blob: 602ddd5bfbfe2efd397a2395f875c8f210ecc848 [file] [log] [blame]
CTS Trade Federation
CTS Trade Federation, cts-tradefed for short, is an early look of the next
generation test harness for CTS.
cts-tradefed is built on top of the Android Trade Federation test harness.
It works in a similar manner to the existing CTS harness, but supports some
advanced features such as:
- modular, flexible extensible design. cts-tradefed can be extended to
support running CTS in a continuous test environment.
- supports sharding a CTS test run across multiple devices in parallel
- automatically continue a CTS test run on another device if connection
is lost
However, note the cts-tradefed is currently experimental, and should not
be used to generate official CTS compatibility reports. Please see
'Known issues' section for more details.
Configuring cts-tradefed
1. Ensure 'adb' is in your current PATH. adb can be found in the
Android SDK available from
2. Follow the 'Setting up your device' steps documented in the
CTS User Manual. The CTS User Manual can be downloaded at
3. Connect the device to the host machine.
4. Ensure device is visible via 'adb devices'
Using cts-tradefed
To run a test plan on a single device:
1. Make sure you have at least one device connected
2. Launch the cts-tradefed console by running the 'cts-tradefed' script at
3. Type:
'run command --plan CTS cts' to run the default CTS plan
Some other useful commands are
To run a test package:
'run command --package <packagename> cts'
To run a test class:
'run command --class <full test class name> cts'
To shard a plan test run on multiple devices
'run command --plan CTS --shards <number of shards> cts
note: all connected devices must be running the same build
For more options:
'run command --help cts'
Known issues and missing features
- missing support for listing packages and plans (coming soon)
- missing support for reporting incomplete tests
- missing support for resuming previous test runs
- logging to be improved
CTS Tradefed Development
See for instructions on obtaining the Android
platform source code and setting up a build environment.
The source for the CTS extensions for tradefed can be found at
<android source root>/cts/tools/tradefed-host
The source for the tradefed framework itself can be found at
<android source root>/tools/tradefederation
Perform these steps to build and run cts-tradefed from the development
cd <path to android source root>
make cts
More documentation and details on using and extending trade federation will
be forthcoming in the near future.