blob: 85d49a8cd9f85a67a09d1346b146fba37451dcfe [file] [log] [blame]
# - takes an input SELinux policy.conf file and generates
# an XML file based on the allow and neverallow rules. The file contains rules,
# which are created by expanding the SELinux rule notation into the individual
# components which a checkAccess() check, that a policy manager would have to
# perform, needs.
# This test does not work with all valid SELinux policy.conf files. It is meant
# to simply use a given AOSP generated policy.conf file to create sets
# representing the policy's types, attributes, classes and permissions, which
# are used to expand the allow and neverallow rules found. For a full parser
# and compiler of SELinux, see external/checkpolicy.
# @dcashman
import pdb
import re
import sys
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, tostring
from xml.dom import minidom
import SELinux_CTS
from SELinux_CTS import SELinuxPolicy
usage = "Usage: ./ input_policy_file output_xml_avc_rules_file neverallow_only=[t/f]"
if __name__ == "__main__":
# check usage
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print usage
input_file = sys.argv[1]
output_file = sys.argv[2]
neverallow_only = (sys.argv[3] == "neverallow_only=t")
policy = SELinuxPolicy()
policy.from_file_name(input_file) #load data from file
# expand rules into 4-tuples for SELinux.h checkAccess() check
xml_root = Element('SELinux_AVC_Rules')
if not neverallow_only:
count = 1
for a in policy.allow_rules:
expanded_xml = SELinux_CTS.expand_avc_rule_to_xml(policy, a, str(count), 'allow')
if len(expanded_xml):
count += 1
count = 1
for n in policy.neverallow_rules:
expanded_xml = SELinux_CTS.expand_avc_rule_to_xml(policy, n, str(count), 'neverallow')
if len(expanded_xml):
count += 1
#print out the xml file
s = tostring(xml_root)
s_parsed = minidom.parseString(s)
output = s_parsed.toprettyxml(indent=" ")
with open(output_file, 'w') as out_file: