
protected boolean setDeviceOwner(String componentName) throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
String command = "dpm set-device-owner '" + componentName + "'";
String commandOutput = getDevice().executeShellCommand(command);
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Output for command " + command + ": " + commandOutput);
return commandOutput.startsWith("Success:");
protected String getSettings(String namespace, String name, int userId)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
String command = "settings --user " + userId + " get " + namespace + " " + name;
String commandOutput = getDevice().executeShellCommand(command);
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Output for command " + command + ": " + commandOutput);
return commandOutput.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "");
protected void putSettings(String namespace, String name, String value, int userId)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
String command = "settings --user " + userId + " put " + namespace + " " + name
+ " " + value;
String commandOutput = getDevice().executeShellCommand(command);
CLog.logAndDisplay(LogLevel.INFO, "Output for command " + command + ": " + commandOutput);