blob: 36fb67932e6ccaca3e39fd7a5a43157061efbc27 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Writes an IVF file.
* IVF format is a simple container format for VP8 encoded frames defined at
public class IvfWriter {
private static final byte HEADER_END = 32;
private RandomAccessFile mOutputFile;
private int mWidth;
private int mHeight;
private int mScale;
private int mRate;
private int mFrameCount;
private String mMimeType;
* Initializes the IVF file writer.
* Timebase fraction is in format scale/rate, e.g. 1/1000
* Timestamp values supplied while writing frames should be in accordance
* with this timebase value.
* @param filename name of the IVF file
* @param mimeType mime type of the codec
* @param width frame width
* @param height frame height
* @param scale timebase scale (or numerator of the timebase fraction)
* @param rate timebase rate (or denominator of the timebase fraction)
public IvfWriter(
String filename, String mimeType, int width, int height, int scale,
int rate) throws IOException {
mOutputFile = new RandomAccessFile(filename, "rw");
mMimeType = mimeType;
mWidth = width;
mHeight = height;
mScale = scale;
mRate = rate;
mFrameCount = 0;
mOutputFile.setLength(0);; // Skip the header for now, as framecount is unknown
* Initializes the IVF file writer with a microsecond timebase.
* Microsecond timebase is default for OMX thus stagefright.
* @param filename name of the IVF file
* @param mimeType mime type of the codec
* @param width frame width
* @param height frame height
public IvfWriter(String filename, String mimeType, int width, int height) throws IOException {
this(filename, mimeType, width, height, 1, 1000000);
* Finalizes the IVF header and closes the file.
public void close() throws IOException{
// Write header now;
mOutputFile.write(makeIvfHeader(mFrameCount, mWidth, mHeight, mScale, mRate, mMimeType));
* Writes a single encoded VP8 frame with its frame header.
* @param frame actual contents of the encoded frame data
* @param timeStamp timestamp of the frame (in accordance to specified timebase)
public void writeFrame(byte[] frame, long timeStamp) throws IOException {
mOutputFile.write(makeIvfFrameHeader(frame.length, timeStamp));
* Makes a 32 byte file header for IVF format.
* Timebase fraction is in format scale/rate, e.g. 1/1000
* @param frameCount total number of frames file contains
* @param width frame width
* @param height frame height
* @param scale timebase scale (or numerator of the timebase fraction)
* @param rate timebase rate (or denominator of the timebase fraction)
private static byte[] makeIvfHeader(
int frameCount, int width, int height, int scale, int rate, String mimeType) {
byte[] ivfHeader = new byte[32];
ivfHeader[0] = 'D';
ivfHeader[1] = 'K';
ivfHeader[2] = 'I';
ivfHeader[3] = 'F';
lay16Bits(ivfHeader, 4, 0); // version
lay16Bits(ivfHeader, 6, 32); // header size
ivfHeader[8] = 'V'; // fourcc
ivfHeader[9] = 'P';
ivfHeader[10] = (byte) (MediaFormat.MIMETYPE_VIDEO_VP8.equals(mimeType) ? '8' : '9');
ivfHeader[11] = '0';
lay16Bits(ivfHeader, 12, width);
lay16Bits(ivfHeader, 14, height);
lay32Bits(ivfHeader, 16, rate); // scale/rate
lay32Bits(ivfHeader, 20, scale);
lay32Bits(ivfHeader, 24, frameCount);
lay32Bits(ivfHeader, 28, 0); // unused
return ivfHeader;
* Makes a 12 byte header for an encoded frame.
* @param size frame size
* @param timestamp presentation timestamp of the frame
private static byte[] makeIvfFrameHeader(int size, long timestamp){
byte[] frameHeader = new byte[12];
lay32Bits(frameHeader, 0, size);
lay64bits(frameHeader, 4, timestamp);
return frameHeader;
* Lays least significant 16 bits of an int into 2 items of a byte array.
* Note that ordering is little-endian.
* @param array the array to be modified
* @param index index of the array to start laying down
* @param value the integer to use least significant 16 bits
private static void lay16Bits(byte[] array, int index, int value){
array[index] = (byte) (value);
array[index + 1] = (byte) (value >> 8);
* Lays an int into 4 items of a byte array.
* Note that ordering is little-endian.
* @param array the array to be modified
* @param index index of the array to start laying down
* @param value the integer to use
private static void lay32Bits(byte[] array, int index, int value){
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
array[index + i] = (byte) (value >> (i * 8));
* Lays a long int into 8 items of a byte array.
* Note that ordering is little-endian.
* @param array the array to be modified
* @param index index of the array to start laying down
* @param value the integer to use
private static void lay64bits(byte[] array, int index, long value){
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
array[index + i] = (byte) (value >> (i * 8));