blob: d687ab943427df95adbb9ed0022fd75e68ea53f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.util.Log;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
* Utility class for polling for some state to be reached.
* <p>To use, you first use {@link #forValue(String, ValueSupplier)} to supply the value to be
* polled on. It is recommended you provide a descriptive name of the source of the value to improve
* failure messages.
* <p>Then you specify the criteria you are polling for, simple criteria are provided
* (e.g. {@link #toBeNull()}, {@link #toBeEqualTo(Object)}, etc.) and these should be preferred when
* possible as they provide good failure messages by default. If your state cannot be queried using
* a simple matcher, you can use {@link #toMeet(ValueChecker)} and pass in an arbitrary function to
* check the value.
* <p>By default, this will poll up to {@link #timeout(Duration)} (defaulting to 30 seconds), and
* will return after the timeout whatever the value is at that time. If you'd rather a
* {@link NeneException} is thrown, you can use {@link #errorOnFail()}.
* <p>You can add more context to failures using the overloaded versions of {@link #errorOnFail()}.
* In particular, you should do this if you're using {@link #toMeet(ValueChecker)} as otherwise the
* failure message is not helpful.
* <p>Any exceptions thrown when getting the value or when checking it will result in that check
* failing and a retry happening. If this is the final iteration the exception will be thrown
* wrapped in a {@link NeneException}.
* <p>You should not use this class to retry some state changing logic until it succeeds - it should
* only be used for polling a value until it reaches the value you want.
public final class Poll<E> {
private static final String LOG_TAG = Poll.class.getName();
private static final Duration DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = Duration.ofSeconds(30);
private static final long SLEEP_MILLIS = 200;
private final String mValueName;
private final ValueSupplier<E> mSupplier;
private ValueChecker<E> mChecker = (v) -> true;
private Function<E, Boolean> mTerminalValueChecker;
private Function<Throwable, Boolean> mTerminalExceptionChecker;
private Function2<String, E, String> mErrorSupplier =
(valueName, value) -> "Expected "
+ valueName + " to meet checker function. Was " + value;
private Duration mTimeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
private boolean mErrorOnFail = false;
private Poll(String valueName, ValueSupplier<E> supplier) {
mValueName = valueName;
mSupplier = supplier;
* Begin polling for the given value.
* <p>In general, this method should only be used when you're using the
* {@link #errorOnFail(Function)} method, otherwise {@link #forValue(String, ValueSupplier)}
* will mean better error messages.
public static <E> Poll<E> forValue(ValueSupplier<E> supplier) {
return forValue("value", supplier);
* Begin polling for the given value.
* <p>The {@code valueName} will be used in error messages.
public static <E> Poll<E> forValue(String valueName, ValueSupplier<E> supplier) {
return new Poll<>(valueName, supplier);
/** Expect the value to be null. */
public Poll<E> toBeNull() {
softErrorOnFail((valueName, value) ->
"Expected " + valueName + " to be null. Was " + value);
return this;
/** Expect the value to not be null. */
public Poll<E> toNotBeNull() {
softErrorOnFail((valueName, value) ->
"Expected " + valueName + " to not be null. Was " + value);
return this;
/** Expect the value to be equal to {@code other}. */
public Poll<E> toBeEqualTo(E other) {
toMeet(v -> Objects.equals(v, other));
softErrorOnFail((valueName, value) ->
"Expected " + valueName + " to be equal to " + other + ". Was " + value);
return this;
/** Expect the value to not be equal to {@code other}. */
public Poll<E> toNotBeEqualTo(E other) {
toMeet(v -> !Objects.equals(v, other));
softErrorOnFail((valueName, value) ->
"Expected " + valueName + " to not be equal to " + other + ". Was " + value);
return this;
* Expect the value to meet the requirements specified by {@code checker}.
* <p>If this method throws an exception, or returns false, then the value will be considered
* to not have met the requirements. If true is returned then the value will be considered to
* have met the requirements.
public Poll<E> toMeet(ValueChecker<E> checker) {
mChecker = checker;
return this;
/** Throw an exception on failure instead of returning the incorrect value. */
public Poll<E> errorOnFail() {
mErrorOnFail = true;
return this;
* Throw an exception on failure instead of returning the incorrect value.
* <p>The {@code errorSupplier} will be passed the latest value. If you do not want to include
* the latest value in the error message (and have it auto-provided) use
* {@link #errorOnFail(String)}.
public Poll<E> errorOnFail(Function<E, String> errorSupplier) {
softErrorOnFail((vn, v) -> errorSupplier.apply(v));
mErrorOnFail = true;
return this;
* Throw an exception on failure instead of returning the incorrect value.
* <p>The {@code error} will be used as the failure message, with the latest value added.
public Poll<E> errorOnFail(String error) {
softErrorOnFail((vn, v) -> error + ". " + vn + " was " + v);
mErrorOnFail = true;
return this;
private void softErrorOnFail(Function2<String, E, String> errorSupplier) {
mErrorSupplier = errorSupplier;
/** Change the default timeout before the check is considered failed (default 30 seconds). */
public Poll<E> timeout(Duration timeout) {
mTimeout = timeout;
return this;
* Await the value meeting the requirements.
* <p>This will retry fetching and checking the value until it meets the requirements or the
* timeout expires.
* <p>By default, the most recent value will be returned even after timeout.
* See {@link #errorOnFail()} to change this behavior.
public E await() {
Instant startTime =;
Instant endTime =;
E value = null;
int tries = 0;
while (!Duration.between(, endTime).isNegative()) {
try {
value = mSupplier.get();
if (mChecker.apply(value)) {
return value;
if (mTerminalValueChecker != null && mTerminalValueChecker.apply(value)) {
} catch (Throwable e) {
// Eat the exception until the timeout
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Exception during retries", e);
if (mTerminalExceptionChecker != null && mTerminalExceptionChecker.apply(e)) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new PollValueFailedException("Interrupted while awaiting", e);
if (!mErrorOnFail) {
return value;
// We call again to allow exceptions to be thrown - if it passes here we can still return
try {
value = mSupplier.get();
} catch (Throwable e) {
long seconds = Duration.between(startTime, / 1000;
throw new PollValueFailedException(mErrorSupplier.apply(mValueName, value)
+ " - Exception when getting value (checked " + tries + " times in "
+ seconds + " seconds)", e);
try {
if (mChecker.apply(value)) {
return value;
long seconds = Duration.between(startTime, / 1000;
throw new PollValueFailedException(
mErrorSupplier.apply(mValueName, value) + " (checked " + tries + " times in "
+ seconds + " seconds)");
} catch (Throwable e) {
long seconds = Duration.between(startTime, / 1000;
throw new PollValueFailedException(
mErrorSupplier.apply(mValueName, value) + " (checked " + tries + " times in "
+ seconds + " seconds)", e);
* Set a method which, after a value fails the check, can tell if the failure is terminal.
* <p>This method will only be called after the value check fails. It will be passed the most
* recent value and should return true if this value is terminal.
* <p>If true is returned, then no more retries will be attempted, otherwise retries will
* continue until timeout.
public Poll<E> terminalValue(Function<E, Boolean> terminalChecker) {
mTerminalValueChecker = terminalChecker;
return this;
* Set a method which, after a value fails the check, can tell if the failure is terminal.
* <p>This method will only be called after the value check fails with an exception. It will be
* passed the exception return true if this exception is terminal.
* <p>If true is returned, then no more retries will be attempted, otherwise retries will
* continue until timeout.
public Poll<E> terminalException(Function<Throwable, Boolean> terminalChecker) {
mTerminalExceptionChecker = terminalChecker;
return this;
* Set a method which, after a value fails the check, can tell if the failure is terminal.
* <p>This method will only be called after the value check fails. It should return true if this
* state is terminal.
* <p>If true is returned, then no more retries will be attempted, otherwise retries will
* continue until timeout.
public Poll<E> terminal(Supplier<Boolean> terminalChecker) {
terminalValue((e) -> terminalChecker.get());
terminalException((e) -> terminalChecker.get());
return this;
/** Interface for supplying values to {@link Poll}. */
public interface ValueSupplier<E> {
E get() throws Throwable;
/** Interface for checking values for {@link Poll}. */
public interface ValueChecker<E> {
boolean apply(E e) throws Throwable;
/** Interface for supplying errors for {@link Poll}. */
public interface Function2<E, F, G> {
G apply(E e, F f);