blob: 796fbd82319d87ecf4189b1239d7fec1b407e16d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.jni.cts;
import android.os.Build;
import androidx.test.InstrumentationRegistry;
import dalvik.system.PathClassLoader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
class LinkerNamespacesHelper {
private final static String PUBLIC_CONFIG_DIR = "/system/etc/";
private final static String PRODUCT_CONFIG_DIR = "/product/etc/";
private final static String SYSTEM_CONFIG_FILE = PUBLIC_CONFIG_DIR + "public.libraries.txt";
private final static Pattern EXTENSION_CONFIG_FILE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(
private final static String VENDOR_CONFIG_FILE = "/vendor/etc/public.libraries.txt";
private final static String[] PUBLIC_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES = {
// System libraries that may exist in some types of builds.
private final static String[] OPTIONAL_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES = {
// Libraries listed in, located in /apex/${LIB}
private final static String[] PUBLIC_ART_LIBRARIES = {
// The grey-list.
private final static String[] PRIVATE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES = {
private final static String WEBVIEW_PLAT_SUPPORT_LIB = "";
static enum Bitness { ALL, ONLY_32, ONLY_64 }
private static List<String> readPublicLibrariesFile(File file) throws IOException {
List<String> libs = new ArrayList<>();
if (file.exists()) {
try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file))) {
String line;
final boolean is64Bit = android.os.Process.is64Bit();
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
line = line.trim();
if (line.isEmpty() || line.startsWith("#")) {
String[] tokens = line.split(" ");
if (tokens.length < 1 || tokens.length > 3) {
throw new RuntimeException("Malformed line: '" + line + "' in " + file);
String soname = tokens[0];
Bitness bitness = Bitness.ALL;
int i = tokens.length;
while(--i >= 1) {
if (tokens[i].equals("nopreload")) {
else if (tokens[i].equals("32") || tokens[i].equals("64")) {
if (bitness != Bitness.ALL) {
throw new RuntimeException("Malformed line: '" + line +
"' in " + file + ". Bitness can be specified only once");
bitness = tokens[i].equals("32") ? Bitness.ONLY_32 : Bitness.ONLY_64;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized token '" + tokens[i] +
"' in " + file);
if ((is64Bit && bitness == Bitness.ONLY_32) ||
(!is64Bit && bitness == Bitness.ONLY_64)) {
// skip unsupported bitness
return libs;
private static String readExtensionConfigFiles(String configDir, List<String> libs) throws IOException {
File[] configFiles = new File(configDir).listFiles(
new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
return EXTENSION_CONFIG_FILE_PATTERN.matcher(name).matches();
if (configFiles == null) return null;
for (File configFile: configFiles) {
String fileName = configFile.toPath().getFileName().toString();
Matcher configMatcher = EXTENSION_CONFIG_FILE_PATTERN.matcher(fileName);
if (configMatcher.matches()) {
String companyName =;
// a lib in public.libraries-acme.txt should be
List<String> libNames = readPublicLibrariesFile(configFile);
for (String lib : libNames) {
if (lib.endsWith("." + companyName + ".so")) {
} else {
return "Library \"" + lib + "\" in " + configFile.toString()
+ " must have company name " + companyName + " as suffix.";
return null;
public static String runAccessibilityTest() throws IOException {
List<String> systemLibs = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> artApexLibs = new ArrayList<>();
Collections.addAll(systemLibs, PUBLIC_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES);
Collections.addAll(systemLibs, OPTIONAL_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES);
// System path could contain public ART libraries on foreign arch. http://b/149852946
if (isForeignArchitecture()) {
Collections.addAll(systemLibs, PUBLIC_ART_LIBRARIES);
if (InstrumentationRegistry.getContext().getPackageManager().
hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_WEBVIEW)) {
Collections.addAll(artApexLibs, PUBLIC_ART_LIBRARIES);
// Check if /system/etc/public.libraries-company.txt and /product/etc/public.libraries
// -company.txt files are well-formed. The libraries however are not loaded for test;
// It is done in another test CtsUsesNativeLibraryTest because since Android S those libs
// are not available unless they are explicited listed in the app manifest.
List<String> oemLibs = new ArrayList<>();
String oemLibsError = readExtensionConfigFiles(PUBLIC_CONFIG_DIR, oemLibs);
if (oemLibsError != null) return oemLibsError;
// PRODUCT libs that passed are also available
List<String> productLibs = new ArrayList<>();
String productLibsError = readExtensionConfigFiles(PRODUCT_CONFIG_DIR, productLibs);
if (productLibsError != null) return productLibsError;
// Make sure that the libs in grey-list are not exposed to apps. In fact, it
// would be better for us to run this check against all system libraries which
// are not NDK libs, but grey-list libs are enough for now since they have been
// the most popular violators.
Set<String> greyListLibs = new HashSet<>();
Collections.addAll(greyListLibs, PRIVATE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES);
// Note: check for systemLibs isn't needed since we already checked
// /system/etc/public.libraries.txt against NDK and
// /system/etc/public.libraries-<company>.txt against lib<name>.<company>.so.
List<String> vendorLibs = readPublicLibrariesFile(new File(VENDOR_CONFIG_FILE));
for (String lib : vendorLibs) {
if (greyListLibs.contains(lib)) {
return "Internal library \"" + lib + "\" must not be available to apps.";
return runAccessibilityTestImpl(systemLibs.toArray(new String[systemLibs.size()]),
artApexLibs.toArray(new String[artApexLibs.size()]));
private static native String runAccessibilityTestImpl(String[] publicSystemLibs,
String[] publicRuntimeLibs);
private static void invokeIncrementGlobal(Class<?> clazz) throws Exception {
private static int invokeGetGlobal(Class<?> clazz) throws Exception {
return (Integer)clazz.getMethod("getGlobal").invoke(null);
private static ApplicationInfo getApplicationInfo(String packageName) {
PackageManager pm = InstrumentationRegistry.getContext().getPackageManager();
try {
return pm.getApplicationInfo(packageName, 0);
} catch (NameNotFoundException nnfe) {
throw new RuntimeException(nnfe);
private static String getSourcePath(String packageName) {
String sourcePath = getApplicationInfo(packageName).sourceDir;
if (sourcePath == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No source path path found for " + packageName);
return sourcePath;
private static String getNativePath(String packageName) {
String nativePath = getApplicationInfo(packageName).nativeLibraryDir;
if (nativePath == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No native path path found for " + packageName);
return nativePath;
private static boolean isAlreadyOpenedError(UnsatisfiedLinkError e, String libFilePath) {
// If one of the public system libraries are already opened in the bootclassloader, consider
// this try as success, because dlopen to the lib is successful.
String baseName = new File(libFilePath).getName();
return e.getMessage().contains("Shared library \"" + libFilePath +
"\" already opened by ClassLoader") &&
private static String loadWithSystemLoad(String libFilePath) {
try {
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
// all other exceptions are just thrown
if (!isAlreadyOpenedError(e, libFilePath)) {
return "System.load() UnsatisfiedLinkError: " + e.getMessage();
return "";
private static String loadWithSystemLoadLibrary(String libFileName) {
// Drop 'lib' and '.so' from the base name
String libName = libFileName.substring(3, libFileName.length()-3);
try {
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
if (!isAlreadyOpenedError(e, libFileName)) {
return "System.loadLibrary(\"" + libName + "\") UnsatisfiedLinkError: " +
return "";
// Verify the behaviour of native library loading in class loaders.
// In this test:
// - libjninamespacea1, libjninamespacea2 and libjninamespaceb depend on libjnicommon
// - loaderA will load ClassNamespaceA1 (loading libjninamespacea1)
// - loaderA will load ClassNamespaceA2 (loading libjninamespacea2)
// - loaderB will load ClassNamespaceB (loading libjninamespaceb)
// - incrementGlobal/getGlobal operate on a static global from libjnicommon
// and each class should get its own view on it.
// This is a test case for 2 different scenarios:
// - loading native libraries in different class loaders
// - loading native libraries in the same class loader
// Ideally we would have 2 different tests but JNI doesn't allow loading the same library in
// different class loaders. So to keep the number of native libraries manageable we just
// re-use the same class loaders for the two tests.
public static String runClassLoaderNamespaces() throws Exception {
// Test for different class loaders.
// Verify that common dependencies get a separate copy in each class loader.
// libjnicommon should be loaded twice:
// in the namespace for loaderA and the one for loaderB.
String apkPath = getSourcePath("android.jni.cts");
String nativePath = getNativePath("android.jni.cts");
PathClassLoader loaderA = new PathClassLoader(
apkPath, nativePath, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
Class<?> testA1Class = loaderA.loadClass("android.jni.cts.ClassNamespaceA1");
PathClassLoader loaderB = new PathClassLoader(
apkPath, nativePath, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
Class<?> testBClass = loaderB.loadClass("android.jni.cts.ClassNamespaceB");
int globalA1 = invokeGetGlobal(testA1Class);
int globalB = invokeGetGlobal(testBClass);
if (globalA1 != 0 || globalB != 0) {
return "Expected globals to be 0/0: globalA1=" + globalA1 + " globalB=" + globalB;
globalA1 = invokeGetGlobal(testA1Class);
globalB = invokeGetGlobal(testBClass);
if (globalA1 != 1 || globalB != 0) {
return "Expected globals to be 1/0: globalA1=" + globalA1 + " globalB=" + globalB;
globalA1 = invokeGetGlobal(testA1Class);
globalB = invokeGetGlobal(testBClass);
if (globalA1 != 1 || globalB != 1) {
return "Expected globals to be 1/1: globalA1=" + globalA1 + " globalB=" + globalB;
// Test for the same class loaders.
// Verify that if we load ClassNamespaceA2 into loaderA we get the same view on the
// globals.
Class<?> testA2Class = loaderA.loadClass("android.jni.cts.ClassNamespaceA2");
int globalA2 = invokeGetGlobal(testA2Class);
if (globalA1 != 1 || globalA2 !=1) {
return "Expected globals to be 1/1: globalA1=" + globalA1 + " globalA2=" + globalA2;
globalA1 = invokeGetGlobal(testA1Class);
globalA2 = invokeGetGlobal(testA2Class);
if (globalA1 != 2 || globalA2 != 2) {
return "Expected globals to be 2/2: globalA1=" + globalA1 + " globalA2=" + globalA2;
globalA1 = invokeGetGlobal(testA1Class);
globalA2 = invokeGetGlobal(testA2Class);
if (globalA1 != 3 || globalA2 != 3) {
return "Expected globals to be 2/2: globalA1=" + globalA1 + " globalA2=" + globalA2;
// On success we return null.
return null;
public static String runDlopenPublicLibraries() {
String error = null;
List<String> publicLibs = new ArrayList<>();
Collections.addAll(publicLibs, PUBLIC_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES);
Collections.addAll(publicLibs, PUBLIC_ART_LIBRARIES);
for (String lib : publicLibs) {
String result = LinkerNamespacesHelper.tryDlopen(lib);
if (result != null) {
if (error == null) {
error = "";
error += result + "\n";
return error;
public static native String tryDlopen(String lib);
private static boolean isForeignArchitecture() {
int libAbi = getLibAbi();
String cpuAbi = android.os.SystemProperties.get("ro.product.cpu.abi");
if ((libAbi == 1 || libAbi == 2) && !cpuAbi.startsWith("arm")) {
return true;
} else if ((libAbi == 3 || libAbi == 4) && !cpuAbi.startsWith("x86")) {
return true;
return false;
* @return ABI type of the JNI library. 1: ARM64, 2:ARM, 3: x86_64, 4: x86, 0: others
private static native int getLibAbi();
class ClassNamespaceA1 {
static {
public static native void incrementGlobal();
public static native int getGlobal();
class ClassNamespaceA2 {
static {
public static native void incrementGlobal();
public static native int getGlobal();
class ClassNamespaceB {
static {
public static native void incrementGlobal();
public static native int getGlobal();