blob: d45ce14812393cc52e00dd748cc039997218680a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* These are all tests of JNI, but where the JNI calls themselves are
* represented as macro invocations. There are both C and C++ files which
* include this file. A #if at the top of this file (immediately below)
* detects which language is being used and defines macros accordingly.
* This file also defines a static method called runAllTests(), which
* does what it says.
#error "This file should only be compiled by including it from a wrapper file."
#include "helper.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/** reference to test class {@code InstanceFromNative} */
static jclass InstanceFromNative;
/** reference to test class {@code StaticFromNative} */
static jclass StaticFromNative;
/** reference to field {@code InstanceFromNative.theOne} */
static jfieldID InstanceFromNative_theOne;
/** how to call a method: standard, array of args, or with a va_list */
typedef enum { CALL_PLAIN, CALL_ARRAY, CALL_VA } callType;
* CALL() calls the JNI function with the given name, using a JNIEnv
* pointer named "env", and passing along any other arguments given.
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define CALL(name, args...) env->name(args)
* Note: The space before the comma below is significant with respect to
* the processing of the ## operator.
#define CALL(name, args...) (*env)->name(env , ## args)
* Simple assert-like macro which returns NULL if the two values are
* equal, or an error message if they aren't.
#define FAIL_IF_UNEQUAL(printfType, expected, actual) \
((expected) == (actual)) ? NULL : \
failure("expected " printfType " but got " printfType, \
expected, actual);
* Initializes the static variables. Returns NULL on success or an
* error string on failure.
static char *initializeVariables(JNIEnv *env) {
jclass clazz;
jfieldID field;
clazz = CALL(FindClass, "android/jni/cts/StaticFromNative");
if (clazz == NULL) {
return failure("could not find StaticFromNative");
StaticFromNative = (jclass) CALL(NewGlobalRef, clazz);
clazz = CALL(FindClass, "android/jni/cts/InstanceFromNative");
if (clazz == NULL) {
return failure("could not find InstanceFromNative");
InstanceFromNative = (jclass) CALL(NewGlobalRef, clazz);
field = CALL(GetStaticFieldID, InstanceFromNative, "theOne",
if (field == NULL) {
return failure("could not find InstanceFromNative.theOne");
InstanceFromNative_theOne = field;
return NULL;
* Gets the standard instance of InstanceFromNative.
static jobject getStandardInstance(JNIEnv *env) {
return CALL(GetStaticObjectField, InstanceFromNative,
* Looks up a static method on StaticFromNative.
static jmethodID findStaticMethod(JNIEnv *env, char **errorMsg,
const char *name, const char *sig) {
jmethodID result = CALL(GetStaticMethodID, StaticFromNative,
name, sig);
if (result == NULL) {
*errorMsg = failure("could not find static test method %s:%s",
name, sig);
return result;
* Looks up an instance method on InstanceFromNative.
static jmethodID findInstanceMethod(JNIEnv *env, char **errorMsg,
const char *name, const char *sig) {
jmethodID result = CALL(GetMethodID, InstanceFromNative, name, sig);
if (result == NULL) {
*errorMsg = failure("could not find instance test method %s:%s",
name, sig);
return result;
* The tests.
// TODO: Missing functions:
// AllocObject
static char *help_CallBooleanMethod(JNIEnv *env, callType ct, ...) {
char *msg;
jobject o = getStandardInstance(env);
jmethodID method = findInstanceMethod(env, &msg, "returnBoolean", "()Z");
if (method == NULL) {
return msg;
jboolean result;
switch (ct) {
case CALL_PLAIN: {
result = CALL(CallBooleanMethod, o, method);
case CALL_ARRAY: {
result = CALL(CallBooleanMethodA, o, method, NULL);
case CALL_VA: {
va_list args;
va_start(args, ct);
result = CALL(CallBooleanMethodV, o, method, args);
default: {
return failure("shouldn't happen");
return FAIL_IF_UNEQUAL("%d", true, result);
TEST_DECLARATION(CallBooleanMethod) {
return help_CallBooleanMethod(env, CALL_PLAIN);
TEST_DECLARATION(CallBooleanMethodA) {
return help_CallBooleanMethod(env, CALL_ARRAY);
TEST_DECLARATION(CallBooleanMethodV) {
return help_CallBooleanMethod(env, CALL_VA);
// TODO: Missing functions:
// CallByteMethod
// CallByteMethodA
// CallByteMethodV
// CallCharMethod
// CallCharMethodA
// CallCharMethodV
// CallDoubleMethod
// CallDoubleMethodA
// CallDoubleMethodV
// CallFloatMethod
// CallFloatMethodA
// CallFloatMethodV
// CallIntMethod
// CallIntMethodA
// CallIntMethodV
// CallLongMethod
// CallLongMethodA
// CallLongMethodV
// CallNonvirtualBooleanMethod
// CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodA
// CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodV
// CallNonvirtualByteMethod
// CallNonvirtualByteMethodA
// CallNonvirtualByteMethodV
// CallNonvirtualCharMethod
// CallNonvirtualCharMethodA
// CallNonvirtualCharMethodV
// CallNonvirtualDoubleMethod
// CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodA
// CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodV
// CallNonvirtualFloatMethod
// CallNonvirtualFloatMethodA
// CallNonvirtualFloatMethodV
// CallNonvirtualIntMethod
// CallNonvirtualIntMethodA
// CallNonvirtualIntMethodV
// CallNonvirtualLongMethod
// CallNonvirtualLongMethodA
// CallNonvirtualLongMethodV
// CallNonvirtualObjectMethod
// CallNonvirtualObjectMethodA
// CallNonvirtualObjectMethodV
// CallNonvirtualShortMethod
// CallNonvirtualShortMethodA
// CallNonvirtualShortMethodV
// CallNonvirtualVoidMethod
// CallNonvirtualVoidMethodA
// CallNonvirtualVoidMethodV
// CallObjectMethod
// CallObjectMethodA
// CallObjectMethodV
// CallShortMethod
// CallShortMethodA
// CallShortMethodV
// CallStaticBooleanMethod (no args)
// CallStaticBooleanMethodA (no args)
// CallStaticBooleanMethodV (no args)
// CallStaticBooleanMethod (interesting args)
// CallStaticBooleanMethodA (interesting args)
// CallStaticBooleanMethodV (interesting args)
// CallStaticByteMethod
// CallStaticByteMethodA
// CallStaticByteMethodV
// CallStaticCharMethod
// CallStaticCharMethodA
// CallStaticCharMethodV
// CallStaticDoubleMethod
// CallStaticDoubleMethodA
// CallStaticDoubleMethodV
// CallStaticFloatMethod
// CallStaticFloatMethodA
// CallStaticFloatMethodV
// CallStaticIntMethod
// CallStaticIntMethodA
// CallStaticIntMethodV
// CallStaticLongMethod
// CallStaticLongMethodA
// CallStaticLongMethodV
// CallStaticObjectMethod
// CallStaticObjectMethodA
// CallStaticObjectMethodV
// CallStaticShortMethod
// CallStaticShortMethodA
// CallStaticShortMethodV
// CallStaticVoidMethod
// CallStaticVoidMethodA
// CallStaticVoidMethodV
// CallVoidMethod
// CallVoidMethodA
// CallVoidMethodV
// Android implementations should always return NULL.
jclass clazz = CALL(DefineClass, "foo", NULL, NULL, 0);
if (clazz != NULL) {
return failure("Expected NULL but got %p", clazz);
return NULL;
// TODO: Missing functions:
// DeleteLocalRef
// DeleteWeakGlobalRef
// EnsureLocalCapacity
// ExceptionCheck
// ExceptionClear
// ExceptionDescribe
// ExceptionOccurred
// FatalError (Note: impossible to test in this framework)
// FindClass
// FromReflectedField
// FromReflectedMethod
// GetArrayLength
// GetBooleanArrayElements
// GetBooleanArrayRegion
// GetBooleanField
// GetByteArrayElements
// GetByteArrayRegion
// GetByteField
// GetCharArrayElements
// GetCharArrayRegion
// GetCharField
// GetDirectBufferAddress
// GetDirectBufferCapacity
// GetDoubleArrayElements
// GetDoubleArrayRegion
// GetDoubleField
// GetFieldID
// GetFloatArrayElements
// GetFloatArrayRegion
// GetFloatField
// GetIntArrayElements
// GetIntArrayRegion
// GetIntField
// GetJavaVM
// GetLongArrayElements
// GetLongArrayRegion
// GetLongField
// GetMethodID
// GetObjectArrayElement
// GetObjectClass
// GetObjectField
// GetObjectRefType (since 1.6)
// GetPrimitiveArrayCritical
// GetShortArrayElements
// GetShortArrayRegion
// GetShortField
// GetStaticBooleanField
// GetStaticByteField
// GetStaticCharField
// GetStaticDoubleField
// GetStaticFieldID
// GetStaticFloatField
// GetStaticIntField
// GetStaticLongField
// GetStaticMethodID
// GetStaticObjectField
// GetStaticShortField
// GetStringChars
// GetStringCritical
// GetStringLength
// GetStringRegion
// GetStringUTFChars
// GetStringUTFLength
// GetStringUTFRegion
// GetSuperclass
// Android implementations should all be at version 1.6.
jint version = CALL(GetVersion);
if (version != JNI_VERSION_1_6) {
return failure("Expected JNI_VERSION_1_6 but got 0x%x", version);
return NULL;
// TODO: Missing functions:
// IsAssignableFrom
// IsInstanceOf
// IsSameObject
// MonitorEnter
// MonitorExit
// NewBooleanArray
// NewByteArray
// NewCharArray
// NewDirectByteBuffer
// NewDoubleArray
// NewFloatArray
// NewGlobalRef
// NewIntArray
// NewLocalRef
// NewLongArray
// NewObject
// NewObjectA
// NewObjectArray
// NewObjectV
// NewShortArray
// NewString
// NewStringUTF
// NewWeakGlobalRef
// PopLocalFrame
// PushLocalFrame
// RegisterNatives
// ReleaseBooleanArrayElements
// ReleaseByteArrayElements
// ReleaseCharArrayElements
// ReleaseDoubleArrayElements
// ReleaseFloatArrayElements
// ReleaseIntArrayElements
// ReleaseLongArrayElements
// ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical
// ReleaseShortArrayElements
// ReleaseStringChars
// ReleaseStringCritical
// ReleaseStringUTFChars
// SetBooleanArrayRegion
// SetBooleanField
// SetByteArrayRegion
// SetByteField
// SetCharArrayRegion
// SetCharField
// SetDoubleArrayRegion
// SetDoubleField
// SetFloatArrayRegion
// SetFloatField
// SetIntArrayRegion
// SetIntField
// SetLongArrayRegion
// SetLongField
// SetObjectArrayElement
// SetObjectField
// SetShortArrayRegion
// SetShortField
// SetStaticBooleanField
// SetStaticByteField
// SetStaticCharField
// SetStaticDoubleField
// SetStaticFloatField
// SetStaticIntField
// SetStaticLongField
// SetStaticObjectField
// SetStaticShortField
// Throw
// ThrowNew
// ToReflectedField
// ToReflectedMethod
// UnregisterNatives
* Runs all the tests, returning NULL if they all succeeded, or
* a string listing information about all the failures.
static jstring runAllTests(JNIEnv *env) {
char *result = initializeVariables(env);
if (CALL(ExceptionOccurred)) {
if (result == NULL) {
result = runJniTests(env,
// TODO: Add more tests, above.
if (result != NULL) {
jstring s = CALL(NewStringUTF, result);
return s;
return NULL;