blob: 1a02f5200c1c2b511c8f3239267200901cf52787 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package {
default_applicable_licenses: ["Android-Apache-2.0"],
java_defaults {
name: "CtsSplitAppDefaults",
defaults: ["cts_support_defaults"],
srcs: ["src/**/*.java"],
asset_dirs: ["assets"],
sdk_version: "current",
min_sdk_version: "4",
aapt_include_all_resources: true,
static_libs: [
libs: [
android_test_helper_app {
name: "CtsSplitApp",
defaults: ["CtsSplitAppDefaults"],
package_splits: [
certificate: ":cts-testkey1",
aaptflags: [
"--version-code 100",
"--version-name OneHundred",
// Feature splits are dependent on this base, so it must be exported.
export_package_resources: true,
test_suites: [
// Define a variant with a different revision code
android_test_helper_app {
name: "CtsSplitAppDiffRevision",
defaults: ["CtsSplitAppDefaults"],
package_splits: ["v7"],
certificate: ":cts-testkey1",
aaptflags: [
"--version-code 100",
"--revision-code 12",
"--version-name OneHundredRevisionTwelve",
test_suites: [
// Define a variant with a different version code
android_test_helper_app {
name: "CtsSplitAppDiffVersion",
defaults: ["CtsSplitAppDefaults"],
package_splits: ["v7"],
certificate: ":cts-testkey1",
aaptflags: [
"--version-code 101",
"--version-name OneHundredOne",
test_suites: [
// Define a variant with a different signature
android_test_helper_app {
name: "CtsSplitAppDiffCert",
defaults: ["CtsSplitAppDefaults"],
package_splits: ["v7"],
certificate: ":cts-testkey2",
aaptflags: [
"--version-code 100",
"--version-name OneHundred",
test_suites: [
// Define a variant requiring a split for install
android_test_helper_app {
name: "CtsNeedSplitApp",
defaults: ["CtsSplitAppDefaults"],
manifest: "needsplit/AndroidManifest.xml",
package_splits: ["xxhdpi-v4"],
certificate: ":cts-testkey1",
aaptflags: [
"--version-code 100",
"--version-name OneHundredRevisionTwelve",
test_suites: [
// Define a variant with different codes and resources for the inherit updated test of the base apk
android_test_helper_app {
name: "CtsSplitAppRevisionA",
defaults: ["CtsSplitAppDefaults"],
srcs: ["src/**/*.java", "revision_a/src/**/*.java"],
resource_dirs: ["res", "revision_a/res"],
asset_dirs: ["revision_a/assets"],
manifest : "revision_a/AndroidManifest.xml",
package_splits: ["v7"],
certificate: ":cts-testkey1",
aaptflags: [
"--version-code 100",
"--revision-code 10",
"--version-name OneHundredRevisionTen",
test_suites: [
// Define a variant which includes a provider and service declared in other split apk. And they only
// could be tested in the instant app.
android_test_helper_app {
name: "CtsSplitInstantApp",
defaults: ["CtsSplitAppDefaults"],
manifest : "instantapp/AndroidManifest.xml",
certificate: ":cts-testkey1",
aaptflags: [
"--version-code 100",
"--version-name OneHundred",
test_suites: [