blob: 595881ac5ca848c4f5d82d7fbd3c8d8dd52a3493 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AssumptionViolatedException;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.rules.TestRule;
import org.junit.runner.Description;
import org.junit.runners.model.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Base class for all test cases.
// NOTE: must be public because of @Rules
public abstract class CarHostJUnit4TestCase extends BaseHostJUnit4Test {
private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SEC = 20;
private static final Pattern CREATE_USER_OUTPUT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("id=(\\d+)");
private static final String USER_PREFIX = "CtsCarHostTestCases";
* User pattern in the output of "cmd user list --all -v"
* TEXT id=<id> TEXT name=<name>, TEX flags=<flags> TEXT
* group 1: id group 2: name group 3: flags group 4: other state(like "(running)")
private static final Pattern USER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(
private static final int USER_PATTERN_GROUP_ID = 1;
private static final int USER_PATTERN_GROUP_NAME = 2;
private static final int USER_PATTERN_GROUP_FLAGS = 3;
private static final int USER_PATTERN_GROUP_OTHER_STATE = 4;
* User's package permission pattern string format in the output of "dumpsys package PKG_NAME"
protected static final String APP_APK = "CtsCarApp.apk";
protected static final String APP_PKG = "";
public final RequiredFeatureRule mHasAutomotiveRule = new RequiredFeatureRule(this,
private final HashSet<Integer> mUsersToBeRemoved = new HashSet<>();
private int mInitialUserId;
private Integer mInitialMaximumNumberOfUsers;
* Saves multi-user state so it can be restored after the test.
public void saveUserState() throws Exception {
mInitialUserId = getCurrentUserId();
* Restores multi-user state from before the test.
public void restoreUsersState() throws Exception {
int currentUserId = getCurrentUserId();
CLog.d("restoreUsersState(): initial user: %d, current user: %d, created users: %s "
+ "max number of users: %d",
mInitialUserId, currentUserId, mUsersToBeRemoved, mInitialMaximumNumberOfUsers);
if (currentUserId != mInitialUserId) {
CLog.i("Switching back from %d to %d", currentUserId, mInitialUserId);
if (!mUsersToBeRemoved.isEmpty()) {
CLog.i("Removing users %s", mUsersToBeRemoved);
for (int userId : mUsersToBeRemoved) {
// Should have been removed above, but as the saying goes, better safe than sorry...
if (mInitialMaximumNumberOfUsers != null) {
CLog.i("Restoring max number of users to %d", mInitialMaximumNumberOfUsers);
* Makes sure the device supports multiple users, throwing {@link AssumptionViolatedException}
* if it doesn't.
protected final void assumeSupportsMultipleUsers() throws Exception {
assumeTrue("device does not support multi-user",
getDevice().getMaxNumberOfUsersSupported() > 1);
* Makes sure the device can add {@code numberOfUsers} new users, increasing limit if needed or
* failing if not possible.
protected final void requiresExtraUsers(int numberOfUsers) throws Exception {
int maxNumber = getDevice().getMaxNumberOfUsersSupported();
int currentNumber = getDevice().listUsers().size();
if (currentNumber + numberOfUsers <= maxNumber) return;
if (!getDevice().isAdbRoot()) {
failCannotCreateUsers(numberOfUsers, currentNumber, maxNumber, /* isAdbRoot= */ false);
// Increase limit...
mInitialMaximumNumberOfUsers = maxNumber;
setMaxNumberUsers(maxNumber + numberOfUsers);
// ...and try again
maxNumber = getDevice().getMaxNumberOfUsersSupported();
if (currentNumber + numberOfUsers > maxNumber) {
failCannotCreateUsers(numberOfUsers, currentNumber, maxNumber, /* isAdbRoot= */ true);
private void failCannotCreateUsers(int numberOfUsers, int currentNumber, int maxNumber,
boolean isAdbRoot) {
String reason = isAdbRoot ? "failed to increase it"
: "cannot be increased without adb root";
String existingUsers = "";
try {
existingUsers = "Existing users: " + executeCommand("cmd user list --all -v");
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
fail("Cannot create " + numberOfUsers + " users: current number is " + currentNumber
+ ", limit is " + maxNumber + " and could not be increased (" + reason + "). "
+ existingUsers);
* Executes the shell command and returns the output.
protected String executeCommand(String command, Object... args) throws Exception {
String fullCommand = String.format(command, args);
return getDevice().executeShellCommand(fullCommand);
* Executes the shell command and parses output with {@code resultParser}.
protected <T> T executeAndParseCommand(Function<String, T> resultParser,
String command, Object... args) throws Exception {
String output = executeCommand(command, args);
return resultParser.apply(output);
* Executes the shell command and parses the Matcher output with {@code resultParser}, failing
* with {@code matchNotFoundErrorMessage} if it didn't match the {@code regex}.
protected <T> T executeAndParseCommand(Pattern regex, String matchNotFoundErrorMessage,
Function<Matcher, T> resultParser,
String command, Object... args) throws Exception {
String output = executeCommand(command, args);
Matcher matcher = regex.matcher(output);
if (!matcher.find()) {
fail(matchNotFoundErrorMessage + ". Shell command: '" + String.format(command, args)
+ "'. Output: " + output.trim() + ". Regex: " + regex);
return resultParser.apply(matcher);
* Executes the shell command and parses the Matcher output with {@code resultParser}.
protected <T> T executeAndParseCommand(Pattern regex, Function<Matcher, T> resultParser,
String command, Object... args) throws Exception {
String output = executeCommand(command, args);
return resultParser.apply(regex.matcher(output));
* Executes the shell command that returns all users and returns {@code function} applied to
* them.
public <T> T onAllUsers(Function<List<UserInfo>, T> function) throws Exception {
ArrayList<UserInfo> allUsers = executeAndParseCommand(USER_PATTERN, (matcher) -> {
ArrayList<UserInfo> users = new ArrayList<>();
while (matcher.find()) {
users.add(new UserInfo(matcher));
return users;
}, "cmd user list --all -v");
return function.apply(allUsers);
* Gets the info for the given user.
public UserInfo getUserInfo(int userId) throws Exception {
return onAllUsers((allUsers) ->
.filter((u) -> == userId))
* Sets the maximum number of users that can be created for this car.
* @throws IllegalStateException if adb is not running as root
protected void setMaxNumberUsers(int numUsers) throws Exception {
if (!getDevice().isAdbRoot()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("must be running adb root");
executeCommand("setprop fw.max_users %d", numUsers);
* Gets the current user's id.
protected int getCurrentUserId() throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
return getDevice().getCurrentUser();
* Creates a full user with car service shell command.
protected int createFullUser(String name) throws Exception {
return createUser(name, /* flags= */ 0, "android.os.usertype.full.SECONDARY");
* Creates a full guest with car service shell command.
protected int createGuestUser(String name) throws Exception {
return createUser(name, /* flags= */ 0, "android.os.usertype.full.GUEST");
* Creates a flexible user with car service shell command.
* <p><b>NOTE: </b>it uses User HAL flags, not core Android's.
protected int createUser(String name, int flags, String type) throws Exception {
name = USER_PREFIX + "." + name;
int userId = executeAndParseCommand(CREATE_USER_OUTPUT_PATTERN,
"Could not create user with name " + name + ", flags " + flags + ", type" + type,
matcher -> Integer.parseInt(,
"cmd car_service create-user --flags %d --type %s %s",
flags, type, name);
return userId;
* Marks a user to be removed at the end of the tests.
protected void markUserForRemovalAfterTest(int userId) {
* Waits until the given user is initialized.
protected void waitForUserInitialized(int userId) throws Exception {
CommonTestUtils.waitUntil("timed out waiting for user " + userId + " initialization",
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SEC, () -> isUserInitialized(userId));
* Waits until the system server is ready.
protected void waitForCarServiceReady() throws Exception {
CommonTestUtils.waitUntil("timed out waiting for system server ",
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SEC, () -> isCarServiceReady());
protected boolean isCarServiceReady() {
String cmd = "service check car_service";
try {
String output = getDevice().executeShellCommand(cmd);
return !output.endsWith("not found");
} catch (Exception e) {
CLog.i("%s failed: %s", cmd, e.getMessage());
return false;
* Asserts that the given user is initialized.
protected void assertUserInitialized(int userId) throws Exception {
assertWithMessage("User %s not initialized", userId).that(isUserInitialized(userId))
CLog.v("User %d is initialized", userId);
* Checks if the given user is initialized.
protected boolean isUserInitialized(int userId) throws Exception {
UserInfo userInfo = getUserInfo(userId);
CLog.v("isUserInitialized(%d): %s", userId, userInfo);
return userInfo.flags.contains("INITIALIZED");
* Switches the current user.
protected void switchUser(int userId) throws Exception {
String output = executeCommand("cmd car_service switch-user %d", userId);
if (!output.contains("STATUS_SUCCESSFUL")) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to switch to user " + userId + ": " + output);
* Waits until the given user is the current foreground user.
protected void waitUntilCurrentUser(int userId) throws Exception {
CommonTestUtils.waitUntil("timed out (" + DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SEC
+ "s) waiting for current user to be " + userId
+ " (it is " + getCurrentUserId() + ")",
() -> (getCurrentUserId() == userId));
* Removes a user by user ID and update the list of users to be removed.
protected void removeUser(int userId) throws Exception {
executeCommand("cmd car_service remove-user %d", userId);
* Removes users whose name start with the given prefix.
protected void removeUsers(String prefix) throws Exception {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^.*id=(\\d+), name=(" + prefix + ".*),.*$");
String output = executeCommand("cmd user list --all -v");
for (String line : output.split("\\n")) {
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line);
if (!matcher.find()) continue;
int userId = Integer.parseInt(;
String name =;
CLog.e("Removing user with %s prefix (id=%d, name='%s')", prefix, userId, name);
* Checks if an app is installed for a given user.
protected boolean isAppInstalledForUser(String packageName, int userId)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
return getDevice().isPackageInstalled(packageName, Integer.toString(userId));
* Fails the test if the app is installed for the given user.
protected void assertAppInstalledForUser(String packageName, int userId)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
assertWithMessage("%s should BE installed for user %s", packageName, userId).that(
isAppInstalledForUser(packageName, userId)).isTrue();
* Fails the test if the app is NOT installed for the given user.
protected void assertAppNotInstalledForUser(String packageName, int userId)
throws DeviceNotAvailableException {
assertWithMessage("%s should NOT be installed for user %s", packageName, userId).that(
isAppInstalledForUser(packageName, userId)).isFalse();
* Restarts the system server process.
* <p>Useful for cases where the test case changes system properties, as
* {@link ITestDevice#reboot()} would reset them.
protected void restartSystemServer() throws Exception {
final ITestDevice device = getDevice();
* Gets mapping of package and permissions granted for requested user id.
* @return Map<String, List<String>> where key is the package name and
* the value is list of permissions granted for this user.
protected Map<String, List<String>> getPackagesAndPermissionsForUser(int userId)
throws Exception {
CollectingByteOutputReceiver receiver = new CollectingByteOutputReceiver();
getDevice().executeShellCommand("dumpsys package --proto", receiver);
PackageServiceDumpProto dump = PackageServiceDumpProto.parser()
CLog.v("Device has %d packages while getPackagesAndPermissions", dump.getPackagesCount());
Map<String, List<String>> pkgMap = new HashMap<>();
for (PackageProto pkg : dump.getPackagesList()) {
String pkgName = pkg.getName();
for (UserPermissionsProto userPermissions : pkg.getUserPermissionsList()) {
if (userPermissions.getId() == userId) {
pkgMap.put(pkg.getName(), userPermissions.getGrantedPermissionsList());
return pkgMap;
* Checks if the given package has a process running on the device.
protected boolean isPackageRunning(String packageName) throws Exception {
return !executeCommand("pidof %s", packageName).isEmpty();
* Sleeps for the given amount of milliseconds.
protected void sleep(long ms) throws InterruptedException {
CLog.v("Sleeping for %dms", ms);
CLog.v("Woke up; Little Susie woke up!");
// TODO(b/169341308): move to common infra code
private static final class RequiredFeatureRule implements TestRule {
private final ITestInformationReceiver mReceiver;
private final String mFeature;
RequiredFeatureRule(ITestInformationReceiver receiver, String feature) {
mReceiver = receiver;
mFeature = feature;
public Statement apply(Statement base, Description description) {
return new Statement() {
public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
boolean hasFeature = false;
try {
hasFeature = mReceiver.getTestInformation().getDevice()
} catch (DeviceNotAvailableException e) {
CLog.e("Could not check if device has feature %s: %e", mFeature, e);
if (!hasFeature) {
CLog.d("skipping %s#%s"
+ " because device does not have feature '%s'",
description.getClassName(), description.getMethodName(), mFeature);
throw new AssumptionViolatedException("Device does not have feature '"
+ mFeature + "'");
public String toString() {
return "RequiredFeatureRule[" + mFeature + "]";
* Represents a user as returned by {@code cmd user list -v}.
public static final class UserInfo {
public final int id;
public final String flags;
public final String name;
public final String otherState;
private UserInfo(Matcher matcher) {
id = Integer.parseInt(;
flags =;
name =;
otherState =;
public String toString() {
return "[UserInfo: id=" + id + ", flags=" + flags + ", name=" + name
+ ", otherState=" + otherState + "]";