ITS: update tools/ with improvements

Use rawStats instead of raw captures to speed things up.
Use a smaller tile size to reduce low freq image changes
Increase exposure bracketing stops from 4 to 8

Minor gpylint cleanups for alignment and spacing.

bug: 158028170
Change-Id: I6e2007bb8f350071b719af68a051858dc7c80af1
diff --git a/apps/CameraITS/tools/ b/apps/CameraITS/tools/
index b490d19..db37deb 100644
--- a/apps/CameraITS/tools/
+++ b/apps/CameraITS/tools/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+# Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project. Lint as python2
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 import its.image
 import its.objects
-import matplotlib
 from matplotlib import pylab
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 import numpy as np
@@ -29,61 +28,24 @@
 import scipy.stats
 BAYER_LIST = ['R', 'GR', 'GB', 'B']
+BRACKET_MAX = 8  # Exposure bracketing range in stops
+COLORS = 'rygcbm'  # Colors used for plotting the data for each exposure.
+MAX_SIGNAL_VALUE = 0.25  # Maximum value to allow mean of the tiles to go.
 NAME = os.path.basename(__file__).split('.')[0]
-def tile(a, tile_size):
-    """Convert a 2D array to 4D w/ dims [tile_size, tile_size, row, col] where row, col are tile indices.
-    """
-    tile_rows, tile_cols = a.shape[0]/tile_size, a.shape[1]/tile_size
-    a = a.reshape([tile_rows, tile_size, tile_cols, tile_size])
-    a = a.transpose([1, 3, 0, 2])
-    return a
+STEPS_PER_STOP = 2  # How many sensitivities per stop to sample.
+# How large of tiles to use to compute mean/variance.
+# Large tiles may have their variance corrupted by low frequency
+# image changes (lens shading, scene illumination).
 def main():
     """Capture a set of raw images with increasing analog gains and measure the noise.
-    # How many sensitivities per stop to sample.
-    steps_per_stop = 2
-    # How large of tiles to use to compute mean/variance.
-    tile_size = 64
-    # Exposure bracketing range in stops
-    bracket_stops = 4
-    # How high to allow the mean of the tiles to go.
-    max_signal_level = 0.25
-    # Colors used for plotting the data for each exposure.
-    colors = 'rygcbm'
-    # Define a first order high pass filter to eliminate low frequency
-    # signal content when computing variance.
-    f = np.array([-1, 1]).astype('float32')
-    # Make it a higher order filter by convolving the first order
-    # filter with itself a few times.
-    f = np.convolve(f, f)
-    f = np.convolve(f, f)
-    # Compute the normalization of the filter to preserve noise
-    # power. Let a be the normalization factor we're looking for, and
-    # Let X and X' be the random variables representing the noise
-    # before and after filtering, respectively. First, compute
-    # Var[a*X']:
-    #
-    #   Var[a*X'] = a^2*Var[X*f_0 + X*f_1 + ... + X*f_N-1]
-    #             = a^2*(f_0^2*Var[X] + f_1^2*Var[X] + ... + (f_N-1)^2*Var[X])
-    #             = sum(f_i^2)*a^2*Var[X]
-    #
-    # We want Var[a*X'] to be equal to Var[X]:
-    #
-    #    sum(f_i^2)*a^2*Var[X] = Var[X] -> a = sqrt(1/sum(f_i^2))
-    #
-    # We can just bake this normalization factor into the high pass
-    # filter kernel.
-    f /= math.sqrt(, f))
-    bracket_factor = math.pow(2, bracket_stops)
+    bracket_factor = math.pow(2, BRACKET_MAX)
     with its.device.ItsSession() as cam:
         props = cam.get_camera_properties()
@@ -95,28 +57,28 @@
         sens_max_meas = sens_max_analog
         white_level = props['']
-        print "Sensitivity range: [%f, %f]" % (sens_min, sens_max)
-        print "Max analog sensitivity: %f" % (sens_max_analog)
+        print 'Sensitivity range: [%f, %f]' % (sens_min, sens_max)
+        print 'Max analog sensitivity: %f' % (sens_max_analog)
         # Do AE to get a rough idea of where we are.
-        s_ae, e_ae, _, _, _ = \
-            cam.do_3a(get_results=True, do_awb=False, do_af=False)
+        s_ae, e_ae, _, _, _ = cam.do_3a(
+                get_results=True, do_awb=False, do_af=False)
         # Underexpose to get more data for low signal levels.
-        auto_e = s_ae*e_ae/bracket_factor
+        auto_e = s_ae * e_ae / bracket_factor
         # Focus at zero to intentionally blur the scene as much as possible.
         f_dist = 0.0
         # If the auto-exposure result is too bright for the highest
         # sensitivity or too dark for the lowest sensitivity, report
         # an error.
-        min_exposure_ns, max_exposure_ns = \
-            props['']
+        min_exposure_ns, max_exposure_ns = props[
+                '']
         if auto_e < min_exposure_ns*sens_max_meas:
-            raise its.error.Error("Scene is too bright to properly expose \
-                                  at the highest sensitivity")
+            raise its.error.Error('Scene is too bright to properly expose '
+                                  'at the highest sensitivity')
         if auto_e*bracket_factor > max_exposure_ns*sens_min:
-            raise its.error.Error("Scene is too dark to properly expose \
-                                  at the lowest sensitivity")
+            raise its.error.Error('Scene is too dark to properly expose '
+                                  'at the lowest sensitivity')
         # Start the sensitivities at the minimum.
         s = sens_min
@@ -138,57 +100,56 @@
             samples_s = [[], [], [], []]
-            for b in range(0, bracket_stops):
+            for b in range(BRACKET_MAX):
                 # Get the exposure for this sensitivity and exposure time.
                 e = int(math.pow(2, b)*auto_e/float(s))
                 print 'exp %.3fms' % round(e*1.0E-6, 3)
                 req = its.objects.manual_capture_request(s_int, e, f_dist)
-                cap = cam.do_capture(req, cam.CAP_RAW)
-                planes = its.image.convert_capture_to_planes(cap, props)
-                e_read = cap['metadata']['android.sensor.exposureTime']
+                fmt_raw = {'format': 'rawStats',
+                           'gridWidth': TILE_SIZE,
+                           'gridHeight': TILE_SIZE}
+                cap = cam.do_capture(req, fmt_raw)
+                mean_image, var_image = its.image.unpack_rawstats_capture(cap)
+                idxs = its.image.get_canonical_cfa_order(props)
+                means = [mean_image[:, :, i] for i in idxs]
+                vars_ = [var_image[:, :, i] for i in idxs]
                 s_read = cap['metadata']['android.sensor.sensitivity']
                 s_err = 's_write: %d, s_read: %d, RTOL: %.2f' % (
                         s, s_read, RTOL_EXP_GAIN)
                 assert (1.0 >= s_read/float(s_int) >= RTOL_EXP_GAIN), s_err
                 print 'ISO_write: %d, ISO_read: %d' %  (s_int, s_read)
-                for (pidx, p) in enumerate(planes):
+                for pidx in range(len(means)):
                     plot = color_plane_plots[s_int][pidx]
-                    p = p.squeeze()
-                    # Crop the plane to be a multiple of the tile size.
-                    p = p[0:p.shape[0] - p.shape[0]%tile_size,
-                          0:p.shape[1] - p.shape[1]%tile_size]
                     # convert_capture_to_planes normalizes the range
                     # to [0, 1], but without subtracting the black
                     # level.
                     black_level = its.image.get_black_level(
-                            pidx, props, cap["metadata"])
-                    p *= white_level
-                    p = (p - black_level)/(white_level - black_level)
+                            pidx, props, cap['metadata'])
+                    means_p = (means[pidx] - black_level)/(white_level - black_level)
+                    vars_p = vars_[pidx]/((white_level - black_level)**2)
-                    # Use our high pass filter to filter this plane.
-                    hp = scipy.signal.sepfir2d(p, f, f).astype('float32')
+                    # TODO(dsharlet): It should be possible to account for low
+                    # frequency variation by looking at neighboring means, but I
+                    # have not been able to make this work.
-                    means_tiled = \
-                        np.mean(tile(p, tile_size), axis=(0, 1)).flatten()
-                    vars_tiled = \
-                        np.var(tile(hp, tile_size), axis=(0, 1)).flatten()
+                    means_p = np.asarray(means_p).flatten()
+                    vars_p = np.asarray(vars_p).flatten()
                     samples_e = []
-                    for (mean, var) in zip(means_tiled, vars_tiled):
+                    for (mean, var) in zip(means_p, vars_p):
                         # Don't include the tile if it has samples that might
                         # be clipped.
-                        if mean + 2*math.sqrt(var) < max_signal_level:
+                        if mean + 2*math.sqrt(max(var, 0)) < MAX_SIGNAL_VALUE:
                             samples_e.append([mean, var])
                     if samples_e:
                         means_e, vars_e = zip(*samples_e)
-                                means_e, vars_e, colors[b%len(colors)] + '.',
-                                alpha=0.5)
+                                means_e, vars_e, COLORS[b%len(COLORS)] + '.',
+                                alpha=0.5, markersize=1)
             for (pidx, p) in enumerate(samples_s):
@@ -200,15 +161,12 @@
                 samples[pidx].extend([(s_int, mean, var) for (mean, var) in samples_s[pidx]])
                 # Add the linear fit to subplot for this sensitivity.
-                # pylab.subplot(2, 2, pidx+1)
-                #pylab.plot([0, max_signal_level], [O, O + S*max_signal_level], 'rgkb'[pidx]+'--',
-                           #label="Linear fit")
-                color_plane_plots[s_int][pidx].plot([0, max_signal_level],
-                        [O, O + S*max_signal_level], 'rgkb'[pidx]+'--',
-                        label="Linear fit")
+                color_plane_plots[s_int][pidx].plot(
+                        [0, MAX_SIGNAL_VALUE], [O, O + S*MAX_SIGNAL_VALUE],
+                        'rgkb'[pidx]+'--', label='Linear fit')
-                xmax = max([max([x for (x, _) in p]) for p in samples_s])*1.25
-                ymax = max([max([y for (_, y) in p]) for p in samples_s])*1.25
+                xmax = max([max([x for (x, _) in p]) for p in samples_s])*MAX_SCALE_FUDGE
+                ymax = (O + S*xmax)*MAX_SCALE_FUDGE
                 color_plane_plots[s_int][pidx].set_xlim(xmin=0, xmax=xmax)
                 color_plane_plots[s_int][pidx].set_ylim(ymin=0, ymax=ymax)
@@ -218,7 +176,7 @@
             plots.append([s_int, fig])
             # Move to the next sensitivity.
-            s *= math.pow(2, 1.0/steps_per_stop)
+            s *= math.pow(2, 1.0/STEPS_PER_STOP)
         # do model plots
         (fig, (plt_S, plt_O)) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(11, 8.5))
@@ -242,28 +200,23 @@
             gains = np.asarray([s[0] for s in samples[pidx]])
             means = np.asarray([s[1] for s in samples[pidx]])
             vars_ = np.asarray([s[2] for s in samples[pidx]])
+            gains = gains.flatten()
+            means = means.flatten()
+            vars_ = vars_.flatten()
             # Define digital gain as the gain above the max analog gain
             # per the Camera2 spec. Also, define a corresponding C
             # expression snippet to use in the generated model code.
             digital_gains = np.maximum(gains/sens_max_analog, 1)
-            digital_gain_cdef = "(sens / %d.0) < 1.0 ? 1.0 : (sens / %d.0)" % \
+            assert np.all(digital_gains == 1)
+            digital_gain_cdef = '(sens / %d.0) < 1.0 ? 1.0 : (sens / %d.0)' % \
                 (sens_max_analog, sens_max_analog)
-            # Find the noise model parameters via least squares fit.
-            ad = gains*means
-            bd = means
-            cd = gains*gains
-            dd = digital_gains*digital_gains
-            a = np.asarray([ad, bd, cd, dd]).T
-            b = vars_
+            # Divide the whole system by gains*means.
+            f = lambda x, a, b, c, d: (c*(x[0]**2) + d + (x[1])*a*x[0] + (x[1])*b)/(x[0])
+            [result, _] = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(f, (gains, means), vars_/(gains))
-            # To avoid overfitting to high ISOs (high variances), divide the system
-            # by the gains.
-            a /= (np.tile(gains, (a.shape[1], 1)).T)
-            b /= gains
-            [A_p, B_p, C_p, D_p], _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(a, b)
+            [A_p, B_p, C_p, D_p] = result[0:4]
@@ -276,16 +229,17 @@
                 C_p*sens_sq + D_p*np.square(np.maximum(sens/sens_max_analog, 1))
             plt_S.loglog(sens, S_measured, 'rgkb'[pidx]+'+', basex=10, basey=10,
-                         label="Measured")
-            plt_S.loglog(sens, S_model, 'rgkb'[pidx]+'x', basex=10, basey=10, label="Model")
+                         label='Measured')
+            plt_S.loglog(sens, S_model, 'rgkb'[pidx]+'x', basex=10, basey=10,
+                         label='Model')
             plt_O.loglog(sens, O_measured, 'rgkb'[pidx]+'+', basex=10, basey=10,
-                         label="Measured")
-            plt_O.loglog(sens, O_model, 'rgkb'[pidx]+'x', basex=10, basey=10, label="Model")
+                         label='Measured')
+            plt_O.loglog(sens, O_model, 'rgkb'[pidx]+'x', basex=10, basey=10,
+                         label='Model')
-        fig.savefig("%s.png" % (NAME))
+        fig.savefig('%s.png' % (NAME))
         # add models to subplots and re-save
         for [s, fig] in plots:  # re-step through figs...
@@ -294,9 +248,9 @@
             for (pidx, p) in enumerate(measured_models):
                 S = A[pidx]*s + B[pidx]
                 O = C[pidx]*s*s + D[pidx]*dg*dg
-                color_plane_plots[s][pidx].plot([0, max_signal_level],
-                        [O, O + S*max_signal_level], 'rgkb'[pidx]+'-',
-                        label="Model", alpha=0.5)
+                color_plane_plots[s][pidx].plot(
+                        [0, MAX_SIGNAL_VALUE], [O, O + S*MAX_SIGNAL_VALUE],
+                        'rgkb'[pidx]+'-', label='Model', alpha=0.5)
                 color_plane_plots[s][pidx].legend(loc='upper left')
             fig.savefig('%s_samples_iso%04d.png' % (NAME, s))